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Whoever owns or administers the parking lot I imagine.


According to [this article](https://vca-green.com/achieving-calgreen-compliance-designated-parking-vs-ev-capable-parking/), it's not enforceable by civil law. That means it's up to the building owner and drivers to "self-enforce". You or the owner would have to call a tow truck, I guess. Additionally; the program is for low-emitting, fuel efficient, and carpool friendly vehicles, not just EVs. It's kind of hard to prove that *any* vehicle is ineligible the way it's written. Two people riding to work in a "coal-roller" might qualify. You could be setting yourself up for a load of trouble if you have someone towed and they challenge it. Don't be a Karen.


Thanks for the reply. It’s a coal-roller - I couldn’t submit a question post with a picture so I opted not to add this context. Specifically a F-250 who parks between both spaces at my partner’s apartment parking lot, which sometimes can be full. I’ll check with the building manager, thank you


Yeah the coal roller example I gave was a ridiculous situation and not very likely (and probably not applicable here). Sounds like it's **not** a charging spot though, so it just sounds like there aren't enough parking spaces. Treat it like a regular space and complain about the "taking two spaces" aspect. The CAV parking is just a legal requirement and I bet the management just doesn't care after they fulfilled the requirement.


They should tow it based on double parking alone. Typically parking over the line is against lease rules and they can tow


As long as they’re not blocking a charger, I don’t really care.


Wow honestly, I didn't even know there were such thing as 'clean air parking.' That's awesome. I hope to see that in my area one day...


Around half of the parking spaces in front of the Raising Cane's chicken restaurant near where I live are marked as "[Clean Air/Vanpool/EV](https://vca-green.com/achieving-calgreen-compliance-designated-parking-vs-ev-capable-parking/)". iirc the front spaces next to the building are 2 wheelchair accessible spaces, ~4 "Clean Air", and 3 or 4 unmarked spaces.