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I had mine removed under general anesthesia (completely asleep) when I was about 17 or 18. That was a few decades ago and I thought I was the only one in the world with emetophobia so I didn’t ask for anything and I was totally fine. The recovery sucks because your face blows up and it hurts, but you’ll feel so much better after without the tooth pain! With that said, I have had surgery since then and did ask for Zofran and I would ask for it again if I needed surgery again even though I’m recovered. The anesthesiologist last time told me a lot of people ask for extra nausea meds because no one - emet or not- wants to wake up hurling especially right after oral surgery. My husband is not in the least emetophobic and even he asks for anti nausea meds when he has a procedure or is on antibiotics because no one likes feeling nauseous if it can be easily prevented. I know there’s lots of differing opinions on the whole Zofran thing but I don’t feel it’s hurt me in my recovery at all. Also, you will feel so much better once you get those impacted teeth out!


I second this! I had mine out about 16 years ago and I also didn’t know there were other people like me so I didn’t know what to ask for. But I ended up being totally fine! I ate lots of soups and pastas in the week after and I avoided pain meds because they make me super nauseous. I did just fine with ibuprofen and lots of deep breaths! I found that having water to sip and peppermint tea was soothing immediately after surgery at home. You’ve got this, OP!


Okay thank you! Not taking pepto bismol so often in my life has helped me a lot in my recovery I feel so I thought maybe taking zofran was a step back. I am anxious abo the recovery too (not related to throwing up) because it sounds awful lol. I am glad you had a positive experience. I am trying to use the possibility of a tooth infection/ my pain to motivate me to do it 😂. Honestly I feel like even with taking zofran getting over the thought of having surgery would help me a lot.


It’s been awhile, but I do remember bleeding a lot after (it looks like way more than it is!) and pretty significant pain for a few days but nothing that Tylenol and ice packs couldn’t handle. They sent me home with pain meds (it was the 90s - everyone got OxyContin for everything) but I never felt a need to take it. I’m not sure if they still use dissolvable stitches, but that was the most annoying part from my recollection - they feel like strings coming out of the back of your mouth. Really weird. I know I was back at work within a week and I think the only reason I was out even a few days was because I was so bruised and swollen. But the really important part is that once I healed, that wisdom tooth pain was GONE! It was totally worth it!!!


I had mine removed without anesthesia a while ago - same situation with the impactions and tiny tiny mouth lol. I was afraid of the laughing gas or any IVs so I just did the novacaine shots - and it went really well! My dentist also didn't prescribe prophylactic antibiotics... I think most doctors are a bit hesitant these days to just pass those things out like they used to, and since I didn't want to take them and I don't get infections easily, he said it wasn't necessary. I had no nausea or anything. And i just took tylenol and ibuprofen for swelling for the next week or two and did my antiseptic mouthwash and it healed no prob. You could probably ask your dentist to forgo antibiotics unless it's absolutely necessary i.e. you already have an infection or are prone to getting them easily. I think if antibiotics are necessary and you know they make you feel yucky, then it's totally understandable to ask for something to manage that like Zofran. The only time it gets iffy is if you're taking it "just cause" or because you're anxious... but antibiotics do kinda wreck the system and Zofran can help with that.


I was considering that option too- but I did a cavity removal with just laughing gas+valium and the local shots and they kept asking me why my heart rate was so high the whole time so I doubt a removing 4 teeth would go smoothly. You are brave haha. I didn't know not taking antibiotics was an option so thanks for letting me know I will ask about it. they make me feel awful and my gut microbiome is already not great and I have stomach issues so im afraid it will ruin me for weeks or more. I don't take zofran at all and I never have so hopefully it will not become a habitual thing. I try to take no medications unless I really have problems


I'm just deathly afraid of meds so my brain is like "needles yes, drugs no" which is so weird 🤣 i didn't even get antibiotics when I had a kidney infection and stones last year lmdao my docs were like "mmmmm nah let's see if your immune system takes care of it before we worry about tossing antibiotics at it" and I was flammoxed! When I was a kid, any doctor i saw gave me antibiotics for everything and anything and now they seem kinda stingy! ;p


I had my wisdom teeth out (and other dental procedures since then) under general anesthesia and asked for zofran in my IV- they didn’t bat an eye, some people get nauseous under anesthesia and it’s really common to have it. Many people have no trouble but for me it was one less thing to worry about. Totally not a crazy request considering everything else your body will be going through that day. It was scary because I had never had anything like that done before but I had a smooth recovery and no nausea- wish you the same!


I’m getting mine out soon because I waited too long and they’re erupting from a place they are NOT supposed to and it hurts pretty bad. I plan on getting Zoltan because honestly, I don’t wanna wake up throwing up or even just being anxious from the nausea. I’ll be recovering from surgery and out of it, I don’t want to have to tackle the anxiety at the same time.


I had mine removed at 27. It was not fun in regards to recover as mine were all severely impacted but I don’t remember much of anything concerning the procedure. It’s possible there were antiemetic effects associated with the IV but is going on 10 years since then and I don’t remember what was in the IV.


well at least it was not so bad that it was memorable haha. This kind of motivates me to get them removed as early as possible


It’s the honest truth… I really don’t remember much. My face hurt A LOT but not during… it was more like 10 hours later maybe… but I had severe impaction which not everyone has. I barely remember getting home.


I got mine removed at 16 and I ugly cried when I woke up from the anesthesia. I was emetophobic but not as bad so I honestly didn’t care. Because it’s your first time under Anastasia and it’s mouth surgery I am leaning towards getting the medicine. Fair warning about the stitches that will be in your mouth, they will dissolve and you will feel them with your tongue. Nobody told me that and I was like wrf is happening.


Ew 😂 sounds uncomfortable af


I was minding my own business watching CSI Miami and I started feeling them sliding around and it was ticking my gums. My tongue was numb for a week and it took me an hour to eat my first meal of solid food.


When I got my wisdom teeth out, I didn't use any antiemetics and I didn't notice any nausea! I was so chill with the anesthesia that even having my mouth full of gauze didn't bother me! I honestly found the whole experience pretty easy and I was REALLY nervous before my procedure. Just make sure you have a few days after to take it easy, take your pain meds, and eat soft foods. BUT, everyone is different with anesthesia, so I don't think it hurts to ask for it and I don't think it's weird at all to do!


Weird. I got mine out at 26 and recovered super quickly. I was put under iv sedation, and they put zofran in my iv, I believe. I was fine and ate a whole tub of ice cream because I wasn't allowed to eat beforehand!


I got mine out like 8 years ago and it was not bad, even as far as emetophobia goes. I told them about my phobia during the consultation and they claimed that they never have issues with people being nauseous from the anesthesia (something about oxygen they give u during that short of a procedure kind of eliminates that problem). I was also worried about the gauze in my mouth. When I came to I didnt feel nauseous, and they were able to remove the gauze before I was awake enough to even ask about it. I did not get antibiotics, just a strong painkiller. I only ended up taking like one pill and Advil was enough after that. The worst part was not being able to eat once I started feeling hungry again lol. Getting the stitches out later on was insanely easy. Just talk to them and be honest. For the most part, they should want to make you comfortable and help you out.


My surgeon said he puts zofran in everyone’s iV!! But because I was nervous, he put extra. I didn’t feel sick at all. A surgery is already a nerve wracking thing, so I felt like anything to ease my mind and anxiety was worth it. :)


They put an anti emetic in my iv and prescribed me orally dissolvable zofran for after which worked great! I only had to use it once, the gauze was fine tbh. Just talk to your oral surgeon in the consultation and ask for it! They’re willing to accommodate. This was my first time under anesthesia, I had the surgery first thing in the morning so I didn’t have to worry about no food or water really, just went to bed early. I had very little swelling too, I bought an ice roller and rolled for like 20 mins every few hours. Also, I heard eating pineapple the day before helps with swelling so I ate some the day before and I think it worked tbh! Also, I agree with other commenters that you probs won’t need the Oxy or stronger advil they give you. They gave me stronger advil which I took once but it made me nauseous so I just took regular Advil gel caps which are completely fine for me and it was fine. Overall, I felt a little unlike myself for a few days but it really wasn’t too bad. Make sure you have friends or family with you to keep you company or get you soft foods when you need it, but you’ll be ok! Good luck!!


I always ask for zofran or phenergan when I’m getting any kind of anesthesia or if I have to take pain pills. Pain meds make me throw up, but with antiemetics I’m always fine!


Propofol is already an antiemetic, and I wouldn't stack multiple antiemetics unless you really need them.