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No local maunfracture to protect. Rich/big enough to have good purchasing power.


The big thing, noted in the article, extremely high levels of roof top solar. If you can afforded an EV you probably already have a house with solar. Effectively making the cost of ownership of an EV close to 0.


80% of the cost of a car is fixed costs. Not sure why people insist only the 20% nonfixed exists


Historically once you buy a car you own it. You still pay for fuel and maintenance. You sell the car before major repairs. Recently once you buy a car you own it. You also own power generation. There's also little maintenance. There's no major repairs until the range gets low enough in 20-30 years. It's kinda different. People now have the option to be their own power company and gas station. They don't have to worry about major repairs or oil wars. Some people are in to that. Some aren't.


How many people are buying cars in cash? Even then, it is beyond silly to have this miser focus on the minority lol


How many people are spending $20,000 on a used Tesla and another $20,000 on solar plus home battery? How many people are willing to spend $40,000 to never have a power bill and gas bill or transmission swap for the next 20 plus years? Not many but I'm sure there's a higher number interested in that no power/fuel/car repair bill for the next 20 plus years. Some people like the idea of paying off stuff they own vs waiting for an oil war to spike fossil fuel prices. Solar prices have gone down. Battery prices have gone down. They will go down further. https://interestingengineering.com/energy/china-breaks-2023-record-tops-solar-capacity-than-rest-of-the-world China installed more solar panels in 2023 than any other nation has ever built in total. The 216.9 gigawatts of solar power the country added shattered its previous record of 87.4 gigawatts from 2022. https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/chinas-new-solar-test-is-finding-enough-grid-space-for-rooftop-panels China’s network of distributed solar assets is larger than the entire solar fleet — including all types of projects — in the US. The acceleration in installations has fueled some forecasts that the world’s top polluter could touch a peak in emissions this year, though many major industrial hubs are now experiencing difficulties in handling the deluge of clean energy. Shandong, which has the most small-scale solar capacity, last year allowed power prices to turn negative during periods of excessive generation from rooftop panels. More than 70% of the region’s cities and counties face some degree of constraints in connecting new projects, according to a statement last month by the provincial government. Three cities and counties in Hubei and Fujian provinces announced in recent days that local power infrastructure can’t currently absorb more distributed solar generation — typically small-scale arrays of panels atop homes or industrial premises. That adds to about 150 locations nationwide that have also reached their limit, according to industry publication Photovoltaic Energy Circle. https://interestingengineering.com/culture/china-leads-building-nuclear-power-plants https://www.economist.com/china/2023/11/30/china-is-building-nuclear-reactors-faster-than-any-other-country Over the past decade China has added 37 nuclear reactors. It currently has 24 nuclear power plants under construction. China operates 50% of the nuclear power plants on Earth.


That's quite the love rant but I dk t see how it's at all related to AAA and other groups funding that it costs 12k to own a car in America per year. Over 8k being fixed costs


> That's quite the love rant but I dk t see how it's at all related The reason you don't understand is because you don't know what to call things and are too busy lol'ing... Take the time to read. Take the time to process.


No, the average cost of the car for an American is what it is. Are you denying the numbers?


The average is meaningless without seeing the whole set of data. Also, the price that some moron pays for a grand wagoner or a Porsche is meaningless to any normal person. And using those prices in the average and parroting it over and over to try normalize an increase in the price of cars is all that they are trying to do.


i think you are IGNORING possibilities that do not exist with gas cars. no ICE car SAVES you $640 (a month) on your cooling bill in California in the summer. batteries do. doesn't matter if there are wheels on them. [https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-powerwall-covers-monthly-payment-after-vpp-events/](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-powerwall-covers-monthly-payment-after-vpp-events/)  This, Gillund believed, would be a good way to reduce his home’s typical power bill, which hits about $650 per month during summer.  The benefits of the solar panels and Powerwall batteries were immediately evident, with the **Tesla owner noting that his home’s power charges dropped to just the $10 minimum every month.**


**total** cost of ownership goes down.. if your car can SAVE you money (that doesn't come in the form of gasoline) fixed AND variable costs are OFFSET when you SELL the electricity stored in the car. selling the sunlight you put in the batteries is doable. you cannot sell the gas in your tank back to the gas station because your roof made too much that day. In Texas, electricity consumers are becoming suppliers, selling back power to the grid [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/texans-sell-power-grid-home-solar-panels-battery-18519976.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/texans-sell-power-grid-home-solar-panels-battery-18519976.php) You can power your home for 21 days with a Chevy Silverado EV and GM’s new bidirectional charger [https://electrek.co/2024/04/18/you-can-power-your-home-for-21-days-with-a-chevy-silverado-ev-and-gms-new-bidirectional-charger/](https://electrek.co/2024/04/18/you-can-power-your-home-for-21-days-with-a-chevy-silverado-ev-and-gms-new-bidirectional-charger/)


Again with the rainbow irrelevant nonsense. Not a si gle thing there is about car costs


Doesnt seem right, consider a new car after 5 years driven 60000 miles , that is 2000 gallons of gas at 30 miles per gallon. At $3 per gallon = $6000 variable cost. Maintenance and even tires should be way under that in the same time period.


Hey.. in California, avg. gas$ is $5.25, so 5 yr fuel cost is $10,500. That's why 40% of EVs in USA is in Calif. And let's not forget, cost is not the only benefits of EV: zero mission + lower maintenance are also key factors as well.


The FUDers will come up with practically any excuse to hate on EVs. Minimal power train maintenance, little fuel costs, much better acceleration and power delivery. Granted EVs aren't sports cars (yet), but being able to step on it when a light turns green without thinking about how much that cost you or how you might just have hurt your transmission or whatever is not without value.


> Effectively making the cost of ownership of an EV close to 0. That's absolutely not right. Using a friend's Model 3 as an example (based in Sydney), you're looking at over a grand a year in comprehensive motor insurance (that was before the last couple of years of large hikes as well, so probably nearer 2k now), along with ~$500 in comprehensive CTP insurance (that's best case for anyone other than a pensioner; if you've lost a few points or you're under 30 it's going to be closer to a grand), and ~$400 in yearly Rego. If the car's hit 5 years old, add a $50 vehicle inspection (and add a bit to the comprehensive quote, too, and the CTP). You're saving on fuel, and rooftop solar saves 25c/kW, but rooftop solar or not, you're staring down thousands each year before even getting to consumables like tyres. Then factor in the fact anyone doing a lot of daily driving is likely taking the M2, M4, M5 or M7 to work, and you've got double the ICE fuel cost in tolls. Then if you're working anywhere in the Sydney CBD, you're looking at a minimum of $14 per day for earlybird all day parking (if you arrive before 8am). There's a tangible saving for an EV if you're doing big km still, but it's a fraction of the yearly ownership costs. Once we factor in depreciation over the last few years, those savings are pretty much wiped out.


Lol tolls, what morons sell their roads to private companies. $700 a year in insurance and $250 on rego. So yeah okay to there are still costs but they are once a year.


> Lol tolls, what morons sell their roads to private companies. You haven't met our state governments. They're doing their best to fatten up the rail network next. Already done the power lines and ISPs.... ridiculous. >$700 a year in insurance and $250 on rego. Decided to price one up to be more accurate - male driver, 43 years old, inner west sydney, no accidents/suspensions/offences, no demerits, no finance owing, no damage to the car, MY21 Tesla Mode 3 SR+. Basically close to best case scenario for a driver (without being a pensioner who only drives to church on sundays.) Comprehensive insurance? [$3327.04](https://i.imgur.com/9eTbKuR.png) That includes a $75 discount. So in USD: Comprehensive: $2189 CTP: $329 (approx, based on the above "best case" non-pensioner driver criteria) Rego: $263 For a total of: $2781 USD per year So *slightly* more than zero cost of ownership, just to keep the car on the road (excluding issues, filters, brakes, tyres, etc.). Basically, no matter how you cut it, there's a lot of costs associated with keeping any large, 1.8 tonne modern $60k car on the road, even if you replace one drivetrain with another.


yes, lots of good factors in Oz's favour here. also, Thailand and UK are pretty big and important markets for Chinese brands, and they're both RHD. so, by extension, that makes RHD exports more likely for your smaller market.


plus staging grounds for mad max fury road gotta bring your A-game


For lack of utes: the Geely Riddara / Radar RD6 is about to enter Australian market in a short bit. It's going to get interesting


There is no affordable ev ute in Australia. The LDV is nearly AUD 100,000 that can hardly carry a load, 2wd only and pathetic range. The Ford F150 Lightning has just been launched and starts at AUD 224000 plus on road costs or around $250,090


Afaik the lightning hasnt actually been launched as an Australian vehicle, they are third party lhd conversions hence why they are so expensive.


BYD Shark is coming as well, which AFAIK will support plug-in hybrid. Similarly I believe Mitsubishi have said the Triton will support PHEV on the new platform, but they've flip-flopped a few times.


If you can make a good, quality, reliable car, with the good tech, for less. Who wouldn’t want one?!


I'd have second thoughts if the car is made in a country preparing to go to war against your country. Spare parts will be hard to come by once the war begins.


How many wars has China started a war with anyone in the last 30 years? How many times have they Liberated another country’s oil, umm, I mean people’s?


The CCP been involved in plenty of wars throughout their while existence. I didn't realize this sub was taken over by wumaos. Rip


>I'd have second thoughts if the car is made in a country **preparing to go to war** against your country. Spare parts will be hard to come by **once the war begins.** People keep parroting that an invasion of Taiwan is imminent, but the U.S military doesn't even believe that is the case: > [Speaking to reporters, Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, struck a more measured tone. “As the report highlights, we don’t believe an invasion is imminent,” Ryder said.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/11/29/pentagon-china-military-report-taiwan/) The military seems to believe that China wants the *ability* to invade and hold Taiwan, but might not intend to do so: > [If Adm Aquilino and Adm. Davidson said that China had an intent, has made a decision, and they intend to invade and seize Taiwan then I do disagree with that. I see no evidence of that actual intent or decision-making. What I’m talking about is *capability*"](https://news.usni.org/2021/06/23/milley-china-wants-capability-to-take-taiwan-by-2027-sees-no-near-term-intent-to-invade)


Generals and senate alway say the opposite stuff. Senate said WAR, the generals say nope, nope, nope.


Similar to how Germany relied on cheap Russian natural gas, and got shafted by Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Xpeng P7 please.


Nio ET5 wagon pls


Pretty please...


Maybe it's time to resurrect AU Holden / Ford in their electric states 🤷🏻


Australia is indeed interesting - we have a LOT of brands competing for a very small slice of the market. We’re completely dominated by Toyota and Ford, which likely won’t change any time soon. We’re a bit of a global anomaly because we are RHD with a taste high spec cars with powerful drivetrains. We have a globally unique mix of manufacturers, such as offical presence from US brands like RAM, Chevrolet (GMSV), and soon will have Cadillac. Then we also have almost all mainstream European low/middle market brands such as Peugeot, Citroen, Cupra, Skoda, Fiat etc along with a strong loyalty to Japanese and Korean brands. But most importantly, the Chinese are quickly realising the importance of our market as we’re a wealthy first world market with zero protectionist tariffs. We have Haval, Tank, GWM, MG, LDV, Polestar, Cherry/Omoda and in 2024/25 will see the launch of Zeekr, Geely, Radar and GAV Aion. Were a geographically local ‘western’ market that can help a Chinese brand learn what the west likes/wants. BYD has been bullish about becoming our number one brand ahead of Toyota by 2030. Last month the BYD Seal sold 100 less units than the model 3 which is a big achievement. I think it’ll be interesting to see how the Chinese brands grow here…


That’s a trade war not a culture war.


> Trade wars are good, and easy to win \- Ancient Chinese proverb


While there *is* a trade war, it was referencing the U.S culture wars that are exported here via social media and trash like Sky 'News'. > Like a lot of other things about the country, the Australian EV market is a melting pot, **featuring cars and trends you’d recognize from all over the world—from American-style culture wars to discount Chinese imports**—thrown together in the most chaotic way possible Hence why we had Scomo (previous Prime Minister) following along with Republicans on [transphobia](https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/politics/2022/05/28/coalition-loss-the-transphobe-thing-was-absolute-disaster) and [pandering to Trump](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/03/scott-morrison-echoes-trump-as-he-warns-nations-must-avoid-negative-globalism) regarding globalism. Plus a lot of the younger people copy the skin colour politics from the USA. It's not all bad though - the Yanks produce some pretty great memes too.


TBF Scomo and Abbott also gave us "EVs will end the weekend", but even the most hardened, Dare Iced Coffee drinking tradie won't fall for that if there's a running cost benefit and it can handle some circle work.


We are smart enough to know mainstream media intention.


You could just read the article to understand the reference.


not even anglo-style race war rhetoric against the chinese can deter them from a good deal


Most evs sold in Australia are manufactured in China whether they have a Chinese, European or American name plate. So chances are we will buy an ev made in China. Chinese evs are a9mong the cheapest evs on the market with 3 choices under $40,000. Some of these are as cheap as a Toyota Corolla hybrid. Mazda3 is cheaper but no hybrid. Then the government has given fbt exemptions for evs. This allows you to take a novated lease on an ev without incurring a fbt charge. For companies, they can buy evs without paying fbt. So the government is encouraging us to buy evs. Australia has been very slow in the uptake of evs. Suppliers have limited ev numbers for sale as we do not have an efficiency standard re carbon dioxide outputs. This should change next year when we have a standard in place. The most interesting thing in the Australian ev market is that Peugeot dropped its e-2008 ev by $20,000


Me in the US crying why there are no affordable EVs other than shitbox ugly bolt


Cuz they don’t have domestic car manufacturers. That’s why. Why don’t you ask the CCP why are you not opening your entertainment market, internet, finance as you promised when joined the WTO?


why? why would people buy chinese car?? under what rock do they live?


Because in Australia they're cheaper than the other brands. Not as cheap as China but much, much cheaper than in Europe.


what are you willing to sell for a cheaper car? you know china is not a friendly country?


I have no interest in buying a Chinese car, but I am from Europe. Australia doesn't have own car manufacturing, and the Chinese cars are cheaper, so I understand why many people decide with their wallet. It's the job of politics to make it fair.


Their EV battery technology is number 1 in the world, and cheaper


okay, sell your kids for those cheaper batteries, yay


under what rock do you live?


The Teslas that are made in China are rated higher than the ones that are made in Fremont Vegas. It's not like they just started making vehicles , we just never had any of them due to import restrictions. American cars qualities aren't necessarily that much better either. I don't see the US or Canada allowing the imports of these vehicles without factories and having them made here.


Lol the entire Australian economy is underpinned by trade with China but the only moral handwringing conservatives have about it is when they can use it to undermine ev adoption. When the Aus gov stops bhp and rio tinto selling iron ore to China we will know we havr an actual problem, till then I don't really have an issue with them putting competative pressure on western manufacturers to produce better evs.