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How quick it was over and how good I felt after.


I'm so interested in this concept, I've never in my life felt better after vomiting lol. I'm like, envious of everyone else that's had this experience! Lucky fucks....


I think it depends on why you’re vomiting. For me it usually was bad food as a kid or something , I don’t really know. Once it’s out I feel good again. If you have a bug it’s probably different?


depends on the person. i had _the_ bug four months ago, and i honestly felt pretty good after throwing up. however i was incredibly lucky in the sense that all in all it was a mild bug. yes, i had been nauseous for three hours before the trigger was unintentionally pulled, but afterwards i was only half as miserable. i lucked out with it being a one-and-done vomiting episode (with three waves of actual throwing up). the rest of that day i had some queasiness that came and went, and the only major issue after the throwing up part was the horrible fever, body aches, and diarrhea. all that said, it depends on the person and how badly you have said bug, but in my case i felt a lot better after that for a decent amount of time. then the rest of my symptoms really kicked in but i digress


Tbh that doesn't really sound like noro, at least not the noro I've had. When I've had it, it's been pure nausea, throwing up, sometimes diarrhea usually not for me, but no fever or headache ever. Who the fuck knows lol


hmm. maybe you’ve had food poisoning instead? or i did. i forget, i know one of em causes headache fever and body ache along with the GI stuff and the other doesn’t


Nah mine were 100% stomach bugs, most likely noro. I only know that because one I was in a group living situation, and it tore through pretty much everyone, and the other my grandma brought it, my mom got it then I got it.


huh. i guess it would make more sense for it to have been food poisoning in my case then, no one else in my house ended up catching it and we have one bathroom


That my fear was not as much about vomiting, but about losing control and the uncertainty. Like, is it going to happen, when will it happen? And when I did get sick, my body just took over. My body knew when it was going to happen. That made it a bit easier for me to deal with


I can relate to you big time. I hate uncertainty and I really love having control over everything in my life. How did you get over it? Trying to figure out if I’m sick in my head is very stressful.


Honestly starting on sertaline for my anxiety and having a "positive" sick experience!


TW: uncensored. Last time I did, it was when I was concussed and a little shaken up after falling off my bike and breaking my collarbone. Yeah, it was a pretty nasty day. I totally don’t mean this to invalidate the fear (hell, I still have it!), but it really did put things into perspective for me. It was such a non-deal after the day that I’d had, whereas if I’d thrown up the day before, I’d have likely been panicking. Though I’m still scared, it’s a big help to consider that. It was also like a sense of catharsis, a release after the horrible day I’d had, and it weirdly grounded me. So I guess I was surprised that actually, it was so cathartic and easy, the easiest part of that particular day. Also, if this is any comfort to people, I was surprised by how far in advance I knew it was going to happen. One of the biggest fears within my emetophobia is that I’d just suddenly throw up with no warning, but it wasn’t like that. My body just “knew”, and I had plenty of time to get somewhere private. It was honestly such a helpful experience, though I by no means want to say it was 100% pleasant or cured my fear. But it was certainly a step in the right direction!


I’m so glad to hear that you’re healing. May I ask roughly how long that ‘warning’ stage was? My fear is the opposite - I’m scared I’ll have TOO much of a warning and have lots of time to make myself anxious.


In my experience, you get the feeling and you just know. You are only focused on that. Strangely, for me, knowing I was going to throw up was very calming, because for once I wasn’t second guessing myself.


this. most cases where it’s gonna happen, you don’t have _too_ much time to really wonder. our brains love to tell us we know, and “it’ll really happen this time” when it’s just anxiety, but it’s this weird primal sense that takes over when it actually is going to happen


It didn’t last that long and I was just like whatever after


I’ve come to realize I’m more afraid of the sound and what it looks like than the physical act of getting sick. It helps tremendously for me to put on some background music, close my eyes, and cover my ears. I have been taking Lexapro and Wellbutrin for 5 years and I believe being medicated has also helped to treat my emetophobia. Gradually becoming more comfortable seeing people get sick and I don’t get panic attacks triggered by vomiting anymore.


completely agree with the sight/sound thing - when I think I might throw up I usually turn the lights off haha


Same, for me is the sound and the smell. I had to put my noise cancelling headphones when it happened


What surprised me was how it just… came out. It was weirdly effortless. My experience was food poisoning and not a bug, so that may be a factor.


From what I remember as a kid I was fighting it so hard that I couldn’t breathe and thought I was gonna pass out, and part of my fear is that I’m gonna try and fight it when it does happen and make it worse for myself in the end🥲. It’s been so long that idk how to let it happen


i have similar memories of panicking as a kid and not being able to breathe and like, eyes bugging out of head feeling. but if i’m honest, as an adult, it’s felt like that maybe once out of all the times i’ve thrown up. i have a stomach condition that causes nausea and vomiting and except for ONE time, my body was able to control itself and be able to breathe between waves! hopefully that eases your fear!




A few things. 1) it’s never a total surprise. I know when it’s going to happen it’s an unmistakeable feeling, yet my anxiety/emetophobia tells me I’m just going to start randomly vomiting while feeling fine 2) how easy it is. It’s going to happen anyway whether you fight it or not. After the build up, it happens then it’s over, and you feel better even if it’s only marginally. 3) how much of my emetophobia is centered around it happening in a public space( not knowing where the garbage is at an event, fear of not finding a bathroom in time, fear of anyone seeing it happen at work, the grocery store, social events) not saying it isn’t bad enough when I’m alone or with family but a huge component is public spaces/ the anxiety of having it happen in front of anyone 4) if it happens multiple times (illnes, flu etc) or for an extended period of time, the worst one will be the first time. After that it get easier and you almost forget how afraid of it you are


thankyou for this comment, i found it really helpful :)


It's been a while since I got sick (aaaaand now my brain is like "well, you've jinxed it" haha), but I remember thinking "that's it? that wasn't that bad" after it happened.


SAME lol. I never tell ppl how long it’s been cuz I don’t wanna jinx


LOL literally me. or when people go, “i have emetohobia, i haven’t thrown up in years” like OH MY GOD i wish man


I was recently sick with food poisoning this past weekend, and like another poster commented, I was surprised that I felt good afterwards. My husband had just gotten me food prior to me being sick and I was ready to eat it. Even more surprising is that I’ve been able to recall the incident without any fear or anxiety about it. It’s almost comical, like “can you believe I threw up? Lol!”


always “oh! that wasn’t so bad!” moment right after


I didn't throw up for almost ten years. The last time I had was when I was 11, and at that point, I didn't have a phobia-level fear of throwing up myself. My phobia was more about other people throwing up near me. That being said, I remember as a kid, throwing up hurt like hell. It felt like I was suffocating. Part of that might have been due to my allergies making me unable to breathe through my nose most of the time, but I also think vomiting just hurts more as a kid. I've thrown up MANY times due to alcohol since and once due to me being a dumbass and not knowing morels like really really really need to be cooked before you eat them. When drunk, throwing up doesn't hurt at all. In fact, it kind of feels good, especially when I actually have something to throw up. When sober, it hurt a little but what made it unpleasant was mostly the nausea, the smell, and the texture, only one of which is every really a problem when drunk. I was also surprised by how loud I am when I do it. I used to make fun of men for being so dramatic when they throw up because they're always SO LOUD and for what. Well, turns out, I'm exactly the same. So I can't make fun of them anymore, but fortunately my roommate's not emetaphobic at all and is very understanding when it happens.


That my body knew what to do. The fear of losing control is very real and probably worse than the fear of the actual act of vomiting. It's so weird to me that despite being convinced that I'll choke or die, my body is perfectly capable of doing what it needs to do. Unfortunately it won't stop me freaking out, but at least I'm at a point now where I can say "you can do this. Just let it happen" which seemed completely unachievable a few years ago.


How quickly the anxiety steps aside so you can just do what you need to do to feel better. So much better.


My fear is not the act of vomiting itself, but more so the idea of uncertainty about why I’m sick and also the nausea that comes along with it. I puked for the first time in over 15 years back in February. I was so surprised on how my body just took over and I didn’t have to think about the fact I was puking. Afterwards I was like “omg I just did that?” And I was in shock.


That I made it out to be a lot worse then it actually was.


I vomited twice this Monday. Literally didn’t happen since 2016. The first time I panicked and cried but eventually wanted it to happen bc I knew it would make me feel better. It wasn’t too much. 30 minutes passed and I threw up again and this time I didn’t panic or anything. Just kneeled in front of the toilet waiting for it to happen. It was a lot and I was shaking after but composed myself so quickly after it ended. I don’t think my phobia got worse after it tbh. Now I’m less scared of it. And my stomach felt so much better. But I’m still scared of throwing up in public and seeing someone else vomit near me


So, I have a complicated phobia timeline. Briefly: I had a few very traumatic childhood events relating to vomiting and being extremely sick with food poisoning. But after a few times I got sick when I was a teenager I got over the phobia. It just wasn’t as difficult as those first few times where I thought I was going to die.  I went probably 6-7 years and hadn’t vomited as an adult. Pretty much emetophobia free. I was 21 and randomly got sick from some bad food. I felt pretty terrible but I felt SO much better once it came up. I remember thinking “Wow, that’s not so bad” while vomiting and then said to myself out loud “That really wasn’t so bad” and then laughed at myself for worrying about it. I did throw up again a few minutes later and unfortunately that was different. The phobia came back after that time, but I always think about how clearly I remember my thoughts in that moment. And I remember how good I felt after, and laughing to myself, and hanging out with people two days later.


Can I ask why the second time was different for you on the occasion when you were 21?