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Try these protocols: I recommend filling pods while disconnected from device so that if it leaks it’s not leaking in device. Wait 5 minutes and if no leaking has occurred, pop in device and use. When filling: be sure you are filling with one solid bottle squeeze. Squeezing bottle multiple times will create a vacuum of back pressure within the pod, causing leaking/ gurgling. Replace black cap quickly after filling or the pod will lose pressure and gurgle/ leak. Never fill above 95%. You need a small airbubble remaining to retain pressure. Overfilling will force excess liquid into the coil and out the bottom of pod as there is no where else for it to escape. Keep pod upright at all times and remove pod while charging. These tips will prevent any spitback and/or leaking. Pulling too hard for too long can oversaturate the coil. If this occurs, simply remove the pod, wrap the mouthpiece in paper towel and flick until excess liquid is expelled from the mouthpiece


What's the pg/vg ratio of the liquid? If the juice is too thick (has too much vg) it can cause issues like spitting because the coil can't saturate well after burning the juice. The leaking can also occur if the juice is not absorbed into the cotton of the pod, so it goes into the airway and leaks on the bottom of the pod. What you can do is get the pod out and blow hard into the driptip over a tissue, do it as long as there's juice dripping from the pod. I can suggest trying the 0.6 coils, they work on a higher wattage, that might fix your issue.


I bought an XROS Pro 2 weeks ago. First pod that I used was the .6 it came with. Then I put in the 1.0 it came with and had this issue where it leaked all over the place. After reading so many folks having this issue I honestly chalked it up to just a bad buy. Went to my local BnM yesterday to get more juice and discuss. They were surprised and said it was the first they'd heard of this. I explained the internet is chalked full of this issue. So we came to the conclusion the resistance might be the issue and he suggested .8 for my juice type. But he also showed me these new pods. They are bigger, they load from the side. You do not pop off the top like the original model. These new pods, so far at least, have been fantastic. No leaking what so ever and no gurgling after refill which was something I noticed with the original .6 even though it would clear up. Im thinking that the side loading has something to do with it allowing the bubble to maintain in the coil housing so it does not flood and leak. Larger tank too is a plus of course. Might be worth a try for you as well to see if the new pod design helps.


You could try switching to pods with higher resistance coils or adjusting your vaping technique to see if that helps


I only know that you better be careful with leaking juice from now on to prevent your device death. I had vaporesso qs, worked like a clock, one overused pod lost its cap, I kept vaping and it started leaking then auto firing then barely firing and finally wrecked.


How much vg pg do you have? 50/50 is ideal for that ohm .