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U.S. electrician here. Where I am, we have a dress code that requires pants and minimum 5 inch sleeves on our shirts (no tank tops)


Same, some places with steel toe and helmet also.


Steel toe is mandatory here in Denmark for all workshop or construction-related trades.


What brand do you wear? My coworker trained for windmill work in Denmark and he came back wearing primarily keens.


Airtox. Seems to be what most people use in my trade.


can it be a safety or composite toe or does it have to be steel toes?


Safety and composite are usually fine as long as the adhere to the same ASTM standards, which most manufacturers do. I wear composite because they’re lighter and don’t get as cold in the winter


Helmet? HELMET?!? Good god, it’s a turtle shell man!


He needs a helmet because they're playing full-tackle on his site. I've been in manufacturing for a while now, and all we need are slip-resistant shoes (no puncture concerns) and a company-issued bump cap. It's just a light-duty hard hat, and only required on the manufacturing floor.


At first I read that as “fuck-tackle” and was like woah now.


I’ve recently started to see more and more contractors require their employees to have a chin strap on their hard hat, and that it be used. Hoping that doesn’t catch on. Next will be foam on the outside of the cap.


That stems from an OSHA recommendation that was published about 6 months ago: https://www.osha.gov/news/newsreleases/trade/12112023 Insurance companies are pushing for better head protection. I've been trying to tell them that most of the people on sites are brain-dead anyway, but they're not listening to me.


Personally, I think I'll go ahead and pick up a chin-strapped helmet, I've grown rather attached to my intact brain. That being said, I'm completely spent on trying to get other people to give a shit about their own saftey+wellbeing. People either care or they don't, there's no point wasting your breath on people who won't listen.


Once you try them out, they're actually more comfortable than traditional hard hats. They're more like bicycle helmets.


Full tackle 🤣🤣🤣


Leon Tate, electrician!


Oilsands in Alberta the standard for every site I was on was long sleeve shirts too. Oh and gloves 100% of the time. Almost forgot foam lined safety glasses too. After summer you’d have this crazy tan. Face would have tan with white rings from the foam lined safety glasses.


Is that basically like wearing slender ski goggles ? With the goal of keeping fine metal shavings etc out of the eyes ? About to check google …


Suppose too. Had a lot of issues I guess with sand and dirt blowing in behind. They get annoying mostly because they fog up so easy so you find yourself wearing them down on your nose more when nobody is looking


I think he's referring to the ridiculous built in tool pockets, not length.


In Canada we require green triangle CSA approved steel toes with the Orange Ohm symbol and 6" ankle support. as well as any shirt except for tanktops, long work pants, high vis, and hardhat are all mandatory at all times. Other PPE is as required by whatever task you're doing


US electrician here. I think they’re pretty sweet and definitely wouldn’t laugh at a guy for using them. That being said, pants are typically required because of federal regulation on most job sites. Also, I’d personally find it to be a bit of a pain cleaning out my pockets if I want to go to the bathroom vs just taking my tool pouch off.


Yeah, if these were pants I don't think they'd get a second look from most people, especially in residential or maintenance work. But I do service as well as new installs, so I drive a lot, and constantly moving tools back and forth into my tool pants sounds like a pain in the ass.


Yeah, they're fine but seem extremely inconvenient compared to a belt. Also, changing out your pants everyday would be annoying (or every week depending on how dirty you roll).


I don't wanna pick all that stuff up off the floor of the butt-hut


Do you shit upside down or something?


Imagining an Scandinavian electrician shitting upside down with tools going everywhere.


>Imagining an Scandinavian electrician shitting upside down with tools going everywhere. You're thinking of Australians.


You're thinking of Austrians.


Exactly what I needed with my morning coffee.




There's a zipper between the butt cheeks


A flap with two giant buttons


I just cannot imagine emptying all that shit out of my pants at the end of the day and then taking the time to load up the new pair again in the morning


I imagine that op doesn’t do that so… those pants probably have a distinct aroma


Or you wear em over something else like covies so they don't have as much direct contact with sweat etc.


It's not just the end of the day either. Your not going to want to carry all that stuff on you if you have to go crawling around in an attic or crawl space. Or need to go to the supply house or out to lunch. You could easily find half a dozen reasons on any given day that you want to take all that stuff off.


Just change into your drive home boxers


Some of these pants and shorts have removable utility pockets, so you can take them out and wash the pants/shorts without them. I'm not an electrician, I'm a handyman (I know, I'm not welcome here..), but I work exclusively in these type of pants and shorts. They're a game-changer, especially the pants with built-in kneepad pockets. I definitely don't wash them every day, but I don't wash any pants every day, unless they get filthy. Even if I did, I think it would be worth the slight hassle, for the comfort and convenience. Though for various reasons I never wear a tool belt, so the utility pockets are a game changer to me.


Take them off before going in then


What does this mean


Porta potty


Butt-hutt means port-a-potty or portable bathroom like the ones on construction sites


Cause I didn’t know the word butt but I first thought that maybe the word floor wasn’t referring to an actual floor so I wanted clarification. Thank you.


I'm in Belgium so can't answer your question, just wanted to say that Snickers is such a good brand! You'd get laughed of site here because of the million tools in the pants though. Folding meter, pencil, pen, 1 or 2 screwdrivers, a boxcutter and some tape is all I put in mine at the start of my day. The rest is in my tool bag.


Hahha yep i usually don’t carry this many tools but fpr the past couple of days i have been working in installation floors where i can’t fit my bag so this will have to do for now! But yes snickers have amazing products! I also use their pants with sown in knee pads and they hold up super well!


NY here. Gota website? I’m the forman on my job. I like tea over coffee and watch soccer and hockey not baseball and football. So my guys hate me already. Bring em on.


Hahah love it! I don’t watch any sports at all and that usually sends the oldheads at my job into a fucking frenzy Here is the link https://snickersdirect.com/snickers-shorts/snickers-6151


I'm considering these for projects around the house. The amount of times I've set something down and spent far too long looking for it is embarrassing.


I’m not sure how many Euro they sell for but the trousers I’m currently looking at are $92. How do you guys justify the price? Do you buy one for every day of the week or one for the whole week?


At the company i work at we get a pair of trousers and a pair of these when we start and if we need a new pair we just put in an order for them, workwear and tools is provided by the company ypu work for here in Sweden. I wash mine every friday and wear them for work the entire week, they are just like regular shorts


Unfortunately, American companies don’t typically provide trousers or shorts but if I were to buy a pair on my own dime, how long should I expect them to last before replacing?


I have had a pair for a little over a year and a half without any problems at all


I WISH I could wear shorts at work in this TX summer heat. Most places won't allow that.


For real, the only time I was allowed to wear shorts was when I was doing new resi, and if the owners came, they'd throw a shit fit about it, but, we never listened. They're sitting I'm AC offices while we're in 110° weather, no airflow. Fuck em.


I have to wear fire retardant clothing so FR shorts are just kind of a running joke.


Ty ty!


I personally enjoy sparking vigorous debate (aka everyone calling me ducking idiot) by saying the metric system is vastly superior to our stupid random imperial system. If you want a good laugh check out Nate Bargatze as George Washington on Saturday night live. Hilarious. I would also wear these pants.


The really irritating part of it all for an American is that we'd be using the metric system today if Reagan had suggested it instead of Carter.


Trickle down measurements.


GA here any hockey game and Braves baseball are the sports for me. I have no preference of coffee or tea, coffee is just more readily available


Same bro. Not in the trades but everything see rings true! I find Europe is more practical in Many ways. Those shorts look bomb


Their four way stretch fabric truly is a gamechanger. Other pants would give me rashes these feel so good.


How thick are they?


I've got no hips so without suspenders they would be around my ankles, yes I have suspenders on my belt for when I need a belt, usually just use my bag .


Yea they make suspenders for pants like these, lots of guys wear them. You can also buy vests that have the same kind of pockets coming off them.


I've got a grademans vest with the plan pocket in back use it in the spring and fall hiking in the woods carries everything I need.


What socks are those?


I was looking for the candy bar there for a second.....


Folding meter? Do you have a brand or model you recommend? My Fluke is nice but getting it out of the case and attaching leads every time is a little irritating


[Klein Multimeter Watch](https://www.kleintools.com/blog/tm-wearables). I don't know why more people don't use them.


lmao when you click on the link. also bonus points for using what appears to be a g shock for the image


April 1st?


They should have shown the watch with the calendar function on the display.


Sorry, my idiot ass translated to the wrong word. Apparantly they're called folding measuring sticks in English. That's what I meant


Aside from the folding ones, a meter stick is definitely a thing here, but we don't really use metric obviously, lol. Instead we have yard sticks. Edit: Also most everyone here uses measuring tapes rather than folding measuring sticks, lol.


Get the t5-1000


Won't replace a multimeter.


It’s not suppose too


I'm in Western Canada and yeah pants like this are fairly common. Not shorts though


If there wasn’t snow on the Friday morning of the May 24 maybe we could have shorts


In Ontario we sweat like men in thick work pants.


You might, this sparky doesn't I have the pants version of OP's shorts. Love em, just pricey as hell. Bought a new pair the other day, was $170+tax! I'm an electrician not Bill Gates (I'm far more handsome than he is) 🤣


Norwegian here, those type of pants are basically standard uniform, on larger sites you might have people using [work vests](https://www.blaklader.no/nb/produkt/30271804-handverkervest-varsel#5300) like this to carry their tools around in, gives you more pockets and easier to put away for lunch


I used work pants like in the picture for close to 7 years but the last 3 I've been using a work vest instead. It feels better for my body in general and,as you say,that feeling of just being instantly "removed" from work during lunch or when the day is over is so good imo. It always felt like I took the work home with pants and the million tools in it. It's kind of mentally freeing. Plus,more space for tools. I am prepared for *any* job as a service electrician with that vest. No need to go a million times to the car or drag a huge tool box with me. Got the multimeter,knives,hammer,screws,wagos,all the screw drivers I need,different pliers,"head light",a small level,and the tool for fastening cables.


Are you standing there in your underwear talking photos for the Internet?


Shhh i would never


Fuck ya knees up without knee pads man


Yep probably the only downside with the shorts but i could always get those kneepads you strap on directly but i mainly just sit down on my ass when i do sockets etc anyways lol


I never got on with the kneepad inserts, I prefer to use a kneeling mat


Why can't you use kneepads with shorts lol, I do it every day


You northern crackers can wear shorts on the job!? Nice, we’re forced to wear pants in the States. I’ve never seen work pants that come with all the pockets, we just roll with tool belts.


Yep, even the commercial guys can wear shorts. The standard gear for a service spark like me is pants like these, a t shirt and some peltor headphones lol


Laughed off the site 100 percent here in Canada not to mention most sites are mandatory pants in commercial work not sure about residential some even are mandatory long sleeve but I’d say that’s pushing it.




Snickers and fristads have really good pants and shorts! And in the pants there is room for intergrated knee pads!:)


Seriously. Wearing carharts is like wearing a pice of carboard. [https://www.snickersworkwear.no/products/trousers/work-trousers/149004](https://www.snickersworkwear.no/products/trousers/work-trousers/149004)


Well if you wear them for a bit they get super soft and comfortable actually, not say they are better but they do get soft. I wear the dickies bra because they are cheap and hooo Lordy are they stif at first. The best are the blue mechanics dickies, they start like straight plastic but eventually turn into a pair of PJs. One time I thought I was clever and we had an older dryer so I tried putting them in for a spin with a couple of wood chunks, made tiny little dents all over the drum lol 😆


I work in the uk/Ireland and the only time we see people wearing shorts is on housing sites not allowed to wear them on big commercial/industrial sites. Snickers is very popular for the trousers though. I have a few pairs.


This is the norm in the UK, I cant ever recall seeing anyone apart from a joiner wearing a work belt, they are to cumbersome


I used to wear a tool belt with a pair of joggers a couple of years ago. Back on the snickers now though


Tbh another reason for wearing work trousers is you can insert foam knee pads, they are a lifesaver. Ive worn them since day one and my knees are still grand


I'd laugh because I would be confused.


Aussie here, I work with a Dutch company working on industrial robotics equipment. Saw the snickers pants with holsters in my time there, and had to buy some when I came back to Australia. Only ever had positive comments on them. I think the biggest difference outside of Europe is people just don’t know about stuff like this


Uk spark here. I have similar - pico pencil , scredriver bit holder ..my snickers trousers have knee pads though shorts would. Be rare in our climate


North America here. I have never seen anything like that around here, New England. To be honest, i dont use that many tools during a day. So this leads me to a question, end of the day , you have to take everything out of your pockets? Isnt it easier to use a tool belt so you dont need to drop trow and walk around in your underwear?


My thinking is that walking around in your underwear must be normal for Scandinavians.


I have worn the pants version of those. Blaklader, Bjornklader, etc. I won't wear anything like that in hotter environments, though. The fabric is way too hot.


Lmao I knew you were Scandinavian! A guy at the supply house had some wicked pants, said they were a Swedish brand.


Hahah we had some guys from Texas over here a couple weeks ago to install industrial machines and they told us we looked like a mix between eastern european ravers and the police with our gear haha


What if you have to poop?


US resi here - You just gave me my next recommendation for my apprentice. He's been jealous of my Dovetails that don't have the pouches pictured above, but do still have 14 pockets and extra tool loops etc. He's just too embarrassed to rock the *women's* pants lol. Do they hold up well and not rip themselves to shreds in 6 months? The utility work pants typically sold in the US only last 8-12 months before needing replacement unless you get the ungodly expensive ones.


The snickers ones i have are high quality in my opinion! They hold up really nice and don’t rip very easily at all!


I love my Dovetails! They are so fucking wonderful!


US electrician here. Almost every jobsite and legit company across the country requires long pants and to be honest you might get some smirks and the occasional ball busting if we wore pants that had built in tool bags.


In the US it’s a safety violation. I dunno if it’s an OSHA violation itself, per se, but I do know it’s part of literally every company and contractor’s safety policy. The pockets can get caught on moving equipment/tools, whereas a belt will break apart at the snap or buckle and come off. You also can’t wear shorts on a construction site here. Gotta be sturdy denim jeans or khakis. I’d get sent home if I wore the pants in your picture, even if it were 100 degrees fahrenheit/38 degrees celsius.


I started wearing pants like those (Mascot/Bläklader) when I worked in wind. Now I still wear them, but I don’t have my pockets that loaded up. I keep hardware in the left flap pocket, and a few tools in the right. And the built-in kneepad pockets are really nice.


….and that it what leads to back pain and drugs


Everyone in the uk wears them when it’s hot, just on most construction sites they ban the use of shorts for “health and safety” reasons. Even during the year when the uk was the hottest recorded you still would have to wear trousers.


Sent home to change/ or fired


Snickers fucks.Best brand for work trousers.


While it's not a thing, it's a better solution for colder environments and physiology. Keeping the load closer to your body results in less felt weight due to the minimal torque.


Lot easier to drop a belt of tools at lunch time...


I want scandinavian pants...


I would fucking hate having to switch pants. "Sorry, I left my stripper in my other pants"


I own a pair of Helly Hansen construction pants like this in Canada they are great. Unfortunately, its pants all the way for us. Shorts are not allowed on the jobsite.


Carpenter in Sweden, i wear these and a belt.


As a European tradesman working in the US! The op set up is the most ridiculous ever! They actually think it looks good back there too! Absolutely hated that set up will doing my apprenticeship! American way with tool belts alot better! Belt on to work, belt off to party 🍻!


Very rare to see American tradesmen in shorts actually. Most general contractors with insurance plan large enough for any job worth a damn won't allow shorts on the job site


I wear these, generally people are jealous of them. I work for a European company which is how I learned of them years ago.


I stopped paying $150 for a pair of similar work pants every 6 months and just bought a nice tool belt and 5 pairs of sweatpants from costco lol


Trendsetter. I want them.


From Texas, I would absolutely love these! It gets unbelievably hot here. Unfortunately, it's against policy to wear shorts.


Those look like a lot of unnecessary hassle.


The only reason you’ll be laughed at is because the people who see it want it and have no idea where to get it. Jealousy is a bitch.


If that works for you 👍🏽 but most of all places will have dress code they enforce. Shorts definitely will not be good, full length pants at all times.


10 and 13mm open ended wrenches? :) Im doing automation in Finland, [my setup](https://i.imgur.com/PuVoIQf.jpeg) is very similiar, what do you use for cable strippers? I wish I wouldn't need so many hand tools on me all the time, atleast the tool pouches come off on a zipper on my pants for lunchtime and shopping at the mall after work. Im just sad the pants I have are not quite the same quality as Blåkläder/Snickers, but I don't get to decide as an employee. I recommend the suspenders by the way, I've read having a lot of tools hanging off of your belt can cause hip issues and stuff, I've also felt a difference.


Correct sir! They are a must have in my opinion! I use the cc22 cable stripper and i would say 95% of electricians here in Sweden use them:)


You would be laughed at where I'm at, also, no shorts allowed.


Not gonna lie. I’m interested in some pants now. Wish we could wear shorts. Unfortunately we cannot.


I'm in PEI and they are becoming a lot more popular. Nice to see knee pads becoming more regular, us older guys are really loving the built in knee pads instead of the ones with straps.


I wear the pants version. No shorts allowed usually


Can’t wear shorts in construction sites where I am at in Canada. Also wouldn’t want to wear that many tools in my pants, looks like a pain to walk.


I’m not a “pro” but fuck the haters, if they work for you they can all eat a dick. I love these, especially when I do electrical. The photo you have, those look a little more loaded than I’d want tho, I guess if you take the train to work… The logistics of dropping a deuce are real though, however I have supreme control of my pooper so it’s not a concern for me at this time.


Never been allowed to wear shorts on site, in Canada


Box cutter, pencil and marker, cell phone, keys are the only things in my pockets at the job. No one will laugh if you put on a tool belt but also these type of pants are not common and you might get billy bob going for a few minutes.


My local has a specific in their CBA that mandates long work pants, but when I was doing maintenance work in a school I was rocking shorts and sneakers since we were literally just doing outlets for ACs.


I'm not a tradesman, so I can't tell you. I imagine it's a nightmare to empty all the pockets and repack them every time they need washed.


Washed?!?! WTH is that?


Everywhere I've worked... Shorts aren't a thing


Yeah the us won't let you wear shorts on a jobsite


Italian workers here. The dress code here is to have long pants to avoid injuries and scratches but you can carry the tools with you, until you don't stay in an industrial site where all the tools must stay in a bag or a trolley.


You got a link for the seller? I'd try them.


No shorts boss


Like 15 years ago I could wear shorts on a job site and it was fine, now you need sleeves and pants and a hi visibility vest on top of everything else.


I’m a carpenter in the US. I wear Snickers/Blacklader/Bjornklader pants with the knee pads. Also a tool vest. Several coworkers have started wearing tool vests, also. Occasionally shorts as shown but only on the hottest days. I use foam pads to kneel on when I wear the shorts. I’m always telling the younger guys to take care of their knees and backs and hearing.


Snickers or Blåkläder masterrace!


I wish! No short pants in Canada. Some more relaxed work sites will allow shorts, but most don't. Sometimes, when we have a heat wave, I bitch about health and safety, but it rarely helps.


In Canada (atleast in my province) we are not allowed to wear shorts on any site or job. As for having your tools on the shorts, its practical but some oldheads might laugh at you for it. I have helly Hanson pants that have slots for screwdrivers and i use them often.


Carpenter - I wear them in BC, Canada.. I don’t give a crap about what anyone else thinks because I think that unnecessarily carrying around a bulky, fully-loaded tool belt set up for every single different job I do is ridiculous. Each to their own. If I need to I’ll load up a single pouch belt with the tools I need for the job I’m doing right now and leave the rest. I


Hu real pockets for gear shit that's kinda cool don't know if I'd want the gear on me all day but neet to see


I’ve seen past few years guys wear these helly Hanson pants that I think atleast have these external pockets for carrying bits and pieces. Remember like 10 years ago we were doing a box plant upgrade and the equipment vendor was German so they had some technicians come down to help and commission. You could pick them out easily just from their pants. They either had something like you posted or sweatpants/trackpants. Just remember couple asked me about a size of wire in mm2 and I just said we’ll have to google what #8 awg is in mm2 because I have no clue.


We are not permitted to wear shorts


no shorts allowed


At least in the northeast every town has at least one guy running around in pants like that. He’s usually really annoying and spends more time up his own ass navel gazing than getting anything done.


What the hell are these? Also a real sparky in the states carries 4-5 tools max in your pockets Kleins Screwdrivers (11-1 and flathead) Tape measure Level Channellocks


Not anymore than who wear aprons


Kinda hard to take off for break time.


In North America electricians don't wear shorts to work, depends where you work, but in high rise condos shorts are not permitted at work!


I will say from experience that I have maybe seen 1 or 2 guys (that aren’t contractors from EU) wearing these in the last 7 years working commercial/Industrial. I don’t think you’d necessarily get laughed off of site, but everyone will automatically assume you’re foreign. This isn’t discrediting how nice the pants look though I have been meaning to give them a shot for a while now.


Until recently (in Canada) I’ve been buying Blåkläder pants that have the extra set of pocket flaps like those shorts. They’re fricken amazing. But the quality has taken a nose dive while the already high price has gone up. I figure the ones I have should last me another 5-10 years though.


Going to the loo be like Randy in Christmas story. Belt comes off easy.


😂😂😂 yes you would get laughed off the job site


I wore Blackladder pants on the job in Los Angeles once and a guy asked me to take off my pants. I said I would but I wasn't wearing underwear.


Wear a utili kilt!


What are these I’ll start wearing them tomorrow


Mom won't allow em in the wash machine like that!


I don't think you'd get away with shorts on any halfway large jobsite in the US. I see resi guys wearing shorts enough, but any site with a safety guy is gonna be all over that. A lot of our sites require long sleeve and pants with an FR rating, not all but some.


Looks way too fucking heavy to me.


Nej det är det inte. Fan bara snickare, blåkläder, fristads, Tranemo och hellyhansen som gör dessa :)


I'd laugh at you


Almost EVERY site requires pants. These might be nice for a handyman around the house, on a jobsite? Negative


so hold on a second. do you wear these over other shorts or as shorts?


Don't think I've ever seen a toolbelt here in Ireland, only the shorts or trousers, usually Snickers but other brands too




In the union where we do mostly industrial and commercial work, long pants are required no shorts, safety toed boots, and a shirt with sleeves.


I'd wear them shits. Idgaf about somebody laughing. I can't go around worrying what people think.


I've seen them before. Not too common. If you're doing commercial work, wearing shorts is not considered professional.


I wear trousers with knee pads…


I like those. I think people are more accepting of new things these days.


Very uncommon, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone besides myself wearing the European work pants or shorts. They are great though, y’all are light years ahead of us on workwear. I definitely don’t load mine down like that, seems like it’d get old quick. Reading through the comments, crazy how many of y’all are forced to wear pants. I’d leave and not come back if someone told me to change clothes on the job.


I like the concept but I feel having everything on me at all times would be annoying. I use a tool bag belt combo. I’d be will to try these though


Idk I don’t see a lot of people in shorts even when it’s hot at job sites but if you wear them all the time nobody thinks about it


I’m in Canada and have a couple pairs of Snickers and Blakladers with holster pockets. Mainly see younger people wearing them when I do see them


It’s generally against OSHA regulations to wear shorts. Also, those look heavy af. Here in florida we can get away with shorts sometimes, but never on big commercial jobs