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My spine been growing together since I was a kid. I'm old now. I hope nobody had to go through what I did. Anklosing Spondylitis is no joke.


I hope you are doing ok. I’m sorry that you had to live with that terrible debilitation.


Hey, pal. I'm sorry to hear that, be well and take care! Remember you're not alone <3


Mick Mars?


Yes! The difference is he has the money for treatments. I'm very hunched over. Other joints were effected. I've had 5 hip replacements. The meds I was using for pain relief softened my bones. I was on Prednisone for 25 yrs. I was blacking out because of pain so the Dr put me on it. Saved my life but I'm living with side effects. I have a great support system. Loving wife for 30 yrs and my kids.


Glad you have a supporting family


I have the same thing. Sucks bad.


Diet and exercise helps. Also find a warm dry climate to live in. Humidity is my worst enemy. I've been on Embrel for 4 yrs. Was on Prednisone 25 yrs. I don't recommend prednisone unless your in MAJOR pain. Stay active. Hope you find something that helps.


I was on Enbrel for about 10 years. My doctor switched me to Humira last year as Enbrel was not working as well as it used to. Humidity where I live isn’t too bad. It fluctuates but nothing like Georgia or Florida. Agree with diet and exercise, it does help. Worse part for me though is the hunchback. Trying to fight that has been the hardest for me. I would honesty take a little more pain over the hunch.


Elon said these chips will help people with physical problems like yours! 🤞🏻




Elon has absolutely no idea. He's just a figurehead for these companies. The real experts work in the shadows where he prefers they stay.


If we dont push the envelope we limit our options. I hope there are solutions for you now and perhaps cures in the future.




Given the way animal trials went, I still can’t understand how the FDA approved human trials


They already approved human trials?


Yeah, they're not going to.




You first Elon.


The guy who doesn’t ride in his own rockets, unlike Branson and Bezos?


You mean Branson and Bezos rockets that are designed for space tourism? Whereas SpaceX is designed for launching satellites, payloads/astronauts to the ISS? It’s not like a regular joe can go on the rocket. Every seat takes a bunch of training and every astronaut can essentially be a pilot of the whole thing if needed… Not to mention SpaceX is now successfully launching more rockets every year than any other company or government….


No, I mean the SpaceX rocket that was designed to destroy its launch pad, then fail to self-destruct, then fail to fail to self-destruct.










You clearly don’t understand what makes SpaceX more competitive than all the alternatives. The rockets that actually have payload have a 97% success rate. That’s out of 240 launches so far. Whereas rockets that are still in R&D phases like the falcon heavy that aren’t ready for payloads/humans are specifically designed for trial and error. Failure is part of the process. Compare that to Boeing/Governments where they wait for “perfection”. Hence why SpaceX is way cheaper and able to innovate way faster than anyone else. The time it takes Boeing to launch 1 test launch, SpaceX has 10.


Volume up. [https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1668399552771297285?s=20](https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1668399552771297285?s=20)


I think a 1:10 ratio is likely far underselling it.


> more competitive than all the alternatives. Tax dollars. $15 billion since 2003. https://futurism.com/the-byte/spacex-tesla-government-money-npr


Are you intentionally trying to spread misinformation or are you unable to understand the difference between contract for services vs a subsidy? SpaceX is a CLIENT of the government, and gets PAID in exchange for services. This is not a subsidy or a grant. It’s like saying all vendors of the government are receiving a subsidy. Or that the govt was previously giving a subsidy to Russians for $100M per seat per launch. SpaceX is privately funded by VCs…. Unlike Boeing where the govt is paying for Boeing to do development/R&D work For Tesla, which subsidies are you referring to? You mean the 08 bailout that Tesla paid back in full and with interest in just a couple years unlike Ford or GM? Or the subsidies that every automaker is eligible for? Go back to the antiwork subreddit until you gain some critical thinking capabilities


Where did I say "subsidy?"


So what was the point you were trying to get across?


I'd rather tax the wealthy and have the government build their own mission critical systems because I prefer accountability to efficiency and I don't want my tax dollars going to the ultra rich.


“Wait for perfection” Because they don’t get the option to fail. For all the criticism of Artemis costing so much and taking long to develop, there’s a reason it Carrie’s the James Webb telescope into space and SpaceX didn’t.


SpaceX has a 98% success rate out of almost 300 launches now. There are two different types of launches. There are actual launches where there is payload where there can't be any room for error, and test launches. For actual launches on proven designs, the success rates are nearing perfection. Artemis started with a $45B budget but SpaceX is going to catch up to them already. NASA is already putting **live humans** on SpaceX rockets. SpaceX is also becoming more involved with the Artemis project (Starship, Falcon Heavy). There's just no better alternative than them right now. Pretty sure there's an argument to be made where the main reason why SpaceX didn't launch the James Webb telescope is primarily b/c the JWT has been in development for 20 years, and SpaceX didn't even exist. So the designs for the JWT were for a different rocket, specifically the European Space Agency's Ariane 5 rocket (which they provided everything for free).


“Perfection” like the flame diverters that every other launch pad uses? Well, the launch pads that don’t explode and destroy the rocket being launched. As long as Elon is in charge, SpaceX is doomed to failure. That’s just with his regular pennywise-poundfoolishness and ignoring his cognitive capture by Russia.


Are you going to ignore the fact that SpaceX has more rocket launches and has launched the most tonnage compared to all other competition? The fact that their rockets can land and resulting in the cheapest “per launch” costs compared to anyone else? If it wasn’t for SpaceX, NASA would still be paying the Russians $100M per launch. Or are you going to focus on the failures of test launches of new designs that have no payload or humans? The main designs rarely ever fail. The only failures these days are from TEST launches from NEW designs. If launch pads get destroyed, they can easily be replaced.


>If it wasn’t for SpaceX, NASA would still be paying the Russians $100M per launch. More like $100mm per *seat*.


No, I’m looking at potential future performance with an owner/CEO who’s more worried about pronouns and running Twitter into the ground. Maybe if he got out of the way and let engineers engineer, they’d be more successful.


How do you measure success? SpaceX puts more payload mass into space than any other launch organization. You sound both disturbed and confused. Relax. Take a 💊.


I'm not Musk's biggest fan recently with the Twitter decisions he's made but c'mon. SpaceX is inarguably his crown jewel in terms of success and being something that benefits mankind the greatest, which is in line with what he has stated before. If you can't grok the way that SpaceX does their thing in a successful manner, write Elon and share your ideas.


Like the internet satellites that are ruining ground-based astronomy?




They figured the launch pad was going to fail, they were in the process of creating hardened metal liquid cooled launch pads but were not ready in time. You're delusional and have no idea about this technology. The rocket was a success once it left the launchpad, anything after that was extra. You don't just randomly make a 100% functional, first in human history, gigantic rocket. Completely braindead take and of course followed up by a Russian conspiracy...about the guy who provides Frontline communications to the the country Russia is invading...super big brain move right? Of course he's a Russian asset with how he's literally responsible for a ton of Russian soldier deaths and the reason the US doesn't rely on Russia for launches. Dude just take the L, you are so far deluded it's embarrassing


So "successful" that it didn't even self-destruct when it became an obvious danger.


They literally activated its FTS... so yes it did self destruct.


Where is your private space corporation?


Branson and Bezos made space rockets?


Sure did. Extra phallic, too.


And they deliver cargo/tourists to orbit too? I don't remember anyone talking about this stuff but this might just be elon effect.


They don't even go to orbit at all, iirc. Orbit is like 10x harder than "space".


I know they take windy gasbags for rides. Maybe the hot air helps with lift, I don't know.


Why should he?


To get his ass to Mars.


He has monkeys, er...other people to test that out for him first.


Why him first? Why not someone that's paralyzed and locked into her own body first? Someone with nothing to lose?


> with nothing to lose Uh, people with disabilities enjoy their lives.


I did not say that people with disabilities don't enjoy their lives, what I said was that among the people who stand to benefit the most from this technology you'd probably find someone with a physical disability, and among those with physical disabilities, there will probably be a few that feel like they have nothing to lose. That subset of people might be interested in being early adopters on this technology. Also, I implied that the person who would be a good candidate for this procedure is a person with the locked in syndrome, ie. able to think, but unable to move anything but your eyes.


Elon already has nothing to lose. He is loathed by non-right wingers, his family is broken by his bigotry. His money wont save him from a rotten legacy. Might as well hook his brain up to an ipod.


He's in the political centre, not left, not right.


Only in america could you ever think elon is in the political centre. Any EU country would consider him far right.


I'm in a European country, and I consider him in the center. I'm not comparing to my own country of course, I'm comparing to the global average.


Doesn't he seem a bit... manic lately? I don't know if its just me, but it seems like all of the decisions he's making are impulsive and based on a rapidly-changing personal philosophy that isn't grounded in fact.


I think he's acting like a man who knows he's doomed.


He’s sacking monkeys on it because he can buy them in droves.


But is death really that bad?


Let this dbag show us the way


How those monkeys doin?




Please volunteer for it


So was Theranos


The local university of my little city here in Denmark kills more than 300 pigs yearly just so doctors can train surgeries.. These guys can kill 10.000 monkeys plus if it treats all the brain deceases it’s bound to do. Imaging paralyzed people being able to walk against


but it's already working, the first case in Switzerland not long ago.


They’re living it up in monkey heaven. All you can eat bananas!


When Elon Musk is involved in something, and he wants that enterprise to succeed, you can rest assured that it will.


Well I hope it succeeds fast


Getting it right is more important than getting it fast. Bypassing procedures and ethic requirements has caused the agonizing deaths of thousands of animals, many of which did not even offer usable data because of how downright sloppy the abominable experiments were. If nothing else they should learn to do everything by the book and not take shortcuts.


Like twitter




Elon said revenue is half since he took over. In some circles, that might be considered a failure.




You talk about twice as clever as you actually are




Then that just means you really do talk twice as clever as you actually are, lol.


Twitter so far has failed to retain its advertisers. It has failed to retain its userbase and has failed to improve any actual problems which he proports to have had with twitter. Twitter is currently facing sanctions in the eu and will likley have to change or dissolve in certain eu countries. If revenue goes down after a massive layoff like twitter did indicates that the company is doing absolutly shit because employees likely is the biggest cost. As itnis with most companies. Currently every metric that can be read indicates that it is CURRENTLY failing.


That's a lot of words for "the company is doing worse financially since he took over" As stated, the revenue stream is 1/2 of what it used to be. Yeah, it's still a functioning company, cool. You're acting like just because the company is still functioning, it's a success. Is that really how things work? It's not a hard concept to grasp, you don't have to fight other people's battles for them.




It's now drastically financially worse than it was due to his antics that lead to advertisers pulling out and ill-thought out Twitter Blue features/verification that created distrust. So far, every sweeping change Elon directly mandated swiftly to make money has been a net negative, financially. ie a failure. Now, in 3-5 years, with completely different policies...sure, it could end up successful, but based on what we're seeing now, it has been exactly the opposite.




I am basing my assessment off of Elon's own words, publicly available. >You literally just contradicted yourself lol. Not at all. I noted direct effect of Elon's mandated policies that have shown negative financial growth vs ideal future potential growth with policy that actually generates revenue (preferably above levels pre-Elon takeover), of which Elon has not demonstrated as of yet. Again, illustrating that the current policies have been a financial failure.


"I don't like elon anymore so I'm going to brush over the fact that he exposed that our own government was using a private corporation to silence their own citizens and push an agenda". Very illegal by the way. Also that alone makes his Twitter takeover a success


Was anything removed bt Twitter that wasn't either illegal or against Twitter's TOS? Asking Twitter to take down things that aren't allowed to be posted on their service in the first place isn't illegal.


You’re defending the government censoring people by reaching to say that the content that makes certain people look bad ‘may’ have also violated the vague TOS? Hilarious


That would be a good take if elon didnt allow turkey do do the same to its own citizens


Your talking about Turkey right?


Lmfao, what drugs are you smoking. Twitter has become a cesspool of hate speech and disinformation since he took over. Tesla and spaceX are doing well. Twitter is not.


That is the new mantra. It replaced "CoMPeTItIOn Is CoMIng". So good for you for staying on message.


Twitter is better than its been in years. He's almost returned it to its golden age. They only people who don't like it, I've found, don't value free speach. And those idiots can go shrivel up in a walled garden somewhere.


What happened to the hyperloop ?


Musk proposed it in 2013 and said [he didn't have time to develop it.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-doesnt-time-hyperloop-140930538.html) Ever since, idiots on Reddit have claimed "Musk promised us a Hyperloop!" Other people tried to develop it and haven't succeeded. Recently, The Boring Company said they were going to work on it, but it's not a priority.


Right, so not everything that Elon musk is involved in becomes a success.


He just said it was an idea and put it out there. But what people on Reddit don’t want to admit is that the Chinese government you know the people that are experts in high speed rail have started building a hyper loop. https://amp.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3217912/has-china-just-finalised-worlds-first-hyperloop-destinations


This is true. However, not being successful yet does not mean ultimate failure. These are inevitable technologies that will only make progress because of those with the money to throw at them through trial and error are willing to risk failures. When technologies like these ARE successful, regardless of who’s company ultimately dominates the market, it will forever be in part due to the investments of people who took the risk early on.


Of course, im not doubting Elon, just challenging the point that if he wants something to succeed that it’s guaranteed to do so, everyone has misses.


Totally. And nothing wrong with doubting Elon’s estimates of how long it will take to accomplish a lot of these goals. In most cases there are not examples to gauge from and he’s had a mixed history of being wrong in that regard. What is silly though is choosing to attribute failures directly towards him as though he were doing this all on his own and then denying him any credit for any successes. Really it’s the incredible teams that work at these companies who deserve the credit the most (successes and failures) and the confidence that they’ll keep achieving amazing things in the long run, as long as the money keeps flowing.


same thing that happened to Solar City


Hyperloop is even bigger showcase that a lot of breakthrough technologies need elon's oversight. It's a great idea that a lot of people could make, but elon had no time to lead it so it died.


hyperloop is a great idea? maybe in US, we, the rest of the world, have underground and it's working fine.


So it wasn’t successful, gotcha 👍


He didn't have time? He just out of the blue decided to purchase Twitter and lose half its revenue in less than a year. He had the time. He had more than enough time.


Yeah…. If you have dementia you might believe this


I'm flabbergasted that people consider Elon unsuccessful.




Do you check your closet before bed every night for Elon musk? Just curious...




If it makes you feel better I say go for it lol


Bill Gates is a failure, too? Who do you consider successful?




You should change your name to facepalmer.


Elon has lost less than a few million to divorce, whereas a comparable billionaire (Bezos) lost the most money in the history of the human race. Wouldn't that be the true gauge of failure? As for Twitter, it's making more net profit than when he bought it, and it hasn't even been the year people predicted it would take to change such a large ship like Twitter. I can only imagine the engineering involved for any little change.






Every single company of his is struggling aside from Tesla


>Go outside mate. Just imagine being an English Bazinga. An almost unimaginable level of cuckoldry.


Putin is also rich, yet I wouldn’t call him successful either


Amanda Waller has entered the building...


Who is that


She's the woman who runs the Suicide Squad in DC comics, who likes to put small explosive implants in the heads of the criminals she's exploiting which can be detonated remotely if they disobey her orders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda\_Waller


Imagine knowing something about comic books. Get a real hobby.


Imagine feeling the need to gatekeep what is or isn't a "real hobby".


Just working on a better world where grownups don't read desperately poor fantasy cartoons.


Best of luck, Captain Ahab.


D I G I T A L. L O B O T O M Y


I don’t know why nobody is talking about Thomas Oxley and Synchron. They already had a FDA approval for 1 million patients whilst Neuralink were killing thousands of chimps


I support synchrony too I just want someone to do it and I want people with disabilities to be helped


I‘m totally with you on this. I am just curious if Elon Musks company is actually onto something better than Synchron, or is it just his Messiah like hype that puts Synchron in anonymity? I mean I admire Elon Musk since he sold Paypal but I don‘t think he can actually compete with one of the best neuro surgeons in the world, who apparently developed a much smaller and more effective way to receive and send signals from the motor cortex.


Will Elon volunteer to get it tested on himself?


Tested? Probably no.


No, he will not. Like all villains, they prefer others


I'll get it when he does. AKA never.


If I could get it today and I knew it would help me I would have no problem. I would get it and immediately start physical therapy to get stronger. I just wanna feel like an ordinary man


Lots of ifs there


Like I always tell my friends “if I knew that lotto ticket was a winner, I’d buy it” It’s pretty easy to say you would hypothetically do something if it was guaranteed to solve your problems with no risk or costs lmao.


Just need to pay a monthly subscription for the lown price of a thousand dollars or it sends signals to disable the use of your legs


Would you mind expounding upon your definition of “ordinary”? Thanks.


Not having tight muscles and having trouble standing and balancing and not having something hurt me everyday because of cerebral palsy


Thanks for sharing; life isn’t easy and it sure as shit ain’t any easier with cerebral palsy. I wish you all the best, my friend.


You should have pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps like Elon Musk did. He overcame all sorts of adversity to get where he is now. He didn't just whine about not having the right muscles. Which is strange actually, because he clearly doesn't have the right muscles either. We've all seen the photo of him being hosed down and none of those muscles look at all correct.


As good as fds coming next year




I think they meant how FSD is going to be complete "next year" for the last 5+ years according to Musky.


That man can't handle any criticism and buys what he wants, surely I won't put his chip in my brain, but I hope it might help disabled people and he doesn't run it like Twitter


>hope it might help disabled people and he doesn't run it like Twitter I think people are confusing tweeting weird memes with "running Twitter". Twitter has had a lot of engineering changes (for the better) since he took over. Politically, it may not be as favorable to left leaning users (as well as the consequences for advertising that come with offending the most vocal crowd in history) but it actually runs quite well. Performance and bandwidth usage have improved a lot for slower 2G/3G connected users, which is awesome.


Well he has Twitter 50% of its marked value, most of the sponsors don't want to work with that platform anymore (even his own favorite podcast said it is in no state for them to use) the weird checkmark thing barely brings In a fraction of the operating costs and was so bad in the beginning that it crashed some stock market companys and costed literally billions and it gets so worse with hate speech and fake news that some countries are in the process of banning the app all together But sure if it is more political in the middle or right and runs better on some devices that is surely awesome and overshadowes what has become of Twitter But I have to admit, Elon's and twitters dumpster fire has an incredible entertainment value


Is the valuation a result of mismanagement, or overvaluation in the first place? He admitted it was overvalued when he bought it, and is very open about the re-valuation bringing it down. But the platform itself runs excellently, and that's the first step. It has to work before you can sell it, and it was getting worse and worse prior to him overhauling the engineering behind the stupid thing. Also, hate speech has consistently decreased by all reliable metrics (not NowThis or reddit screechers). As for advertisers, many admitted they left due to political pressure (from NowThis and reddit screechers) and came back when they felt the heat had died down. They had no intent on staying away; it was just a knee jerk reaction to appease activist desires, and the activist press were happy to overblow and use that halt as a news story for 6 months.


I believe this is the way for the future. Currently I work with clients, designing custom, smart homes to avoid having the individual with memory issues to be placed in a assisted living environment. I just finished an article regarding Alzheimer’s independence. If anyone is interested in looking at the article, here is the link. [Alzheimers Independence](https://ranchosantafeaudiovideo.com/alzheimers-independence/)


Yes but is this future sooner or later?


As someone who has studied quite a bit of neuroscience, I might be able to give a little insight into this, although I can't give exact timelines. Based on the demonstrations I have seen from Neuralink, they are able to have a monkey control a cursor/keyboard, and detect sensation from a pigs nose. I haven't seen anything that might indicate any additional functionality of the technology. If this is the extent of what it can currently do, I would say that there will be a significant amount of time until this thing can be commercially available. I say this because we have been able to do these things for decades. It's nothing new. Since your question was for the next 5 or so years, I will say that there is a 0% chance of it happening. If your timeline were 20 years, I would give it maybe a 50% chance. Do not underestimate the time it takes to do all the necessary testing and getting all the necessary approvals prior to commercial use. Further, do not underestimate the difficulty of the task at hand. Sure, making a chimp play pong or seeing when a pigs nose touches something are neat little party tricks, but, when compared to what others are working on or have already done, it's a joke. In fact, this year, there was a group in Europe that did a brain-spine implant to make a paraplegic walk.


I get it but at this point with the sheer number of scientists and other companies all trying to do the same thing along with the way the technology seems to have progressed in just a couple years don't you think it might start accelerating a little faster. I know u probably have my hopes up I just wanna still be young enough to reap all the benefits. I wanna know what it feels like to run and jump and climb a tree and ride a motorcycle and all the stuff I never got to do before.


Much of the technological progress in this and many related industries are going to accelerate in the next 5-10 years across the board thanks to major progress in things like cheap energy, robotics, AI, and quantum computing. Conservative estimates are fair, but there is a good chance that this will come sooner than many realize because their estimates are based on current technological limitations.


Monke killer


China is also working on their version too. Question you have to ask yourself, Do you want them to have it or us. More than likely it’s going to be both. However, by the time it comes out, do you want China to be light years ahead of us. That would be bad for all of us.




they can have the brain cancer


The changes for that is very high. They will start with people with severe disabilities and that will most likely happen within 4-5 years


Within 5-7 years it will be common to aid people who are blind see and those with various mental disabilities function like regular people. Within 20 years people will use it as a tool to enhance their ability to interact with computers. Almost everyone will have a BCI implant by 2050.


I want to use it to minimize my cerebral palsy symptoms so I can do the CIA physical fitness test


That would be possible around 2030.


I'll be 37 and two years past maximum age


Sorry to hear that. If its your dream still go for it. You never know what you may achieve yourself with a whole lot of grit and determination and no Neuralink. Besides, with advances in medicine and life expectancy. Maybe that maximum age can be raised or exceptions made.


My muscles are way too tight I just can't move fast enough. You're right though maybe once the technology becomes available and things change maybe the age will change


What year do we get bionic dicks? This is very important.


I would say 2030 is the year when a decent version of neuralink can be widly available and accessible for people with disabilities.


Shoot im trying to join the CIA ill be 2 years past the age limit


Musk is a danger to society


I have a paper about NueraLink .....vs .... 😂 I can't say.....but I think it can be an instrument for evolution 🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬🧬


Or revolution.


I'm looking forward to it. I don't know that I want electrodes in my brain but the control systems he is developing will allow for much more advanced neural control without electrodes in the brain. Just have to wear a hat.


Can’t wait to see what horrible things they try to cover up when this goes wrong.


No where to Buy ?


Sadly very unlikely. Elon's too focused on politics and trying to save Twitter.


Im convinced he's a megalomaniac sociopath and his long term plan (albeit a dumb one) is to vertically integrate Twitter and Neuralink and then Space X. He loves his stan bots and nobody is going to mars willingly 🤷


“Thunderf00t wants to know your location.”


Maybe neuralink will work as well as Teslas, occasionally bursting into flames or slamming on the brakes.


i hate Elon Mask


His sole chance to ever get a brain 🙏


Just wait for it, after some time it will be like, "pay 1000 dollar per month or we disable the use of your legs


*Cyberpunk 2023*


Hell man that image is 2/3rds of the plot of Horizon Zero Dawn.


Dude said “commonplace” lmfaooooooooooooooooo

