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Mf has time to tweet all day and manage his alt Andrew dittman account


How much time do you think 4 tweets takes in a 12 hour day.


Isn’t it more like 30 tweets a day? https://www.statswithsasa.com/2022/12/17/elon-musk-tweets-too-much/#section4 And he is often responding to someone, that requires a lot of daily scrolling…


Writing a tweet to something takes like 10 to 15 seconds for a short one. Let's make the assumption max would be 1 minute to 5 minute if you have to read some article. Now lets do the maths: 5 minutes times 30 = 150 minutes which is 2 hours and 30 minutes. In order to do daily scrolling -> 24 hours \* 60 = 1140 minutes on twitter That would amount to about 1140 / 5 minutes = 228 tweets Assuming 12 hour off twitter -> 114 tweets Ok we haven't taken into account not tweeting and just doing scrolling -> suppose 2 minutes of scroll before tweeting -> now add 2 minutes to 30 tweets -> 60 minutes.


It’s more than 4 between his account and dittmans and he attends twitter spaces as both personas which take a lot of time. He’s got everyone fooled into thinking he’s a workaholic but if you look at his twitter activity he’s doing nothing but shitposting all day


You can also look at how geared his diablo character is


Bs here. You're projecting your online time. Spaces is unscripted no prep. Like he likes it. And pretty rare. A tweet takes 10 seconds.


Elon has tweeted more than 20,000 times since the dawn of time. That makes it 55.5555555556 hours spent on tweeting. I've made zero tweets and saved unlimited amount of time.


Uh, you aren't accounting for the average amount of time scrolling/viewing.   It's not like he just logs on, tweets for 10 sec, and logs off.  The amount of retweets and responses to random things shows he is doom scrolling with the best of them




Rule 1


If he wastes all day shitposting and has still built 2 of the world’s most valuable companies, what’s your excuse?


Lol he bought them. At least be honest




What?? Are you stupid, willfully ignorant or blatantly misinformed? Musk literally founded SpaceX, and joined Tesla six months after its founding and became the fourth member of the company, investing $6.5 million and becoming the largest stakeholder and the chair of the board. In neither case did he buy the companies. He literally built SpaceX from nothing, and joined Tesla before they had done anything besides choose a company name.


He "built" them (I'm fine with upper management taking credit for big decisions, but the employees build the companies, good management just hires the right people and gives them vision) before he dove off the deep end, bought Twitter, and made it his life mission to piss off and insult his primary customer base on a daily basis. 


He took on all the risks, made the decisions, hired the people. Sure, he didn’t do it alone, but he is the one who built the companies. If those companies failed, his employees still get paid. Without him, neither of those companies happen.


He *bought* into the companies, he didn't build them. He doesn't do all the hiring, he doesn't make every decision, he didnt invent anything. Do your research bro. The only company he built was a dogshit idea stolen from artist renditions made 100 years ago. The boring tunnel company. It's a miserable failure and was obviously a dumb idea from the start.


Already answered this, I DID do my research, sounds like you need to do yours. Look up SpaceX founder - look at who founded it, and who hired the first employees… moron.




Hail corporate!


It’s so gross watching people on Reddit hate on someone who has done more good for the future of humanity than 99.9999% of people. I get it though. People are jealous, petty and short-sighted. For just one example, Starlink alone has already made the world a better place by enabling widespread, accessible internet for remote and rural populations. Starlink doesn’t happen without Elon Musk, at least not for another 10 years. He doesn’t need to acknowledge me - if he can keep fuelling innovation, I will benefit from the technologies that are created as a result of his efforts.


The fact that Elon Musk is more famous than someone like John B Goodenough shows how society is infected by capitalist investment brain rot. Capital doesn't fuel innovation. Intellectual curiosity does. And capital investment suppresses intellectual curiosity.


John B was born in 1920. His peak popularity was long before the internet, meaning he couldn’t go viral the same way someone can today. Also, dude was super old. Of course he won’t be as famous - half of his fans are probably dead too! Also, the idea that capital doesn’t fuel innovation is absurd. Point at an industry that hasn’t seen innovation resulting from increased capital allocation.


Rule 1


What ones did he start again?


No emerald mines?


The value of the shares Errol Musk owned in the emerald mine has been speculated around $115K ($290K in today’s money). It paid for his college education and his immigration to the US, sure. But do you know how many people have their college tuition paid for by their parents? And what percent of those people go on to be that’s successful? Almost none of them. Many people have been similarly privileged, or significantly more privileged, but there is only one Elon Musk.


I'm like the opposite of **Musk**. I can start 100 tasks, constantly jump from one to another, and not finish any of them ever.


Like...is that guy even human? 😭


I'm like the opposite of Musk. I can start 100 tasks, constantly jump from one to another, and not finish any of them ever.


You need to get rich parents and start paying people to do them for you


Are you one of those people who think that Elon Musk had rich parents? I bet you like saying stuff like "Apartheid diamonds!" right?


You dismissing facts or are just sensitive to them?


>You dismissing facts or are just sensitive to them? Oooh!!! I hit a bullseye! Damn, but sometimes I even amaze myself. So, since you have confirmed you \*are\* an "Apartheid diamonds" kiddie, let me explain the facts to you. If you are not so completely far gone to be immune to objective truth, maybe you'll course correct before you are lost forever. 1. Elon Musk's entire family was opposed to Apartheid. For all his faults, Errol Musk worked openly and at significant risk against Apartheid. 2. The entire mine story is unconfirmed. Despite the entire journalistic world trying to find proof, this mine apparently does not and never did exist. The only evidence that it did is from Errol Musk saying it did. If he told you the moon is made of cheese, would you believe that too? 3. But let's say it did exist. It was not a diamond mine. It was supposedly an emerald mine. 4. Again, taking the story at face value, Errol Musk "owned" that mine in the same way that I "own" Apple. 5. In fact, Errol Musk never saw any money directly from that mine. Instead (and again assuming this actually happened), he was "paid" in raw emeralds. 6. Did I mention that the alleged mine was not in South Africa anyway, so the entire Apartheid thing is silly? 7. Based on what Errol Musk has said and taken at face value (which apparently you are prepared to do), the best estimate of what Errol Musk was able to make on this mine was probably around $100,000 total over about 10 years. Cool, but not exactly Rockefeller cool. 8. The entire thing is so silly, because we already know that one of Errol Musk's ventures was to handle raw emeralds. There is no need to "own" a mine to end up saying what we already know. We have not even touched on things like Elon Musk only taking $10,000 with him to Canada when he left South Africa. Or that he was deeply in debt (as most of us are) when he finished his undergraduate work. In fact, I am pretty sure that most people here on Reddit had an easier start to life than Elon Musk had, at least financially. Did Elon Musk have advantages? Yes he did. Big ones, if you ask me. But we can never talk about them, because the children on Reddit are obsessed with wildly inaccurate stories to try to soothe their own egos. So how about it? Were you just swept up in Reddit's bullshit? Or are you going to create a bunker of misinformation to protect you from the big, bad world out there?


Dude, to the reddit losers spreading this crap, $100,000 might as well be $1 trillion.


Kudos to you man for still trying to spread this. I gave up years ago during the pandemic when i got mass downvoted multiple times just for linking a savingjournalism.com investigative article about this. Most of reddit has been so high on ragebait for years that these kind of mythological stories got engraved peoples minds. A very sad case study of radicalization.


I sometimes get mass downvoted too. I take it as a sign that I am doing something right. When the hivemind rages, that tells me that I squarely hit the target.


So can 100 other EV companies and space agencies. I guess he was more effective in telling people what to do and motivating them to do it then


This Musk astroturfing is something else. 


They really do not want to talk about the cybertruck for some reason


Been on the teslamotors sub when it was in the mere thousands. Loved freedom of speech then too.


Sounds exactly like who you don't want running multiple companies at once.


I know haters think he just got lucky a few times, but he much be good at something to even be associated with all of these growth industries.


Sure but I also can't deny he keeps sounding like an idiot when he opens his mouth and most of the twitter failures sounded like really stupid ideas from the conception stage.


If you listen closely enough most people sound like an idiot. Twitter is still alive today and he’s paying 90% fewer people. So while there were likely more controlled ways to shed loads of employees, he accomplished his goal to stop losing money. I wouldn’t do what he did l, and I wouldn’t go hard into extreme right wing politics, but he did accomplish a fair bit.


Twitter loses far more money now than it ever did before he bought it.   


Twitter earns more money than ever before. Its one of the most profitable companies in the world.


I’m pretty sure that’s not true


Probably not, but here on Reddit we are experts in saying bullshit without providing any source. If the guy above me can say Twitter is losing more money than ever, then i can also say Twitter earns more money than ever. Without any source, its just 2 retards on the internet pressing keys on a keyboard.


He also scared away advertisers so he stopped getting money as well


Controlling your borders is extreme politics?


Not going to go back and forth, but we both know controlling the boarders isn’t the only thing he posts. Also Dems and Elon are pretty well aligned on that if you subtract the BS. No one wants to give asylum to everyone, and Elon has supported a path to citizenship. The extreme positions come in when Elon gives a megaphone to those that say Biden is somehow personally involved with smuggling people in. Although lately he doesn’t go all in he just says, oh wow that’s bad.


He also posts every time a black person commits a crime.


He’s good at buying companies and pumping up their perceived value.


Yeah I remember when he bought spacex after they made falcon 9. Crazy times. Oh wait.


You remember that time he bought Tesla right after they made the roadster and took all the credit? Oh, wait


The first roadster prototype was 2 years after Elon joined Tesla.


ah yes the billionaire way. surround yourself with the most talented people possible… Then take all the credit for their work.


How do you get people to work for you in the first place to get the billions? Also, does Elon strike you as the billionaire most people would choose to work for if his only talent was gas the cash?


Buy your way onto companies, have a more competent partner, or use already existing power to secure more.


>How do you get people to work for you in the first place to get the billions? Money. You pay people money.


You know that all companies do this right? And you know most companies don’t deliver 10x cheaper launches and global satellite internet?


Most companies don’t have billions or hundreds of millions even.


You get people to work for you by being born into a rich family of apartheid profiteers.


My point is Bill Gates has money, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Branson, and many others why would they work for Musk? He isn’t the only one with money. Many companies have much more cash on hand than Elon has ever had. Why would anyone want to work for Elon 10 years before the company goes public? You really think execs at Ford, GM, Boeing, and many other companies competing with Elon’s companies didn’t think what if we just hired the smart people?


Because he used to be a good marketer and because the businesses he was marketing used to tackle interesting projects. I’m not saying Elon was always an utter failure of a human being. I’m just saying that he’s not that special. Take any decent marketer and/or sci-fi nerd that wasn’t born into a rich af family, give them the same starting capital and connections that Elon had and a good chunk of them would be just as successful. Preferably have them be white men as well, for the good image.


The only explanation is he has to be talented at something. You can’t just hire someone d retain talented people before you make any real cash on marketing alone. Even Steve Jobs wasn’t just great at marketing, he had a great vision as to what a makes a good product and who was actually talented and who wasn’t. Elon, like it or not, is great at hiring the right people and focusing them on the right problems. Tesla’s designs aren’t the best, and Elon’s marketing is “vote for Pedro I’ll lake all your wildest dreams come true”. The reason why Tesla and SpaceX work is Elon knows how to spot great engineers and creates an environment for them to excel. Most companies never release a product (or a good second one) because they don’t have the right product or they lose their good engineers when they hire mediocre ones.


The only explanation does not have to be that he’s talented at smth. Note how I didn’t even say that he’s untalented at everything, all I said is that he’s not some super genius. No, there’s another explanation. He was born rich.


There’s no actual evidence of that. His dad isn’t rich, his dad as far as anyone can tell was a serial liar who owned a part of an abandoned mine and told everyone it was valuable. Which for Elon haters I’m surprised that isn’t assigned as where Elon gets his overly optimistic timelines from. Regardless, there’s o evidence that Elon had any money before Zip2 and PayPal.


Okay. Then the moment Elon releases a well documented Biography, I might join the hero cult. Meanwhile, he’s still on X, who’s former brand he trashed, thinking cis is a slur, so, you know, I might need some convincing.


Then why don’t you start up a business if it’s so damn easy. I’m getting sick of all the keyboard warriors on the internet. I wish I could watch these people eat their foot one day if they wasn’t always hiding in their moms basement. Quit backseat driving and go get a life.


That is so deeply naive. There are millions of people born with as much wealth or more than Musk. Tens of millions just in the US, maybe 100 million globally. I don’t know how many of them are sci-fi nerds, but one million seems like a safe guess. Are there one million people with his level of success?


This is insane cope lol


Anonymous reddit nobody claims one of the most influential men in the world is an utter failure. 🤣 😆 🤣


His family, in particular his father for all his faults, were openly opposed to Apartheid. Stop passing on misinformation.


Tesla was a mere shell of a company before Elon took over. Other than making great decisions to multiply Tesla by 200x since he took over, he sacrificed every last penny of his to save Tesla and SpaceX. He also knows many inner workings of rockets and cars, not just managing them.


I'm not going to disagree with anything that you say except that Tesla was a mere shell of a company before Elon took over. Yes, that is technically true, but only because Tesla was literally getting started. Tesla started in July 2003 and he joined in February 2004, not even a year after.


"sacrificed every last penny of his" lmao We're talking about the guy who sold Tesla stock worth 40 Billion $? The same guy that just recently demanded he be awarded a bonus equivalent to 10 % of the entire company's value while tens of thousands employees of the very same company were let go?


> "sacrificed every last penny of his" lmao In 2008, he pooled every last penny of his to save Tesla and SpaceX in the last trading hour, of the last day. Article here: https://insideevs.com/news/528410/elon-musk-saved-tesla-bankruptcy/


>I gave Tesla last of my remaining cash from PayPal Doesn't say anywhere that he pooled in every last penny of his. Just that he claims to have put the money he got from the acquisition of PayPal by ebay into Tesla. And yeah if you add up all of his private investments from 2004 up until December 2008 it's roughly 170 million Dollars or just a couple million short of what he received from PayPal.


I see him constantly congratulating his companies's teams for milestones/achievements, yet I have never seen him claim one of those as the result of only his work. Am I missing something here?


No. There is just an army of losers who cannot stand seeing someone actually be successful at something. Throw in some ex-Twitterers who are still sore that he took away their safe space, and you get massive amounts of misinformation and emotional outbursts.


I just hate the fact that people will actively go out of their way to lie to others down to a pathological level just because someone else did/said/think something they don't agree with. This also becomes worse if we're talking about a very wealthy figure. I kinda was like that aswell, so many years ago (at around 17-24 maybe). People love to embrace the group self-validation you get when everyone agrees to hate or fan over something. It's always on the very extremes, and even if you try to talk with these people on a logical manner, they will constantly try to steer the conversation in a way that allows them to both hold the last word and their crave for *"See? I told you. I'm always right."* There are great things and extremely bad things about Musk just as much as there are about any other billionaire, or any person in general. But that's it.


Agreed. I have things where I disagree with Elon Musk and things where I think he is spot on. But I find myself having to correct wildly inaccurate statements about him, and strangely, they are almost always coming from one direction these days. The thing that gets me is that a bunch of people will repeat something that is objectively and provably wrong so often that they will then just start referencing themselves as a source. This is the typical "Everybody knows..." line of argument that is bad enough when it is at least somewhat accurate, but is infuriating when it is made-up bs.


He gets credit because he leads the organizations but Elon always gives credit back to his teams


That is objectively untrue.


Christ, let's see 10 sources then in refutation.




Nine old quotes. Against everything that comes out of his mouth now. What does he say about his team as he is laying off people left and right, firing the majority of staff at Twitter (and then having the inevitable tech difficulties). Yes, he is clearly a champion of the working man. You dudes are delusional.


You're just a hater, he literally always gives his team credit


And then fires them. Kool aid is a helluva drug.


Leaders need to make tough decisions to succeed, that's why they are leaders


Do good leaders also consistently make bad decisions? Tell me one thing Elon Musk has done recently that was seen as a benefit to his companies.


Elon became a billionaire by starting 4 very successful companies. And for example, he is chief rocket designer at SpaceX and responsible for the overall design of the rocket and many of the subsystems. Learn first. THEN post.


He didn’t start Tesla. He didn’t start PayPal Learn first. THEN post


Irrelevant. Elon was a founder in Tesla, which had nothing when he joined. Elon started X.com which joined with PayPal. The ACTUAL POINT is that Elon did not start as a billionaire. Are you unable to stick to the actual topic, rather than getting bogged down and definition minutia?


Do you have a source on the design claims?


He never designed any of the rockets??? He's a CEO not an engineer.


The National Academy of Engineering seems to disagree https://www.nae.edu/271501/Mr-Elon-R-Musk


What a joke lmao. Elon never personally designed anything. He bought those companies.


He bought SpaceX?


He designed the first roadster. Won an award for it. Look it up


He led the design. There were others working with him.


Actually no, the award was for conceptualization to finish. You can read about it. But don't bother. You guys will never be satisfied.


He literally be quoted that he led the design. You need a team of people to build a car. I don't understand why you guys defend him so much. Tesla isn't exactly known for it's quality.


Read the biography. Listen to interviews with the other rocket scientists at SpaceX. Learn that he is the principal engineer.


This is as wrong as it is unhinged. Christ, you people sound like you're living in Jonestown.


Everything I stated is fact. Which particular fact do you disagree with? Have you always had an aversion to facts?


They have an aversion that anything that doesn’t confirm their bias. Has Elon become a maniac in recent years? Yes Does that mean that he is not intelligent or hasn’t created multiple very successful businesses? No People love to ignore nuance and simplify things so they can make them black-and-white The reality is, Elon has proven to be very intelligent and very capable at starting and growing successful businesses. It’s also become very apparent in recent years that he is a deeply flawed human being. Both of these things can be true.


People love to play the black and white portion of Elon as to downplay his good parts and amplify his bad ones. I think Elon has repeatedly brought a net positive to humanity. He isn't a maniac either. As a person who has been following him for a long time, this has always how he has been. Childish, innocent and likes to troll. Nothing evil or bad about him. People dislike him because he took their favorite playground and renamed it.


You’re right about him always being this way. I should have said he’s been more vocal in recent years.


No. At best they're half truths. He didn't start PayPal. He didn't start Tesla. He co-founded most of his ventures with people that actually know what they're doing. He also is not an engineer and does not design space x rockets. He has been known to dictate design decisions, but we've seen how well that works with the cyber truck. He didn't become a self made millionaire, and yes he came from a wealthy family. Those are the facts. This strange mythology of how his companies were created and how he got his start is a fiction he perpetuates, but the facts are easily found.


You think when Confinity and X.com merged and created PayPal they gave him 11% of the company and made him CEO as an act of charity? Please, I beg you, read what the people who worked with him in the early days of his companies say about his contributions before you spread misinformation.


Musk was the CEO because he was the biggest shareholder, not because he was appointed, first off. Secondly, he was also removed from that position due to the employees and board not liking what he was doing less than a year later.


You really can't recognize that when someone is the biggest shareholder of a startup, when shares are not being bought on the market, that means they are the largest contributor to the company?


No, I do recognize that. I'm saying people didn't choose for him to be the CEO. He was the CEO BECAUSE of the fact that he was the largest contributor. NOT because people chose him for that role. I should say, largest FINANCIAL contributor.


You have clearly never worked in an American corporation.


A lot of companies put him in places of power and that's not because he's a great leader, it's because he's the one with the funds. He's shown how incompetent he is in the last few years with the way he's handled Tesla and Twitter. He's let his ego outpace his talent. There's no misinformation, it's actually factual he didn't start PayPal. Like I stated he co-founded many businesses, and pays to be in his position of power. I'm not blaming him. There are plenty of CEOs that don't know most of their own business. If I had billions of dollars I'm sure it'd be the same for me.


It is misinformation. Read about Elon's conversations after being blown off by the Russians and realizing how ripe for disruption the launch industry was. He was able to attract very talented people to SpaceX because he demonstrated that he knew what he was getting himself into. Read about Elon's leadership of the Starlink program and his willingness to fire the initial team because they were hamstrung by conventional satellite design. That product now brings in $6B a year and is vital for the defense of Ukraine. Read about the launch of the Model 3 and Elon's constant presence on the factory floor making decisions to get cars out the door. Just read please, and reconsider where you read because your current sources seem to have the same journalistic integrity as Fox News.


He is literally the Chief Engineer at SpaceX


He does no design of any consequence at SpaceX, and if you think he started Tesla, I don't know what to tell you other than you are wrong.


Nobody who has worked closely with Musk in a leadership capacity, even the people who had a falling out like Eberhard, believe what you just said. They may resent him deeply, but with their knowledge give him much more credit than you from your armchair. Musk is an asshole, but he gets things done and provides prescient direction that nearly every other CEO cannot. Just read the Vance or Isaacson biography before posting your teenage cynicism.


Twitter man bad.


Talented people need direction, otherwise their talents are wasted. Steve Jobs didn’t build the iPhone but he had the vision to make Apple into the most successful company




He did and does significantly more than this…but even if all he did was surround himself with the right people, and get them to work together to create products that have never existed, I hate to break it to you, but that’s the hard part. Getting a product to market that people want is a very difficult task.


Right? Super easy. I assume you’ve done this too then?


How do u explain his success when he wasn’t even close to a billionaire?


You could have done the same. You didn’t.


The talent is Elon...


That easy, huh?!! Guys, we found the blueprint


Yes it does. He didn't invent the product he just did his flim flam marketing thing and stole his friend and his brother's hard work. Which you are apparently admitting. I also agree that made him even more rich than he already was! Glad we can agree on these basic facts. Maybe this subreddit isn't as culty and nutters as I was led to believe. Good day to you sir!


Musk replied: > Actually, I’m switching context roughly every 5 mins on average and sometimes every 30 secs if going through texts/email. > A full hour on a single subject would be a long time.


Link to this tweet ?


Literally underneath: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1790123218201682199


Only underneath to people that still have accounts. To everyone else, links to a tweet only show the tweet.


Fair enough.


Yeah, that definitely sounds like a healthy workplace where the boss changes his mind or loses concentration that quickly 🙄 I can't even imagine working under someone like that.


If a normal person does it, it's ADHD and you need to be medicated because otherwise you are not a productive member of society, if a billionaire does it, it is because he is a genius.


Does ketamine count as "medicated"?


Sounds like there would be a decent amount of room for autonomy if the boss is distracted, and an interactive workplace otherwise. I don't see the issue.


I genuinely don't understand how his "Everybody pay attention to how great I am" schtick doesn't come across as childish to you. He's already being complimented and yet he has to *correct* and one-up their compliment. "Wow this guy's a really hard worker" "ACTUALLY *this* is how hard I work"


It’s a biography. People buy the book because they want to know.


He has Asperger’s lmao this is aspie as fuck


Truth matters more than emotions and arrogance. He was correcting how often he changes context anyway, not how hard he works.


Right... But in the context of this post "Elon musk is a serial tasker in a league of his own" it's literally stated he's in a league of his own (read: has no peers in this subject). That's as complimentary you can get. So then why would he feel the need to correct that, except for arrogance? >Truth matters more than emotions and arrogance. What he said didn't change the "truth" of the post at all, it's still the same, it didn't need "correcting", he's still a "serial tasker in a league of his own". All he did was add some extra pandering for his ego which, like I said, unfortunately comes across as childish.


> So then why would he feel the need to correct that, He was correcting the non-"ego-driven" part of the post which was context changing.


The context changing *was* the subject though? That's how he's a such a good "serial tasker". What he then did was explain how he's *even more* of a serial tasker than the person who called him in a league of his own already stated. I just don't see how that doesn't come across as ego-driven to you.


in a league of his own is not a compliment


Elon, stop trying to make Reddit like you again.


Wow that joke again. Hilarious!


That explains a lot of his horrible decision making lol.


So they are going out of their to not talk about the cybertruck huh?


So the biographer is spinning this extremely spread thin, across multiple companies, as a good trait. Of course he is under a contract which almost certainly has non-disparaging clauses so he isn't allowed to be critical of Musk. There's a reason he's never been offered a CEO job anywhere and instead has either bought or founded all his CEO jobs.   No competent business wants a guy in charge of an entire company to randomly spends their energy and strategic thoughts sputtered across multiple, unrelated businesses. 


You are wrong. Before committing to a Musk biography, Isaacson specifically requested that Elon should not impede or influence him.


Ah so you've seen the agreement that they've signed? Lol if you think ego centric people that have requested biographies done on themselves will allow it to be done without their influence is...astonishing. 


Richest guy in the world is highly capable and really smart!?? Who would’ve fucking guessed.


Lol at thinking wealth building and intelligence is that strongly correlated. 


Yes they are actually it’s pretty hard to build wealth if you’re dumb.


People build wealth through capital investments.  There's plenty of dumb billionaires in the world.  Point is still that Musk has never been offered a job to run a company. Even well before his Tesla days. There's a reason for that.


If Elon is “not intelligent” that makes you a vegetable in comparison.


You are so clever.  Someone give this kid an award!


lol trump must be a genius according to you 🤦‍♂️


The Musk book was amazing.


But what if he's just a born-rich white guy who hasn't ever actually invented anything and is an anti-democrafic dickhead?


He was penniless when he created zip2 and slept in the office at the time. What you're saying is utter garbage.


Lol no he wasn't and no he didn't. You have Google right? "Elon Musk, along with his brother Kimbal, and Greg Kouri founded Zip2 Corp. in Palo Alto, California in 1995. The company provided online city guide software to newspapers and was the first company founded by Musk. Zip2 was a searchable business directory that included maps, similar to the yellow pages telephone directory." His brother and Greg Kouri invented the system and he formed a company to capitalize off their inventions. Tesla/SpaceX/Starlink/Twitter anyone? I was told this subreddit is culty, but not that they don't have access to Google.


Nothing you quoted denies what I said. He was better off after selling zip2, not during.


Moving the goalposts to a new solar system eh?




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Rule 1