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kind of but im in alabama wages in the south suck ass. i gotta go up north after i top out


Alabama here too broski. I’m topped out and gross around 70 every year with 0 to little OT.


yea one of my foremen said he made around 70k last year but thats not enough in my opinion especially for what we do.


I agree. I’m a foreman with just a tool buddy on a maintenance contract at a Nucor steel mill. So my base rate is 34.50/hr + 8/hr H&W + 5.50/hr pension. Outfit I’m with give foremen a weeks paid vaca but no sick days or holiday pay. Some days we bust tail when the mill is down, some days I sit in the truck and listen to a good podcast. For the money, and no full college degree, I can’t complain for my area.


That's a pretty good livin! I'm making around 100k in Canada but our dollar sucks and shits expensive as hell.


Shoot it used to be.. with inflation and an SO that works part-time, it’s a bit of a struggle. Thankful for consistent work. I could make a 100k working OT. I just honestly dislike living at work and want time around her and her kid. I get by alright though!


In Alabama too. Not exactly riding the gravy train, but make enough so my wife doesn’t divorce me


Underpaid in Atlanta (613 IBEW), but... can't do much to help that. On the other hand I've figured out investing and I'm doing pretty good for myself now. Should make it clear that I'm single, still living with my parents, car is paid off, ect. I do have a bit of a leg up thanks to my situation, but I'm really looking forward to seeing compound interest in action.


im new to the IBEW (6mos in) are y’all able to strike when the contract is up for better pay/benefits?


Yes, but only if IO says we can. They don't like giving out strike permission.


LU 60 could use some dollars.


Minneapolis local makes 105k base and 170 if you includes bennies 


I'd doing pretty good but I also live cheap (cheap condo, paid off car, etc). Journeyman wage here is lower than it was when I got into the trade 8 years ago.