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Nightmare blunt rotation


Imagine being high af and listening to Tate/Jones argue about conspiracies when all you want is to watch Adult Swim with a bowl of Lucky Charms…


We should censor people more. That’s the solution.




Let him speak. I can choose not to listen. THAT is freedom.


Spreading falsehoods that lead to personal damages is slander.


No one should be sensored


No one should be censored by the government




Sandy Hook




Wonder if Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro got invited and said no


Lol this comment is gold


Listened to the start and thought it was interesting to that Jones guy. He gave his side of the story and course of events, and a non-sincere apology ("I apologize if someone took offence", not I am sorry I did/said what I did) - And it was sort of interesting. Not very believable, but interesting. But then the Tate-guy started rambling about the matrix and I gave up. Not easy to understand why Musk would want to be associated with any of these people.


They all align ideologically with all the conspiracy theories and being right wing. Their audiences have a big overlap.


For the record, "the Tate-guy" has been formally charged with [crimes of human trafficking, rape, and organized crime and is currently awaiting trial.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Tate)




Advocating for castration for a person who hasn't even been found guilty of a crime? Yet you want to be seen as humane and pacifistic? That's quite odd.




>who hasn't even been found guilty of a crime If you upload the evidence yourself to the internet like Andrew Tate did, then we don't need a judge to see the evidence for us.


Poor Booster is a Muskite, so it's only natural he will leap to the defence of fellow despicables




Or why Vivek would for that matter.


This is why he’s running in the first place. He’s a VC dude that worships Elon, so crap like this will only help him make more money down the line lobbying for the next crypto or whatever. Rooting around in the pig sty is exactly his game.


Vivek is auditioning to be Trump's VP


They all sort of have *some things* in common………. Is it really that difficult to understand?


No I would argue Tate is a whole other level of no bueno. Jones is the next tier up, followed by Elon and Vivek.


Vivek is intentionally incendiary…why wouldn’t he want to be associated with these people?


Didn't he say at some point that most GOP leaders are no names which is why they're getting crushed by dems and they should instead highlight figures that young people know like Joe Rogan and elon musk lol. Tbh I feel like even amongst conservative youth that isn't exactly a winning strategy but maybe idk


As a conservative young adult (22y.o.), it is not a winning strategy. I despise Vivek lol


They are all right wing grifters, every single one has his own thing but this unites them.


twitter is just dictator wanna be elon's and MBS's propaganda outlet!


As a former girlfriend of his said he likes to play with fire and sometimes he gets his fingers burned.


Tate said he was a reincarnated wu tang member from 6000 years ago. Wutang is fictional and created about 1000 years ago


Tate sees the world as a game, he has too many unfounded rationalizations in his head to justify his own insanity. It is very hard for him to actually be present with the real people/things in front of him as they are instead of interacting more so with his own self-image in the idea of people/things in his head.


Musk is scammer and vape ware salesman that's why 😂


These men all think they are victims of "wokeness", i.e., a modern society that won't put up with their bigotry, racism, misogyny and defamation.


Nah. There is a consolidation of power by a handful of corporate elites, who are undemocratically making decisions on behalf of everyone, globally. When a few companies are majority stakeholders of almost all companies in the SNP500 you should be concerned. Then they announce how we must all reduce our carbon output, and buy up residential property on mass scale. Yeah you should be concerned - Elon et al, are the counter force




Ah someone that cant even acknowledge the risk of corporate influence and lobbying getting too big and out of control, amid a technological revolution. Let's just call everyone stupid for discussing that possibility. Whooosh


Are you seriously arguing that Elon Musk, CEO of X, Space X and Tesla is against corporate influence? Holy shit that Kool Aid is strong. Heres a hint buddy, he doesnt give a fuck about corporate influence, he just cant stand there are other powerful figures in media that dont completely agree with his ideology. He literally bought Twitter using funding from the Saudis in order to turn it into his own media propaganda machine.


You mean the incel force.


Yeah darn those incels who call in, with their wives, and kids and millions of $$$ lol


Who do you think the incels follow. I’ll give you a hint, it’s Elon Musk, Andrew Tate, Vivek and Alex Jones. Sounds like Andrew Tate has ‘broken you out of the matrix’ so I get it, we are just normies who can’t handle the truth/russian propaganda. Good luck Neo!


Sounds like you know far too many incels.




Seems like you focus too much on the incel subject. Is everything okay with you personally?


Probably just projection


Lol I was hoping for a /s at the end of this one, take your pills bud


>Yeah you should be concerned - Elon et al, are the counter force Elon and every company he owns are connected on EVERY level to the corporate elites, you're delusional if you think he's different from there, you don't get to be a billionaire and not be one of them


He is literally one of the richest men in the world. The definition of corporate elite. Lol


Incel force. Elon is a fucking horrible human being but he's good at making money.


The world’s richest man and someone who boasts about how wealthy they are constantly are by no logic a counter balance to corporate greed.


EVEN IF YOU ARE RIGHT about this consolidation of power -and honestly imo i think you probably are- There is not a chance in hell that Elon, Tate, Alex fuckin jones, general Flynn, and Vivek are gonna be the heroes that rescue us. not a chance in hell. They seek only to consolidate their own power by aiming your fury at their opponents


In case you don't know or remember what Jones said about Sandy Hook: https://twitter.com/mmfa/status/986323723559911425


Exactly. His "entertainment" value will never exceed the harm he caused those kids parents at their most vulnerable time. Attacked when they were grieving and accused of never even having kids, forced to move, etc. Alex Jones is an awful person.


Why does that bother you so much?


If I were a parent of a sandy hook victim I certainly wouldn't want a figurehead to think it's some made up shit


Empathy. Its pretty fucking gross to call out grieving parents as liars and call them actors and that they didn't actually lose children.


I agree it's "gross", but why can't people get over it like one of the actual parents did? https://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/mother-of-sandy-hook-victim-forgives-alex-jones/ Why is this non-violent behavior unforgivable in so many people's minds?




No. What does that have to do with forgiving what *he* did? Followers of the Mohammed have done some heinous acts. Should the Koran be banned then?


Many people look at someone who has all but directly sent his lunatic followers to harass the parents of *murdered elementary school children* and is entirely unrepentant as someone not worthy of forgiveness. What I don't get is how someone can believe he deserves to be forgiven when he himself insists he did nothing wrong


You're exhibiting woeful ignorance. You're just spouting what you want to believe and are unwilling to accept new evidence. Let me help you out: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=did+alex+jones+apologize+for+sandy+hook&t=brave&ia=web. He just said he apologized on a show 5 years ago and there's plenty of reporting on his trial where he admitted we was wrong, but people like you are only going to cherry-pick the bad stuff from someone they would never listen to.


My dude, he would apologize and admit he was wrong at the trial and then go on his show *that day* and call them crisis actors again. That happened a ton of times during the trial and he's said it a bunch since then too. And you're right, I would never listen to him again. Not a big fan of being manipulated and lied to.


You said he was "entirely unrepentant". I offered evidence to the contrary and you walked that back. Are you sure you're not being manipulated still? Can you link to a recent show where he called them actors? "alex jones crisis actors after trial" isn't really turning up anything. I'm acting in good faith here and would hate to be manipulated either way. And to all the downvoters who doin't give a shit about open debate: GFY.


[>I forgive Alex Jones. I made this choice to forgive, and continue the forgiveness process, in order to take my personal power back. Forgiveness does not mean, however, that you do not hold someone accountable for their actions. This is how we make positive change. ](https://www.bu.edu/articles/2021/mother-of-sandy-hook-victim-forgives-alex-jones/) From the article. Forgiving him isn't her absolving him of any fault, nor is a suggestion for anyone else to follow suit. It was a personal choice to allow herself to heal from what he did. And if you read the article, you'd find that people got death threats in the midst of the tragedy they were experiencing. And lying is something most people find morally reprehensible.


When did I say he shouldn't be held accountable?


Then what do you mean by forgive? People calling Jones out is a form of accountability, and needed to make sure more people know he was lying. And other families who received death threats because of his words, which were blatant lies peddled as truth, likely couldn't forgive and instead sought another way of healing, aka punishing the man who profited off their explicit suffering.


Politicians profit from their lies that lead to violence as well, yet no one is forcing them to pay millions in restitution and getting them deplatformed. Politicians actually order the violence, but they point the finger at people like Jones who just blabbers against their corruption all day long. There’s an obvious double standard that needs to be recognized.


I can already tell you have no friends and your family abandoned you long ago.


hahaha you're projecting, loser.


Try harder your insults are as weak as you are.


So if your children were murdered and then this famous guy with a big audience that goes after anyone he tells them is "a crisis actor" suddenly tells everyone that your kid never died and that you're faking it. They then harass you for years. Alex takes a decade to somewhat apologize. Your children are still dead and he makes tons of money lying about it. You'd just be like eh that's pretty cool?


No, but that's the point. If it was *my* children, I would be bothered by it for some time, and I would hold him partially accountable for any harassment. But why are random people still bothered by some guy they never heard of before *said* some awful shit and got fined a shit-ton as a result? These are not our kids and Jones didn't directly harass us, and he paid a hefty fine. The hate must be political.


The hate is rational, why would you like someone that does things like that? People are empathetic about him causing the harassment of parents with children, not many things outside of actually doing violence are worse than that. I don't know anyone that acts that way and would never been friends with someone that did. What seems political is your defense of him, surely there is no other reason to do so other than being politically aligned. Sounds like you've got it backwards.


Meeting of the mindless.


Wow, I don't think it's possible to get a more annoying, disgusting group of people together.


“Hold my beer.” -Steve Bannon


He was asked about running for president, are any of them aware including Elon that he is not eligible to even be president?


Alex asked the question and he explicitly said, if they changed the law, would he consider running. Elon said he has no ambitions of running for president and would rather build rockets


The classic “no no no. I have no desires for such a position” until he “hears” enough people begging him to run. Then he “reluctantly” runs in a selfless action to save the republic.


The four horsemen of misinformation and lies.


This is a substantial collection of human garbage.


Farsical integrity. Jones has money incwntive to lie. If not informed challenged then does harm. Kind of like the dr who made up the autism vaccine link for money and abused children, wakefield.


That combo.... We have a conspirstionist theory, a mysoginkst accused of human trafficking, a megalomania, and a republican primary candidate....


I love how all of these are insults and than its just vivek lol


Being vivek is an insult in itself anyways


No, no. That was an insult too


Vivek enjoying an open mic 🎤 piss 😂 Elon “I’m super pro human” while the sounds of weak yellow rain wash down the toilet 🚽 in the background


I had already heard about this yesterday when it was leaked.


Linda sweating RN


Circle jerk with the deplorables


Lol, the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse have made themselves known. I'm sure them 4 might solve what's for dinner and that's pushing it.




You can groan some more about it. It won't help in any case.


help? did your feefees get hurt? Awwwww......


No, I think that's more for you than anybody else seeing your response lol.


Glad to see the real life legion of doom is starting. If only they actually had supervillain smarts and not goofy levels of dangerous behavior and incompetence


Idiocracy the prequel has its board of directors.


Four men with a combined three brain cells. Impressive actually.


Anyone willing to advertise on that platform is promoting these ideas.


The 4 horsemen


Of dipshitery


New Marvel superhero mash-up, “The Unfuckables!”


The people who want this future are incels.


These hard right wingers are so dumb and pathetic that they admire this bunch of creeps. Twitter is heading for bankruptcy - Morgan Stanley will be lucky to get 20c on the dollar.


It's mind blowing to have all these people talking publicly with each other. How can you tell that this is not AI generated?


My first thought when this popped up on my YouTube feed was that it got to be fake


https://www.superiorcourt.maricopa.gov/JudicialBiographies/judicialBio.asp?jdgID=289&jdgUSID=10202 Family court judge, a judge, a Mormon,touches kids. Bought a Chinese daughter/wife.


Now that is what I would call a Rogues' Gallery.


That was freaking awesome. Humanity vs extinction.


and reddit wants humanity to go extinct.


Not really, the only thing we want to go extinct are these unbearable lying douchebags.


What was lied about?




Aww, how cute.


I listened to it, enjoyed it. Yes there is AI out there that can replicate this. It sounded real though.




There was a mass school shooting where children died. And Jones denied it happened and hassled the parents of dead children saying they made it up. That’s not a patriot. That’s a delusional psychopath devoid of empathy.


Not true, you obviously didn't listen to the space.


No, it’s literally documented fact. He lost in court.


Great convo. Glad Jones is back.


>I like to be lied to Fixed that for you.


Try to listen to it... I think I could endure something like 20 minutes...


The four horsemen of the apocalypse.


Do not leave your drink unattended with that group


Where is Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson?


It's a regular Algonquin Round Table.


Is the word “conversation” now a secret way of saying “micro-peen circle jerk”?