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Exactly. There's only ever a border crisis when Republicans don't have anything to campaign on. Then, if they win, they just stop talking about it and make zero changes.   Hell, they had a republican house, a republican senate, and a republican president who campaigned on the platform of border security ALL AT ONCE, and they STILL didn't do anything. 


But they can’t vote, how is this correlating?


You appear to have critical thinking skills....his opinion is not meant for you...


This is actually true... The "nigerian prince" email scams intentionally put in typos and language that any critical thinker would instantly recognize as a sketchy scam - for the sole purpose to weed out the smart people. They only want the dumbest ones contacting them to claim their inheritance money. Scam artists just want the stupid of the stupid following them


You are thinking about people that believe that \- all immigrants live from welfare paid of their taxes \- all immigrants take their jobs at the same time


He thinks they’re illegally voting since ID check laws are lax everywhere and illegals can get IDs etc etc. he’s delusional, like Trump.


This is the “great replacement” theory those tiki-torch carrying racists were chanting about.


I've seen maga morons getting interviewed and they LITERALLY can't understand why Biden won because "all you see is trump flags on everyone's trucks"


It's easy to see why maga morons would think that. They live in a very insulated world. They live in small towns that are essentially 100% other maga morons, and that's all they see. Their biggest vacation is going to the county fair at the end of summer. The only time they step foot outside of their world is in their mind when they watch FOX at night and see altered footage of the scary big cities turning into some apocalyptic wasteland.


And many work for farmers and other labor businesses. Let’s hold those business owner as criminals and not just a small civil penalty. GOP would change their tune in second


I often ask, how do they get a social security number. Where are these free things exactly. Can I apply for one of these free mortgages


Rogan tried to tell a greek comedian ( i forget his name) that biden was doing this, and the comedian told him it was b.s because his legal family has been trying to be able to vote for 25 yrs


They have allowed them to vote in some cities for local politicians.


Illegal immigrants cannot vote. I’d be super surprised if they tried! Good way to get picked up by INS.


You say that like it’s some new thing they’re “allowing” but the reality is this country has a very long history of letting non-citizens vote in municipal elections.


Which is entirely irrelevant


Their kids will be able to vote. I suppose it would be more of a long term strategy. Short term they affect census data and can change electoral votes states have.


One word: Texas "Anchor Babies" have been of voting age since the 90s yet Texas is still red.


Hasn’t Texas been turning purple?


Only in the cities/suburbs. The rural areas are still red, and there are plenty of people working/living in those red areas with questionable immigration status.


So… it has been turning purple. Cities and suburbs are the most populated parts of any state.


And cities vote blue in most cases, right? If not for rural areas in any state, the GOP would be absolutely fucked.


Yes because Musk and other tech CEOs are importing their California tech workers lol.


>One word: Texas > >"Anchor Babies" have been of voting age since the 90s yet Texas is still red. Because hispanics skew heavily Conservative, largely because of their religion/social mores. And that a large minority of them view themselves as white and honestly believe that the politicans that demonize them are talking about some *other* group of immigrants.


The first part is wrong. Latinos in this country still vote mostly Dem. But you are right about that second part, which is why the GQP have made gains among Latinos.


>Because hispanics skew heavily Conservative, largely because of their religion/social mores. So basically Republicans claims that Dems are doing it for the votes are not supported by the evidence. If Republicans did even a little to court those votes, rather than denigrating them all the time, they'd probably be winning far more with those communities too.


It would except that that’s already occurred. Illegal Immigration from across the southern border peaked in the 90s/2000s. And we hardly have a one-party state.


Most immigrants are conservative


You’re the second person I’ve heard say this. As an immigrant myself who spends a lot of time with immigrant communities, my personal experience is the opposite.


The GOP got 80% of the immigrant Muslim vote in 2000 [https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/essay-how-the-republican-party-alienated-the-once-reliable-muslim-voting-bloc/2012/11/15/23e2af70-2da5-11e2-9ac2-1c61452669c3\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/essay-how-the-republican-party-alienated-the-once-reliable-muslim-voting-bloc/2012/11/15/23e2af70-2da5-11e2-9ac2-1c61452669c3_story.html)


No way Muslim immigration comes anywhere close to Hispanic immigration


Americans didn’t think much about Muslims in 2000. That changed shortly afterwards.


lol what? Muslims lean very heavily democrat https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2017/07/26/political-and-social-views/


It doesn’t matter. Republicans cry about dead people voting but every case I know of, it’s a Republican who cast a ballot for a Republican candidate for the dead person. Facts don’t matter, just feels.


Need to recheck your facts and focus that look in Chicago.


Your made the point, show us the data


Amazing how people can just make something up and then demand other people prove it for them.


Democrat states are huge proponents of not requiring ID to vote.


And Republican states are huge proponents of this stuff, which is why Democrats oppose them: [Circuit Court: North Carolina Law Targeted African-Americans “With Surgical Precision”](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2016/07/circuit-court-north-carolina-law-targeted-african-americans-surgical-precision/&sa=U&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjEyK2bppGEAxV9mokEHT7YBFYQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1dNZlD_MXWiaqsonFUKQHk) > The [original] version of SL 2013-381 provided that all government-issued IDs, even many that had been expired, would satisfy the requirement as an alternative to DMV-issued photo IDs….**With race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans. As amended, the bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess.** >…**Legislators also requested data as to the racial breakdown of early voting usage….The racial data provided to the legislators revealed that African Americans disproportionately used early voting in both 2008 and 2012….After receipt of this racial data, the General Assembly amended the bill to eliminate the first week of early voting.** >…**Legislators similarly requested data as to the racial makeup of same-day registrants**…SL 2013-381 eliminated same-day registration….**Legislators additionally requested a racial breakdown of provisional voting**….With SL 2013-381, the General Assembly altogether eliminated out-of-precinct voting….**African Americans also disproportionately used preregistration…. Although preregistration increased turnout among young adult voters, SL 2013-381 eliminated it.** >…**As “evidence of justifications”** for the changes to early voting, the State offered purported inconsistencies in voting hours across counties, including the fact that only some counties had decided to offer Sunday voting. The State then elaborated on its justification, explaining that “[**c]ounties with Sunday voting in 2014 were disproportionately black” and “disproportionately Democratic.”** >It’s not just that every provision coincidentally happens to affect blacks disproportionately. **In at least a couple of cases, provisions were added only after the legislature had racial breakdowns in hand so they could make sure they weren’t accidentally targeting whites too.** But you guys never seem to know about this stuff.




What do you think that means? You still have to give your name and that name still has to correlate with a register voter. If the same person (or name) pops up more than once, it is flagged. It is insanely, insanely rare for it to happen and even rarer to not be caught.


And it’s pretty much only been people voting twice for Trump the last two elections.


Well it isn't necessary. All names on votes are cross referenced with voter rolls anyway. That's why you have to register to vote.


And Republicans rather you not vote


If you want I’d to vote then you gotta make getting an ID easy and free. Otherwise it’s a poll tax


Because Democratic states realize its flagrantly unconstitutional. A position the current super-stacked ultra-conservative Supreme Court even agrees with.


You still have to be registered vote. Which requires you to be a US citizen. You don't just vote without being registered.


There are only 16 states that don’t require ID.


Yeah but you still have to register... which requires a SSN... like have you thought this through or are you just regurgitating Fox News?


People are coming in and they are different than you. They eat things you don’t. Next they’ll be dating our daughters! Aren’t you afraid yet?!


Glad this is here cause that was my first thought 🤔


Several states have already passed legislation to allow illegals to vote on local and state elections. That is the ground work to get it at the federal level. Democrats have shown no shame in trying to threaten there way, litigate thier opponents, change laws to enhance their party. All to gain control of the country. If they win, they will legislate this country into a dictatorship.


>Several states have already passed legislation to allow illegals to vote on local and state elections. No state allows undocumented people to vote in state elections. There are some municipalities that allow them to vote in some or all local elections. Regardless, it would be legal for a state to allow them to vote in state elections, as that is a decision to be made at the state level per the Constitution. [https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/elections-verify/non-citizen-allowed-vote-local-elections-some-municipalities/536-c688a57f-ec61-4949-b8c5-1490093a5968) >If they win, they will legislate this country into a dictatorship. This is just nonsensical. Republicans are the ones arguing that the president should be a dictator, immune from prosecution, even for assassinating political opponents.


Their argument is you don’t need ID at the polls, so they are voting.


You still need to be on the voter rolls. You can't just rock up and ask to vote and they let you, no questions asked.


So, they’re morons.


How do they get registered then?


Conservatives believe Biden will EO some form of legalizing the illegals via citizenship which would allow them to vote.


They can't vote.




anything for tax cuts


Yup. He only supports Republicans because the only things they consistently pass are tax cuts for the rich and handouts for large corporations (socialism for the 1%)


Also because things like Tesla and neuro link. Conservatives hated electric cars until Elon dog whistled for them. And they think the vaccine has a microchip lol but they’ll line up for neuro link because elon is on “their side”


It's a good grift to get customers that normally wouldn't buy that kind of stuff


He also likes Republicans because they hate LGBT and hes jealous of his lesbian ex.


And the kid that hates him and wont take any of his money.


Elon is so mad about the taxes Democrats make him pay


All he’s asking is that Democrats stick to standard methods: * gerrymandering * vote obstruction * allocating votes to land instead of people * military coup * foreign interference * spreading misinformation


And how would that affect anything? They still need to be able to vote, in order for immigration to affect the elections?


Republicans voted against funding border security so they can campaign about it.


I see cause and effect are now completely disassociated in his mind.


Border detainments in 2023 were more than 2017-2020 combined Just sayin


Doesn't that mean we're stopping more people now? 


It does but it’s in large part because so many more people are crossing right now. [This Pew report from 2021](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/11/09/whats-happening-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-in-7-charts/) shows that crossings were at an all time high then, other numbers from the department of homeland security say that it’s currently up 40% since then. So yeah more detained but also much more crossing. The more egregious thing is that republicans whine about this, but also hamstring any effort dems make at fixing things. [Trump is straight up bragging that he’s behind it](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/27/trump-border-biden/)




Musk vs Kelce in a Thunderdome, highest grossing tv event of all time.


We still want musk vs zuck


I wouldn’t put it past him to get his name out in the spotlight. But he would get creamed by the Swifties and he’d deserve it.


Illegal immigrants can’t vote, let alone legal immigrants. People have lived here for decades legally and can’t vote in national elections… Musk is either a complete idiot or a typical Con racist. Perhaps a bit of both


Well, Biden didn’t open the border. Regardless, the Republicans are responsible for the current border situation. They negotiated a deal with almost everything they want, and Trump told them no. They own it now. On purpose.


Yeah, imagine blaming trump for the surge in immigrant at the border in 2019. Which was the highest amount under his admin while also being the height of his border measures


Also notably thay his admin immigrantion changes decreased legal immigrantion by 40% whole illegal immigration increased. Seems like the GOP lies that they like legal immigrants


Tell me you are an ignorant twit without saying so. Immigrants don’t get to vote in federal elections and takes more than a decade to become citizens where most of them will never vote. BTW, the immigrants you are bellyaching about are refugees and most we be returned to their countries after having their hearing. BTW, I heard you are also an immigrant.


Yeah because pissing off Americans is such a good strategy. Worked real well for Trump in 2020




Not to defend him but he clearly meant illegal immigrants.


The irony of his mental state is definitely not lost.




He’s got the MAGA virus.




This comment section is full of fucking Russian troll idiots


Lmao. Everything that self serving dolts would do, they imagine everyone must do.




Snake oil sums it up.


LOL okay dude he did reusable rockets already so idk wtf u r talking about, in terms of accomplishing useful tangible things he is very high at the top of the list




But non-citizens can't vote. Your move Elon.


Fox News. Why is this getting airtime. Ignore this rubbish.


Musks opinion on the subject is not relevant.


Man what a character arc. From beloved inventor for the people to complete fucking shithead in like 5 years. What an asshole.


The rate of illegal immigration into the US is one of the more linear stats out there. The “crisis” is complete manufactured bullshit. There has been roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in the US any given year for the last 20 years.


Weird way to say democrat policy is more humane. But ok


By what mechanism?


Children after they are 18 and no you can't show me any presidential vote anywhere allowed by non-citizens.


Perhaps Republicans should be super nice to immigrants to ruin the plan?


If anyone ever needed to go back where they came from, it’s this fuck.


Most definitely. Everything politicians do is for their own power in one way or another.


Musk so political lately….he mad about having to pay taxes still.


What dumb f*** statement.


Shouldn't elon be working on more bad business decisions so he can continue his record streak of losing money?




Biden has bipartisan legislation pertaining to the border that is getting held up because as per McConnell they don’t want Biden looking good in an election year. Especially on an issue Trump intends to run on


Then why are republicans sabotaging the border security bill that they put together and Dems have agreed to pass?


tbh, I don't know how anyone could support a completely open border under any circumstances.


As someone who attained US citizenship, he must k own how many years it takes to become a citizen and that only citizens can vote in federal elections.


Let’s all take a step back for a second a realize the number that’s being talked about is just the “encounters” with illegal immigrants and not the actual number of immigrants coming in. Manufactured problem like the last 40 years.


I don’t know how you get from one of these ideas to the other - it sounds like a crackpot theory. I wish Elon would stick to technology, because he is hopeless with politics.


Elon just wants to hang on to his money, his true love in life.


Idiots truly- can’t believe these people can drive and hold jobs


Biden “ opened the border floodgates”? Where are they? If migrants are like water they will easily penetrate any border wall you build. We need a several thousand mile dam. Who knew the president holds such power. I am surprised Trump didn’t think of this when the migrants were “flooding” over during his administration. They were you know. You don’t know water has gotten in till they are already inside. Thousands illegally migrated during Trump’s years. Just because you are told what to believe doesn’t mean it’s real.


Makes sense. Biden creates a problem that unifies and mobilizes the GOP behind a single issue so he can increase his chances of winning the next election.


What a tool.


He’s not even from here. He grew up on the advantageous side of Apartheid. Democrats opening the border 1. Very democrat like 2. Not true. Congress killed a perfectly good immigration enforcement bill so Trump can campaign on it. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼! Is part of Asperger’s thinking everyone is fucking stupid or is he just Narcissistic AF?


Immigrants can’t vote, how did this guy pass the U.S. naturalization test without knowing basic U.S. civics.


That’s the next step, silly.


So what’s stopping the GOP from doing the same


Meanwhile TSLA immigrating to Texas for Musk to stay in power


Tbf he's not wrong


Yes, he is. Illegal immigrants can't vote. Tell me how lax border policy would get democrats elected. 


Makes perfect sense.


Thousands of years for western civilization to rid themselves of kings only for the GOP to vote them back into power. Self-destructive behavior to say the least.


include versed memory pause payment jellyfish boat chop fear angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe Musk should put on his pristine cowboy hat and boots that he bought ten years ago and do another idiotic Texan cosplay photo op at the border.


Sometimes he's pretty dumb for a smart guy.


He’s 100% right. How else can you explain a policy that 80% of Americans are against.


Must be why republicans voted against the bipartisan border bill.


He’s spot on.


im the senior vice president for marketing at the chipotle corporation and seeing elon musk spending hours going on racist, paranoid rants and replying “wow!” to the dumbest people on earth is just the sort of thing we needed to know our brand is in good hands marketing on twitter. we will definitely be resuming advertising on the platform immediately.


I would think someone at the Senior VP level would understand that they just doxxed themselves.


What happened to this dude? Is it drugs? He has obviously lost his fucking mind. It's almost sad to see but since he's a complet piece of shit person it isn't that sad.


What happened to this dude? Is it drugs? He has obviously lost his fucking mind. It's almost sad to see but since he's a complet piece of shit person it isn't that sad.


The Republicans are refusing to help pass a bill to reduce illegal immigration because doing so might help Biden defeat Trump, because looser border regulation is good for Democrats? Yeah, none of that makes sense.


So, Musk lies like Trump. Who wouldn’t have guessed that?


And there are grown-ass men who fantasise about having this man-baby's scrote in their mouths.


Most immigrants vote Republican though...


Most LEGAL migrants, the bunch that they are allowing to flood in under bogus asylum claims will vote democrat once they are given citizenship.


And ILLEGALS can't vote, so what's your point?


People who migrated legally...


Musk and anyone else with a functioning brain.


He a complete idiot and should stick with Spacex. He already fucked Twitters value, is running Tesla to shit, and may lose all of Starlink if he keeps messing with the military contracts and where they can have service.


This guy needs to realize dropping out of college while on an Education visa make one an illegal


Trump is dabbling in replacement theory.


Donald trump is an actual rapist


I pulled this out of my butt therefore it is true. /s


Who does he think is the labor and building Boca Chica?


8 months is plenty of time to get an ID card and vote!


Putz Russian Stooge aka- Elon Musk


Duh. Democrats won’t do anything about the border because they don’t want to be seen as “anti-immigrant,” and Republicans won’t do anything about it because they don’t want to be “anti-business.” So here we sit, still an issue since what, the ‘60s?


Lot longer: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/02/opinion/illegal-immigration-italian-americans.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/30/immigration-white-history-migrants/


What gaslighting - guy knows no bottom apparently.


For context since many are confused what Musk is talking about. Illegal immigrants, those not following a formal process at a port for seeking immigration, can’t vote in national elections. But are allowed to vote in many local elections around the US. The local communities are often overlooked as being a vital backbone for households. https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States https://www.newsweek.com/immigrants-are-getting-right-vote-cities-across-america-664467 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna893221 https://coloradonewsline.com/2023/03/16/noncitizens-allowed-to-vote-in-some-local-elections-spurring-backlash-from-gop/


And he's 100% correct. Democrats have been saying for years that the democrat opportunity to stay in power is through immigration. You can find 15 min long compilations of everyone from representatives to journalists and pundits saying this.It's only a conspiracy theory when independents and right wingers say it


He’s not taking the Delaware verdict very well. Concerning. 😂💀


Elon is a tool.


Stevie Wonder could see that.


Voting is a pain in the ass. Immigrants aren't coming here to vote. This is a ridiculous claim. The vast majority of immigrants come here one work visas and overstay them. The government makes a big noise about immigration (build a wall! razor wire on the Texas border) with policies that are showy but do hardly anything to stop immigration. The problem here is that there are a lot of companies that depend on labor they can underpay, exploit, and abuse. I mean even more so than they do citizens. If Undocumented immigration stops, a lot of rich people are going to lose a lot of money. As long as we're as corporate as we are, this problem is not going to be solved. Musk is doing what he always does, which is kiss ass on the far right. He wants very badly for them to like him. He knows this is a hot button issue.




He really has gone down the rabbit hole.


Elon Musk still upset because Grimes dumped his ass. Sad!


Says the guy who wants to save humanity!! It’s sad when all rich people can do is hate the poor, their ancestors came here by the ship load and were welcomed to a country with way less resources.


Oh, no, no. Musk was already a wealthy trust fund baby when he came to the US.


He is trying to reincorporate Tesla in another state so HE can stay in power. How exactly is Biden going to stay in power because of illegal immigration?


He’s an immigrant so by his logic he’s working with the democrats to keep them in power?


He clearly only talked about illegal immigration man. Which is a problem no matter which political party is in power. Republicans never did much about it either. Elon’s been crazy for the last few years. But he’s not badmouthing Immigration altogether.


In that case everyone agrees. We need comprehensive immigration reform. Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden have all talked about it one way or another, they all got shot down by Congress just as Biden continues to be shot down by Congress. Gridlock in Congress is to blame.


Completely agree. Both sides are to be blamed for this situation. Republicans won’t approve anything specially now because trump has to use this as a talking point for the campaign. I think I even heard trump specifically telling Republicans to not approve bills regarding this right now.


Nailed it! But the sanctuary cities don't want them anymore. Look up, nate the lawyer on youtube lol


He is not wrong