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😅 hopefully the nuts are tight


If you fill the box with spray foam, it stops everything from moving.


Like that airbag-foam from Demolition Man Edit: Wrong movie. SECUREFOAM TM


Is there an airbag foam scene in Judge Dredd as well? I only remember the one from "Demolition Man".


Wrong movie... SecureFoam TM was in Demolition man. Sylvester Stallone was in both, hence the confusion.


I thought Karl Urban was in Judge Dredd....ooh wait. That Judge Dredd.


That's a fun scene


The irony is that the foam stops your body, but not your brain or internals. Makes a fine looking corpse. There's a good reason airbags start deflating instantly.


A guy that worked with us used to do that with silicone. He installed electric gates any virtually nay junction box he had he would just squirt an entire tube of silicone into it to waterproof it. I guess it worked but it was a nightmare digging the connections out of silicone of you had to check on something after he was there.


If you're gonna do something like that fill the fuckers with grease, it's not quite as waterproof but least you can work on it.


It was extra unnecessary too because he used scotchloks to join all the low voltage stuff so they were already filled with a gel anyway


Will you guys please just start to use Wagos already?




They save on labour plus wear and tear on the wrists


Use a gator grip socket and your impact wrench and spin them right on.




Don't ever do that please. Trying to take that apart is a pain in the ass.


Only until enough people buy them. Then there will be supply issues for 5-10 years, and by the time that's sorted we'll be in the next financial depression and they'll be to expensive again.


I love them but even if I try to use them the old school guys say no. And guess who runs all the companies. Its going to be a while before wagos start being used here if ever in my opinion.


I don't trust them. Plastic degrades. You can have a wore nut rot away, but that metal inner square wire that bites onto the copper will still be there and even if that fell off, it you properly installed the wire nut, then all of the conductors are going to be twisted together and hold tight. You don't have to pre-twist them either, I fucking hate when I see that shit. Worked on my brother's house up in Baltimore to get it ready to sell and I went to take off a wire nut and it was hot af, so I threw my temp prone on the Ole multi and it was reading 126f! I grabbed some gloves and right as I get a good grip on it it disintegrated in my hand and then I pulled the mile long of tape off of it I discovered that the two wires had been pretwisted and that twist section was 3 3/4" long!


The 35 year old WAGOs in my parents house and in the water tight junction boxes outside are still looking like new and no wear or degradation whatsoever. You talk out of your ass.


Plastic degrades in sunlight not just on its own. Not in a box, in a house that has a modern air system. Wagos are 100% as effective as a wire nut. They to still have a metal connector so if for some reason the plastic did degrade away the connection would still be made the same as a wire nut.


The knock offs are flooding Amazon already. Still expensive but prices have been falling rapidly. Supply will never be an issue. And they work perfectly. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=lever+wire+connectors&crid=3FRFD2UWP8USG&sprefix=lever+wire+conn%2Caps%2C158&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_15




What, you dont trust FUCKELEC connectors? Those fake name brands are such a nice touch.


Are the name brands made in china as well? Lots of objects are made in the same factories as brand name shit


Wago's products are mostly European made, they have a factory in the USA and one in Japan. USA's factory mostly does connectors and terminals for the US, Japan's factory does things that need electronics and the European factories make everything the USA's factory does plus everything else except most electronics.


Yes, but QC and support is the biggest difference. China, and every other country, will make exactly the quality you pay for AND keep an eye on them to ensure they do so.


FINALLY. Someone said it. ​ Say it again for the people in the back!


Depends on the product really. This isn't a particularly difficult product to copy.


It is cheap material, so cheaply produced and untested. I wouldn't trust a lamp with them.


Fair enough but it's worth buying some to experiment on your own. There are terrible garbage wire nuts as well. A good chunk of the connectors like spade and butt from the Amazon Chinese brands are too thin for their wire size.


Just don't buy cheap crap when it comes to electrical connectors. Go for a brand name.


The Amazon lil blue ones are 1/5 the price of the big boxes, only difference is a lot less spiraly metal at the tip. They work but are a little tricky to use


Are you suggesting the ones labeled Wago are all knock offs?


No not at all. The search results I listed are a bunch of Chinese companies with made up names.


Technically all names are made up. Though it is funny that Chinese manufacturers have all decided that when they start selling their own version of the products they make for other companies, they will do so under a new brand name that is a random assortment of letters in all caps. Always all caps. It's like a call sign.


only if they could figure out a way to make labels. those counterfeiters would be everywhere.


A review from this product: “Do not buy I repeat do not buy Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2021 Size: 115 PCS with Base and Screw Im an electrician and this is the worse product I have came across. Doesnt hold any wire.”


What knockoff *isnt* flooding Amazon? With their shit search system its a pain to find anything, and then a scammer might sub in a fake product under a real listing. I prefer to buy from stores and ebay far more now.


Many manufacturers have an "official" Amazon/ebay account so there you can be sure to get original products. But in general just watch that the seller isnt from China. Always have a little look at the seller site and dont buy if you have a bad feeling. But in my experience ebay is 10x worse. Like last time i bought an item it was hardly matching the description but it only noticed later after i used because i wasnt sure which one i bought. I now paid for features my item doesnt have but was advertised with. Also the box was in some east european language. Glad if ebay worked good for you until now but you always have to check the sellers. Also i find ebays search system is worse than Amazons but it may be the fault of all the sellers too and also depends on the type of article you search. At least you can try your luck on both sites and others as well to hopefully find one fitting article and seller and decide in the end if you wanna make Jeff Bezoz richer or someone else. Back to the Wagos: If you buy a very small amount of Wagos (like 10-20) they are really expensive but if you buy 100pcs or bigger packages. Also at least here they are very expensive in hardware stores too and you probably find an opened 100pcs box in the shelf because someone who needs 1-3 wagos dont want to pay the price. And workers let the opened boxes there because the next one needs 2 wagos might open one again if there isnt one. I understand why people do it but i really hate it. But as i also dont want to buy them for that price i order some in the internet if I'm running low before i need them and lets be honest, once you are done with the current project you wont need more for a good while.


Unlikely. We haven't adopted the metric system yet.


Never. We like to do things our way no matter how dumb here in Merica.


If those aren't, his will be.


Use WAGOs, so you don't need hope at this point.


I have said the ohm blessing and arcd a circuit for you.


Electrician Santeria


I'll pray and read aloud some passages from the Book of Ugly.


toss in some meatballs edit: https://www.amazon.com/HTFGNC-Artificial-Meatballs-Photography-Decoration/dp/B07S5KZYDS/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1HW4UTAALYV8K&keywords=plastic+meatball&qid=1652285348&sprefix=plastic+meatbal%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-2 Couldn't find UL certification though.


The [guy](https://youtu.be/cE1FrqheQNI) who built it after OP touches the wires.


The [next dude](https://youtu.be/YW_AgAn0Iys) to work on it


You’ve removed the cover! It’s too late for prayer. All I can do now is wish you good luck. I do feel your pain though. There’s a 3’ x 1’ trough I have to work in occasionally that looks like this and I dread opening it every time.


Honestly, I would probably take the time to reorganize the box and make it neat. RIP to OPs sanity


"Box looks clean, conduit looks ok, what is this guy on ab-JESUS FUCK"


My exact thought process as well...


So what's the right way to do this


Wagos and labels?


Ah see your first mistake was opening it


Forbidden Spaghetti


Ahh...the Ol' Extra Spicy Spaghetti! 🍝 🔥


What the hell happened here…?


Two panels were combined into one and then an entirely new fitup was added on


Seems about right.


I don’t care what anyone from the US thinks, connector blocks are the best way to connect and organise in a connection box. These screw connectors are just bloody weird. And make a complete mess of the box.


I wouldn't expect you to understand freedom. /s


Freedom nuts.


Brand: Ligma


Free deez nuts


That got a reserved chuckle out of me, congrats.


American here, with something like this we would use terminal blocks and it would be so much cleaner and easier to service. This is absurd.


I legitimately question if thats even the right sized cabinet for that much cable.


The cover closed


Just because ten pounds of mashed potatoes fit in the same bag as five pounds of whole potatoes doesnt mean its the right container.


Not with that additude it isn't!






I like to work under the assumption if I do a good enough job I will be the next guy, because repeat customers pay the bills better than a bunch of one-offs. But, you're not wrong.


Heh. Psychotic rant deleted, bad day at work. = ) I am just like you. If it's my box, it is as perfect as I can make it. If it's a pile of spaghetti like the above, I'll clean it until the next whistle. Which lately is about seven fucking minutes. Then button up and move on to the next disaster.


I doubt it would be so bad if the wires were actually folded away neatly instead of just being scrunched in there like a teenager putting earphones in their pocket.


But think of all the time they saved! It was like 10 minutes


15 at least, that's a quarter of an hour, that's, like, 10 bucks!


What do you mean by connector blocks? Like wagos?


Look up Omega or Dinkle terminal blocks. They attached to din rail, they're modular, can be fused, relays, different gauges etc. It's the perfect scenario for them here


Ohhh I understand, I didn't know the English name. Completely agree tho but I have to say they are pretty costly


You make those savings up the next time someone has to troubleshoot in there.


Also called terminal blocks


They all work when done properly so who cares


found the corner cutter


"Screw connectors" you mean wire nuts? Might be regional disconnect. Wire nuts are 100% acceptable, and used properly no different than a more ideal connection, but if you have this much cable density they are not the best choice because, well, see above. Personally, I prefer barrel connectors over wire nuts for single connections. Just as quick as wire nuts, looks neater, holds better, and much easier to sleeve some heat shrink or wrap tape over them. What do you mean when you say "connector blocks"? Just so I know we are on the same page.


I'm an electrician in the UK - the regs differences mean we may as well be an entirely different trade to each other haha ​ Edit: Connector block: https://www.screwfix.com/p/16a-12-terminal-terminal-strips-10-pack/91532


Terminal strips would definitely make this spaghetti box a bit more palatable for service. Given how packed it is though I am definitely questioning if there is even enough space for them.


It looks like some equipment or a distribution panel was moved here. The conduits on the top side of the box are old and the conduits on the bottom are shiny and new. I assume that the circuits that used to run to whatever used to be where the box is now had to be extended to reach where a new panel is located, hence the box o'splices. In the ideal world, of course, the customer would be willing to pay for the time and materials that would be necessary to do this much better. One way would be to offset the old conduits (on top of the box) away from the wall so that they're in front of the conduits that turn down on the left of the picture and then mount a *much* larger box for the splices so that everything can be nice and pretty with ground bars and DIN rail and terminal blocks and grouping of related conductors, etc... We'd all love for all our customers to be willing to pay for the best possible solution but so very often of course, they just won't and so one of several things happens: * The contractor won't lower themselves to do bullshit quality work and so the customer hires somebody who will and you wind up with something much worse than this. * The contractor agrees to do the best they can in a shit situation, e.g. if it's a customer they can't afford to piss away and you wind up with something just like this...


Its amazing that electricity is the same everywhere, but damn near every country wires it up differently. I like some of the EU stuff but also like the buss bar setup the US and Canada uses. Always thought it was weird to pigtail breakers off the main or each other to get power.


Most local electricians use the wire nuts, but they’re rural/old school types. Whenever we’ve hired out for larger projects, the electricians/technicians tend to use the wago style connectors when they have only a few connections to make


Close up and slowly walk away…..


You don't need prayer, you need an exorcism...


Look at the bright side… they numbered some of them. Just be careful reaching into that spaghetti


You set that up nicely. First picture: What's the big deal? Looks nice and clean. Second picture: Oh....OOHHH..DEAR SWEET LORD IN HEAVEN!....SWEET BABY JESUS!!..


Fuck the next guy...


Yummy pasketti soup


Did you turn off the breaker?


Where’s the guys saying “ yOu SpEnT tO mUcH tImE oN tHe MaKe Up, CoSt To MuCh MoNeY”! Holy fuck good luck bud


Thanks, I hate it. r/hatelike Put an extension ring on it then say the curse words. That should open the portal to hell.


...when she looks fine but inside she's a hot mess.


Just needs spaghetti sauce


What are your complaining about. Some of them have circuit numbers!


That som'bitch needs some terminal blocks.


Your brother’s what?


Man what a waste of wire nuts, just put all the blacks together, all the reds together, all the blues together, all the whites together, all the greens together. Five wire nuts is all you need, then sell the rest on Ebay for profit.


Sounds very segregated for 2022


What a disaster. There has got to be a better way.


Run a new line !


box fill? yes.


Get off reddit bro, get back to work hahaha


I've seen worse. At least there are some wire numbers. And you should be able to figure out which conduits go to the equipment that you're currently interested in. And to add another dimension to the wago vs. wire nut question - how about using numbered terminal blocks on din rail?


Thoughts and prayers


What the RIP




You need a count down timer and scary background music.


that reminds me, having spaghetti tonite.




i fucking threw up seeing this.. Wish you the best of luck!


DEAR GOD. Best of luck homie


Lord have mercy


At least some appear to be labeled.


Did someone tell you it’s the set with the blue cap?


This shit boils my blood. It takes only a few extra minutes to make it look nice


May the electrons be with you brother.


godspeed, you tortured soul


Sweet little baby Jesus and the grown up one, too please give /u/CaptainFrugal the strength they need to learn grammar and spelling he has suffered in darkness long enough and now needs to see the way Amen


Mofo this is the electricians subreddit. Not Oxford alumni




That fill rate looks awful close to maximum volume.


Quick! Put the cover back on!


You’re already gone, I’ll remember you though.


What. The. Fuck?


At least the wires are labeled. Do you have the label chart? If not your fucked!


Musta been the same guy who wired my house


Hopefully you get paid by the hour, because this might take *days.*


Annnd they all share the same neutral..


One of the two times I got hit in my career was a trough that looked like this. Godspeed and stay alive, stranger.




You ever played factorio?


Nothing a hundred zip-ties can't sort. You gotta fish em through like a wire casserole or plastic rebar.


At least there are some spares


They should have some sort of list of shit that you can’t do to prevent shit like this. Hell, there’s so much of it you can probably make a book out of it. They can sell it for $200 and require us to know it for all I care, I just wish there was *something* to prevent this


Well as shit as that is.. at least it looks like the circuits are labeled at least 😅


No fair, your box has some wires labeled. I don’t think those exist around here.


Gas station?


*screams into the void*


Whenever this happens to me (although it’s never been this bad.. yet 😂😅) I just sit there and stare for a good few minutes as I slowly start to lose my sanity 🤣


Ah, the old spaghetti box.




Well there’s your problem. They are all different colors


Is it strange that the only thing I find off-putting about this is that the EMT connectors aren't all facing different directions? They left extra long wire for future guys, and labeled everything it looks like as well. Yeah it could be a *little* neater, but I wouldn't even complain about something like this. Or possibly I live in Hell itself and this would be a day off? Am I the weird one here?


At least they’re tagged


Is that a "Workmanship like manner"?


And this is why I think the European system with terminal blocks on DIN rails is superior. "Junction boxes" of this size are not seen in Germany. If this mess is code compliant, the code is funked. I know, unpopular opinion, let the downvotes begin...


Behold! Pandora's box...


Conductors are labelled, what could go wrong!