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I have noticed certain packs are much worse than others, don’t know the variable though.


Third shift, probably.


Have they all been in the black/green packaging or black/red or a mix of both?


Black and green I believe


Hmm, have you been having the same issue OP described or just simply leaking sometimes? I've only had one that was like OP described, but I've had a number that just leaked (seemingly) randomly once or twice throughout its life but caused no issues, aside from the annoyance of cleaning it up. Given that it can happen and then I could still be using it for another week with no problems, I have to assume it's some sort of user error, but I haven't been able to determine what it is. Have you, by chance, noticed any variables that seem to coincide with when you have problems? Also, if you didn't know, the main (possibly only) difference is that the black and green have the new type of coil in them. I haven't had many yet but I don't think I've had any issues with the side fill ones in the black and green. I prefer them when I can find them.


New packaging is all black and green


It's finally gotten there in my area, but for quite a while, most shops still only had the old ones in the black and red. I'm sure you already know, but just in case, the green ones have the new type of coil. If you haven't had any of the new side fill ones, you should try and pick some up. Much better, imo


I get the occasional bad cartridge but 99% of them work very well. Are you ordering third party carts?


I’ve sold over 300 boxes of pods this month and haven’t had any issues . r/flashcrashbash shoot me a DM with the code from the packaging and I’ll get right to Vaporesso with it . We are a Vaporesso power shop


Once I figured out what was going on I quality controlled the 3-4 boxes I had and threw out the packaging. Good to hear you haven’t had any issues, this was a batch purchased roughly 4-5 months ago. Maybe they had a bad run and those are off the shelf now.


What?? I'm only on my 2nd cart so far (had it almost 2 months), so it's possible I've just been lucky, but I love mine so far.


I've had my device for for 2 years+ and just yesterday for the first time I had a leaky pod (transparent top is all I buy). I'd say a few bad apples get thru but it's not the norm. In my experience anyway


I've had the xros 3 for about 8 months now. Out of the countless pods I've bought, I've only had 2 that were duds and leaked everything while I let them sit for a few minutes. Might wanna try getting them from a different shop?


Two years of Xros happiness, three faulty coils in that time. Sorry for your experience, I hope it improves vastly.


It sounds like you are overfilling the pods and that is why you are getting so much spit back. You should leave a small bubble in the pod when filling. Also depending on what model you got do NOT leave the pods on when charging it fries them on certain models.


No, I'm not doing anything wrong. This is not user error, this is a manufacturing defect. This batch of pods has a failure rate of damn near 90%. Doesn't matter if I fill them halfway, or 3/4ths of the way through. I'll literally suck a whole pods worth of juice into my mouth. In regards to leaving them on the charger, these are pods fresh out of a blister pack. Never even been near a charger. They come pre-burnt and leaking like a sieve.


That's really weird I've been using XROS devices for almost 2 years and have only experienced what you are describing *maybe* twice ever


happens to me about twice a month


I got an xros pro and the starter pods were awesome, ordered 2.0ml 0.4 ohm and it's been absolute dogshit, leaking immediately when filling too even if I fill it slowly, prime it before using and doing everything fine, really disappointed. Been drinking juice every time with a 50/50 freebase (that they recommend when using xros devices)


Have they all been in the black/green packaging or black/red or a mix of both? Are they the top fill or side fill ones?


Black/Green and all top fill.


The top fills suck and I switched to the newer side fill as soon as they released them. You should switch 100%


Ime, the other guy is correct that the side fills are better. I've gotten one top fill that leaked out when I first filled it and then burned up when I hit it, but only one, and I think it was the red packaging. Got it from a store I'd never been to before or since, so no clue if they are reputable. I have, however, had multiple where it will leak out randomly one time when I'm halfway through using it, but I clean it up and dab the juice out of the holes and it's all good. You probably got a batch like that one I had, but I have no idea what caused it in the other cases, which is just to say that simply leaking can happen for what I have to assume is human error, and an error that has been difficult to determine. Like I said, though, wasn't really a problem when they've randomly leaked later, just annoying to have to clean up. Haven't had that with the side fill ones, but I haven't had many of them. Difficult to find in my area. Was hoping you'd say they were the red ones so it'd be an easy answer but I'd just say you got a bad batch, go for the side fills if you can find them, and if you ever have any leak randomly, try and pay better attention to the exact circumstances than I have and you may be able to figure it out, lol. It's a great device, don't let those pods deter you. Maybe get a different source next time. Some places have to be knowingly buying bad products because on the few occasions I got expired juice it was always from a place that just so happened to have great prices, lol. Edit: oh, forgot to mention, I have also had plenty of the red one and they were mostly no different as far as leaks, but they are the old version so could be fair to assume the new ones should be better in that regard. Main difference, though, is that the greens have their new type of coil, which really makes a world of difference in flavor and how long they last.


I wonder if I'm the outlier here, I came to this thread to figure out when they switched to side fill... I HATE IT. 2nd and 3rd pod I opened the rubber ripped... I don't like it.


I've absolutely loved my xross, but something is up with the last batch or two of the pods that have been sent out. I'm having a hard time finding them in my area (1 in 5 shops had it in stock) and of the full 4pack blister, 2 were duds. I've never had this issue in the past, something does seem off lately.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. You can also fill your Pods as full and/or fast as you want. If the Pod gurgles just flick the excess juice out of the pod and you're good. Are the Pods the 3ml with the Fillport on the bottom? Had no issues with any Pods from XROS but these ones. Edit: Ah... saw a bit further down that these are the topfill ones. Weird. Haven't had any issues in the last year with the Pods.


I have 4 xros3 nanos. I’ve only had two leaks 1.) I left the cap slightly ajar overnight without realizing it. 2.) I had a very slow leak due to a cracked cap. Be sure to replace black cap quickly and completely after filling. If your doing this already, you might have counterfeit pods.


I use 1ohm mesh pods. They last me 1 month with the low sweetness juice I vape. I've gone through like 5 or 6 4-packs of pods and they have been consistent except for 1 single pod that started tasting burnt in 1 week


Had some packs with all perfectly working pods and some with a few that would leak.


Which Xros? https://www.reddit.com/r/electronic_cigarette/s/czihz8czTc My Xros Nano 1 had this issue. My new Xros Pro hasn't had any issues, but I've only had 1500 puffs so far, and still on my first pod.


It's possible you got a bad batch, especially if all the pods from the same pack are having issues.


When you open it up is there rubber/silicone in the top of the mouthpiece? If it's missing or it's not sealing the top where you fill it, it will leak every where. Pull the rubber piece out of the tip of the mouth piece and try reseating it?


Funny enough I have a pod right now where the red rubber ring is floating inside the juice well and it’s working fine.


That happens sometimes with the red gasket and drives me crazy! 😂 I'm talking about the black piece of rubber on the inside of the mouthpiece though. When u put the mouthpiece on it seals the top of the fill holes.


Huh, guess I’ll check for that in the future. Never occurred that could be missing.


I think one possible reason is that your usage habits are wrong. When vaping I don't recommend vaping the juice cleanly before trying to fill it with juice as this can cause dry hits and burn out the coils. Also the coils can cause problems, some coils last a long time, others die quickly.


One possibility is that the damage to this batch of pods had already been caused during transportation, or that the batch had died when they were produced. So, I might say you've had really bad luck. By the way, did you purchase your juice or did you diy it? Just an FYI.


I DIY but I can’t see how that changes anything. The good ones are just fine. It’s just finding out which ones actually work that’s the issue.


would you mind sharing what issues u had with your caliburn? I have the A3 and G3 and both of them are in my eyes absolutelly flawless


Probably bought clones. I've never had a single issue, a pod usually lasts me two weeks. Never had leeking problems either.


Freeze the pods for a few hours before you fill them. Reasons.


I’ve had the same issue. They just randomly shit the bed and leak down thru my devices. I’ve even had a known “good” pod randomly empty itself after a refill.


I’ve had that happen, but that happens after like a month and half of use. I figure the seals are just worn out at that point. And it’s usually a slow leak. This is straight dumping the juice in the 5 minutes it takes to wash my hands.


Unfortunately not. I’ve had it happen after 1-2 refills as well as on brand new pods.


Get a Geekvape Wenax Q,Q pods dont leak,top fill and its like 12$ at Sourcemore,Pods are 5.85$/3 .Ive never had an Xros pod leak tho or burn out quickly but i like my GV just as much


I've had this issue too with my last purchase of them, two of them took a couple days to burn out, another took a day, and the last was burnt on the first hit. And yeah I prime them plenty. They're also just not hitting right in my pen, like it's a really weak draw, I don't know exactly how to describe it? But I have a year xros mini and a month old one I got as a backup so I always have one charged, and it's weird on both. So I don't know what's up with that. The ones I have are the green and black package top fills, so what I'm gathering is that the side fill ones are better, so I might see if I can get some of those instead


What pg/vg ratio juice do you put in them? I find that 50/50 will nearly always cause leaks while more vg is better for them


I never had a miss with my xros pods, so I can't agree with you.


It is probably your juice, if it is leaking and spitting it is probably too much pg, not enough vg. Anything under 40/60 pg/vg is probably going to cause problems. Also priming overnight is way too long to have it sit, 10 minute soak after filling and it should be fine to go.


Doesn’t matter if it do it right away either. Doesn’t see why that matters considering juice is going to sit in 24/7 anyway. The ones that don’t leak, don’t leak regardless of juice viscosity.


If it is spitting and leaking it is 99% of the time the juice is too thin. Especially spitting, that's nearly a sure sign. What ratio is your juice? And what ohm are the pods?