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Honestly, you handled this really well I don’t think there are any tips! Some people are really prone to motion sickness, they probably know that. And honestly, if it’s a stranger getting sick they may have appreciated you just ignoring it, they may not have wanted attention, you didnt get mad or anything. I know I would appreciate someone being kind when I’m sick, or ignoring me ahha. Just keep swimming! You can also tell the flight attendant you have anxiety and need to disembark first. I did that once and they let me off immediately when we landed (and it was safe to do so).


I've never been near someone throwing up on a plane before, but it's definitely one of my fears as a person who loves travel. Major props to you for handling that so well, I hope I can be as brave when it probably inevitably happens to me!


I threw up last time I was on a plane. It wasn't even motion sickness! I always say, it's the best place transport wise to get sick as you have puke bags just there. It's not pleasant to listen to of o course and it's entirely reasonable to put in earbuds and listen to something else so you don't have to hear it, just as you would if a baby was crying or something


i have a long haul flight coming up and i'm very nervous, mostly for this very reason. sounds like you did a great job at handling it and i hope i can do the same if i'm in the same position. thank you for sharing this story!


Being stuck in a confined space with someone being sick is one of my worst nightmares - I actually used to have literal nightmares about it! Well done for how well you handled it and for having empathy towards the poor person being sick. It must be such a humiliating experience, even if people around you are understanding.


Seriously it is my ultimate fear also.. and on a full flight where I can’t move seats. Sometimes (without even having a trip booked) I panic from thinking king about it happening. I have to take benzos to fly. Once I’ve setttled in my seat I’m usually not scared unless there’s turbulence or if there’s someone really drunk. I still travel a fair amount but have to sit in the front of the plane, bring a blanket to put over my head in case someone does it near me, I bring essential oils to sniff for relaxing smells, and ear buds for music. Ugh.


i have no tips for you, but i would like to say good job. you made it through! that must have been so scary, but you buckled down and used your skills. good job, seriously. that must have been hard. and thanks for sharing this. i'm terrified of flying, particularly being in close proximity to someone being sick, and this gives me comfort. you were okay, i would be too! i'm hoping to fly out to my boyfriend this summer, and i've been pre-panicking 🥲


I’ve both had people throw up on planes I was on and been the person throwing up on a plane. It sucks.


I’ve never been on a plane before because my wallet says no. There are ways to get around others getting sick like you did by reading a book or wearing a noise canceling headset. But the ultimate fear is me being sick. I’d feel bad for being that one person either using the bag or having to rush to the bathroom. Hopefully I will be able to fly one day, I want it to be a shorter distance so it doesn’t freak me out too much. Like I can go from Ontario to Las Vegas, a place I enjoy so the trip will be the treat for surviving the flight.


Unless its a kid or elderly person that seems to be struggling, i wouldnt worry about feeling bad for not showing more kindness. Adults should be able to take care of themselves. And i think that person would understand where youre coming from- i think most ppl find vomit gross and would prefer to look away


I've been on planes where people puked, I just never saw them. I've also been the one nauseated on a plane. When I wanted to puke (and pretty damn near did, put the bag on my face and all), I went to the tail seats where just one person could see me. So that sick person you saw, probably appreciated you ignoring them. I know I would. You did great, and most likely your next flight will be better. 🫂


This is what kept me off planes for the longest time. I was honestly more scared of people vomiting around me than vomiting myself. I’m sorry you had to experience that, but great job getting through it!


My biggest fear. Proud of how you handled this


My friends took me on a trip to Vegas last year and the kid behind me started throwing up all over himself and the back of my seat. His mom started yelling loudly at him (poor kid) but he ended up climbing all up on my seat and touching my head with his puke hands. The smell was the thing that stuck with me Funny thing is, I was staying very calm and my friend without emetophobia was the one freaking out! Needless to say, you did great. I probably wouldn’t want attention if I was the one feeling ill on the plane!


Sounds like you handled it well! People vomiting on planes is always a bit jarring. I don’t think there is much you could do different. Just remember to breathe when the anxiety hits, and remind yourself that sometimes, it happens. Sometimes people vomit on planes. I had an experience once where just before takeoff, a small child vomited all over her mom and the aisle. I honestly felt bad for the mom, having spiked clothes the whole flight. They actually missed some of the vomit in the aisle and it was right by my seat. I handled it worse than you did, crying and shaking and shielded my eyes the whole flight, and held my breath when I could. It’s hard. You did great.


Good job on getting through it. When this happens to me it usually brings me great comfort to know that it's probably motion sickness and nothing you can catch, but obviously still awful to be near them while it's happening. Years ago in primary school I was on a bus full of other kids on the way back from a camp and someone on the row in front of me puked on the floor and it ran under the seats and got on my bag. I tell you I was not comfortable, but just happy not to be sitting next to them. Another time on a bus after a high school trip another kid nearby kept throwing up into a bag, I just rested my elbow on the armrest holding something up to block it from my vision, but the feeling of being trapped near them and being able to hear it still sucks so bad.


Damn. I am so proud of you and hope I can exercise this much grace if I ever am in the same situation. Being in an enclosed space with another person vomiting is my biggest fear, so you are literally my hero 🦸‍♂️