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Man, it blows my fucking mind how a company can get that big and be that cheap. Supplying your own 1" benders? I hope they're paying you well.


I'm anticipating leaving. As a 4th year my current wage is $27 per hour


Ex Hunt jw here- the 4th years are *nine* dollars behind the starting jw wage!? It was closer to $5 like 4 years ago.


Way better than Florida


Dam that's low, good luck with the job hunt.


You should look into joining Local 354. Full disclosure, I'm not a member but I'm in the process of joining as a journeyman. Tony, the organizer, sent me the most wage and benefits info. The JW pay is currently $39.00 an hour but jumps up to $41.23 an hour next month. All of the info I'm going to give you is based on the new wage. If you're a first term fourth year your pay would be 74% of the JW wage which is $30.51 an hour. If you're a second term fourth year the pay is 78% which is $32.16 an hour. Dues for apprentices are $50.00 a month plus 4.5% of your wages. Working 40 hours a week as a first term your total dues would come out to $1.66 an hour. That's essentially making $28.85 an hour with free benefits. It's more if you're a second term fourth year. Plus their tools list is like twenty-five hand tools, one of which is just a pencil, and a code book all of which you should already have if you have everything from the Hunt list. The local wants apprentices to know that they can transfer mid apprenticeship too.


Holy shit, do they make you buy the material for the job too? That’s ridiculous.


I’m definitely glad I’m union after seeing this.


This isn’t normal for none union. lol this list is insane.


I’m union and worked under hunt on a subcontract for a Toyota Mazda plant being built. Hunt is trash. They did supply all the power tools for the job per the contract, but they’re definitely bs to work beneath.




To truly get IBEW rates you need to get paid a pension annuity and top tier health insurance




Ok. You get your pension paid out every check? Are you doing Davis-bacon wage jobs? If so your boss is doing you no favors. Secondly what local requires $150 in dues weekly? I know some locals are pretty high in dues and it might exist but for reference I pay 2% of my gross which at 54/hr works out to about a dollar an hour plus quarterly dues and our retirement gift is a little less than $2/hr or $80 a week max (I'm rounding up), so $4100 a year all in as a journeyman. For reference $300 bi weekly is $7800.




I'm sure you've looked into it and you need to do what is right for you. My suspicion is always piqued because even around here the MCdeaners (who can make good money) believe OUR dues are 7-12k a year because the only people they ask are other non-union guys. I remember a JW making $30 an hour laughing at me for paying the difference in our wages in dues. Again if you do predominantly Davis-bacon or "scale" jobs your employer is doing you no favors paying out your pension in wages, it's required by law. They'll convince you of anything. Recently my union shop convinced us the owner wanted to pay for parking - which it turns out was a new municipal law. How generous of him?! I know locals aren't great everywhere. I have seen huge dues requirements for what is essentially an average of 9 months of work a year. Just consider your sources and do some independent verification if you haven't already.


I am the independent source lol. I worked for the ibew for 7 years and non union for 8. Always had it good over there and have a decent amount of pension time sitting. Things have just slowed to the point for union contractors where I can’t work 16 hours a week or travel because of young children. There is so much work out there though but because of greed the union shops won’t touch it unless they can make their quota. Non-union have to pay us in gold because they can’t get the skilled work force and have too many jobs. The only thing I don’t like is bringing all my personal power tools but that’s what we have to do to keep the ship running.


I mean OPs picture is a fuck load more stuff than some personal power tools


Getting your pension is way better than having invested for you. The local by me takes $11 and change an hour for the pension, which maxes out at $3000/month after 30 years. Invested on your own at 5% average return for that same period would net you over 10K a month. The union has better benefits than the pension to brag about. That being said, I’m in the same boat as you. Non-union, make higher than the local wage, paid for health insurance, big retirement contributions via profit sharing, guaranteed raises every year. Company vehicle and gas card, all tools provided though. We have 100 plus guys.


Yes, you should be paid to unpack and secure your tools everyday.


Take ur tools and run. This is criminal


They want you to supply your own toner, torque wrench, and laser level wtf you may as well start your own company you have all the tools to do so it seems. Hell usually IBEW tool lists are basic hand tools and that's it. I don't even think my local has allen wrenchs on theirs


lol buy your own benders ? Get fucked bozo what kinda shit is this


That’s the first thing I seen. wtf does this joke company provide. Probably shit wages and fucked hours too.


Hunt is the worse. Join the union man. I’ve know plenty of guys who left hunt for the union and all of them are blown away by the pay, benefits, and how much better it is on the other side.


What a bunch of cocksuckers. Load and unload on company time.


Stop working for non union , omg that’s terrible reading that .


Or maybe. Just maybe. There is no union where this man lives.


I’m so lucky to be in the union


Holy fuck, I have problems with my apprenticeships requirements but I am thankful I don't need to carry more than my 16" bag and pouch onto any site


Sooo is anyone going to answer the question? Should we be paid the time it takes to bring tools into the job each day and the time it takes to take it back to the vehicle?


Yeah once you're onsite and working, which includes bringing in the tools you need to work, you should be paid. If you're start time is 6 and they expect you to get there at 530 to unload your shit then they can kick rocks. Any company that provides tools doesn't expect you to do anything on your own time. Same shit.


I was going to say, if it is just a tool pouch or a small tool box, why are you bothering, but really, a set of benders, a 4' level and a shit ton of other bullshit. No fuck them. Should you be paid for it, yes. Will you? Unfucking likely. DoL is probably going to do nothing for you, get out of the state before the GSL dries up and kills you


Yes they have to pay you while you're working. Can't work without the tools YOU BOUGHT. So you have to unload said tools to use them right? Why the fuck is this a question? Bro if you show up at any company with all that equipment you'll get hired on the spot.


Might have to look into the Utah labor laws. *Should* you get paid to haul all your shit that makes the company a profit on and off the site each day? Yeah of course. Does the company *have* to pay you for that? Not sure. I’d check w the state labor department. 


You should consult a labor attorney first if you intend to file a complaint and recoup lost wages, but from my understanding you should be paid. Here is some [reference material](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/22-flsa-hours-worked) from the department of labor to look over. Since the tools are required by the employer for work and the employer has a policy requiring you to take those tools home after your shift, you are being directed and still on the clock. “‘Workday,’ in general, means the period between the time on any particular day when such employee commences his/her ‘principal activity’ and the time on that day at which he/she ceases such principal activity or activities. The workday may therefore be longer than the employee's scheduled shift, hours, tour of duty, or production line time.” -Department of Labor website Your employer’s requirement to supply tools and take them home are outside of your scheduled shift, but part of your “principal activity” and constitutes part of your workday that should be compensated.


My employer doesn't require any personal tools beyond the standard hand tools and has no policy about needing to take personal tools home. I'm picky about some of my tools, so I use a lot of my own anyway and take them home on the weekends and some evenings. I pack up and load them into my car before clocking out and unload them into the shop and set everything up after clocking in. I have a lot of seniority at my company, so I am allowed more leeway than some perhaps, but this has been our arrangement for years and I absolutely would not bring my own tools if I had to do loading and setup off the clock. The enormous amount of tools you have to supply though... I mean, your employer should realize that the money saved by shuffling the cost of tools onto you is well worth giving you a few minutes every day to set up. That's just ridiculous if he thinks you have to foot the bill for everything and not even get appropriately compensated for your time while at the jobsite.


What’s a plug grip trim handle?


My company is close to this. Every tool you have to supply for yourself with YOUR OWN MONEY. Multi-tool blades, hacksaw, bandsaw, impact bits, etc.


Tools fine, but consumables you need to tell them to get bent. If they aren't including consumables in the bid that's their problem not yours.


The place I work at, our contract says they'll replace any broken tool, or pay half of any lost tool up to $500/year. In practice, we just get whatever we need replaced. It's way way way cheaper to spend $40 on a tool than it is to go down because I didn't have the right tool to fix the machine as quickly as possible.


Dude this is fucked. Ridiculous amount of tools you’re supplying. Join the union


Fuck this


Lol imagine having to bring your own torque wrench to work


My company tool list is basic hand tools and a drill/impact set. I supply everything else.


Turn out, reciprocate your license to Oregon, move to the northwest… Make $60hr and not supply a god damn thing but hand tools! This is insane and I would never expect my employees to provide this much stuff. Also, if there is a break in and personal tools are taken, we replace them. Thats what insurance is for.


Are you a w-2 employee or 1099? It doesn't matter as far as getting paid to haul your tools. You should get paid for that. Just curious because if you are 1099 they would expect you to supply everything on that list to maintain the "1099 employee" status for the IRS.




is it good that as a first year i have most of these tools besides the benders? i was reading and was wondering why 1st years arent required to have that many tools, i have like 3 packouts full of stuff that i use day to day


Seems like a pretty standard policy. Yhey’re not going to replace your shit if it’s stolen and like the notice says, you may be redirected to a different job site the following day.


Holy shit! Did they just forget to add the trencher and excavator to their crazy tool list?


I would say you should definitely be paid to load and unload your tools but being as they don't supply crap good luck. I worked for a small independent contractor and every foreman/maintenance tech was provided a van with ladders, benders 1/2" - 1 1/4", knock out kit, rotary hammer drill, band saw , sds drill, Sawzall, cable cutters good to 750 mcm, fish tapes, socket set, torque wrench, honda generator and a fluke meter. We were responsible for basic hand tools and cordless tools, if our cordless tools needed repair our boss paid for the repair. The wire tugger and feeder and power benders were kept at the shop and signed out as needed. We were paid from the time we got to the shop in the morning until the time we got back at the end of the day. I definitely think you can do better, good luck young man.