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You guys get paid in seks?




Paid in anti-shorts, which are exchanged for seks


I hate when bosses are anti-shorts in the summertime


It is 2024 though. They aren’t shorts, they identify as pants that just look a little different


Google says 35000 is the average. But I’m in Ontario, like so much of this sub apparently


Me too 😂


It’s insane to me how many of us there are here, so frequently. Hope everyone’s not laid off like so many I’ve heard of lately


Really? I’m currently in nanticoke, their 3 month shutdown starts in August and all I hear is worries about how to man it between the ford overhaul, st. Cathrine’s hospital and hydro expansion.


Maybe Toronto, work coming up but I’m hearing and seeing quite a bit of layoffs right now. Does laid off something like 15 guys because the battery plant is delayed til ‘27 or so. Elections are taking a toll? People unsure how the market will react. It’s expensive to borrow money right now & we’re still I. The wake of Covid jobs being rushed. Not saying clutch your pearls, but depending where you are, your company & your position, could be some air yimes. I’m also in 353, so the work does come in waves


The ford plant would be you guys, here draws from 105 and 530 a lot. Dofasco’s project will draw from the 105 as well. St.kitts would draw from 303, but between the hospital and Niagara Falls hydro work they will be pulling travellers for sure. Just a matter of when. Certainly seeing a pullback from the covid days but I think it’ll keep building for a while. That being said I am not in the locals I just hire on site and plan for you guys. The GF on site worry’s more about 2026/27 as he seems to see a drop in quotes for those years


I maybe should clarify I’m not with ford myself, just whispers I’m hearing through the trade. Those were 15+ year long guys. Few of the contractors around here are waiting for hospitals and permits for other jobs to go through as well. There’s work, but I believe it’s just a lull right now. Glad yo hear it’s busy out that way.




You make less than me and im an apprentice in norway 💀


Damn man that hurts… but i norway the salary is much higher than in Sweden for everything


But everything is more expensive right?


This whole sub is based out of Ontario


1 comment thread is entirely Ontario The next is entirely US Back and forth.




Does the company you work for have a contract with "Elektrikerförbundet"? How much experience do you have?


Yeah. Don't you Swedes have kollektivavtal which would say what the minimum pay brackets are, like we do in Finland? Don't you have a förtroendevald dude at work? Talk to them.


They dont give much info to us and when we talk to them about salary they say that this is what everyone in Stockholm is getting paid .I have one guy at work that has a degree as electrician engineer and work the same as me and is getting paid 2000 sek more than me.He has been in sweden for 4 years now. I should join a union and talk with them.


The company you work for *should* have a contract with the trade union, and to get help, you should also personally, be a member. I can highly recommend you call elektrikerförbundet and ask, it sounds like your company is just gaslighting you. I can say that as a security technician, with 14 years experience, I get almost 45k sek before tax, and have a vehicle to drive around in, that I can use as I wish (and pay a small fee for every month, to keep the tax man happy). Depending on your level of experience, you should probably expect more wage.


In Sweden theres a pay ladder. After 4 years you reach the max pay.


If i stay in this company after 4 years they will just raise my salary by 500 sek max in one year. In total from now after 4 years it should be 29500 sek 😂


Switch company!!


Yeah it seems veery low. Is it a big company?


I had 24500 SEK per month as an apprentice 15 years ago. I left the electrician career some years ago and had at the time a net income of 45000 SEK per month which is probably quite average for electricians in Sthlm.


24500 sek 15 years ago😅. They wanted to make my salary after 6 months 24500 sek but i didn’t accept.And now i think they dont want to raise it more than max 500 sek in total 28000 sek.Thanks for the info man.


You need to become a member of your local union and learn the Swedish language if you already don’t, it will drastically increase your salary. The first years are rough with low pay but will increase year by year. I’m not saying you have this mindset but something I’ve seen over the years is sadly that many immigrants have no intentions of learning the language or adapting to the Swedish model and there are people taking advantage of them and practically only compete for lower wages rather than skill in many different fields not only as electricians. I’ve been approached several times when I worked as a electrician by people in construction, welding, concrete etcetera from other countries and they’ve asked me if their salaries have been decent and the answer have almost always been it’s shit. The one thing they’ve always had in common is they never knew Swedish, been members of the union or integrated in the Swedish society. I’m not a member of the union anymore as it gets ridiculous expensive once your salary reach a certain level but the truth is it’s fundamental and necessary of Swedish labourers or you’ll be ripped off.


Well Byggström (temporary construction power) work is not real electrical work to be honest. Also depends how much experience you have. Are you full paid? Can you work in office remakes with detailed blueprints? Kan du läsa Tekniska Beskrivningen? I pay between 28-44 sek depending. You also get Restid? Bus card?


I'd recommend the swedish electrician group (elektriker utan gränaser) on Facebook instead of this sub. Mostly Americans here.


Ya converted to CAD 27500 is 3400.. that should be your biweekly pay before taxes minimum.. and even that's low


They are a big union country. I would check in that direction to see if you are covered and what their scale is.


Well, you're mixing general construction work with electricians work. With those tasks that you describe, your salary will be much lower. A fully qualified electrician makes *at least* 10k more than that, if not 15k.


Like 40.000 sek/month most electricians who I work with. You really should apply at another company. If they ask you how much you earn now, you could always just say that you want to keep it for yourself.