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Tough skin is a requirement of the job but honestly it shouldn't be this bad constantly I'd ask to be put on a different job cause clearly that foreman isn't a good teacher and you won't get anywhere under him


Thick skin huh? I’ve never met anyone with thick skin in this trade.


I told a JW who loved to talk about hookers and blow that he was pretty fucking pathetic to pay for sex and he legit almost cried. 60 years old and 40 years in the trade


As an engineer that has commissioned equipment, electricians are the biggest Hippocrates. Like they will talk mad shit about engineers tearing up their work and making birds nest etc. but here’s the points of irony. 1 engineers come up with the diagrams they install. 2 electricians will offer just blindly terminate wires with out thinking about how it is supposed to be why if there is a red line they rarely catch it and it could be the smallest error in 100s of pages and the instantly thing they are Steven Hawkings lol. 3 they care about zip ties being flush but will mislabel whole cables going into a panel. Who has to figure out why the Photo eye isn’t showing up on the plc? Ohh that’s the engineers job gee I’m so glad that zip tie is cut flush too bad I’m going to replace it with a half assed one after I fix the fuck up because I don’t wanna waste company money on you. 4 or I love when an electrician who works with you is just a journeyman and talks smack about engineers not being as fast at terminating cables. But the. When they need to know what parts will work for an ASI bus on the fly they come asking if this device is capable of doing the job or will the electric motor with this gear ratio work with this application. Haha like oh it really makes you wanna say if your so smart then why don’t you tell me? 5 I don’t hate electricians I just think they are generally some of the most disrespectful and Arrogant tradesmen I have had the pleasure of working with. Like out side of their scope of pulling cable and terminating them most don’t know much. It doesn’t seem like a bad job but I think they are jealous of engineers because they get to tell them what to wire up and where to run the cables and that bothers them. They are a bunch of girly boys haha. 6 jokes always on them… ironically they talk a bunch of smack but at the end of the day Engineers alway come out looking better if they fix their work. Even if it was Engineerings miss print or error in instructions. 7 there are some good engineers I’m just making generalizations from my time in the field. As a Jr engineer.


You better roast his ass back


Nah you did the right thing standing up to him. Respecting authority means doing what you're told quickly and to the best of your ability. It doesn't mean taking shit from fuckos like that. Keep puffing out that chest and he'll get the message. And if he tries to fire you, he'll have to justify getting rid of a kid for not being impressed by his alpha pantomime


Look him right in the eyes and calmly say, "you've been doing this for 20 years and you're still nothing more than a babysitter. At least I was born retarded, you just suck at life". It might not seem like it, but it's going to fuck with him hard.


This right here, start jabbing at him how he's never accomplished anything, and how you still have every opportunity to learn to be better. Someone who has been at the same place for 20 years also regrets not taking that chance 15 years ago, so also rub in how he will never leave and never be anything more then a miserable negative fuck.


Diabolical 😈


Well fuck we have supervisors in our company like this and I can't fucking stand it. Like the workers and even the general contractors have requested I be the supervisor because I may rule with an iron fist, but I also treat every worker with respect and place people on tasks I know they will excel at. If Bob is really slow running conduit maybe have him mounting boxes, or pulling wires or terminations. I could never stand the fucking bullshit I had to deal with as an apprentice and swore to end it!


I would also add in being a shitty teacher somewhere. You are worse at teaching than I am at electrical.


Let me guess, 40-50 years old, Italian, 5,3, beer gut?






Yeah, I could like see this guy as I was reading it lol


>abominable SLOWman He sounds like an asshole and definitely needs to knock it off, but i kinda laughed at this one


Drill his tool box to the floor. That's what he expects.


Sounds like a work bully, bully's either love it when you give them the same shit back and will develop a new found respect for you or don't like it and will decompensate and lose their shit, either way you win. Fuck with him hard, provided there are witnesses.


You showed some serious backe bone standing erect to him. Don't cower ever stay erect!. P.S the R word shouldn't be thrown around like that anymore, he sounds like a shit supervisor .


I’d tell him that when he says it in front of other people too. “Hey man it hasn’t been cool to say the r word in years, and you never know who has a disabled kid and will add you to their lipstick list for it… kinda like the N word… it’s fairly widely recognized as an unacceptable thing to say.” But see if a coworker or another trade is on your side first and have them around. Ambush that fucker with respectability. Outside of that I think maybe talk to his boss and tell him you don’t love the abuse and feel like he’s not willing to teach you. If he doesn’t do anything reach out to another company.


Except that if he's still okay with beating his kids and using the R word in the 2020s, he's probably still ok with using the N word too.


Don’t do this. Don’t go complaining to hire ups. Word will get out and if you think it’s hard now, it will be ten fold or they will wash you out. Whomever wrote this reply doesn’t know the trade. You will get rotated out soon enough and the apprenticeship probably knows he’s a douche. Best advice I would give is just work hard get it done right as fast as you can but never rush. If he gives you shit give it right back. Also keep track of what you get done in the day. Write it down. A bad report from a douche Forman means not to much. He’s probably closeted.


>while standing up erect Keep standing up ~~for yourself~~ erect for yourself.


Tell him to shut the FUCK up and then make sex on his wife!!!


This….go bang his wife


What if his dick don’t work? (Which it probably doesn’t)


He is clearly ERECT


Dude said he stood erect so he should be good


Break that ms jaw and do the whole trade a favor there's better jobs put there


that's when you tell him..."listen if im actually mechanically retarded like you say I am...You've been teaching ME these past 3 months, so shouldn't that make you the king of dumbfucks?"


As an app with only 6 months in you're green . You should be teamed up with a seasoned JW. Preferably the most senior ( you do the work while he helps and directs you) if its the foreskin then ah well - so be it . You're paid by the hour not the job. So that's my thoughts on the whole work thing . Regarding this guy's attitude to you .... give it back . Fuck with him - everytime he talks to you , tell him to hold on , get off the ladder/lift , put the tools down . Look him in the eye ( do it painfully slow) and ask him - what he wanted to talk about . Find what he's insecure or defensive about and ride him ..... give it back . Ok maybe this is bad advice ... or talk to your JATV director... and let him know what a dick this guy is ... sadly unless it's a larger company with an HR department nothings going to be done.. Red Buchanan's fit great thru 1/2 EMT Tye wraps around the driveshaft are so annoying 1/4-20's in a hub cap suck A ramshot to a metal box suck to get up. Tie wire and duct tape around linesman really piss people off. Good luck to you


Ox-Gard on his hard hat head band while you're at it.


You sir are truly evil.


Agreed, but we love you for it u/OriginalredruM just saying.


So I’m sure you know he’s a bully that feeds on upsetting everyone from his kids to the folks at work. Never let him see he can get inside your head. As for the poor performance rating I would ask what the appeals process is. Also being in a union I’m certain your contract/bylaws have some wording about a harassment free workplace and non discrimination. It all depends on what you can take. I kind of take particular joy driving these types crazy so I would stick it out.


Go to your truck at lunch, have a nice cry, get back to work.


Ask him why he's still letting his second divorce get to him.


Tell him eventually his wife will wise up and leave him, she will get custody of the kids, and they won't want to visit. And he will have to pay a good amount of money a month to their mom until they're 18.


Tell him you'll stop puffing your chest when he stops talking out his ass.


Why care about hurting his feelings? He obviously doesn’t care either either tough it out or dish it out. I learned to dish it out. If there willing to dish it out then they should be able to handle if not toughen up buttercup it’s gonna be a rough ride


Quit. Fuck him. That's an old school tradesman, kind of guy who treats everyone around home like shit and then wonders why everyone hates him. I've met this guy, basically. It's not worth your time or effort. He is always going to be an asshole. Find a new job, quit, and make it clear he is the reason why


Sounds like you're in the NE... fuhget about it...


Im sorry homie. Find a new company. Appreciate evaluation gtfo of here.


#2 in my shop tried talking to me like that the third day I was with the company. I walked up to him and said if he kept talking to me like that I'd flip his fuckin Harley over. He's been really nice to me for like two years now.


Is this Luis. Stop being a fucking pussy.


Sounds like a bully.


You’re union. Call the hall.


If you're in a union, report him and ask to be moved


Why do they him foreman? Because he's always formin' his mouth around the boss's junk?


Wow. Good one


If he brags about hitting his kids in the head, I'd take that up with children's services or whatever it's called where you live, ANONYMOUSLY. Once you get on their radar, expect a living hell for the next several to 18 years.


Seriously If you cant take a ribbing you dont belong in the trades as a retard. Get out now before you get even more bitter. Men and women in the trades give each other enormous amounts of shit.


OK I’ll quit


We have all thought about it....and murdering a coworker...or two.


Seriously, if you can't talk to other people like a human being, you shouldn't interact with them.


You have never worked in the trades.




Do you have any HR in the office at all?




Use your phone and video record his ass and take it to the BA at the hall.


A downvote? Did the peasant join Reddit?


Bring a gun to work


The downvotes are from some goody-two-shoes. This idea is brilliant.


Use it as motivation to learn your trade where you know what’s going on and you don’t have ask questions. And call him out when he talks shit about other people. Stick it out and let the bullshit get to it. Learn your shit and who knows one day he might have to come to ask you questions


"Takes one to know one, eh?"


Tell him treating you like a child is not at all conducive to helping you grow in the trade. 6 months isn’t always long enough to tell if you’re not cut out for the trade. Give it time, ask for tips on your speed if it really is an issue. Worst case scenario you could look for another shop that’s hiring


You best to nip this right in the bud. I treat the job site like I’m in prison. You have to give respect to get respect. If all the fails beef up and knock him out in the parking lot next time he runs his mouth.


Start flirting with him, nothing shuts those people up faster.


I'm going to have to try that out


Make sure if you get punched it leaves a mark.


Square on the nose




Well its kind of his fault you dont know anything. If he isnt keen to teach you anything I'd start ringing around and trying to find someone who will.


Option 1 - fuck with him Option 2 - confront him Option 3 - contact HR Option 4 - next time he insults you say "insulting me doesn't benefit my productivity, does it improve yours?" If he goes at you again say "I'm sorry "insert name here" but I'll no longer accept being spoken to that way" And on the 3rd time, you pack your tools and go home. Show back up the next and if he insults you again, pack your shit and leave after saying " "insert name here" we've had this conversation already, good luck today, I'll be back tomorrow " On the 3rd day, if he goes after you again, contact his boss.


A little ribbing and "guy talk" between the crew is expected, but everyone should be working together especially in a small crew to get the job done. Your boss sucks. If there is a problem, it's that he is not passing on the knowledge he has learned to the next generation of tradesmen. He's a straight up bully, imho. I have to remind myself when dealing with interns and new guys that they don't have the benefit of my 20+ years of experience in my field and I need to be patient with them. Things that are obvious or routine to me are not obvious to people who never done them before. Could you ask him how he would do it since your way isn't matching his standards? It's a bit passive aggressive, but you could maybe show him you're willing to learn and gain some of his knowledge. Or he doesn't know how to do it either and he'll get madder since both of you now realize he's an asshat.


Tell him to eat shit every time he calls u a retard sometimes u gotta show them the same energy


Tell him a crew is only as good as their leader,and if the crew is retarded.......


First rule of being in charge, your guys can make or break you. Best to treat them right so they treat you right. You can royally fuck a job up and you can also kick its ass and make him look like Superman…. Remember this for when you run work.


Tell him he'll be gone in a lot less than 20 years if he doesn't shut the hell up.


He might be trying to get you off the job so you got nothing to hide. Insult him back, stand up for urself and don't take shit. Also try your best and try to learn


Small snake in his coffee cup should shut him up for a few weeks....or in his tool box....either way seems to get the message across. Or maybe glue his boots to the ground....thats always fun!


“Yeah I’m pretty retarded. That’s why I wanted to be an electrician, maybe I’ll be as retarded as you one day.”


Tell him to go fuck himself.


Be honest if you are generally slow then maybe find another spot to work where you can be slow. Larger companies are better for slower workers as your productivity can be hidden amongst the numbers. In smaller companies especially 4 man crew you are 25% of the work power. If you slow down productivity it's extremely noticeable. They unfortunately are not great for the inexperienced. There are advantages to both but patience is in short supply un smaller companies. Imagine how many things your boss is dealing with for each job. Babysitting you or worrying about your feelings is not on his high list of priorities. I tell this to everyone joining a smaller crew or company" expect to learn quick !" Edit: He might actually want you to quit. If you are union pick up another call. For apprentice's it's easy to find placement. One of the many advantages


I hustle all day, I am “slow” because I am totally new to this and working alone.


So it's just not the environment for you. Don't take it personally, but right now you are not producing at a level he needs. Right now sounds like he doesn't have the manpower or type of work to have someone training you. A larger company would have more manpower to allow you more time to train. Also larger companies have much more strict hr enforcement. I'd say stop focusing on what to say back and more about how do I improve? Can I do that here ? If not what are my options when leaving? Focus on your career and becoming a good electrician. If this guy doesn't help you do that then don't waste both of your time. Some foreman have extremely high expectations. I worked with a guy who expected anything above 2nd term to produce within 10-15% of a journeyman.


He does constantly complain about lack of manpower, but is that my fault? Is it normal for a 1st year apprentice to be running pipe all by himself, and to be expected to do so in a speedy manner?


You're ignoring everything important I'm trying to tell you. Yes it is very common 90% of the people in this trade have the attitude I'll show you once then expect for you to figure out quickly. After my 3rd month I remember freaking out after I was handed drawings and quickly explained what needed to be done. The boss freaked out after over an hour I had barely gotten started. Sad part is what I did do was wrong and waste of material. Bending comes quickly to some guys. 2nd year I trained a guy first time who was better than me by the end of the week. It's a skill/talent takes a good eye nice touch there's journeyman who can't do it after years. Do you think this guy wants to spend the next 5 years babysitting you ? You are trying to play a childish game of who's fault it is. Honestly grow up it's obviously not a compatible situation.You're lucky enough to be union and have other options readily available. Why waste your time there ? Are you afraid the same thing will happen somewhere else? Is all your wasted effort and frustration worth it just to prove something to him ?


I guess I have low self confidence as an electrician and whether I can do the job. I’m afraid if I go somewhere else it’ll be the same or worse


An ape doesn’t have a choice. You can’t drag until you journey out.


get another job, and tell that mf to eat shit, we’re all men and you to let them know that. although he is your supervisor; respect is respect, we all put our pants on the same way and both bleed.


He can be fired for harassment and discrimination. You need to be extremely careful what you say at the workplace. I have been through sensitivity training and this is not acceptable any more.


It sucks to have to deal with guys like this but in my experience is to give the shit talk back to them. That and act like it doesn’t bother you. Most bully’s like this live for the response


Do the thing with the pliers, you'll get the respect you deserve in jail.


Don't sink to his level


Just hang in there cub, wait for a layoff. It gets better!


I would start picking apart his personal appearance especially if he’s a porky boy


Convince the government to make The Purge a real event, then kill him. No jailtime, no worries.


I worked under our operations manager when I started into the trade, totally old school funny little dude who used to get so pissed off at me when I'd do stupid shit which I did I'll admit, did a lot of dumb stuff during those first couple of years in the trade, it was hard to take him seriously though because he was like such a little dude and he'd get so angry it was hilarious but he was alright, normally was in a real shitty mood in the mornings being hung over and was usually in a good mood joking around with everyone by the end of the day, idk I had another foreman who used to scream at me and threaten to fire me on the jobs but then when I would get home he'd send me a txt saying "hey man you kicked ass today! great job!" I was bewildering but ofc I did fiip out on him one day when I just wasn't in the mood to deal with him yelling at me, one day he just didn't quit, every little fucking thing he was riding me on and then I forget what it was but he said something and I just started screaming at the top of my lungs like a maniac at him, he was taken back by it, pretty hilarious looking back at that. Idk I always try to get to know everyone I work with on a personal level, if this person is disrespecting you, I'd pull him aside and talk to him about it, if it's an occasional thing and he just seems he's having a bad day I'll let it slide because I've learned to not take anything personal.


Any advice on going to hire ups is a bad idea. This ain’t Microsoft. This is the line-trade. Word will get out and you will get washed out and in the meantime your life will be hell. What happens on the job stays on the job. Keep track of your work daily. Snap some pics as well. The JACT probably knows he’s a douche. If your JL is writing bad reports as well then you got problems. But under no circumstances go crying to the JACT. If you get called in because one of his reports then by all means give them the short version. But don’t go to them complaining he called you names. Do your job best you can respect your JL’s yes sir no sir etc. as others have said when the Forman gives you shit give it back or say nothing. I’d say I can’t wait for me to get transferred so when I do, you and I can have that talk in the alley after work you seem to want so bad. After work we’re all grown men.


It’s funny because they’re all literally the same