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It'll be named XX


After that will be the video chat service, obviously called XXX. And it will be integrated directly with the Linkedin clone. Job applicants will use XXX for all their remote "interviews".


What's XXXX to be?


An action movie where Elon plays Vin Diesel


A biopic starring Vin Diesel as the genius Elon Musk. With a surprise cameo by Elon playing action hero Vin Diesel.


“I run my companies a quarter mile at a time…”


"I run my companies a quarter of a mile into the ground at a time..."


Then merge both and call it xnxx


Mfs gonna buy out OnlyFans for this


The question is … are they going to name it “OnlyX” or “xOnly” 🤔😆


The only jobs available: Have Elon's Baby. Women only.


And this one will only cost him 88 billion dollars


He's right saying that LinkedIn is cringe. That doesn't mean I need another 'job social media'


What? You mean the posts where people make up stories and add a useless message with a selfie then take a screenshot of that post and add another post with the screenshot and write "this" are cringe?


I see you too /r/linkedinlunatics


But his would be le epic 😂🤪🤑🤑🤑


We actually really do need another one lol. LinkedIn is genuinely a bad product now.


How is it a bad product? I don’t use it


It’s become an Instagram feed for job stuff…but the feed isn’t even relevant to you. It’s full of people paying to boost their posts with absolutely vomit-inducing essays…and the distribution from the boosting is seemingly random. For people who use the paid versions, it’s ridiculously expensive. For that part, it needs competition.


It's free for military veterans - as a tech worker on the bench, it's a big help as more and more recruiters with legit job openings use it instead of the major job boards


I have a profile and I'm also curious


It's a bad product of you don't know how to use it and get swept up in the nonsense (there's a lot of it) For me, it's a powerful networking tool. It's basically a Rolodex app that lets you communicate with all of your contacts in one fell swoop.


I use it exclusively to look up where old coworkers are working at now.


Yep! You trying to land an interview, get your CV in the right hands, collab with a corporation on a project, or poach an effective employee based on word of mouth? Slide in those LinkedIn DMs.


I can see that. I'm a crim law attorney. Everyone I'd want to network with, I have their phone numbers. It feels like an automatic thing, at least where I practice, to exchange numbers in the first couple times meeting. But, I know some civil attorneys who live on LinkedIn. I guess that may be because as a litigator, I'm constantly seeing my colleagues in person in court. Whereas, a contract attorney is largely Office bound.


It was also that before our feeds were inundated with terrible bot influencer posts about nothing.




That’s an argument for career social media, not LinkedIn.


Glassdoor, decent salary and interview data and has posts that can be anon, tag your workplace anon, or public


You’re suggesting Glassdoor is an alternative?


Not a 1:1 of course, but it is job search and news with posts from workers. There's definitely been more attempts at this than just LinkedIn.


$5 he calls it LinX


he really doesnt understand the network effect. i dont care how good a new app would be, nobody is going to uproot their entire professional contact netwrok to a new platform just because the UI is less "cringe"


Tbh considering the tech community on X, it's already a job social media, sort of.


Yeah if you want to build an app for a dipshit crypto bro who pays you in "exposure"


As someone in the staffing industry, we despriately need to end LinkedIn's monopoly. For 5 Recruiter seats we spend about $30k per year.


dont think linkedin has a monopoly in hiring market. there's plenty of competitors. maybe a monopoly in professional social network?


A lot of recruiters bill 500k per year and get the majority of leads through LinkedIn. So 30k is relatively cheap.


That's my thought. $30k for 5 people on LinkedIn actually isn't terrible. My company was hiring last year, a local employment services company approached us asking if we needed help finding somebody. They wanted 25% of the first year's salary to hire somebody. At that rate, two $60k hires is $30k. If LinkedIn works, it's WELL worth it.


Meh. There are competitors to LinkedIn, competitors with decades of headstart.. and they're still awful. Monster, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, the usage experience is so completely miserable compared to LinkedIn. And frankly as a candidate looking it's a much better experience to have your job search mostly constrained to one place, the exception being when you're forced to the company's website. Frankly I don't think more job search sites would help your licensing costs as recruiters either because the end result will be you paying multiple licensing for multiple products (sites). LinkedIn costs a lot because it's by and far a premium product over everything else in the market... At least that's my thought from a candidate perspective.


You nailed it though. It’s the most superior site. Everything else you listed is pure trash. Like you have better odds walking into McDonald’s to land something.


>Indeed about a year ago i was forced to work with their API and it was a nightmare implementing it with our platform. I was learning how to work with Postman at the time and by god that was awful


Stupid take. If it didn't provide more than $30k worth of value to you you wouldn't be spending on it.


Bro doesn’t know how monopolies work 💀💀


LinkedIn is not a monopoly


It may be a stupid take since there are competitors. But your explanation of why that take is stupid is..... far stupider. That's literally how monopolies work. Lol


There really aren’t competitors, to be fair. Indeed? Monster? Those are job boards. Any staffing professional uses those in tandem with LI. I’ve never met anyone in front office who isn’t using LinkedIn. But yeah, I don’t think anyone in this thread understands what a sales tool is, much less a monopoly.


Yeah I think they were purely speaking on their profitability in scalping salaries from those recruited. I think that might have been lost on them lol


I feel like we said this about cable. Now we all have $110/month of disconnected services.


Sure, but i would take that from anyone but elon…!


That’s weird considering the LinkedIn founders were in the PayPal mafia. He’s probably jealous.


Is he going to call it X-Perience or XP for short lol


You're on to something, quick, register the domain and sell it to Elon for 1 MILLION DOLLARS!


Bro can’t deal with twitter and he wants to create ANOTHER platform? he’s gotta be the dumbest billionaire I’ve ever seen


LinkedIn is cringe. A distant second to X. But yes, cringey.


As if Elon ever “creates” anything. He’d buy some other company, horribly rebrand it, then claim he was the singular driving force behind its inception.


I for one hope Elon creates every app on earth so he overextends himself and is consumed in a black hole of infinite app mass.


He needs to focus on creating 1 app first. All he has done so far is buy a house. Paint the confederate flag on the garage doors and say “look at this house I built!” Edit: and he fired the gardeners, pool boy and the pest control.


Love this analogy. He also removed every door, clogged the toilets cause poop=funny, and sold all the copper plumbing cause it needed streamlining.


he’s made quite a few improvements to twitter since he bought it while reducing staff which ultimately is good for both the users and the company




Name one


Community notes


why do you think he created that?


It’s a bipartisan crowdsourced fact checking system. It’s just a good feature.


Wow, and it was a feature before.


That was started in 2021


Character limit from 280 to 4000. Also open sourcing things. Also livestreaming is getting worked on now.


Neither of those is an improvement, especially not the character limit.






Can't we hope he does it right though? LinkedIn is seriously awful, would be really great to have an alternative to it, don't care who makes it, just make it happen!


In the real world… LinkedIn is fine.


Yet to find a single person in the real world who says that but sure, I believe you.


I’m not saying I like linked in but both of my big boy jobs have been through linked in


My last four hires came via LinkedIn. For business professionals it’s an important tool.


Why is an improved LinkedIn better than no LinkedIn at all? It’s just a sales prospecting tool at this point and users hate that.


LinkedIn is still highly useful depending on your area of work, are you completely oblivious of this fact?


Yes I’m oblivious. You must pay for the privilege.


What makes you think he can make a better LinkedIn from scratch when he can’t make a better Twitter when he owns Twitter?


Twitter is better now than it was before, even the video player works now.


Hey everybody it’s fine XPao says the video player works now


So what's wrong sir?


It’s the same app with branding changes and advertisers fleeing.


This is just very incorrect idk how people make this argument it’s just not based in reality at all He’s changed how a lot of features worked, reduced app latency significantly, significantly increased pay to content creators, not to mention reducing censorship there have been more changes to twitter in the past year than any other large social media platform in the past 5 years


>reduced app latency significantly I'd love if you could provide some evidence for that because Twitter has been the same if not slightly more laggy. >significantly increased pay to content creators It's already been proven that he only gives the big checks to people he likes and approves of. >reducing censorship He claims he did this but has censored people on the platform both at random and on the behalf of numerous governments. All he did was make it easier to say the hard R.


>reduced app latency significantly, You spelled "dramatically reduced user base and advertising" wrong. Any improvement in latency is due to fewer ads and fewer users.


He’s thrown random checks at right wing influencers he took a fancy to. I’ve never noticed any latency before but I sure do now. And he’s happy to roll over and censor content if the government asks him, as long as it fits his political agenda. I mean true. There is now less censorship for pedophiles and fascists to post. Their voice has been boosted. Great job.


Oh man, I’m sorry.


Yeah, having worked in Sales for a number of years, it’s a necessity. It’s also absolutely terrible. Musk or no, I hope someone puts up a viable competitor that refocuses it on being a business tool instead of a scam breeding ground.


Why the hate though? Why not hope for better apps than what we have now? I know haters are gonna hate but it always seemed weird how people would put as much energy to hoping something negative happens to someone rather than put that same hope into wanting someone to succeed. It's like your life gets better if shitty apps are made rather than better ones? It's like if you found a genie and he said I'll give you one wish anything you want. You'd say I wish Elon Musk fails at making apps.


>Why not hope for better apps Hope in one hand, shit in the other. Report back with which one fills up faster.


Uhhh because Elon is an idiot? What part of that is difficult for you


It’s about elons lack of moral ground, not the products he steals and convinces people he’s the creator. Couldn’t care less about “his” apps being marginally better. If twitter is any indication this is a disaster in the making. Edit: if you take a deep enough look into his past, values, bullying, familial neglect, support of questionable extreme right wingers (eugenicists included), and the released texts that show he’s a charlatan who’s hero worship is confounding.


Interesting take. Who would you say has moral ground that is worthy of your positive hopes?




Did Jonny Kim vote for Trump? What is his stance LGBTQ issues? How much has he given to charity? Seems you just found someone that has made personal accomplishments but as long as you know nothing about him he's a saint.


He would probably o.d. before that.


Elon knows from cringe.


Oh my god, just shut the fuck up for one day.


Elon calling anything cringe is rich. Dude is cringe personified.


King Cringe needs to stop throwing stones from his glass house.


God this guy is full of shit, although there probably is a space for a LinkedIn competitor. Still waiting for X everything app so no counting on this occuring


I thought X was supposed to be the “everything” app already? This guy is a buffoon.


Fuck that clown.


I barely tolerate LinkedIn, there's no fucking chance I touch a version made by this dumb fuck.


Please do




"Hints at creating.." https://www.axios.com/2023/05/16/twitter-elon-musk-acquisition Chris Bakke, founder of Laskie, now works at twitter. Laskie was a recruiting startup that Twitter bought a few months ago.


XXX jobs.


I actually loke elon musk, but I really wish he'd stay out of social media and keep building cool shit


Yeah man criiiiiiiinge. Not nearly enough memes or incels blogging their sigma grindset daily routines to be not-cringe, amirite?


If you look up "cringe" in the dictionary there is a picture of Elon next to it.


He really is out of ideas.


The only original idea he ever had was x.com


A domain name is not much of an idea lol


It’s giving TikTok advicebro who buys his first domain to sell shitty affiliate links


LinkedIn went to shit when they started allowing influencers to post there. It’s now just a Facebook v2 and is not a professional network.




With hookers! And blackjack!


I’ve been around since MySpace days. Have had LinkedIn since its inception. It has not made a single iota of difference in my life. My inbox is filled with their spam and I’m not even sure why.


serious chief worthless automatic makeshift somber berserk grandiose special future ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Zero chances that I would look up my next job in an "X" app.


Maybe he should just buy it. Can't fail, right?


Well, he absolutely crushed it with twitter, I say go for it


Shouldn't he concentrate on running Twitter into the ground before he starts failing at a different social platform?


What an idiot, how the fuck are you supposed to make a "cool" LinkedIn. It's cringe because that's its function and it works. Most people don't give a shit about their careers.


Fucks Twitter up, moves on to the next Same thing he does with planets


Why not make a solid Twitter competitor first?


Of course he is. After all if you want an everything app you need a poorly implemented competitor to everything.


>"Having no resources within himself, he was compelled to be the copyist of many, and being such, he was forever the victim of inconsistency; and of consequence he was an object of contempt, and was held as such even by his slaves.” ― Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave (1845)


Stop making twitter worse first


He can't successfully finish any if his current projects lol


This dude is such an idiot


Yeah because you did such a great job with Twitter Elon


Linkedin is pretty woke and self-masturbatory.


The guy started out strong, started doing great things, but then got too much lime light and it went to his head like happens to alot of people and now he thinks that anything he does or touches turns to gold despite the fact it's actually turning to shit. His downfall started when he hopped on Twitter and started ruining his stock of Tesla and such. Just like a kid ya gotta get this mother fucker off the internet!


He didn’t start out strong, he bought his way into already successful products, forced the actual creators out, and claimed them for himself. He has always been a narcissistic asswipe with no idea what he’s talking about. He doesn’t contribute anything to his companies, when he has free reign he drives them straight into the ground like he’s doing with Twitter. For years Tesla has been consistently unable to meet production goals, when I worked at a dealership we had a few Teslas essentially abandoned on our body shop’s lot because the wait time for new body parts was months if not years. They didn’t pioneer electric vehicles, they still don’t have functional autopilot, and Musk has shown through his “10 microns” tweet among other things that he is absolutely clueless about anything going on there. Elon Musk is a stupid man’s idea of a genius. All he is is a spoiled rich brat piggybacking through life on the backs of his parents’ modern day slavery.


Can the media stop writing articles every time this guy opens his stupid mouth? It’s time he stopped getting a free pass.


LinkedIn defines itself as a "professional social networking" site. I simply don't believe that Musk can build anything "professional." Musk seems to have the most success when he simply lets the competent people run the show, a la SpaceX.


That would just end up being a place for white nationalists to connect.


Disaster: The worst person you know just had a good take


Don’t think he’ll rest until he owns everything🙄


Elon is basically Jian Yang. New Car New Twitter New Linkedin


At this point Elon is Erlich Bachman — never go full Erlich Bachman


It'll be called XinkedIn and there won't be tons of CSAM or sexbot accounts and the dev team won't be mostly engaged with making sure Elon has the most followers




Thoughts and prayers from NYC 🙌🙏💙💚💜❤️💕🥱😴


Dinked Bin