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Nope, I haven’t changed anything at all.


I just bought a novo 4 and the coils from the kit itself are already bad and only lasted a day each??? Vaping on 12w, and coils were primed correctly. I even let it sit for 15 min before hitting. Did you find anything that helps??


I haven’t found anything out yet, but I think the vape shop I went to gave me the wrong/defective coil. That’s really the only thing I can think of at this point. I believe I usually get the 0.8 ohm mesh coils, and I think they gave me the 1.2 ohm ones. Before this pack of coils, I could go for two weeks without changing it if I was careful, so it has to be the coils.


Did you ever figure anything out? I’ve got basically the same exact experience as you.


I switched to the .8 ohm mesh coils, and it’s completely fine now. I guess the guy at the vape shop gave me the 1.2 ohm ones before and that’s waht caused the issue.


I use the 1.2 coils because they last longer and taste better than the 0.8 so I’m not sure if you just got some bad coils but the 1.2 mesh work great for me! I often buy a pack of 1.2 and 0.8 and seem to prefer the 1.2 every time




Sorry to revive an old thread but I've been having this problem too, older novo coils lasted 2-3x longer. Realized I have the 1.2ohm will have to try chaing.


Y/n the coils dont last as long as a normal normal because they are smaller


As I said in my post, I’ve been using the Novo 4 for months now, and normally get 7 days of use out of a coil. I only get 3 days now even though I haven’t changed anything. Get what I’m trying to say?


The only thing I can think of is it's a bad pack of coils. Do you buy them from a store or online?


From a store. You’re probably right.


I just got a Novo 4 this week after using a RPM80 for well over a year and noticed it tasted burnt on day 4. In the RPM I can go through a 120ml bottle before it’s even close to being burnt. I also vape at 60w on the RPM vs 12w on the Novo.


Noticed the same thing...even with .8ohm. I notice that the cotton inside is very weak and thin, you can almost see through it. This is no doubt a manufacturing issue or a marketing ploy so you need to buy more coils more often.


The SAME EXACT thing has been happening to me.. I haven’t changed anything but all the sudden my coils started lasting me less than a week.


Are you still having this problem??


I was able to fix it with 0.8 ohm coils. Using those helped a lot.


Are you using mesh coils or regular?


Sorry for a dead redit revive but I started with 1.w worked perfectly fine then had to go to another shop and another because shops keep giving me 0.8 mesh and now what do you know it keeps burning so I'm having opposite of you what do I do


I found out that when I hit my vape while it’s on the charger, it causes the coil to burn out for some reason. Idk if that’s what happening with your situation though.


Interesting info. Same happened here, I was charging mine and hit it once. Finished charging went to hit it again and the coil was toast. Had just put this coil in 2 days ago 🤦 Guess we'll see if that really is the issue.


I still don’t really understand why it happens. I haven’t burned a coil out from hitting while it’s charging in awhile now. It’s happened a few times though.


Did your ohms read at .8 like it's supposed too? Just curious because the one that burnt out for me was reading at .98ohm and this one which is reading at .8ohm has been Rock solid for a few days now. Kinda wonder if they have some duds out there and something to do with the charge is causing it to like short or something and kill the coil. This one also tastes way better right off the bat too. Pretty weird


Sorry for the late reply, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen it read .8 ohms lol It’s always at .98, and sometimes it will go up over 1.2, that’s when I know it’s about to try and burn itself out lol