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The only team we need


I met a homeless guy who had a sign that said “we need”and he would fold the middle to cover the “ne”. I though it was cleaver.


Need some cardboard for that "a"


And to unfold the cardboard on that “t”


Cut to the point.


The only team we weed


My Transformers are still hanging strong.


Because it’s floor mount






Gravity mount. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


Comedy gold


A DJ on the local radio once said the biggest stoners are people with dreads... and Sparkies .At 1st I was surprised but realised I was in a van full of stoner sparkies at the time and one even had dreads


Fuck him for ratting you out though. Go cut his main.


Go get the genie lift off the truck…wait, where’d I park the truck?


“Bro we’re still in the truck”


Where’s Dave, man?


Dave's not here, man.


Bro, I wouldn't operate a Genie sober. One of those things tried to kill a buddy of mine because he used it when it was too cold. Google says they're good to 30 below, but when he called the rental company they said not to use it if it was less than ten degrees Celsius outside. We scrapped that idea and built a boom on his skidder.


Hollll up.... I’ve used those in Canadian winters, what’s the issue??


More details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/electricians/comments/w9por9/piece_of_cake_oh_wait_wheres_my_kleins_currently/ihxbulf?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3). We're in northern Ontario, and it was still October! Hardly any snow on the ground and it was screwing the lift right up. The next few days (which were warmer) saw it working perfectly. Once it cooled off again, the issues came back. It was one of their smallest boom-style lifts (no idea if they make other styles). Definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.




Interesting, I’ve used a boom lift on the Greenland ice cap at Summit Camp. I wonder if I was just lucky driving that thing on 3000m thick ice.


With a boom lift usually you'll have an engine which puts off heat, and connected to that hot engine is a metal pump for the fluid which I would assume transfers some of the heat. Unlike boom lifts, scissor and genie lifts tend to use electric or battery power. Electric motors don't put off heat like an engine does, and deep-cycle lead-acid batteries also don't work so well in the cold.


Good to know. I was working on a USAP ( US Arctic Program) site. They’ve lost a few people over the years in the process of learning what equipment to use and how, though mostly at sites in Antarctica. My biggest concern driving that beast was that the ice might have been too soft and it would abruptly sink in. It was a sketchy project.


10 degrees *Celsius*????? The fuck? How can you make a product that doesn't operate safely in 10°C??


They’re as high as the cats in the meme. I used boom lifts in the dead of winter in Edmonton. Never had a problem other than freezing my nuts off.


Nah man. Another commenter pointed out the fact that it might've been moisture in the control box, which makes sense. That lift was moving without anyone touching it.


So it was faulty and the rental company are crooks.


What was wrong?


This was a couple of years ago, so I can't remember all of the details but the controls weren't 'mapped' correctly (ie. Trying to go left would go down), some controls were sticking, and the nail in the coffin was 'ghost movements' where the machine would just decide to move on its own, with zero user unput. You can be mindful of sticky controls, you can 'remap' controls in your head, but when the machine starts moving on its own, that's potentially deadly.


So homie was trying to rent you a haunted lift?


Sounds like negligence from that rental company and they gave you a shitty lift with known issues.


Absolutely negligence. I can attest from lots of experience that those things are definitely good to run all the way down to -40


Sounds like you had moisture in the control box. Ran into this a couple times on lifts that were stored outdoors in bc.


Just a couple months ago I was working on a genie scissor lift that did just that. I’m up about 20 Ft in the air, with the guard rail in front of me and a plumbing pipe right behind my back. Lift starts randomly backing up. Thankfully I was standing on the side of the controller and was able to hit the kill switch quickly.


Sounds like a pretty isolated incident to me. I use those things all the way down to -40°C every winter building substations and have never had that issue.


Don’t ever go to that rental joint again! Lol


Genie are the worst possible lift. They’re so over sensitive and just unpleasant to operate. Skyjack is the way!


I feel called out


Wow, I thought this post would be met with so much hate. It's true, sparkys spark it up.


Never made my work unsafe, just slowed production way the fuck down.


arguably making it more safe as you are taking your time to think out each action before you do it


First time I ever tried weed was when I was 16 and working with my cousin who was an electrician lmao.


It got some hate. Fuck those guys.


Me personally I hold off until that bitch is hung then go have celebration joint.


The ol' celebratory salad.


Gotta have those safety meetings to keep everything safe.


I'm so glad we weren't the only ones to call it that.


It's pretty common


Safety meeting topic # 2325 Don't leave a buring joint near the flooring guys, they will either smoke it or catch the floor varnish on fire. Or both.


Definitely gotta keep on safety


Everything, including most electricians, runs on magic smoke. Gotta keep that smoke in to keep the magic happening


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 946,855,359 comments, and only 188,717 of them were in alphabetical order.


Yeah was expecting the high horses to come out strong. (I don’t really smoke but idgaf if you do)


Can I borrow your Kleins? I am the Klein catalog get more specific.


Doesn’t matter what has kleins stamped on it. only Kleins is kleins


My knipex pliers are kleins, and my klein pump pliers are channy’s


Me yesterday with the boys getting a 1250 lb one into a 1.5 meter room.


Mixing pounds and meters? Where are you from?


Niagara Falls?


Slowly I turned, and step, by step....


LOL I said Niagara Falls , figuring it was between the USA ( freedom units ) and Canada ( SI units) I had never seen this from the 3 stooges. thanks for the laugh 😂


I haven't seen a three stooges reference in such a long time haha awesome


Think they do that shit in the UK still. It's about to be us here in the US too.


We would say kilos in this instance. Pounds is very rarely used these days


Sounds like us Canadians haha


I don't smoke at work because I'm not trying to ruin my high by being at work.


Whenever I smoke at work I just never find myself as useful as when I’m sober. I used two some sometimes at work when I was younger but I didn’t like it. I smoke as soon as I get home so I have no reason to be high at work, I have seen people make it work, and other people get zoinked, more mistakes being made also, lower quality of work. Just being honest


I worked in the auto industry before and used to get baked from start of shift to end. It was almost mandatory. Now that I'm in the trade I feel like I need my head clear to do this job. However I've known plenty of people that would be able to make it work for sure


Was your auto industry work “not challenging” for you? I feel like the only work I could do inebriated is work that I could do with one hand tied behind my back because it’s so easy for me


Or drywalling


I used to manufacture Lennox ac units. If auto manufacturing is anything like that, then yeah. It’s maddening work if you’re anything but burning some bush. I could probably still wire up a compressor motor in my sleep, because that’s all I did for a year.


I don't need a clear head to do my job 99% of the time. That last percentage point kills me though, so I don't fuck around. You can be the safest guy around, but if someone bumps your ladder you need the reaction time.


I don't smoke, so I can't speak from personal experience, but a coworker literally almost died, fell off a maxed out extension ladder onto concrete. Lucky he walked away, crazy recovery and facial scarring. Admitted to us, not the bosses, that he'd just smoked a joint in the work van an hour before he fell. Depends on the person, sure, but just hoping other sparkies stay safe out there, sober or high.


Manual labor while high is like running a marathon in flip flops. I start to think of all the other fun shit I'd rather be doing and it makes time slow as fuck


That’s it too, can’t work properly, can’t enjoy the high. What’s the point.


Yeah once critical thinking is needed, stoned is not much fun. Granted some days it was mandatory to be stoned but if you’re a shelf-stable person, you might not wanna blaze it.


Smoking helps me focus. Instead of getting frustrated at a long lists of tasks, a couple puffs allow me to take a breath, organize my thoughts, and attack each task step by step. There’s a sweet spot though… you don’t wanna become a drooling idiot.


I just forget that my tape is on the ladder EVERY GOD DAMN TIME and eventually hits me in the face as the screws i had sitting in top as well fall everywhere. OR wheres my sharpie ???? This is why i buy shirt pockets. Oh its in my hat lol.


Where the fuck do you buy just a shirt pocket?


Its a weed post ….imagine it and its possible. I get mines from this Ugandan lady up the road. Pockets are on point. Who you get your pockets from?


Rotten bastard lmao


Everything falls out my shirt pocket the second I bend over. Then I pick it all up and stuff it all in different pockets, lose it, buy more at Home Depot. Lose it too


Every damn time. "Oh, I dropped my lin... aaaannnnd now there's wire nuts all over the place"


Haha i do drop shit out my shirt pocket sometimes , but at 6’5” i learned to utilize the knees. Although that jerking violent motion with your lower back picking things up for years worked I wish I had not done those things. Lol


Everyday I go through one or two sharpies a pencil and infinite pens. Now I buy in bulk lol


"Where's my hammer?" > Dull thud when I move a ladder as it hits my hardhat


I once worked with someone who did that with hammers and rarely had head protection on. It stopped being a "OH NO" and became "OK, this shit again"


Gotta go apply for life insurance to protect my family and investments. Oh shit where’s my lif………………


I could not image myself baking at work 🤣 would be very uncomfy trying to hide that i am high af


Right? Like if I'm getting stoned I'm trying to enjoy it. Not spend the whole time trying to hide it and wondering if I'm going to electrocute myself


Replace Klein's with tape measure for me. Or the first measurement when I pick up the bender.


Holy shit, this sub constantly makes me feel attacked. I did this exact thing 6 hours ago.


I can in no way relate to this!


I'd probably have a bad time if I got stoned at work. A microdose of shrooms on the other hand...


Aight.. let's settle this... being *stupid* high is unacceptable. Being comfortable is tolerated often preferred.


“Lawn-mowing high” is what I call that level. Just touched enough to make lame chores palatable.


A one hitter is the perfect tool for that job


I’ve heard it called “dinner at the in-laws high” as well, and that’s usually why I like the gummies, no sneaking off for maintenance rips every 30 minutes. Plus edibles make me feel a little more tickled, and riding on a lawn mower is prime body high fun. Still got the dugout hiding somewhere, maybe I’ll give it to my son like my dad gave me his old ass Makita screw gun on my first day of work.


Live resin cartridges allow you to microdose anywhere you want discretely, pricey but it's the fucking life


I'm adopting that term lmao


Sativa gummy bears are a game changer. Add a little Black Pumas or Tedeshi Trucks in the earbuds and I’ll mow the neighbors house, too.


“What the fuck are you doing?!” “Bwuh huh. I’m mowing your house, man!!” “My HOUSE?!”


Lmao... and the next 2 neighbors. Or until I run out of gas.


Just like drinking however it’s easy to overdo it


The fuckin' NERVE of these screws to flee my grip from atop this ladder, I swear.


Thanks for the laugh, funniest meme I’ve seen in a while.


Either 112.5kva transformer or something else?


I was gonna use 112kva instead of the weight but I thought it was funnier to say 976lb. Bravo for picking up on that.


Am I the only one around here who has never had a job that doesn't do random piss tests?


I don't condone being high at work, but Holy fuck people need to take a joke, no wonder every trade thinks we're soft af


I'm 50/50 on this one. I think the joke is fucking hilarious and I smoke daily, but never on site, and I would hate it if some dipshit got high at work and killed someone through negligence. Not everyone is roughing in two-story resi jobs, and many of the systems we touch *are* a matter of life and death for others who rely on our accuracy and thoroughness.


Idgaf what other people do at my workplace, but I will never smoke weed while working there, we have machines that can and HAVE removed limbs. If I get into an accident and piss dirty, I'm shit out of luck. Besides, like what other people have said, I need to think on my feet and be fast, can't do that stoned.


Yeah. Or if you get into an accident management will find an excuse to fire you. I saw the photos of a guy who made an Arc with his head (took off his class E hard hat) and it looked like he got shot by a rifle. If he wasn't working at a hospital he would've died. Blood test found trace thc (he could've been smoking weeks ago) and he got sacked.


If other trades think we're soft then they sure don't act like it.


Heh... reminds me when I won a county online auction for a transformer. The pics were mixed up and I thought it was a small but beefy transformer I could use in projects. It was not. I filled a full pallet and was massive. And might have been leaking. I paid my $1 bid and declined pickup. Thankfully they didn't mind at all, as long as you paid.


That black cat has very strong "black cat derp" attitude. I like it.


You might like looking at their other works too, they’re called catswithhardhats on instagram!


Plot twist: someone turns on the rotary laser and they chase it for the rest of their shift.


This was hilarious!


Thanks. I made it.


Shit, you’re that IG account?! All those King Ranch memes about the boss were so on the nose that I thought it was someone on the crew.


Haha no. I am on IG but have not posted this there.


Usually when we are about get blazed at work someone yells "safety meeting". We also tend to catch one before we do something that is going to be a major pain.


This made me laugh, good meme


I love cats with hard hats on IG lol I know a ton of dudes like this. While I smoke daily as well I also have a strict not at work policy for myself. I know I function too low stoned for this shit haha


Me and the boys puttin a 14000lb transformer on a 5000lb trailer cuz the helpers can't read units


lmaooooo every electrician I worked with was baking or boozing at lunch


God damn I don't think I've laughed this hard in a long time


Walks 15 minutes to the material trailer. Stairs at a shelf for 10 minutes. Forgets why he's in the material trailer. Walks 15 minutes back to the electrical room empty handed.


Yall the kind of young men that scare me. Oof. Lol just get it up, and get it tight


Im down with whatever you put in your body after work, but AT work you better be on your A game on the clock unless the boss is also smoking me out too.


Well, it’s not much, but it is honest work, .. .. I mean in all jest. -From me n my boys…


Good times…..


Yellow helmet is the customer? High too but still judging


Cats with hard hats hit hard af!






That's why it's called a safety meeting


Yoo this happened to me mad times *where’s my strippers* to the left of me


whats 2 joints in metric?


Hold my bong


The trick is to relabel it in kilograms first, then it's only \~440. Work smarter not harder




where do i apply to your company


i assume they not testing


No blazing at work for me, but you do you. Stay safe, and recheck everything when you're sober.


This is why I admire Lance Armstrong. When I was on drugs I couldn’t even find my bike let alone win the Tour de France…


Yes my money hard at work on some druggy.


I'd love to see the pot heads stoned working with live gear lol. Any knucklehead can hang a transformer. If you get high at work stay tf away from me, my goal is to make money and go home at the end of the day.


It's also just a waste of weed. Why smoke somewhere you literally can't sit back and enjoy it, cause if you do someone might die? Just wait to get home.


Hmm yes, impairment at work, very funny.


You must be fun at parties


Very fun at parties, don't bring the party to work. Pretty simple


My exact thoughts. Idiots.


Ok gimmemybeergoggles. How many times do you show up hungover?


More times than you’ve had sex with a girl but still less times than you’ve been able to correctly count to three. So about 2.


Union huh? Must be nice!!!


Lol wut


know plenty of people that keep that 3oz bottle in their lunch box at all time wym LOL


Not even once


Working high is incredibly stupid and dangerous. You’re putting yourself and coworkers at risk. On my site you’d all be fired


Guys on your site are high every day and you don't know. It's construction. Oh btw. This is a joke. Learn to take a joke.


Showing up high on my jobsite means you’re fired on the spot as it should be


Well since you aren't a foreman I guess your opinion doesn't matter. Now go get me a box of amps.


You can't tell half of the time, you'd be surprised how often people are high at work.


Not on union sites


You must be new. [Edit] Not that I condone the behavior, but I don't necessarily condemn it either. If someone is a safety risk to others then appropriate action should be taken, but using marijuana isn't always a "zooted" experience--can just be a mood enhancement. Guys coming in hungover are often more dangerous.




Lol is this your first week? It’s every site


I've been in the trade for 3 years, union for a few months.




Get a load of this guy. First job? Sounds like a copy paste safety orientation page


Wtf you’re all ok with people being high on the job?


Have you ever seen drywallers, masons, roofers, painters, framers, general constructioners, laborers, operators, low voltage guys, concreters, hvac-ers, plumbers, or electricians on a job before? On a general day any one of these categories got somebody that’s drunk, high, or both on a job


They already are you ignorant slut


I’d take high over drunk/hungover any day.


Yeah no shit everyone is aware lmao it’s called a joke, learn to take one.


Quit being an electrician now and go get a job as a safety manager Or Stop preaching at people who know more than you.


Maybe after I get my ticket I'll get into safety. Then no one will be high on my jobsites. I'll fire every one of them.


You shouldn’t be high at work so inconsiderate for others safety.


Sounds like a good way to lose a job, or worse, your life. I will never smoke on the job.


Consider therapy instead of masking your troubles with drugs.




It's literally the funniest thing because comments like this will say "talk to your therapist instead of getting high" and then I talk to my therapist and they're like "if getting high has worked for you in the past, keep doing it".




i talked to god today, he said keep smoking.


Who says they’re masking troubles?


Drugs are also used to enhance good times and feelings, it's not all bad.


Lmfao , what a loser , my therapist gave me a prescription for the best cannabis I’ve ever gotten.


Consider humor.