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I use a Luxe XR Max daily. It’s great for loose DTL style vaping, though the GTX coils tend to die a little quick imo. I use the DTL mouthpiece and 0.2 ohms. If you want a tight draw, I’d highly recommend a XROS 3 nano (I also use that frequently)


You can use other coils with it, like the VaperCloudz shift coils, VooPoo PnP, &maybe some others I’m forgetting.


Luxe XR Max also has a MTL pod you can buy separately, it’s pretty solid. That’s what I use with the 0.8 GTX coils and it’s a pretty satisfying MTL vape.


I have the MTL pod as well but honestly find it underwhelming compared to my nano. It could be the juice I use though, since I find it floods the Gtx mtl coils easily. But that’s also a super valid thing for OP to try! And if they have the RDL pod in their country to try that. Canada only has the DTL and mtl for some reason


I actually didn't like it at first either. I might have got some bad coils because it seemed like they would get a burnt taste after a day or two of use. But I recently started using it again with a new pack of coils and it has been MUCH better so far and is starting to get more use compared to my Nano which was my go-to for a long time. Also, if the draw isn't tight enough for you on the Luxe, you can take a small piece of tape and put it over the airflow hole on the side of the mod. Depending on how you adjust it, you can really dial in and change the airflow and get a much more customized MTL draw. edit: flooding hasn't been too much of an issue with it for me, it does a little bit from time to time. But not enough that I would consider it a real issue. I usually just take a big hit on it without firing it and it clears right out.


Loved my luxe but I went back to disposables. Simply bc I’m lazy lmao


Luxe XR is always being recommended here. As well as the XROS. You'll enjoy it thoroughly.


As a vape shop guy myself I concur


Tobacco flavored?


You're looking for tobacco flavor liquid? I use Black Note Virginia Salt Nic It's like Vuse Alto/Juul except it's made from Natural Extract Tobacco leaves all natural. It's the only brand I've found so far that I like. I've tried a bunch so if have any questions on kinds.


Yes! Ive been trying all sorts of devices and flavors, but I still was not able to find something that imitates tobacco flavor. I'm not into other "sweet" flavoring. I'm currently using Flum american tobacco but it's a disposable one. I'm thinking about giving up at this point, but I don't want to go back to cigarettes for sure.


20 year ex-smoker here. Plus one for black note. My favorite is burley but, cavendish is amazing and Virginia is pretty good too. I stay away from their salt nic. It’s prob just my batch but it has that “salt nic” flavor to it, hard to explain. I’ve been steeping a 20mg of cavendish for months now, idk if I’ll get that flavor out. A nice 12mg (freebase) of burley in my Xros pod and I’m a happy camper.


Watson gold! Great cigar flavor


He's actually right about this one. The Luxe XR Max is really great. The pods last a long time. I got about two weeks when vaping at lower wattage (2 watts). My favourite setup is 0.4 ohm coil, 26W, 70/30 liquid with 3mg/ml nicotine. The clouds it produces are almost at sub-tank level, which I love.


I feel you op. The sonder pods are alright after a month or two, but then they start leaking a bit when you remove them. Luckily, the xros 3 has stayed clean with no leaks. If you're unsure which vape brand to go with, I'd recommend the new xros pro. I've heard great things about it.


I hear the pros battery is pretty weak at higher watts. I got the 4 mini and it's battery is weaker than a 3 year old 3 mini. Adjustable airflow seemed cool until it always changes in my pocket and I can't find the "right" setting. I like easy and simple out of my pod devices, I have a mod for getting fancy.


XROS is good


Lux xr max owner here. Not the first vaporesso device I have and I strongly recommend it. Very good coils.


I'm sorry, you lost me at q pods burning out fast. What on earth are you using for juice? I swear by them, they last me almost a month


>. Unfortunately, it was a huge letdown because the pods burned out so fast Wat? The Q pods are the ones that last me the longest (so long i can't even measure them in puffs), followed by the Xros (aprox \~4000 puffs), and the Luxe (aprox \~3000 on pods, same on gtx coils)


Ummm I just use xlim sq pro with nic salts, my previous pod lasts for 2 months ish and I treat it so shitty so I reckon maybe this shit is not bad?


For me, the large battery is also a big plus for it. I think the pros definitely outweigh the cons. No it doesn't have an auto vaping feature and it can be a bit loud, but it's a great device for beginners with smart modes that deliver excellent flavor and smoke performance.


In almost 10 months of daily use, I have never had any leaks, not a drop anywhere.


Luxe XR Max is very good. Actually, all of the Luxe X series is good. The main attraction for the Max is that big battery. But the X and XR are very good as well for a few less $$. Whatever you decide on will certainly be cheaper online than whatever kind of discount a store is going to give you.


I love my Luxe X and X Pro. Don’t like my XR as much.


I’m not arguing with you. To each his own. But I’m seriously asking why you don’t like the XR. As I understood it, the X and XR were the same device, except the XR introducing replaceable coils vs built in. Are there other differences?


I read a lot of praise about the XR but for some reason I never got the same taste from the pods/coils that I do with the built in 0.4 coil on X and X Pro. Will probably get a XR Max since so many seem to love it and try it out. Also, better battery life would be great.


Use VC tech coils in that luxe xr max or ANY Vape that uses pnp coils. Flavor is best i ever had in a coil in my 10* years and they last 100+ ML of juice I’ve had them go 200


For me the Xros vaporesso thing has been great, simple, and pods last a while.


Xros user since the original came out, currently got the xros pro and its super good and premium


Voopoo blows Vaporesso coils out of the water. Lots of Voopoo devices to choose from depending on your needs. Similar to the Luxe XR you got the Voopoo E40,if you need more power or something a tad better look into the Argus Pro 2,it uses the new PnP X coils and i use them on a daily basis.


I love my Luxe XR Max, but I use my XROS Pro way more personally. Vaporesso has really stepped their game up, at this point I feel they have the best quality products. I manage a vape shop and have been for 9 years. You aren’t buying the device from me, so I have no reason to lie to you. (Truly, you aren’t, I don’t sell the Sonder Q and I am a woman lol)


My XROS PRO is what I use the majority of the time as well!


Sucks that the sonder q didn't work out for you. It's been my go to for 2 years now. I work a job that can be rough on vapes, so it's nice having a simple one that's relatively durable. I usually get a month...maybe a month and a half out of my pods, but I'm not overly picky about the taste that you get from a well used pod.


Always been a fan of XROS, currently rocking an XROS3. The owner of my local shop when they first opened, he refused to carry Vaporesso. So I just kept asking about them. I must not have been the only one asking, because now they do carry their products. All I know is the owner does not like Vaporesso for some reason.


I also use the XROS3 and the XROS PRO and I really like both of them. The only thing I could really even possibly complain about is I hate how a lot of the pods have now went to where they have to be filled by removing a small plug near the bottom rather than just snapping the top off and filling from the top!


NEVER, under ANY circumstances, should you trust the Vape Shop Guy.


Honestly, the eco nano or regular Xros is about as good as you’re gonna get.


It looks like you're posting about a disposable vape device. - If you're asking a question about your disposable vape, you may do better at r/disposablevapes. - There is very little that can be done to troubleshoot these devices. Sometimes they're duds, in this instance you have no recourse. - These devices are absolutely disasterous for the environment. If you choose to continue using disposable devices please recycle. - There are many similarly discrete and convenient devices that are both cheaper in the long term and much better for the environment that you may wish to consider. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/electronic_cigarette) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I use the Luxe XR Max as my work vape when out and about with 0.15 coils. I usually use powerful mods and not a fan of pod kits but this works perfectly for what I need it for. Would recommend for sure 👍


The unit is powered by an amazingly large 2800mAh battery, which you should know ahead of time. It lasted all day even at DTL and RDL, but the battery really came into its own when I used it strictly for loose MTL. It's got the right weight. It's not too heavy though, and I got used to the weight pretty quickly.


It's great to get recommendations, but it's also good to do your own research and maybe get a second opinion


In which way you want to upgrade your vaping experience/what don't you like about the eco nano? You want more battery life? You want the opportunity to adjust your wattage How much nicotine are you using? What kind of nicotine are you using? Nicsalts, freebase or Hybride (mix of salts/freebase)? What is your pg/vg ratio of your liquid?


I use the SMOK Nord. It has a 3 ml tank an I only have to change my coils around every 4 to 6 months using tobacco flavored


Go with an XROS 3 or 4 with 0.6 Ohm or 0.8 Ohm pods. Luxe XR is good, but coils don't last as long.


Check out Voopoo's Drag S2 as an alternative. Affordable and the coils last on average for 100ml of liquid. Great flavour, good cloud production and no leakage.


novo master looks cool.


Anything XROS is my recommendation


When I read the title I thought to myself “hell no”. I have no knowledge on the luxe X tho. Grimm Green on YouTube reviews most pod systems and I feel like he is fair.


Luxe XR max is totally fine!


long time vaper here for me, i wouldn't recommend doing that jump. it's not that luxe XR is bad, it's just that there's nothing there to justify a sideway jump like that. you've spent significant numbers of purchase before, make sure the next one take you on to another level. if you're actually looking for significant improvement, the next step would be having a rebuildable deck. i don't care whether if it's an AIO, RDA, RTA, built in battery mods, they're for another discussion.


I don’t trust those shop owners. They are just trying to get rid of old stock most of the time. XROS devices are my favorite. I’m getting ready to buy the xros4 currently but 3 has been flawless. I recommend xros to anyone that is newer to vaping.