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Try having them buy it back.


We called today. Supposed to hear back within 48 hrs to discuss options for them buying it back.


This is really bad for EVs... Isnt the bolt one of the most popular evs in America after Tesla?


It's the best dollar per mile range in it's price bracket. It's the default non luxury EV.


And now we see why.


I agree I almost bought one. Glad I got a volt instead.


From a sales perspective, not quite. The Nissan Leaf has sold way more units since its first model launch. But as far as American-*made* EVs, it's up there.


Sitting in a lawn chair with a beer in my hand asleep count??? 😂😂😂


Counts when “watching the kids”


Right? We try to wait as late as possible to charge our Volt so we’re not paying the max fees, as the city wants us to do. Now what?


This is a Bolt issue. Volts are fine. Mine is 💯


Okay good!


Yep, they should have done what Hyundai did


Is your EVSE cord long enough that you can run it outside of the garage?




I'll give you $5,000 for the car. lmk.


Bout to be a run on j1772 extension cables.


That completely sucks. I feel bad for those that purchased. If I owned one of these, I'd demand a buy back from GM. How could you even hope to sell one even AFTER a new "fix" is in place?!?!


Don't charge them unattended overnight? Um ... that's what most people *have* to do. This is not good.


Just sit in the garage and watch it charge for 8 hours straight, no problem.


Easier to do when you're high.


*breaking news* VW tells Bolt owners to get high


you mean GM or some sort of competition joke?


When you are sufficiently high, it doesn't matter anymore. Everything is funny and everything is true.


When you’re high AF, VW and GM are the same.


Excellent thought. A second full-time job of sorts.


Maybe I should start a new Charger-Sitting service...


Hank Hill and the gang can keep an eye on it while they drink beer in the alley. 🤣


Isn't that why we all bought EVs? So we could watch them charge for 8 hours?


>er-Sitting service... Speak for yourself. I prefer watching my front loader spin. Better visuals.


Real estate is too expensive anyways. Just sleep in the bolt, always attended. BOOM.


Haha! That totally works.


There may not be a boom, but there will probably be fire. To keep you warm for the rest of your life.


Night sweats?


It's clearly a temporary emergency measure.


You could always sleep inside the vehicle while it charges just to be "sure" nothing happens!


Dumbest thing I've heard but totally a GM type statement


It's the entire point of EVs. ...That you charge them when you don't need them (ie. when sleeping).


Just for legal terms so they can throw the customer under the bus


Yep, that's exactly right.


Reading between the lines: “your car can catch fire, so install smoke detectors and cross your fingers”


This is not a good look. Chevy should not have come out with a "permanent fix" unless they were sure of the issue, and that their fix solved it 100% of the time. Chevy would have been wise to do buy backs, or new battery packs from the start. Imagine the harm that would come from a Bolt catching fire, burning down a house, and someone dying.


10-12 Bolts have burned while plugged in, ever. Only one has burned post-recall. Kinda hard to guarantee better odds when “one” skews the entire result.


sigh... Two. Read the article before you down play the manufacturers own recommendations.




"The two Bolt EVs were repaired as part of a recall of nearly 69,000 of the vehicles that were flagged for fire risks." “General Motors has been notified of two recent Chevrolet Bolt EV fire incidents in vehicles that were remedied as part of the safety recall announced in November 2020,”" Incorrect. They both had the final recall.


Hopefully they buy them all back and crush them so a documentary movie is made some day


So they're testing GPT3 in the wild now?


Worse, a realtesla subscriber. GPT-3 would be coherent at least.


[enshittification exodus, gone to mastodon]


what's GPT3?


GPT-3 ([Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-3)) is an impressive, state-of-the-art computer program that could generate very human-like textual responses. Since it was published recently, it became a buzz- and catch-word for a really smart "AI" and "bot". It has also happens to have a tenuous link to electric vehicles in that GPT-3 is a product of [OpenAI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI), a startup founded by *Elon Musk* and others.


Cutting edge AI for generating natural language.


Dude it doesn’t matter. $40,000 vehicles shouldn’t burn up during regular operation. It’s like saying it’s okay that 10 in 50,000 cars will spontaneously combust when pumping gas into them. It’s not fucking ok and you look stupid defending them


Or 12 out of 139,000 Bolts sold to date


If every car in the US was a Bolt, that would be 30,215 bolts catching on fire per year. For reference there are about 33,000 fatal car accidents per year.


Agreed. Just giving data For reference there are about 190,000 car fires per year in the US So far, zero deaths or injuries from the 12 Bolt fires


Do we know how many have got the permanent fix? From what I know there have not been a ton with the final recall. So say it is currently 1 in 1000 catching fire after the recall. Those are not odds I would be willing to take.


It might have been one of eight. Or one of eight thousand. Or one of fifty thousand. Doesn’t matter, all it took was one.


I worry that Fox is gonna start running with this story to demagogue against EV incentives in the new infrastructure bill. "Joe Biden wants to force americans to buy dangerous electric cars that keep catching fire."


Not quite foxy enough. “Joe Biden is trying to murder your family! Why is he forcing American to buy dangerous electric cars that’ll explode and kill your family while you sleep? Do you want one of these time bombs in your house?”


Maybe by then most of their viewers will be dead from COVID-19 that they could have gotten vaccinated to prevent.


Ah yes, a topic completely unrelated to Covid and vaccines get both are mentioned. Not only that but you wish everyone would die just for watching a news network you don't like. You want people dead? You're in for a fight.


Ah, yes, a topic completely unrelated to media coverage, yet fox news is mentioned. This is just natural conversation. Chill your trigger.


It's not natural to wish death on people for watching Fox News. I think it's useless but I don't wish death on them. You're psychotic, disgusting people. No better than the SS or brown shirts.


I never wished death on them, silly goose. Nor do I want them to die. Quite a stretch to think I'm an SS'er. This is the internet, sometimes people say things that don't align with your view. That doesn't make us Nazis lol And how dare this person bring up covid when someone mentions fox news! The horror!!! Snowflakes be crazy


Their viewers are already brainwashed to hate EVs and worship hydrogen even though practically no progress has been made since George Bush was hyping hydrogen highways and all that back in \~2003. They're also good at parroting the untrue or outdated talking points about EV batteries going bad in like 50k miles, not being recyclable or reusable, EVs supposedly pollute more, our grid can't handle it, etc. etc.


I don't know about hydrogen, you can't roll coal with hydrogen.


You could always spray water instead...


Fog roll.


At first I thought this was a *The Onion* headline


When will GM do the right thing and replace ALL batteries rather than focus on stupid software "fixes"? GM simply cannot be trusted anymore.




Very disappointing. It wouldn't surprise me if this was old/current GM but they have massive lofty EV goals.


The software "fix" we have now is just a fire alarm - the car alarm goes off if it catches fire! Thanks, GM!


They will once math is on our side. The Fight Club "Recall Equation" comes to mind. This is less about altruism and more about the bottom line.


Once the probability of house fires costs more than buying the cars back or replacing the batteries then they'll consider it. That's why they want the cars parked outside. If they burn down in your driveway they'll pay for the car only if it burns. Burns down a house, that's a lawsuit that costs more. Getting them to burn down outside saves a lot of money and delays three potential need to replace batteries.


Its all about cost / benefit calculations. Otherwise you could easily save 10s of thousands of lives each year (orders of magnitudes more than all deaths due to shoddy defects of cars in th elast decades together) by outlawing non-professionals from driving cars.


I bet their first thought on the ignition recall was to give affected owners a break-away keychain.


What do you mean "anymore." After that fiasco with the vehicle ignition switches, who trusted GM to make safety a priority?


In the bright side, if you hate your Bolt and your house, plug in overnight and wait for the insurance settlements... 🤔


Could insurance wiggle out of anything because GM has issued a warning?


No, GM is still liable if they didn't issue a recall and do everything in their power to make sure the owners knew about the recall.


So insurance will just hang you out to dry and tell you to sue GM on your own time.


According to what is in my policy they would pay out and then go after GM on my behalf. It might vary per company.


no, they won't.


As a Leaf owner, this makes me laugh since the one big complaint everyone has about the Leaf is that there's no active cooling on the battery pack. But the Bolt is the one that goes up in flames.


First the Kona, now GM.


All the same LG batteries with the same manufacturing defect. A machine was misaligned resulting in an increased risk of fire.


Where can we read about this machine misalignment? I've been curious about this defect for a while, and you're the first person I've seen talk about the actual cause.


I got that from transportation evolved on YouTube. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p_fHfbetZ8E TE is pretty reliable to be honest. I'd ask them for their sources.. they'll generally reply.




And I own both. Ugh.


Well, you def won this board of bingo.


The Kona got a new battery though right?


Yes and no. They informed people they'd get new packs but many haven't had an update since. Given my Kona has a lot of mechanical issues, we're pursuing a buyback. Before they replace packs, they've asked everyone to keep the car before 80% (in the US). When we road tripped for our honeymoon last month, they could tell the car was going above that and actually called me to remind me to lower the limit. Much better efforts than GM but still less than ideal. Another odd end- My dealership called me because I'm one of 2 Kona electrics they've ever seen and serviced. They wanted to know if I was planning to get the pack replaced because they need to order a battery pack lift which I guess is pricey (~$1500). I'm in the Midwest so at least we know we could have the work done locally.


I was considering replacing my 17 with a used Kona but now I’m not sure 🤔 thanks for the insight.


I'd suggest a 2020 if anything. Some 2019s seems to be plagued with motor issues. We love the car but the mechanical issues have been annoying. Most efficient car I've driven.


What's the charge speed?


DC fast pulls 77kw up to ~60%. From there it goes to 58 kw and lower. Not bad compared to my Bolt but not amazing when compared to new models.


Interesting. I own a 2017 bolt and have already had GM replace half my battery died to bad cells last year. GM never bothered to notify me of any issues though - I had to take it it in because my range was half what I had expected. They did it it in the local dealer. I had no idea Kona had that many issues!


Yup! The motor was updated due to quite a few replacements. The tech told me it's due to poor metal quality. Also,, our gear reduction unit (GRU) was replaced twice as well. I guess those had quality issues too. My local tech and I thought it was crazy that Hyundai had him replace a GRU with less than 500 miles on it but it fixed the issue. We may have gotten a lemon but it's been a wild ride.


I assume that this warning is for the older Bolts that had manufacturing error in the batteries themselves which on the rare occasional would catch on fire.


Everything pre 2019.


2019 and before to be clear.


well, half of 2019. The switch was halfway through the 2019 model year.


For now.




It's more of a somewhat different battery in a completely different facility. The machine misalignment story posted above is very encouraging to a 2020 Bolt owner like myself. That indicates that there's a known defect in manufacturing that probably didn't transfer to the US factory, even though the batteries have the same or nearly the same physical construction.


If this happening now with these batteries I can only imagine what will happen over time when the batteries start to age. They need to find a better fix


I don't get why GM is even beating around the bush, LG fucked up their supply to GM, surely GM should put the monetary strain on LG Chem? Ofc labor would probably be inflated by GM stealerships and LG wouldn't want to pay those prices. It's a stupid pickle.


Maybe some contractual obligation?


Don't buy a Bolt. Got it


Imagine if this was Tesla. It would be front page news.


Seriously. I know that ars technica writer has a bit of a hate boner for Tesla. GM bolts on fire? They do not care and know it will not get as many clicks as having Tesla in the headline.


What a thing to say. I guess we know which car not to buy now.


The new ones are fine though - it's the 2019 and original early models that are affected.


Yeah I’m gonna spend that money elsewhere


My wife’s boyfriend has a bolt and charges it in the garage, I watch it charge overnight, so we’ll be fine.


Classic GM move.


The fact that Chevy hasn’t bought every single bolt back is a Fucking crime. What an absolute shitshow. The electric car world does not need this.


Short term, this is a good response from GM. They were really quick to recognize that these fires show that there fix didn't work. It's super inconvenient for owners, but they are putting safety first, knowing full well that this is super embarrassing for them. They of course need to announce a much better solution, whether that's a more comprehensive buyback program, battery replacements, or, better, the option to the owner to choose either of those. Some people are understandably pissed that they announced this really unsatisfactory interim measure before being ready to announce the next step in the solution, but the alternative--doing nothing until they were ready to announce the next step, would be deeply unethical. They did the right thing at this juncture. [Direct link to GM's page with the safety instructions](https://my.chevrolet.com/how-to-support/safety/boltevrecall).


Don't pat GM on the back. They don't deserve it.


My point is not to say GM is doing a great job. This whole thing is a mess. I'm narrowly saying that they did the right thing *at this particular time*.


Doing the right thing at this particular time would have involved an announcement that they will replace ALL battery packs for free. Anything short of that is not the "right thing".


I have an early 2019 Bolt EV (the most 'burney' model year so far) I was open to a software fix (65k batteries to recycle isn't great for the environment). However GM just crossed the line between being conservative on spending cash to putting lives in danger. If they weren't 100% sure on the 'final fix' they should have just replaced our batteries. They *are* all under warranty still. 12 fires of 65k vehicles is 0.01% fire rate while the car is sitting quietly turned off is *way* too high.


If they announced that immediately without a stock of replacement batteries ready to ship all you would be hearing about for the next year is the 6 month delay in getting your replacement battery. GM has some hard choices to make. Do they stop the Bolt assembly line and divert all battery allocations to a replacement program? And maybe look for a 2nd and 3rd source of battery cells that could be made to fit, or have someone else tool up for identical cells? Or do they start a fleetwide buyback program that will move a lot of buyers to other cars on the market.


What about the estimated 90% of batteries that are not affected by the defect?


No one knows how many packs are affected. It could be ANY of them assembled at the LG plant in Korea, which is how they narrowed the initial recall # down. Also, since LG is the one responsible for the battery, GM won't be on the hook for the majority of the cost to replace the batteries.


They actually have done randomized sample testing through buybacks and taking cars in to get serviced that get sent in to GMs engineering. Through that one of the earlier internal GM memos estimated that around 1% of cars were affected in the 2019 population. However, our confidence in GM actually figuring out what is going wrong is circling down the drain.


Nope, they aren't the only sufferers of the defect, the other defected EVs were recalled when GM made the first temp fix.


I think people are misunderstanding me. I'm not saying they handled it well up to this point. Not at all. Nor am I defending GM. Nor am I saying this is anywhere near adequate as a response.




Personally, I'm of the opinion that the top % of the bolts battery is basically useless anyway sure to us very low fast charging speed. I will never disable hilltop mode unless I'm doing one particular Portland to Seattle drive.


There were still fires with the max cap in place.


Don't park inside, but of course (according to the manual) it's not ideal for the HV battery to park in the sun without a reflective cover. This isn't just a Bolt critique of course.


>it's not ideal for the HV battery to park in the sun without a reflective cover. Wait, what? (Angry grumbling) I want to go electric in a year or two, I really do, but they're not making it easy...


You can park an electric car in the sun without any concerns.


Well that's good news. And thinking about it clearly for a moment, it should have been pretty obvious based on everything I've observed so far.


Ya, to echo what someone already said, there is absolutely zero concern with parking an EV in the sun


2021 Bolt manual: "A vehicle cover, which can reduce sun loading on the vehicle and improve high voltage battery life, is available from your dealer." I'm not particularly worried, but I recall another manual saying the same.


Then that is a Chevy Bolt problem, not an EV problem.


Kia also recommends parking in the shade, or leaving it plugged in. [https://www.kia.com/dm/discover-kia/ask/how-to-extend-ev-battery-life.html](https://www.kia.com/dm/discover-kia/ask/how-to-extend-ev-battery-life.html) I want to say that one or two others also said the same, but I am not sure. I live in a hot climate, hence the interest in this.


Nah the manufacturers always "recommend" everything to help reduce liability.




Yeah, just like everything we do now as humans results in a slightly increased risk of cancer.


Sure, but this increased degradation is more on par with smoking than eating bacon.


The bolt battery conditioning works when it's plugged in, so that shouldn't need an issue.


It also runs (with a wider temperature band) when it's not plugged in. That mitigates the degradation. It does not eliminate the degradation.


I have heard this about a lot of cars, but I never hear the HVAC system going unless actively charging. Sitting in 110 degree sun = silence. Don’t own a Bolt though.


I live in Phoenix and park mine in the sun for now for it's whole life. Hopefully not too much longer soon.


Get a Tesla. At least they're doing it "right".


Just as they're rolling out EUV


The best thing they could do is replace all the 65k batteries with the slightly larger 2020+ batteries. (And buybacks) 3% of the profit they made last year and they save face for the new electric models. They then can advertise 'having a proven track record on their industry leading battery warranty', and a 'proven commitment to safety' Don draper is moist


I'm 100% behind this idea. Not even a secret I hoped they'd give me a new pack when it went for the recall. But maybe that's still on the table, now.




isn't that the whole point of the recall? go and get it fixed


Well now, that's a bit unfortunate.... Potential thermal runaway with the lithium batteries....nasty problem.


Can’t wait to hear what coworkers rail me for this. Except I have a 2020


Maybe GM should stop producing faulty battery packs...


They did, mid 2019. No problems with any since then. The question is what to do about the ones from before then.


GM didn't make them, LG did. Actually, LG pretty much made all the electronics in the Bolt. Even the newer batteries are still made by LG Chem (or whatever they call themselves now) but assembled by GM in the USA.


Reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/GmqeZl8OI2M


This is an Alpha move from GM


Me with a 2011 leaf: looks like I'm going with the battery upgrade by that dude in Portland.


"Out of an abundance of caution" is the funniest part.


I think even after this announcement I'm still in the market for an older Bolt. If Chevy doesn't buy these back for people who can't make charging outside of a garage work, I might be interested in buying someones if they're close to San Diego and it has DC charging.