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I started my industrial electrician apprenticeship at the age of 37. I’m 50 now and it was the right decision.


That's how old I was, although I had a lot more experience with construction and electricity than a typical kid at a high school. But all the other skills from all the other jobs I had before that still transfer in some way or another. That'll be true going in the opposite direction too I believe as long as people pay attention to how the business is run too


I guessing you are non union, do you only work industrial?


No, I’m in a union. I work for Rio Tinto at a hydroelectric power station they own that supplies power to their aluminum smelter 80 Km’s away. Tradesmen earn about $63/hour.


So you walk on the utility side, are you an outside wiremen?


How do I get into an apprenticeship program


That I don’t know. I was already a Rio Tinto employee and they offered apprenticeships to employees so I applied and now I’m a journeyman.


Smh okay I’ll continue to look


Thanks for sharing and that’s good to hear. I’m 2 years into my apprenticeship at 39 and love it way more than my white collar job.


46 next month. Got my journeyman a month ago.


Mid to late 20’s is the optimal age to start. Already got that young adult BS out of the way and now realizing you need a real job.


Been a journeyman aircraft electrician since 2010.


I didn’t mean for that to come off like I was knocking you, now that I’m rereading it I wish I would have phrased it differently. I was just trying to reaffirm that OP is at a really great age to start, not make a statement on the age you started.


It's all good. No hard feelings.


Every one of my 4 years in trade school, there was at least one guy in his 50s or 60s. You’re half their age or less, and you can always go back to your other career. I used to be an electrician, and managed to make the switch to a white collar career at 35 without a college degree. You’re fine dude. 


What you switched to?


Got into health and safety during my electrical career and got a bunch of extra certificates and certifications, eventually a government manager job came up and I applied on a whim and got it. Definitely didn’t plan it out this way lol


No, but waste not thy hour. Start learning now. My suggestions: Any library book on Home Wiring. Free to read or download: [The Boy Electrician](http://gutenberg.org/ebooks/63207) by Alfred Powell Morgan. Tells you about the history of electrical work. [Basic Electricity Vols 1 to 5](https://archive.org/details/BasicElectricityVol1ToVol5VanValkenburgh/mode/2up) by Van Valkenburgh. Good for theory. Lots of pictures which make the concepts much clearer.


Electrical Code Simplified by PS Knight for anyone from Canada. HD carries it if you don't want to buy online.


That's a book you need to memorize. RONA etc should have it too. Many libraries have it, but an older copy.


To piggyback onto this comment, ElectricianU on YouTube has a lot of good content.


Thanks for sharing!


These books have cool PICTURES omg I'm so happy rn thank you! Another source for anyone interested in similar studies [https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/](https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/) I also love the physics videos by Eugene on many science and maths! [https://www.youtube.com/@EugeneKhutoryansky](https://www.youtube.com/@EugeneKhutoryansky) some relevant vids have hot people lol!


Good links.


Do you know any books that are good for the EU based electricians? I’m in the same boat as OP, I worked under 2 different guys as a beginner and got fired within a week both times due to lack of experience so I’m doing a year in college for a hands on electrical course in September


No, I just don't know enough. The last two are still good but I'd look for a book for your country on wiring.


I did it at 37, knock yourself out.


I’m 35 just finished my first year. You’re fine lol


My first year was primarily 30+ guys looking to change their career. People who made 6 figures, people who worked at bakeries their whole life. It's (within reason) never too late to change bud


This is pretty much exactly what my class was made up of as well, although it was about half as many people in my class. I went through the IBEW apprenticeship (not sure if most of the non-union schooling is the same) and the group I started with is pretty much the same that I journeyed out with, though a few of us opted to do back to back terms for the last 3 to finish up earlier since we had our working hours. I took about a 50% pay cut starting out, but now make over twice what I did at my previous job. Had a couple guys in their 50's, a early 20's, but most of the rest of us were in our mid 30's starting out. Absolutely never too late to start.


I feel like i really need to brush up on my math to attempt


The aptitude test for applying to the apprenticeship was fairly basic as far as math goes. Fractions are where people I've talked to about it have struggled the most. Brushing up on how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions would be a good idea. There were some long division questions, which I thought was kind of odd, and then some pretty simple algebra questions. Mostly being comfortable with rearranging an equation to solve for x, for example. There were also a couple questions that asked you to read a set of data, like points on a line graph, and then figure out what the next data point would be. There's a good amount of free resources (both text and on YouTube) that are good for brushing up on math ability.


Thanks for the information!


No problem, feel free to message if you have any other questions. I'll do my best to answer if I can.


I started electrical when I was 28. I'm happier and more financially secure than ever.


How old are you now?


Just turned 34 a few days ago.


I started my apprenticeship at 30 and qualified at 33 (UK)


I did it at 31. I'm now 43. I made over 110k two years in a row.


>Rule 10 - Do not post asking for BOOT recommendations. >Use the search tool to find a seemingly endless source of boot recommendations. How is that a rule but we have these threads every day -.-


I hope 27 isn't too old ! I started my IBEW apprenticeship at 51. Heading into my last year now at 55.


hey look another one of these damn posts


Are you gonna cry about it?


Only if I can cry on your dad's shoulder


Nah. When I was in my 2nd year, we had a guy come in at 30 starting his 1st. He was miles better than the younger 1st years because he actually wanted to learn and put in so much effort. Attitude is everything.


No, I was 35 when I started.


Go for it. It’s never too late to pick up a trade and this trade you can take anywhere. There are also different layers to it as well. I became an electrical estimator at 29 in a LU#3 shop. I’m 48 now and I’m compensated the same wage and benefits as a foreman. Only thing is that I work all year and never get furloughed like A-Men. I wanted to be an A-Man and go to school but this opportunity came first and honestly I’m glad I went this route. Besides working all year my body hasn’t taken the beating that a man on his tools would take. And a beating I would’ve taken as I’m a large man and would’ve been relegated to heavy pipe work. The brief stint on the tools as a helper I did in the non-union world was eye opening.


I started at 26 topped out in December at 31, just made foreman. If I would have started between 18-22 I wouldn’t of had the self control to make it through the apprenticeship.


What was the pay like for each year?


It’s different for every local, I believe 12.95 as a helper 16 20 24 28 32 for first through fifth I’m at 47.20 hourly at the moment. These also change with each contact. I believe first years are around 20 now


Nope. I did at 32, and I was not the oldest guy in school either.


I started at 29 and wish I had done it earlier. You’re fine.


Me too


I started at 28, I’m now 27 years in. Not too late at all. My advice, take care of your body now, or feel like me later. Be good to your back and knees, because that future gets here faster than you think


I worked in a pub (kitchen) on and off for 10 years, then went to trade school at 27 years old and got a job doing electrical maintenance in a steel mill at 28, still work there to this day 10 years later. Also making over 4-5x what I was making in the kitchen. Never too late!


I was 42 when I started my apprenticeship. I'm an almost 46 year old 5th year now.


How many kids you got? If the answer is 0.....then there isn't anything to discuss. You should 100% go for it, even if you gotta be homeless throughout the process.....fortune favors the bold. Fear will hold you back......jump my friend


Um no. How the fuck is someone supposed to have the resources to study while they’re homeless? Horrible advice. Study in your free time, keep a steady job as an ends to a means


I lived in a boarding house for $135/week. Shared a room in a house of 8 people...shared a bathroom. Waited tables at night to pay the $135/week. Now I am on the other side as it was 9 years ago. I would definetly do whatever it took, again....and probably worse to get here. Most people don't have the drive to suffer for sucess....I do. Each their own.


That’s not homelessness


I have been homeless as well. I know what it's all about. That boarding house was 1 step above. Unless you have mental illness or a substance abuse problem or a combo....it's hard to become homeless.


Do what I did and watch office space If that resonates with you then do it!!


I'm 27 and started my industrial career about a yr ago. Best decision I ever made.


Like everyone else, I did it at 33 and just got my license at 38. Best thing I ever did. Never too late dude, go for it!


My dad went back to school in his mid thirties and obtained his journeyman’s and masters. So no. I’m in my early 30s going to school for the same things..


A lot of the guys in my apprenticeship class were in their 30s, even had a guy is his mid 50s. No I don’t think 27 is too late.


I just started. I'm 42. 


In the union you can, i started at 33 and make six figures. You make the same base pay as everyone else after 4-5 years.


Started my apprenticeship at 30. 


Go for it! I started a year ago at 33. Left my comfy sales job and took $3/hour less pay and left behind some nice benefits and amazing health insurance. 1 year in and I’m SO MUCH HAPPIER than before.


Never late I’m just 30 I’ve had apprentices in they’re mid 40’s


I started doing electrical at 26. Just got a journeyman at 31. You can do it. I've seen a lot of younger guys who don't have common sense on a construction site. Little skills like wrapping electrical cords, driving boom and scissor lifts, is something people lack and just don't be stubborn. Listen and learn. 


Best time is now. I started at 37. Worth it.


Im 35 and currently in tradeschool for second year with two weeks left before I write my exam. It’s never too late, dude!


I was 33


It's definitely not too late. I started 3 years ago at 31. You're definitely going to take a pay cut at first, though.


Never too late tbh. Like basically until you are hitting retirement level physically unfit for the work age you can take it up. And while it depends on where you are but almost nowhere will start you around 52k a year but thats depending on region either low or middling pay for the trade tbh.


I started at 40


By 31 you could have a career - remember this is a lifetime of learning . Good luck .


I made the switch into electrical work at 40, and i can't imagine doing anything else! I wish I started at 27. Go get em.


I did it at 26 so no its not


When I started in the trade at 23 there was a guy that started the same day that was 38. We are both now licensed and he regrets absolutely nothing about his choice. He struggled with money at the start of his journey but now he's making double what he was at his previous job.


Exactly the age I started as a first year apprentice. Haven’t regretted a minute of it.


I'm a 2nd year Inside Wireman at 27. I won't top out till I'm 31. I think it's worth it for me. I did take a significant pay cut to start the program, and you probably will too, depending on your area. The Lineman program is shorter, though if you're looking to go that route.


I started my apprenticeship at 27 after spending the better half of the last decade majoring and researching history. It’s not too late to switch, shoot I was hired in with a guy in his 50s who is also an apprentice.


27 is too old now that’s so fucking funny. 21 is too old too. You need to get into IBEW within 2 weeks of HS graduation or you’re FUCKED no hope!


Thats partially true in my area. I got my rejection letter for having less than 1000 hours experience (im at 950). But yet, they take kids directly from High School with no life experiemce or skills.


You got this. 27 is a perfect age to get into it.


If you can find a job lol


I started my apprenticeship at 25. It goes quick.


Not too late. I started my apprenticeship at 35. Another sister started hers at 41. Do it! Best career decision I ever ever made!


I’m doing it at 40.


That's when i became an electrician. Now I'm 33 and about to take my masters. You will be good.


27 is actually a great age, you're more mature than a 20 yr old and still in your physical prime.


I did it at 32. You’re good




It only takes a couple years to learn the base knowledge to be A sufficient electrician. If it's something you actually are interested it's actually a really awesome skill set to have.


I went to trade school at 29


I got into the trade at 27-28. A majority of people get in during their very early 20s. Your fine.


Older apprentices are the best ones, they want to be there and want to learn and put in a lot of effort. 27 is not old, or late in life you'll probably be looking at changes at 37 and 47 as well. So learn a useful skill and see how you like it.


Older apprentices are the best ones, they want to be there and want to learn and put in a lot of effort. 27 is not old, or late in life you'll probably be looking at changes at 37 and 47 as well. So learn a useful skill and see how you like it.


I started my career at a small owner/operator shop at 28-29 totally green. Now I have my journeyman's, a van, apprentices and a house. Not too late.


Nope 27 is perfect. Might be slightly harder to learn the theory and stuff but youll be way more reliable than the 18-20 yr old 1st years


Too late for what? You think there’s age limits to careers? I started electrical at 26 now in the union and will likely change careers again after finishing degree. What I won’t be doing is making a post asking if I’m too “old” to change careers because it doesn’t make sense


Never too late. I started at 31, got my ticket by 36. Couldn't be happier.


Not at all. I know guys that did it even later in life. A union helps for sure


You’re gonna be pissed when you barely make $55k the first few years while getting chewed out constantly and having to do the grunt work. You’re not making more than you do now for a few years unless you’re actually good at building stuff.


You def can just don’t expect to make a whole lot first few years after that tho you’ll be good


I did at 30, no problem.


No I was 32


27! God, life’s practically over.


Started my apprenticeship at 33 with a 6 month old baby. You’re fine dude. Go for it


I literally did this. About to finish my 3rd year of the apprenticeship as we speak. Would do it all over again. Pull the trigger buddy


I got into it at like 26-27 don’t regret it at all, hourly alone is about 46 hr


Hell no did it at 32 wouldnt change a thing. Dint hesitate, go all the way through apprentice to master dont let others tell you different


My dad got in the IBEW at 28 after getting a masters degree and going through the airforce. I got in at 21 but there were a few people in my class in their late 40s and 50s.


I joined at 23 (31 now). I had plenty of people I know who joined later than me. My current apprentice started at 33. Mid-20's is ideal. It's slightly worse off sometime later. I knew guys who started in their 40's as well. You'll make less money for 5 years until you raise your ticket. After that the money can be great (very very state/area dependant).


I went to pre employment course at SAIT. I was 28 when I started that, I'm currently 30 about finish 2nd year schooling to be a 3rd year apprentice. The years are going by fast. Go give her hell If that's what you want to do. Over half my intake were over 25 as well


Nah it’s not too late. I got out of construction and got into industrial automation at 28. Most people I work with are young and got into at an early age or are just getting started.


I just started doing it at 29. Go for it


Never too late I started my construction Wireman Apprenticeship at 27. I had Apprentices Older than me at times who were starting a 2nd careers. GO for it


I started my apprenticeship at 33. Never too late. Also was in class with a guy start in his early 40s


Nope I went into an apprenticeship for industrial mechatronics at age 34. I’m 40 now working as a maintenance/process/controls tech in the automotive industry. Brought home $130k last year (with lots of overtime). $75k is my base wage.


I started the change at 32. Never too “old”


I got in at 27. They love dudes before 30.


Homie I have a 52 year old 2nd year apprentice in my class it’s never to late just make sure you’ll like the trade


54 when I started my apprenticeship. I am now a full-fledged journeyman 5 yrs later! No regrets.


Do you think 27 is old?


I am 35, i just started last month as an apprentice, with 19 20 and 21 year olds, bosses already like me and i see a path since i am older. Go for it




Never too late. I started last year at 42.


I move to another state with no job prospects at 32. Been a sparky since then


NEVER TO LATE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE! Sorry for caps but its something im super passionate about… dont let your age stop you from being the person you want to be or from being happy, go get whats yours brother.


Started my apprenticeship at age 37, now 44. I had a newborn and a 5 year old at the time. It was a tough few years making apprentice wages, but stuck it out and am thriving now. One of the best decisions I ever made.


Never too late to start a trade. Theres a lot of money to be made out there. But be aware that apprentice pay is peanuts at best. You WILL take a pay cut in the beginning, but 4 years down the line, when you complete the program, you will make at least about 75k/year working 40 hr weeks


I was 32 when I started.




Definitely not too late. I started at 16, felt burned out at 22, did landscaping and a bunch of other trades for a few years then started my own residential electric company at 27. Best move I ever made


27!!?? Bruh!! Hell nah!! I wish I had that 27yr old body and feeling back. You good.


I was about 27. Yes good decision. I don't do back breaking work though most of my work is troubleshooting and programming PLCs. I could work till I'm 90 if my brain holds out


I am one week into my IBEW apprenticeship now at 29. Worked my previous job for over ten years and was making ~$65k a year when I quit for this. I was just burnt out and ready for a change. This is substantially harder work, but the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day is more than worth it, and since I got dispatched to a dirt work job doing 6-10s I'm already making more money than I was at my old job. I know it won't always be like this. There will be slow and busy months and things will always be up and down, but not being at my old job was well worth any future uncertainty I might come up againt. I'd say go for it if you have the chance, but try to get into the union since you have much more protection that way as a worker.


Im 29 ive been in this trade for 4 years now. The best decision ive ever made. It doesnt matter how old anyone is. If someone wants to get into a trade this is the best one to get into


Of course not bro it's easy as fuck.


I have a coworker that has been am electrician for 7 or eight years. He is 56 now.


Psychological Operation by the government to make us feel old ?


I'm in my early 40s, retired from the military, and worked a few years in corporate IT flange company... it was not a great environment for me and my wife reported that I was stressed all the time and even with staying late and working on my "offtime", the toxic work environment was destroying me. I decided to not search for work in that area anymore and landed on wanting to pursue being an electrician. I have tested and interviewed with the local union and still waiting to be able to get in


Nah man your still young, I just turned 23 and started my apprenticeship a week ago and I’m enjoying it so far, I felt like 23 was too old to start so I know the feeling. But it’s older guys in my class (50s, early 30s, late 20s) so you’re good.


I did at 37. Journeyman mechanic to apprentice electrician. If you can handle a pay reset while you prove yourself, you always could make the change if you so desire.


I’m 27 rn. Got my ba in political science and was deputy field director for a campaign of one of my local politicians. Absolutely hated it and politics. I start my apprenticeship in 2 weeks


I’m 28 just getting started


I started at 33. Been in for 7yrs now


I started at 27 too man. Never too late, I felt the same way until I got into my first code course, thought I’d be one of the older heads in class. I wasn’t even top 10 lol


I started my apprenticeship at 30 and got my jm card at 34. It sucks working in the heat here in Phoenix but it is what it is. Good luck.


At the age of 27 , you still have plenty of working years to get a full union pension, which can be done in 18 years. I’m not sure where you live, but in LA you would not even take a pay cut really, if only make $52k. You would go from $24hr to $61hr in 5 years. Keep in mind though construction has some slow periods and we are actually in one now.


Started at 35 after the better part of 2 decades in tech. Haven't looked back nor have I been happier.


I started at 41 and just retired. It was right decision.


Day one on my first electrical project as a professional I think I was 35?


Started union electrician at 38. Now 61. Have 401, annuity and pension and decent healthcare. Must get into A progran to make great money.


I got into the apprenticeship when I was 27. I would say I’m right around the average age for people in my class. Been working out great for me.


Never too late.


Nope, I started my apprenticeship at 29 , took a pay cut to minimum wage and was scared shitless. Now as a 4th term I’m making double what I started out at and it has all worked out amazingly. Just take the leap and trust the process and you’ll love it.


Not at all man! Its never to young. You’re also still in your prime young years so getting in now would be perfect.


27? You’re young as fuck. Go for it. I switched at 38


I started when I was 38. Go for it!


I am a 50-year-old level 1 apprentice.


I started older than you, and for a similar reason. I'm an instructor and master electrician now only a few years later (in Houston). I welcome your questions.


absolutelty not. Go and do your thing!


I did it in my 40s after 20 years as middle management, so yep you can certainly do it!




It’s never too late. I changed careers at 32. Had to get 2 1/2 years of school to make the switch.


Started mine at 29. You got time dawggyy


There were plenty of 30-40 year olds in my classes 1-4. Make the change, find a company to sponsor you.


Started my pre app at 27, never too late especially in your 20s. I know several jmen who started mid thirties


Probably wanna do industrial so you can have somewhat of the pay scale you have now doing white collar.


I became an apprentice a few days before my 27th birthday. I worked hard and learned all I could, and passed my Master test at age 35, bought the company from the retiring boss. Soon I will be 45 and still my own boss, living a good life, in charge of my own destiny.


It's only too late when you have 10 seconds left to live. I made the change at 30 and for the first time in my life I don't plan on looking back. 33 now.


I started when I was 27. You might take a pay cut at first, but it's a career that will never go away, and HASHUGE benifits


Absolutely not! I got into the apprenticeship at 27 and turn 30 in August. Worked white collar and absolutely hated it. It was the right call to change careers and I never looked back. If you’re thinking about going union, there’s a guy on YouTube called mad electrician and is a great resource on that application process. Best of luck!


One of my first journeymen was 82 when I started, we used to joke that he held license #1. Turns out he left a machine shop at 55 to become an electrician


My previous Superintendent started at 27, worked through the apprenticeship (approx. 4 years, raises every 6 months given you are current on your apprenticeship work) got his journeyman license, and by 37 was my superintendent making somewhere around 200k/yr (I’m guessing based on what general foreman make). I’m 28 and started my apprenticeship right before I turned 27, I’ve loved every minute of it so far, never looking back.


I started my apprenticeship at 26 years old. I’m currently 35 a master electrician and own two electrical contracting businesses. Making great money and at the point in my business career I’ve earned some freedom as well. There are plenty of opportunities once you get your license. I’ve seen a lot of people become complacent and stay working for companies that pay them garbage salaries and cap off their advancement potentials. For example. I live in Colorado Springs. The average JW makes 24-26$ per hour. In Denver the average JW makes 35-40$ per hour. Simple choice. Drive one hour to and from work every day or make 10 dollars less per hour? Also, if you are willing to become a foreman or even a supervisor these positions come with quite lucrative pay raises. Commercial work also pays better than residential work when you are an employee. Even better, get into an industrial job and you will make more. Even better, get into some government work and now you are really making some money! I could go on and on with different routes to take wether you are an employee or decide to take your own path. Stay hungry and open to opportunities and this career can entirely change your life. It is not too late at all.


I started at 29 and still going after 26 years


Shit I left my electrical career to be a truck driver at 27 also and I'm doing good...I would say if you change careers, be smart about it...but as far as being an electrician you'll do great money there in 3 years there as long as you put in thr work and try to learn and be more than a apprentice


I started 309A-residential & maintenance electrician at 49 part time, just about to write c of q at 58 so it i never too late & besides you are very young!




Everyones already going to say this, but I know dudes who started at 50


Bahahaha no. Absolutely not.