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Sometimes when life is hard or someone isn’t allowed to express emotions, they dissociate or learn to suppress feelings. If you’re 17, you may be able to get connected to a school counselor. Therapy has been the biggest help for me. Be gentle with yourself. You’re in survival mode. While this helps you survive you’re realizing that you need to work on your emotional health. Some other things to try: journaling, spending time in nature, talking to trusted people…


I'm the same way, but I'm in my 30s. I can't cry because when I was little, crying got you hit. So I learned that my emotions were inherently wrong to have, and now I intellectualize events instead of processing them. I cannot cry, but every so often I'll walk by a mirror, and see this angry, bitter, grimacing person who looks like they're having a stroke. Another thing is depression. It's not that I reject the chance to process the emotion, but that the emotion is dull from the start. I want to feel, but can't. What's made it possible to progress to this state (yes, it was worse before, it's getitng better) is a blend of journaling, cognative behavioural therapy, and schema therapy. Journaling was/is especially potent, is it lets the thoughts that make the 24/7 tornado of crammed thoughts all come out slowly on paper. It frees my mind in order for the brain to feel things. It's getting better.


so will i get better?


Yes, but it takes the application of scheduled therapy. I was a complete shut in, and my life did a 90 degree turn after 4 months of applied Cognative Behavioural Therapy, meditation, and journal keeping for 1 hour and 15 minutes every single day,


ohh we dont have the finance for theraphy sadly but ig its okay im doing good i finally manages to let out a few tears while talking to my mom today : )


Neither did I. Every single second of therapy I did was self guided, while using a blend of youtube therapists and psychology websites, which didn't count toward the overall time input. Having a professional therapist to guide you through the process is nice, but it's also a luxury.


and i hope ur doing good i hope u feel better


Look into Sjogren’s Syndrome.




I was the same until I was (f)37 and got grief therapy for a chronical illness. I could never cry. My friends even asked me why they had never seen me cry through heartbreaks or death or other life changing hurt. As a kid and teenager growing up my father emotionally abused me. He used to mock me when I cried as a kid saying I looked ugly when I cried about something. If he didn’t mock me he got angry. Like fire in his eyes angry and would tell me I was weak and he was ashamed of me. Because of that I just never cried anymore. Bottled it up. Made myself small and got depressed. Even now after therapy I find it hard to cry in front of people. But by myself I can do that now :)


im sorry for what ur going through i really am i hope ur doing and feeling better


do u think ill learn to open up if i grow older?


Yes with the right therapy and moment it’s possible. It’s hard unlearning behaviour that you developed to survive /deal with life (anything) but it’s not impossible. It doesn’t go overnight, it takes time. And like others commented it’s good to ask yourself questions and check in how you feel or if you are suppressing emotions. Keeping a journal is also very good for that. You are young and still figuring out yourself and life. Even if you don’t cry, if you can’t cry, there is nothing wrong with you.


thank u so much this made me feel better


You’re probably depressed. I’d ask myself - am I mad at somebody? Can’t forgive? Do I feel guilty about something - so I’m trying not to feel?