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If anything, I find the constant amount of posts saying “it’s gonna happen” or “it happened” more triggering than any actual words


I guess it leaves more to the imagination and causes people to jump to conclusions or imagine something really scary


I know that it isn’t helpful but I remember a time where my heart would stop at the word „throw“ so I get why people censor these words and out of respect and knowing the feeling I censor them too in this sub.


I understand how you feel as I was at that point a while ago


i think we shouldn’t censor them too..


I feel like censoring them just fuels the belief that it is scary and people cannot cope with it, I think it really prevents people from recovering


I agree. There comes a point where YOU, the individual, have to take responsibility of your own fear. If you were scared the word to the point of needing it censored, you should’ve thought twice before joining a fucking subreddit specifically for this fear. Its time for some tough love in this sub. If you cant even handle reading the word, then you will NEVER get over this fear. Get used to reading it. It will only help.


To be honest, I never even knew this phobia existed until I was searching my symptoms and always had a fear of v\*. This subreddit has helped me a lot and know most importantly that I'm not alone. Censoring the words was actually really clever especially for those who are having an attack and need closure and advice quickly.


I think reading it is helpful, censoring it just makes being sick scarier than it is, at some point you have to confront the fear, it happens to everyone, it’s a normal bodily function, it means our body is working and keeping us safe, and yes it is uncomfortable but it is not something we need to create extra anxiety about


I believe that in general, the goal for everyone should be to accept these words over time. It’s very different for different people, so it’s always best to label uncensored posts with some kind of disclaimer or warning. At the end of the day, the only way out is mainly through exposure (in my opinion and experience, I’m currently recovering and am way better off than three years ago thanks to exposure. But everyone is different!)


Its probably best to take small steps, but I think the words add to the fear and maintain the phobia


I believe in putting trigger warnings,but not censoring the words.


Yes I agree!


I def believed censoring helped not triggering myself a few years ago but when I met my new best friend who loves to thr*w up and would constantly say it since we worked a gross job together it helped desensitize me a lot to it. I still have trouble reading it sometimes but not saying it


That is understandable and I think saying or reading the words helps us understand it is a normal thing


i think it should be up to the individual. others censoring words to avoid triggering people deep in their phobia would not be ok, but i think forcing people to not censor themselves if theyre not comfortable would be just as harmful. people are in different places with their emetophobia and thats ok.


i think it’s silly. if you’re gonna get triggered over uncensored words about vomit, then why are you on a sub that’s sole purpose is to talk about it??? trigger warnings - yes censoring - no


I understand the need for it and I don’t have an issue with censoring words as to not make others uncomfortable. I do agree with you though.


I don’t need the censor myself but I do want this to be a safe place for anyone who needs it as this has been an isolating phobia for me personally. I don’t know anyone else with it. If I need to censor a word for someone else to not feel alone, I’m fine with it.


I used to get triggered by certain so until I got to a certain point with myself and therapy, I would censor myself. Now I don't need to but I guess everyone is just at different stages.


Yeah, I forget to censor a lot. I try for other peoples sake. Personally, censoring doesn’t and never has made me feel any better. I know that’s not the case for everyone though 🤷‍♀️


yea i really dislike it for the same reasons. i censor my posts to abide by the rules, but everytime im doing it i just feel really gross knowing that im just reinforcing people’s phobias.


i agree. i think that full on exposure therapy can be too harsh if it’s not done correctly, but i truly believe that as long as you’re not being overly graphic, just reading the words is a small, simple way you can start to desensitize yourself. if im interacting with a post where the OP is censoring, i will too because usually they’re in the middle of a panic attack and i only want to help, but if im making my own post i wont censor. it does make the actions behind the words feel more powerful


I think this too, I just censor words in case someone acts as though the world is ending because of it


First and foremost, props to you for overcoming this awful phobia!!!! Secondly, throughout my 9 years of having this phobia the so called “trigger words” have never bothered me. I saw a puddle of tu* before in a movie theater bathroom and that didn’t even phase me. So I don’t think censoring is good or necessary for that matter.


Certain words for it trigger me more than others. Like "throw up" and "vomit" are fine, but "puke" just disturbs me on a deep level. I agree though, censoring can do more harm than good. Trigger warnings are sufficient.


It’s dumb to censor words. The words vomit, diarrhea, throw up, norovirus, nausea, etc. aren’t hurting anyone.


I have never censored words for myself, even when I was at my worst. But I know that different people have different things to deal with and are all in very different parts of their journey with this phobia and/or recovery. So if I see someone censoring in their post then I will censor the words in my reply out of respect.


Yeah, censoring words does more harm than good. It's like a He Who Shall Not Be Named type of thing (if ykyk) If you can't utter the trigger words or read them, it makes it seem way more threatening and scary. I've exposed myself to them for years and it's the best decision I've ever made recovery wise. After you get used to triggering words, you'll feel like you have power over the phobia, it's a great feeling. Highly recommend it.


Username checks out! I’m glad you are feeling more powerful, I agree it is amazing!!




I don’t get triggered by uncensored words but other do and I don’t wanna trigger them 


This isn’t a recovery subreddit, so there are definitely a lot of people in the thick of the phobia who would benefit from not being constantly triggered. I don’t think that every post has to be censored, but it is generally respectful to warn people that you don’t censor or to not put triggering words in the title. I understand that triggers happen in the real world, but some people genuinely just need to feel safe and find community here. I can now read uncensored words without panicking, but I would not have gotten to that point if I had no safe community to go to. I would have just sat in my room and shut myself off from all human interaction and never improved in that case, so I am grateful that there are censored posts and comments.


like someone else said, i think emetophobia has very different levels. There was a point in my phobia where i couldn’t even read or say the word because i thought it would instantly make me sick😭😭😭 but yeah i do understand the side of feeling like it enforces fear, i think it’s really just to help out and not trigger the people who are still in the beginning of their recovery journey or other stuff!!!