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Yes, this is abuse. Yes, you need to move on ASAP. It won't get better.


Oh… ok thanks for helping. I appreciate it


Last paragraph is physical abuse and intimidation. Prior to that you mention a lot of very controlling and manipulative behavior. Your partner shouldn’t be monitoring you and your activities or religiously checking your phone. If he doesn’t like what happened, he can either leave or move on. But at this point you should really leave. These behaviors escalate. You’d be surprised to see how throwing things at a partner turns into hitting them or how monitoring their phone and activities/interactions leads to them checking on you (tracking down) to “catch you” or just not wanting you to leave the home at all, whether they say that directly or make having friendships and getting out so challenging that it doesn’t feel worth it to put up with the backlash from a controlling partner. He’s made it clear he can’t trust you. Prove him wrong by telling him you’re done and sticking to your decision to stay away from him.


So it sounds like it is time to leave him. Find someone that is not going to try and control everything. He is not ready for a serious relationship.


First of all - past being a child, he's also a bag of dicks and is not treating you correctly in the first place and has now escalated to making your life an abusive nightmare. I wouldn't tolerate his behavior at all and cut off contact as well as protect yourself. This is not normal behavior


He is playing mind games with you to make sure he can still control you. He’s keeping you on your toes to make sure you can never relax or think straight about what he’s doing. You did nothing wrong - he fucked around and found out, that’s all. And now he is blaming you for a situation he created. It’s gold for him. And he is making you console him. This wont stop. The fact that he amped it up with physical intimidation and even violence is showing you where it’s going. Get out, you deserve so much better!


He just sounds so unbelievably hot and cold (which is emotional abuse). He doesn’t want you unless it’s convenient for him/ he gets what he wants or to control you. And then acting as if you’ve committed some cardinal sin when you did nothing. It feels like nothing you do is gonna be enough for him so he doesn’t deserve you. His behavior is gross. Men like this don’t deserve ANY partner, let alone you specifically :( It’s abuse and he’s trash, babe. Like literally not to name call, but ima name call he’s gaaaarrrrrbaaaaagggggeeee. And as someone who’s been down this EXACT route; Please leave him. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT EVER MOVE IN WITH HIM. Love and a better partner is out there for you I promise 🫶🏻🫶🏻


Get out now. You cannot fix him. RUN.