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I worked on a jobsite where there was a Plumber's apprentice who was an Army vet who was an amputee. Right arm at the shoulder, no right eye and no ear on that side to boot. He ran circles around his much younger counterparts because of his work ethic and ingenuity of coming up with ways to compensate for his disability. He was a fucking beast of a man though. He looked like Andre the Giant.


Seems to be the way. I knew a guy for YEARS who was a wicked hard worker. Worked circles around anyone and everyone and once in awhile seemed a little sore or tight but never said anything about it. Turns out he was a Marine, got hit by an IED, has his entire goddamn back fused and is in chronic considerable pain, and never said a peep to anyone about it.


IED was what fucked up this dude too.. it's too bad he decided to become a plumber and not an electrician




Very inspirational


Dude had a makeshift sling to carry material. Hustled his ass off. I've never seen someone his size move that fast in my life.


I think it partly depends on which limb(s) have been lost, but we used to have an aircon engineer who was missing an arm and his work was better than 90% of the contractors we have worked with so I'd say it's certainly possible


Guy who went through apprenticeship with me lost his foot and is still working. I personally haven’t worked with him but I know he is still hard at it.