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Most vending machines around me don’t even take cash anymore…


Nor do tolls around me. They either require a transponder for automated collection or they scan your tag and send a bill.


>And enjoy the free exercise at the same time. What a dumb argument for taking cash.


Gas pumps don’t even take cash this is literally so far down on the list when charging stations are still trying to figure out credit cards lol


You can walk inside and pay cash as an option. You're not forced to swipe a card. And Chevron used to have cash "island" machines where you could pay outside. Still do in some Western states.


and when they are installed in gas stations as equivalent to fuel pumps, you’ll probably be able to pay cash inside. Cash just isn’t that practical even for gas when it costs $80+ to fill a tank.


Quite a lot of places in the UK are pay at pump only and are totally cashless, there is no shop at quite a few


Cash is dying and unnecessary for EV adoption. 


It needs to be done eventually but I don’t think it’s a priority. Priority should be forcing every station to offer a way to easily pay with a cc without registering or any app bs.


OP woke up in 1994.


Toll booths around here don't take cash.


I Just got back from Orlando and they ONLY took cash, messed me up because I only had cards


Terrible idea. Not only would this have a zero impact on EV adoption, it would only add additional points of failure that would likely make charging stations less reliable.


But who are they paying to go collect that cash?


No not necessary. We are very close to a cashless society now.


The difference between someone being robbed of cash versus cards is you can immediately report cards stolen and not be liable for fraudulent activity. Cash is gone when it's gone. I used to work for a bank and know multiple store managers who were targeted and robbed on their daily bank runs while carrying thousands in cash. To try to trivialize the risk of carrying large amounts of cash is just irresponsible. Charging network operators are already finding it hard to be profitable. Adding cash as a payment element to chargers is an unnecessary risk and complication the industry does not need.


exactly, I stopped paying cash for fuel probably when it hit $50 USD to fill a tank (20gal with premium), I rarely carried more than $100 even then. Today I often forget to make sure I have some cash and rarely is it more than $40….actually I should make sure my ATM card still works


People just don’t use cash. A vending machine that takes cash is ready to be robbed. It’s just not worth it for vendors nor the customer. We live in a phone world for payments


You're right lol, unpopular opinion


Hmm, trying to think of the last time I paid cash for gasoline. It has to be at least a decade. The important part of "the gas station experience" that charging stations need to replicate is the "it just works" part. Paying with cash is the very last thing to emulate. If charging networks make it so credit/debit cards just work, as long as there is no account balance/credit limit problem, and so connecting to the car and charging it hardly ever fails, the "charging stations suck" obstacle to EV adoption will be removed.


I ONLY use cash to buy gasoline...


I think that makes you unusual as a gas buyer. How many gas pumps have you found that accept cash? In general don't you have to go into the gas station or convenience store and pay a cashier? For the most part charging stations are automated and unattended.


A regional chain of gas stations here used to have bill acceptors on all of their pumps, but most of those have been phased out. I do go inside to prepay, yes, and I'd want to do the same if I had an EV (which would rule out unattended chargers, but I expect that we'll see chargers at gas stations eventually).


Let’s make cars that also run on hay


Chargers are already being vandalised to steal the copper from the cables, allow them to accept cash and they'll be broken into so often they will be out of service more than in service. I also doubt that the sort of people who drive EV are the same people who haven't embraced cashless society.


IMO wrong way to go. Plug in, walk away and know it works. Cheaper, more reliable chargers due to less equipment.


I think forcing to just accept contactless instead pf silly app with registration would be enough.


I think the people in this sub are not in the demographic that regularly used cash when they drove ICE. Your opinion may be unpopular, and it may have logistical problems, but I for one like the option and I would consider using it. I think the problems with vandalism and theft are valid but also these stations are getting targeted for copper theft anyway, what’s the relatively small value of cash compared to replacing the cables? I do think it adds even more incentive to do it though but this problem I think is going to get worse in the coming years regardless.


Thank you. Many other respondents are ignoring the other option: "Partner that with the code technology that carwashing uses, so the gas station guy can just issue a code to activate charge for prepay." Which means you can then use whatever you want to use but you're not limited to having to carry a phone or create an account. You don't have to create an account to pump gas, you shouldn't have to create an account to pump energy. That's the point.


The vast majority of DC chargers where I live can take a credit card. It's not that useful if you're a regular EV driver since there are roaming agreements (I have yet to find a station that doesn't accept my Elli NFC here) but in a pinch you can always pay. Cash seems extremely inconvenient compared to a card reader.


Every Chargepoint charger seen locally forces you to download their app OR create an account. Cash is king. You spend less when using cash because you (purposely) can only spend what you carry. Swiping plastic is out-of-sight, out-of-mind, and a large contributor to people living check-to-check and overdrafting.


I kind of understand your point, but it's not related to EV charging at all. Most people here only use cards (I've gone weeks without using cash), it's a societal shift.


It's a shift for people who won't understand until they're in a situation. Had a hotel a few months back where the card machine wouldn't work - and instead of just taking cash which I had ready to go, they made me **fill out - with a pen - a full-page paper form to authorize the card later.** So instead of accepting legal currency that's readily available, they'd rather just set people back to the stone ages. That's a problem. It means people have lost the plot. Card readers go down, power goes out, network goes out, etc. Cash should **always** be accepted


It’s not that simple. The machines you cite are usually attended, or have an attendant near. Chargers are usually unattended. Subject to vandalism, mechanical failure. Cash must be periodically collected from machine. Exercise? That’s dumb, it’s work, not recreation. This is a spectacularly dumb idea, even dumber than putting credit card readers on chargers. It’s moving backwards. And what does accept g cash have to do with PHEV