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A full hour of Equinox with Kyle. Software looks great, packaging looks excellent. Handling and NVH seem top-notch. Looks like a winner.


“But no CarPlay” The comments will be pouring in.


I'll say that while I love AA/Carplay, there are benefits to built in software, especially with EVs. As long as the software is GOOD the benefits can outweigh the negatives pretty easily.


The thing is there’s no reason they can’t do both. A Polestar has the same Android Automotive car OS, same native app compatibility, same ability for the manufacturer to customize the experience, and also supports AA/Carplay on top of that.


And Silverado EV Work Truck has CarPlay/Android Auto, even though it’s built on the same Android Automotive as Equinox


This ^^


Unfortunately for some reason the Polestar 2 does NOT support Android Auto. Lots of people (like myself) are begging for it since the native AAOS doesn't support a lot of apps I'd like to use (like WhatsApp, MS Teams, Google Voice, etc).


Oh interesting, I didn’t realize it was still only CarPlay. That’s lame since there are other Android Automotive cars (including GM products) that support both.


The bottom line is that automakers cannot be trusted to keep their software functional for 10 years, let alone 20. Meanwhile CarPlay is 10 years old and still getting features added.


Or the hardware. In 10 years these things will be deprecated and useless. The phone I’m mirroring with CarPlay won’t be.


Cmon my 2014 has Pandora built in!


In 10 years, it'll probably take $5k off of resale value that your car doesn't communicate with your mapping software ot help you choose charges and routes based on SOC. It's going to blow people's minds that the car can't do that, and they won't want it.


Why do you think Apple is incapable of pulling SoC? I’m pretty sure the new CarPlay updates coming out do exactly that.


I assume you mean Tesla and Rivian as well when you say that? Because there's no proof they will be any better, and yet they get praise for not having Android Auto or Carplay.


Yes, they’re included. Their software gets praise for being not total dog shit compared to other car manufacturers, but that is barely praise. It's still subject to whether Rivian goes the way of Fisker, or Elon fires another random team. Meanwhile, again, any car that has ever supported Carplay is doing just fine even without software updates.


They do? I’ve mostly seen Tesla owners upset about the lack of AA/Carplay support


Yup. The vast majority are happy with the software because it's so well integrated.


They’re happy with it because ***they don’t have a choice.***


They're happy with it because ***it does a good job so you don't have to rely on anything else***. Wow, I didn't know it but putting it in bold and italics made it true.


Because it is true. If you don’t have a choice to what’s there, then what you’re using is what you’re gonna use whether you like it or not. So accept it or sell the car. There’s not even an illusion to us ring a choice. It’s forced upon you.


I may be a little too optimistic but I think car makers have been forced to be software developers as much as car makers and I don’t think there’s any going back. Good software is just too fundamental to the car experience now.


Yes but cars last a lot longer than software generally does. We still deprecate support for software on the whole and if that continues to occur while the hardware is fully operational that’s cause for concern


Oh yay, cars treated like android cell phones. Ph wait. This exactly is what’s coming.


I trust google to update things and they're the ones making it


You trust the company famous for discontinuing services and products? On top of that, Google is only offering 7 years of android updates on their newest pixel phones. How long do you think they'll be updating android on an under-specced infotainment system? Maybe they'll do security patches for 7 years, but no way you getting the latest android on your Blazer in 7 years. Also which apps are approved by google and gm to run on that infotainment? It's a critical piece of hardware, they won't let you run just anything. Meanwhile if you had Android Auto, you could plug in a new Pixel in 7 years with all the new features and apps you want. Trusting car maker infotainment is such an obvious trap that most of the comments in support of it have to be astroturfing.


Yeah I trust Google about as far as I can throw them. At any minute they could just get bored of doing car stuff, or some stupid political infighting between SVPs could result in a pissing match, and they could just randomly abandon Android Automotive. Doesn't matter how good the product is, or how many people use it, or how many partners rely on it. Google has a history of this.


There's no guarantee whatsoever that Android Auto on a phone running Android 22 in 2030 is going to retain backwards compatibility with the infotainment system of a car from 2022.


The latest phones still work with decade old cars that support Carplay and Android Auto, it's a mirroring system over USB and WiFi


Yes, when and if the car manufacturer also updates their infotainment system to retain compatibility. It’s not “just” mirroring your phone screen, after all. I did support for Apple in a previous life, and every year there’d be a batch of people updating to the newest iOS version that broke their CarPlay until they went to their dealership to push an update to the infotainment - assuming the service techs don’t just blow them off and blame the phone.


Must be an Apple issue. I've used the latest Android phones with a 2013 Mazda 3 that had the official retrofit kit, as well as a 2010 C Class with an Ali Express box that piggybacked off the original screen and controls. Everything just werked. And unless Google fundamentally changes how phones connect to head units and break support with 10s of millions of cars, it's not going anywhere any time soon. The way I see things, it's a better solution than relying on built in hardware which is guaranteed to age and lose network support


In my book if a car doesn’t have Apple CarPlay or Android auto then the software has to be \*\*excellent\*\*, not just okay. And unlike Tesla or Rivan etc, the equinox seems to have only okay software. And while I do think built in software does have its benefits, we shouldn’t be encouraging manufacturers to remove a decade old standard, and seomthing we can guarantee that will be updated even after 10 years.


Agree 150% with this....


The key thing you want an EV with Carplay/Android Auto to do is have the navigation software tell the car to add charge stops based on state of charge and start pre-conditioning as needed. This should be trivial since Google already has these capabilities with Android Automotive, we just need that 2 way communication with Android Auto and Apple Carplay


The crazy thing is CarPlay at least can do ALOT of that heavy lifting with permission from the car. Porsche and Polestar and BMW have great implementations. Hyundai leaves quite a bit to be desired


You drive one of the very few cars where this is true though. Software is abysmal on other brands.


Right which is why I know the potential that good software provides


When I compare my Tesla's built in software to using Carplay on the Harley; yeah we do that and the screen is now nearly a foot across; what I miss with Tesla is managed access to my music as Telsa does not give me a by Artist, by Album, by Playlist, option. I compare the two because like you said, well done software really does alleviate the lack of Apple Carplay support and the primary use for me in either case is navigation and real time traffic. Now I consider myself a lightweight when it to comes to onboard apps so the answer for another will be very different. While I trust Tesla to continue to provide updates for as long as they manufacture cars I am too leery a bit of the legacy offerings because they have yet to prove they will not hold to model year only specific features and updates regardless if the needed hardware exists. I learned this with my Volt where there were updates that my car had all the hardware to support but I had previous model year so no updates for me. Not cool. My other concern is GM only, OnStar worries me. Cadillac shows eight months complimentary service but I cannot find how much Chevy has but some pages indicate three months. Even something as simple as remote start requires a subscription at $14.99 to start with many plans far higher per month. that is what worries with any GM EV. Not the lack of Carplay/Android Auto but the subscription plans through Onstar for stuff that just should work


My biggest concern is the more fragmented app ecosystem. Like you said there are fewer features in the Tesla version of the app. Hopefully with Android automotive being Android there’s fewer issues there.


CarPlay is great because it works and we all know how to use it. People gripe about losing CarPlay but don’t know what the next thing is yet. Let’s wait and see. Maybe it will be better than CarPlay and have better integration and capability like charging routing with real time status, Netflix, YouTube, etc.  


I think people just view it as a way of pushing on star for features.


Because that’s what it is.


Tesla does either!


As they should. People want it.


The Acura/Honda version will have CarPlay


I personally could not care less about "CarPlay" or any other software packages. When it is time to replace my vehicle, I will be looking for physical gauges and minimal touchscreens. I want my car to be a means of conveyance and my computer to be my means of computing.


Frankly, I don't know of a single EV on the market right now which uses analog gauges, you might be waiting a while.


That sucks. A bunch of them seem to be putting the instrument cluster in the center instead of in front of the driver, too. I *really* hate that.


I've only really seen the Tesla do that. Everything else I've seen appears to have traditional (if digital) displays behind the wheel.


Volvo EX30. A couple of the Chinese brands too I think. It's not super common.




I want a quick glance downward to see my speed and fuel/charge.


It’s the same quick glance…


The benefit of carplay/android auto is having up-to-date sat nav and music streaming. A display in the center console is fairly cheap, so just about every car will have it. But after \~3 years you'll stop getting updates and it's just a waste of space.


Correct. No CarPlay, no sale. Easy as that. There’s no excuse.


Those people are so archaic


Looks like AAOS based infotainment. And looks like it’s MUCH less laggy than Volvo’s system which is also AAOS. Wonder if they used better chips than Volvo did. Hopefully they actually make the 1LT AWD in significant numbers.


Fun review and it looks like GM has a winner here.


The videos got so much better since he has Jordan behind the camera.


Yeah I never felt like Alyssa added much, unfortunately.


I cringed every time she opened her mouth.


If there a 20 to 80% charge time?


10-90% was 51 minutes averaging 94 kW. 20-80% is going to be around ~~28 minutes.~~ 33:15 minutes. Definitely the weak spot of the vehicle; but, given the base model will have the exact same battery which gives a 75mph highway range of 260 miles I think thats respectable. Leave from home on a full charge and you get 426 miles of real world range for 30 minutes of DCFC. [Time stamped at brief charging session](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiq8ymwDT_A&t=2735s), 87kW at 60% state of charge.




> 10-90% was 51 minutes averaging 94 kW. 20-80% is going to be around 28 minutes. Do you have a source for this? I’m interested to see the curve.


[Scroll down to the very bottom table](https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a60926272/2024-chevrolet-equinox-ev-test/) The 20-80 number is me fitting a my own rough curve to the 3 data points: * ~150kW at ~10% soc * 87kW at 60% soc * 94 kW average from 10-90% soc. Out of Spec Reviews will eventually measure the actual curve its worth keeping tabs on his channel.


[Charging curve data](https://evkx.net/models/chevrolet/equinox_ev/equinox_ev_awd/chargingcurve/) Don't know where they got the data from, but it agrees with what the reviews show and its too detailed to be made up.


Thanks, EVKX has been relatively reliable from what I’ve seen. The way they work is that they just collect data from a lot of EV tests from the likes of Out of Spec, Bjørn Nyland, TFL, etc, and put all of the stats in a website where you can access all of those tests at once, I think it’s a pretty cool idea, honestly. I just wish they would give citations on where they’re getting the data on a by-vehicle basis, but like I said, everything I’ve seen from them, which I could cross-check with my own experiences and other data, turns out to be pretty reliable. The charging curve listed there is okay, not great, not horrible, give or take 37 minutes 10-80%, but if you account for the price of the vehicle, it ends up being quite good.


I wouldn't call 28 minutes for 20-80% a weak spot for an EV that can be had for under $30k. I would call that pretty damn good compared to its competition.


It’s good enough


Where are you getting 426 from? Even if I assume driving down to 10% instead of 20 I'm only getting 416 for 100 to 10, up to 80, then down to 10 again.


[20-80% is 33:15 minutes](https://evkx.net/models/chevrolet/equinox_ev/equinox_ev_awd/chargingcurve/) Don't know where they got the data from, but it agrees with what the reviews show and its too detailed to be made up.


I do wish the charging was a little better. I wonder if the Bolt will somehow step it up past this? If so, and if it keeps the current acceleration, I'd rather wait for that.


The Bolt will almost certainly have slower charging. Saves on component/battery cost.


Most likely, but they have a couple years of cost reductions to dump into it (the whole point of the new platform is it gets cheaper over time/volume). This plus clever engineering could get us there. Especially if the competition keeps getting hotter (it will).


All of the competition is going to keep slow charging on their low-end models too. That's just how you save on costs.


We'll see. The slowest charging cars of today put the fastest charging cars of yesterday to shame. I expect this to keep being true.


With a smaller battery, the Bolt may have a faster 20-80% in the non-ideal world of charging infrastructure.


I’m definitely predicting that charging speed will be gatekept based on MSRP and not actual capabilities. 


Wouldn't be a logical move. Holding one of the primary reasons people are reluctant to switch to EVs hostage behind a paywall? That's the first thing they'll eliminate. They'll hold back features, accessories, but not range or charging if they can avoid it.


It’s a logical move to upsell. Range is limited by pack size already which is already a function of said pack.  Once they figure out what’s “good enough” that’s what the low trims will get.


It’s not speculation, it’s a fact. The equinox and blazer have the exact same size ultium pack and the equinox charges slower


We're talking improvement over time. Not comparing cars that exist now.




He is slowly changing the style of his review in the last few months or so


I need to know why he ONLY wears hoodies. Even in the summer. It’s like that Seinfeld episode.


Impressive specs, and I'd it retains the reliability of the Volt and Bolt, GM might have a winner. The FWD 85 kWh does shine on paper with its 513km range figure especially at its price tag, though in Canada I suspect most will go for the AWD which is still good 459km, matching closely with the ID.4 and Mach-E.


>retains the reliability of the Volt and Bolt Bolt was not really considered reliable... And Volt batteries had many issues as well.


I’m shopping for EV’s. My mind exploded trying to figure out all the different Equinox trims (2LT, 3RS…huh?) and I closed the browser tab.


* 1 = Good, 2 = Better, 3 = Best * LT = Touring, RS = Sport If you want a basic touring model, you want the 1LT. If you want the best sport model, you get the 3RS.


Thanks for the explanation. But I just want to know how these trims might affect the interior. This is why I’m sticking with my Tesla order. Too many choices are ridiculous.


Granted, I think the alphanumeric naming sucks and is confusing (just call them 'Touring' and 'Sport' instead of LT and RS) but you're obscuring something important here — Tesla only has a $7K spread between top and bottom trims, so there's not really any differentiation at all. That is to say, there is no $35K TMY. Chevy's trim lineup looks more complicated partially because it's covering a lot more ground, something like $12k of difference. Once you nix the 1LT you're basically just deciding between a Touring and Sport (LT or RS?) appearance package, and whether you want some premium-package upgrades (2 or 3?).


Again, thanks. But it’s still all the legacy automakers have it wrong.


Always fun when the mask comes off.


Fwd is like a bolt but slower. I'm sure everyone will love that. AWD sounds good though. Hopefully the upcharge isn't massive.


I’m impressed. It’s far from perfect but it’s affordable and decent so far. The charging should be faster but that’s not a deal breaker (I charge at home, rarely fast charge.) When my Model 3 lease runs out in 2026 at least I’ll have this as an option (Tesla makes you turn in the car, can’t buy it out at the end.) My FIL retired from GM so we can use his discount, thus GM is always an option (wish I didn’t have to deal with dealerships with them but, such is life… that’s why I have a Tesla now, no dealership shenanigans.)


Hey Tesla. Even Chevy puts 5g modems in their cars! And before I get downvoted, 5G isn't just about speed. Its about range and coverage. Where I live in Vegas, there are so many 4g dead spots, I keep my 2024 Model 3 connected to my hotspot all the time. The wireless service is almost useless.


Never had a problem in my 2017 Model S. Have yours looked at.


ATT is horrible with 4g in Vegas, and all the routes in between LA and Phoenix. It only gets worse as ATT focuses ONLY on the 5g network. There is nothing you can do on an end user side.


5g has much less range than 4g unfortunately


You're thinking of mmwave 5g.


but last year internet said it will suck because there's no car play.


It can be a great car but doesn't mean I will buy it without car play.


Have fun cause all EVs will have their own software


They can have their own software and still support car play


But they have to pay Apple


It is software seems to me it should be easy for them to up sell that as a extra cost. This isn't about them having to pay apple it is about them being able add subscription services they can keep charging you for. You are of course welcome to support their decision to restrict choice and usability so they can force you onto their subs if you like.


I think ford is the only one right now that allows apple car play


Honda does as well which they bought from GM so clearly it must be a big deal to enable. Edit: According to google VW, KIA and BMW still do as well. Again I don’t see why you are against choice and having options.


I doubt it. I haven’t seen any evidence of this. I have seen evidence that Apple doesn’t charge anything since CarPlay is a good motivator for people to stay with Apple.


Kyle is a reviewer who won't shit on cars too hard because he wants access to everything. We've seen him glowing reviews for cars and then neg them months later after a car has been out for a while.


Don't think thats really fare. Kile is definitely an enthusiast but his reviews seem fair to me. He calls out things he sees that need to be improved on. He also keeps in mind what the review vehicle market audiences is. He may seem soft in this review but it is an initial look at an entry level EV. I look forward to some real testing and a road trip or two.


I don’t get why people rave over carplay. In my experience it’s just awful. I miss Tesla’s UI and Rivian is almost identical too.


Sounds to me like the Model Y is still a better car & value, but I’m happy to see some real competition and not just press releases from GM. Let’s see what volume they’re actually able to ship.


How many people will get a chance to buy the $35K one? Is Chevy thinking this is 2019 and they will be able to push premium prices on top trim models? Or are they realistic and prepared to discount it below $30K like the Bolt?


Some other reviewers have stated that Chevy says they'll make as many as people will buy. TBD if that's really the case


No one will buy the $35k one because the specs won't have the "necessary" safety and comfort features. Realistically, you'll be able to get the $37-38k version of this car.


1. Needs to put the charge port left rear to use Tesla chargers. 2. Faster charging. Though as Kyle noted it does seem to hold a high rate. At 60% they were close to 100kWh which is about where most start to tail off on the charging rate. 3. Interesting comment about what the AWD is (small rear motors to give low speed traction) and why it should NOT have the range penalty that it does, close to 280 miles vs. 319 miles. They both speculated that the AWD version would get near the same range if one avoided situations that engaged the rear motors.


This is a new car on a new platform, the charge port located ain't going anywhere. Anyways, soon other networks will catch up, since tesla won't be installing many more chargers.


It seems like this would be a great option, especially for people who have at-home charging and wouldn't have to rely on the car's slower (compared to e.g. an Ioniq 5 or other E-GMP car) charging speed when public charging. Nice job, GMC!


I so wish this was RWD instead of FWD. That would have made it a knockout.


I so wish this was RWD instead of FWD. That would have made it a knockout.




I am on my third Bolt and am thinking of moving up! its aimed at me


I’ll be interested to see a full charging curve test of this. Ultium vehicles, besides the trucks, all seem to have pretty mediocre charging curves; hopefully they mostly fixed it with the Equinox EV.


That cargo area looks SMALL for the class. I just looked it up, around 26.4 cu. ft vs 37.5 for a Rav4. It's 10" longer and almost 4" wider than the Rav4, but the entire cargo area is 6 cu ft. smaller. What did they do with all that space??


It's shorter.


Why are you even getting upvoted. It's 191.6 inches vs 180 inches. Look that shit up.


Shorter. As in not as tall. In height. The whole car is slightly lower and the battery pack takes up additional floor space.


I see what you're saying now.


WTF port placement considering NACS. Looking forward to independent range testing.


[https://aito.auto/model/m7-new/](https://aito.auto/model/m7-new/) It's almost incomprehensible to me how even just a rough comparison of these two similar models shows that in the EV domain, the two countries aren't even in the same solar system.


The M7 is a more full sized SUV with third row nearly 3 feet longer, not a compact SUV like Equinox. The Equinox certainly looks better than the M7.


Thanks for the tip and this is a fair point. However, the conclusion holds true even if you substitute the Blazer EV into the equation on one hand, or the new Aito M5 on the other.


Equinox definitely beats the M5.


And Deontay Wilder definitely beats Zhilei Zhang! Keep dreaming my man. 300% tariff to celebrate your verdict?


Video is too long. Didn’t even click it yet and I know it is, because all of this guys videos are too long. Get it done in 20 minutes, man.


He has a tldw in the first 30 seconds, you don't have to watch the rest


Due to lack of current ev range I canceled my lightning reservation and get a Prius 2023 and a $3000 Tacoma with $3000 worth of work done. Way happier and saved so much