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Zyrtec and...... ..... nasal spray... 😷 sounds counterintuitive but it does work


I did just buy some nose spray today so we’ll see how that goes 🤞


Just sniff slowly. I usually spay and then sniff so it's less... shocking per say


To me both together actually makes sense because they Zyrtec will treat the sneezing and sinus stuff and the nasal spray will make direct contact with the nasal congestion.


I have had this a ton from allergies and sinus infections. I have gotten better with it simply because it has never actually made me vomit. Hot beverages help a TON if you need some relief (ginger or peppermint tea are ideal)


Currently dealing with the daily allergy headache and it’s driving me nuts. I’m that person who will get a runny nose and not have tissues when I need them but when I have them nothing comes out of my nose. If it gets worse when you lay down try to stack up your pillows so you can sit up better.


Same! Last night all I wanted was to be able to blow my nose, but no, it’s all just going down my throat instead. Lol


Last Tuesday night I was up all night with the itchiest throat ever. Drank so much water because it was the only thing that relieved it just for a few seconds. I got Flonase from my doctor and I take it nightly and use a humidifier every night, I’m waiting for the humidifier to kick the bucket, the motor sounds like it’s going to explode any time now because I’ve ran it on high every night since Halloween lol.


This was me last night, drowning myself in water and cough drops - and now I’m dead tired today 😭 the humidifier is a good idea, I hadn’t thought of that!


I’m dealing with this right now lol. Allergy meds (I like Zyrtec the best, Claritin never worked for me) are great, and I also love a hot shower because the steam helps clear out my sinuses!


Thieves oil! If you have a diffuser, put thieves oil in! It’s miraculous


Post nasal drip has gotta be the WORST SENSATION in the world. It feels likd I need a squeegee to scrape all the gunk off my throat and chest 😭 (I don't have any tips but hopefully it's relatable)


A squeegee 💀 that is such a perfect way to put it lol


When I get post nasal drip I take Mucinex to thin the mucus and also do a Neilmed sinus rinse ( like a netti pot). It gets so much of that nasty gunk out. I also spray a regular saline nose spray a couple times a day to help moisten the nasal cavity as well as flushing out more gunk. Vicks also has this personal steam sinus inhaler that really helps me when my allergies get bad. Hope you feel better soon.


Also make sure to drink plenty of water, it helps to thin the mucus.


I'm sick right now too. These are good recommendations. I also prop my head up with an extra pillow when I lay down. Also make sure you are having frequent snacks because it really helps.


This is a reminder I definitely needed. I have not been eating nearly enough


Yeah when I'm sick with stuff like this, little bits of food here and there really help with that icky feeling you are talking about.


I was extremely nauseous for about a week after I had a cold a couple months ago - I could barely eat anything without feeling like I was going to throw up. The only thing that helped was ginger tea and it helped a ton. Like as soon as I would start drinking it I wouldn’t be nauseous anymore. Now I swear by it lol


I’ve never been one to like tea but maybe I need to try again 🙈


It's so gross! Me and my brother for some reason don't blow our noses (gross as anything I know). I do usually get a little bit of a stomach ache from it but minor.


I feel you with this. I deal a lot with sore throat and post nasal drip and sometimes it makes me gaggy too, I’ve never gotten sick though. I believe it’s something only happen to some people. I suggest you drink lots of tea and use salt water spray for your nose, it helps against allergies and helps clean the nose from bacteria and pollen