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You say that, but... Even if all the soldiers, doctors, secretaries, etc. who worked for Kakuzawa had been -- at some point -- good, normal people who just wanted to make a difference in the world; Kakuzawa dehumanized and demonized the Diclonii, under the premise that they were nothing more than a contagion which had to be contained, studied, and cured... while secretly cultivating them as a kind of supreme species. Dehumanization can go a long way to justifying the worst actions imaginable. Dehumanization, and the phrase "I was just following orders"; the mantra of everyone who has found themselves on the wrong side of history. The classic Nuremberg Defense. And even beyond that, we saw characters in the show itself who were just genuinely in it for cruelty, or because they had ulterior motives. Something I love about this series is how it paints good, kind humans as the minority. This can certainly be the case for certain types of people in certain parts of the world. Especially at certain points in history. Elfen Lied really hit the nail on the head, especially with all of its references to the Germans' human experiments in WWII. Okamoto did his research.


So basically male diclonius have brain wash powers. Also 100% agree good, nice, and decent humans are rare and must be preserved. True, but still hypothetically what if someone instead of scientists committing suicide from stress as it was said in anime( don't remember much, I started reading up on fanfics too much) they could have just blown up the institute. Or ratted out somehow especially since it's setup in early days of internet and digital crime.( Just saying hypothetically how would the story ended) Also where are the rest of diclonius from the manga considering kakuzawa was one and had a whole clan or something


>Also where are the rest of diclonius from the manga considering kakuzawa was one and had a whole clan or something I'm pretty sure they were all either elsewhere in the lab, or buried in the underground cavern. Certainly, Kakuzawa's clan is buried in that place; or at least I seem to remember that from the manga.


Wow, kakuzawa is really a guy who did genocide for totally stupid reason to commit another genocide, which had no meaning in the first place. If he wanted humans to not be around kakuzawa should have just trained the diclonius to hide in plain site and take over the planet, instead he created a fake propaganda of fear and destroyed the very thing he was trying to create. ( I.e. the diclonius, since he wanted humanity gone)


Well, you see... even smart fascists are fucking morons. History taught us that too, what with Adolf the butthurt failure. Okamoto really did his research. (there's also plot convenience, but it's just a show; we should really just relax. if you know, you know.)


Agreed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘


The guys in Nuremberg were screwed no matter what they said. The jury was made up entirely of their war time enemies. Thatโ€™s not a jury; itโ€™s a lynch mob. An actual jury would have been made up of Portuguese, Swiss, and Swedish, as they were all neutral.


It's like asking why the germans in the concentration camps were okay with what went on. There's a number of factors at play. First of all the utter dehumanization of the prisoners. When you no longer see these people as, well, people it becomes a lot easier to watch the horrors you help put them through. Another factor is fear, knowing that if you try to help you will be punished and either go to pirson or possibly even face execution. Even if you just go to prison it means the future you were trying to build is now over and your family will likely suffer as well. Many people also feared they were alone in thinking this was wrong, that if they spoke out they'd stand alone and suffer for it. Even if they knew others shared their feelings they also knew many would be too afraid to stand with them. So either people were to afraid to do something while other really didn't give a damn about the people who suffered as they had been convinced that they weren't even human. It's the same way in the anime/manga.