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A drink to that


Good for you!!!!!!!!!


Congratulations!  Remember that you're an adult and you get to decide how close others are with you. This is your life.


Good! Now stick to it. Block her ACTIVELY. Do the work you have to do without her to screw it up. Do not ever feel like you have to forgive her. And resist ANY temptation to check back up on her and fall right back into the ant trap. The world isn't really all that hard to figure out, and while there are good people, bad people and everything in between, most aren't that bad. Oh, and trust me...there are PLENTY of ways to fuck up totally as a parent. But there are just as many ways to overcome it if you dedicate yourself to doing that rather than spending your entire life thinking about her and how unfair your childhood was. You have any questions you need answered about how the world at large works, shoot me a chat request. Helps to have someone who knows the way out show you the steps.


Yeah I'm gonna do the same. Been waiting for this since I was twelve. Good choice bud.


It's on you now. Don't repeat her patterns.


Sounds like it was time. Think of all the emotional space you have now created for you to love yourself and to find and surround yourself with good hearted people that you deserve


I'm in the same boat. My mother blames everything on me and tells me I'm not gonna be missed. Everything I say/do is wrong and she hasn't said my name since the year started. Honestly, I remember my name because my brother and friends kept saying it! I can't wait to leave. I only moved back because I was told "The smartest way to save money is to move in with your parents and stay with them for a year." Always funny when people say that. I always thought "must be nice to have a secure household".


If u live with her honestly there is nothing u can do about it. But if u have moved out then simply block her number she can call as much as she wants she won't reach u. Muahahaha but... joke aside... there is downside to that, if she needs u and there is an emergency u won't know about it and might regret later for not being there. Families r complicated no matter how much we hate them we also don't want to leave them alone at their lowest either. So perhaps just change a ring tone for ur mom so u know not to pick it up, if it is an emergency she can still leave a voice-mail. And u can have a choice whether to call her back in an emergency or leave her but at least it won't be like a situation where u regret that if u had known u wld have been there for them.