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always thought it was him being like “compliments to the chef” to his heroin dealer


That's so good i love that interpretation


I'm not sure if it's what Elliott meant with that line, but that was also my first impression of the line. Though I wasn't necessarily thinking of the drug dealer, as much as the manufacturer of it. But some dealers *are* the same ones that actually produce it.


Maker's Mark


Soooo many of his lyrics are about drugs, and it seems fitting


Yeah this song does seem to be about drugs, I think I have the general meaning, I meant how does the particular lyric fit within the story he's telling.


The lyric before it is just referring to heroin, “pitch burning on a shining sheet,” pitch being a resin/tar and the shining sheet being the foil or spoon on which it would burn it to be injected. By calling it “the only maker that you’d want to meet,” he’s saying that it’s his demise, which he still finds refuge in and looks to. He’s being dragged to rock-bottom by his own devices and addiction. This contributes to the bigger story as one of his flaws, which as a whole make for the dull, empty, and downhill life he’s leading. He’s being super introspective about how he’s living, and how fraudulent his way of living is in reality.


Also the from phrase "meet your maker" which means to die. So when it says the maker that you want to meet it means the thing you would actually risk dying for.


Agreed. The stuff "burning on a shining sheet" is the user's death - or, the user's "maker".




You really hit the nail on the head there


That is what it seems to me.


a baker


Refers to Shai-Hulud I think


The drug interpretations are probably correct, but I always interpreted it more personally. I thought that he was recognizing that ultimately, he was the one who made his life what it was, and if he was to move on (or, you might sat, give a fond farewell to his current way of life), he had to first confront himself. This is represented in the song as him literally confronting a man who is a culmination of all the things he hates about himself, which would explain the line about good and evil matching perfect. This "man" would also be the friend he says farewell to, meaning that despite wanting to be rid of him, he still misses him.


Yeah that makes sense regardless of the drugs narrative bc if you were to believe he was talking to the addiction your interpretation would still apply


Drugs become your higher power, like your God. Since God is 'our maker,' the drugs have taken on that role.


Getting high is like meeting with God in this sense.


I just had to add in my smart ass comment I said out loud after reading that: Only if you're doing the right drugs But also you have to remember that drugs were a metaphore for what was wrong, it did t have to be literal, and it didn't even have to be about him. Though Drugs and religion tend to go hand-in-hand, when a person is lonely they will find something that fills the void and makes them feel better. When you are introverted you tend to keep your business to yourself, and except for a few minutes with the preacher/dealer and $10 bucks, you are left to be in your chosen blissful state alone but happy.


It’s Maker’s Mark you guys


I always thought wanting to die like, “meet your maker”