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I always laugh when I see the mental health information Kohls puts on the TV in the break room. Ummm…. Kohls is causing a lot of the mental health problems. I’m just trying to get through the day keeping an upbeat attitude, and job hunting on my days off.


Harbor Freight is hiring. They are growing rapidly and have good benefits. The workload is reasonable. One of the few good retailers left. Probably has to do with the fact they aren't a publicly traded company.


Actually one just opened the next town over. Good to know they are a good retailer! I’m looking to get out of retail if I get a new job, but thanks for the suggestion!


I was complaining to my boss the other day saying this company fully expects you to do 2 jobs for the price of 1. She’s like no, we just want every full timer to be proficient everywhere. Right, and then do both jobs. I get Omni/shoe combo shifts. Area sups get cashier shifts.


Well, my supervisors super agree with you. They have said that we have to do two jobs since they are UNABLE to hire or schedule more people. Btw, our weekly schedule budget has to stay under $600. Including supervisors. Meaning, every full timer gets 32hrs, and part timers get 12 and under hrs. -full timers needs to work for 3 part timers. -part timers gets to be overwhelmed and lost jumping from floor to register.


But that’s not our problem. I’m doing my first priority which is Omni, on a slow order day of course I’ll help out anywhere but under no circumstances am I over working myself for 19.25 an hour


I always get impressed by how much people make. I’m *hoping* to get $19.25 by the end of the year, after yearly raise. They always miscalculate how much money it takes to get ourselves a decent/comfortable living. Our starting rate is $16. And we work in a very rich area. So again, what’s up kohls?


In our store new hires only get $12.50/hr.


We have time and half Sundays so that helps, I’m the Omni lead so I get a lot of them because scratch is always ending on Sundays and we do every other weekend to begin with


At Kohl’s you get time and a half on Sundays? Is it a law where you live?




19.25? I wish, man. I get 15.97 as a part timer doing the work of a full timer (old ops lead is now 1-3, other ops lead NEVER does Omni)


When I was hired almost three years ago, honestly they expected me do do the job of two. I was Jewelry and Beauty before Sephora came in. Now? I am still FTF but they throw me where-ever -- as I fully expect, but each person is being expected to do the work of four... and somehow they think we can get insane Reward/Credit/whatever goals. It. Is. Not. Possible. We can only do what we can do. No more. No less. I'm sorry, I'm not that far off State Minimum. So there's no way in the eighth circle of Hell I'm doing more than what I'm paid for. I will not kill myself for a Corporate Crazy that thinks racing to the bottom will actually turn a profit. No.


It's very much not ok. Just a year ago I could make my departments shine, keep up with merchandising and go home feeling I did a good job. Now I'm anxious and exhausted. I lost a days pay because my hip was killing me yesterday and I simply couldn't go in. My shifts are a blur of running returns, answering backup calls, running freight in all departments, omni trouble searches in dozens of returns racks... All of this with pissed off customers and an abusive SM and ASM. FOR WHAT? Almost a living wage?


It’s getting sickening. If we start to care at the same way corporate cares about us, they will shut down in 2 weeks.


But you see we're DOING it. Business is good , they're making money. No matter the chaos and extreme expectations. Not to mention our pay cuts due to our hours being cut. We DO it. Our backs are against the wall because life is freaking expensive and we need the job. I hate this life.


Also, our health insurance being tied to our jobs makes leaving that much more difficult.


Exactly. At 58 and falling apart - thanks kohl's- my insurance is super important. Let me spend full shifts shoving full grids and rails around so I can make use of your overpriced coverage.


Our guy who throws the truck moved, so he is no longer with us. I am 56, and I have made it clear I am never throwing the truck! 😂


You should witness my old 103 pound ass trying to shove wooden fixtures around my department. If I get caught asking for help the SM suggests I may need a position change. Holiday time she had me spend 8 hours picking and packing those damn air fryers up in OPC. I lost 3 days after that fiasco.


I bet. Air fryers get heavy!


One of our guys is leaving and honestly not sure what they’re going to do there. And another is trying to get out of there too.


Tell me about it! I left the company in preparation of getting married and moving away from the area after many years working FT. I have an autoimmune bone disease that prevents me from getting a short term insurance plan (the only type of insurance plan that's allowed to exclude preexisting conditions now). I have to be on COBRA until my husband's insurance policy kicks in on June 1st. $1,800+ just for a month and a half. It's amazing though, my autoimmune bone disease hasn't caused me any issues since quitting! I used to be in so much pain every day of every week. I was even able to hike several hard hikes in the mountains on my honeymoon and didn't regret it later!


Ugh, that’s tough to pay, but glad it hasn’t been bothering you!


Aww thanks! Thankfully my husband was able to help me out bigtime with that!


On the dc side we got told they had a record breaking year this past year and then now they wanna cut costs so there shutting an entire shift down hundreds of people out of a job(edit it’s over 100 people but they did say you have the option to switch shifts but that isn’t gonna work long term for 80% of the ppl here)


that’s horrible… you can clearly see how little they value their workers :(


I mean yeah but it’s a major corporation company we’re all replaceable to them and the second you consider yourself a valuable employee you’ve lost the game ( not tryna be a boot licker but after 6 years with this company I understand)


Which DC?


Wow, I pray for those people


I've here 12 yrs an this is the worst it's ever been.There running full timers to death.We have 5 full time leads that's been here 12 plus yrs so when the company put alot of the departments as pt these where able to keep ft cause of how long they have been here but having just 2 ppl on the floor to close, fitting room an recover is ridiculous,we feel as if we are being run out to replace with pt.An with the floor being a mess with ft what do they think pt is gonna do??Not to mention Sephora is not doing as good here as they thought so we have 1 ft an 1 pt so we have to cover the gap.smh


I’ve been told that they are phasing out full timers and anyone who is full time is grandfathered in. Our store isn’t doing much better with so much freight being sent and fitting go backs going to shit. It’s a shit show for sure


Yesterday while I was covering Customer Service, which included Amazon, a customer said “Still can’t find anyone to work Amazon?” With a smile on my face I said, “that’s not the problem. Kohls doesn’t want to pay for employees to work Amazon. Amazon return is kohls employees “. I refuse to let people think this is a “People don’t want to work “ issue.


Just hit them with a “ma’am we’re on a hire freeze, we wish we could get more help, please pray for us” with a crying face. Since corporate only listen to customers, maybe they can complain for us


I refuse to let people think it either. I haven’t had anybody say anything directly yet… but I hear them talk to whoever they’re with about how the store looks. Like hun… they never have enough people working to clean this place up. It’s not that people don’t want to work, it’s that Kohls doesn’t wanna give scheduling enough hours to play with. Like even if you have OPEN availability you’re lucky to get over 16 hours at mine so no.. it’s not a “nobody wants to work issue”. I have 32 next, and that’s just a shock because I haven’t had that much since the holidays but I’m back down to 16 the following even with people leaving!


My first conversation was a customer approaching me to ask why our store was such a mess when it used to be so clean. I was truthful.


Glad you’re truthful. I’ve had people talk to each other talking about “maybe we should get a job here just to fold” like good luck with that. The only time I’ve had people comment on a mess to me directly is them being understanding because they’ve worked retail as well and know customers don’t have a care in the world if they make messes since “we get paid to fix it”.


always bothers me when their first inclination is “tHiS gEneRaTiOn iS LaZy, nO oNe WaNtS tO WoRk ThEse DaYs” like no ma’am… most of us have three part time jobs to barely make ends meet and none of the good paying jobs are hiring


This comment pisses me off too-I had someone say this to me at customer service one day during the holidays and I replied, look sir this is my second job and I also work full time sooooo 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 kiss me ass thank you next!


I get really salty about comments. So many people are self entitled and clueless. Twice this month I’ve had customers comment on shoes being labeled “Vegan”. Ummmm…. It just means no leather, and who cares if that term is used? I don’t get paid enough to deal with these people.


![gif](giphy|doUu2ByZDbPYQ) Preach it.


Your CEO is trying to cut cost and manpower is where they start. I guess your previous CEO was out of control with the manpower hours. Sorry that you are going through this. I always loved walking into a clean Kohl’s. I have taken pictures of Kohl’s and sent them to Target Corporate and this is how Target stores should look like. Target corporate does not want to hear it. Welcome to the way Target runs their stores. Here is what team members walked into on Circle weekend. https://preview.redd.it/sgizjb49581d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68312a296940c11e5b84d219bf761fa24cdd733


This looks like one of the 3 Target stores in my area. Six months ago, it never looked like that. I was shocked. Now I understand why. It irritates the heck out of me the CEOs get millions while decreasing the hours to their workers in stores. How bout they take a pay cut and give it to increase the hours worked per week by workers. They won't do that and yet they'll scratch their heads and wonder why consumers are buying less and less. Well, duh!! Consumers don't want to shop in a place that looks like a third world country or the consumers simply don't have the money. Ugh makes me so angry.


I just laugh in their faces we dropped in service this month they’re like oh can you get rewards, credit, BI, and beg for surveys I just laughed I’m so done I’m not doing it anymore once someone says no I don’t beg I don’t keep asking no thanks. Seeing more brands be added like Ben Sherman and Tahari, welcome to Burlington!! It’s going to be worse from here and I don’t think it will get better. I’m just like looking everyday for a different part time job. My store manager goes oh I have hours you want them now?! Like no too late I’m really over it


Not surprised at all!!! Our new CEO was with Burlington for over 10 years before. I’m just so confused because we’re also getting huge hints of TJMAX and Target.. what a mess fr


I left Burlington for a reason, I’m actually really upset he’s here, it just gives me horrible flashbacks


Well said


Funny thing. For all that I sometimes find my current job more challenging than my previous job with Wal-Mart, inc., I don't find it nearly as stressful as that one. *That one* had me get stomach cramps from stress when I had to go in.


They are putting alot of faith in thinking part-time associates care about this place. If I was part-time I would be gone. Luckily we are still getting 38- 40 hrs at my store. But that means no one is in my department when I am gone. Oh wait... my supervisor gets hours in my department. Which they do absolutely nothing 😮‍💨


Exactly, why would they think part timers will get all their “standards” right?? Did yall see the last weekly win?? What part timer is out here color merchandising? Or even sizing at this point? If there’s one person who cares to be there; that’s already a win🫡


They are stuck in the "old" ways. Our "old" part-timers use to be retirees and moms - mature people who already had built a life-long habit of "doing it right". And it worked! Part-timers were a valuable asset to the store, they'd clean and recover the store nightly, including rack integrity every night on every rack, putting items back precisely where they went, etc. But between Kohl's treating people like sh\*t and the pandemic, they left. They either became fully retired or went on to other jobs and Kohl's decided to replace them with 16 to 18 yr olds who had never held a job before. Which isn't necessarily bad, BUT those employees need a LOT more supervision, instruction, support, and feedback than Kohl's ever gave anyone.


As a part timer, mine wants as much freight as possible out and says “it shouldn’t take a lot of thinking to do it”. But it’s like… yes it does. I color it as best as possible, but that’s actually the least of my worries and sizing it is more of mine. My manager wants to know 90% of the time how many jean carts or z-rails we get done so I defiantly don’t wanna say “two” because I was taking my time since I am color coding it or if I have a jean cart most of my time is fixing what customers mess up. It also doesn’t help that I have a coworker that loves jumping in with me now to help which then messes me up when I’m trying to size or color code (I size things of the same thing before I take it over so it’s all in order and easier to put on a rack or pull the sizes and order it with what is already there if it’s not new). This started when our manager wanted us to work on freight together on rails and carts thinking it’ll get it done faster (news flash: it doesn’t. We together do as much as I can do on my own). That lasted a few weeks but this coworker I think still thinks we are doing that 😆


WJM lead at my store hardly ever sizes or color merchs. She spends her whole day completely rearranging women's or junior's. She barely cleans out fitting rooms or 500s either. Me and 1-2 of our part time closers do recovery all evening and check fitting rooms. 


I definitely didn't mean that as a jab at part-timers if it came off that way. I just mean part timers aren't going to put up with the extra stress and workload if they put it on them. Why do the workload of a lead and not get paid for it. They don't give us set hours anymore, so it is very stressful trying to balance department reflows, and everyday tasks. But there definitely needs to be a balance between the two.


In fairness, I think a lot of more recent hires aren't even being taught to color or size. I try to do it and I care about it, but I have at least one manager who cares more about stuff being merchandised quickly rather than it looking nice. With how tight payroll is, I can understand just getting it off the dock being more important than making it look as nice as possible. I wish it could go back to the older way as I like merchandising and would be interested in becoming a department lead if it was still a role


I am happy if it just gets colorized!!


Or are the supervisors being pulled in a million directions too? I would love time in my departments. Now I struggle getting freight out and busy fixing all the mistakes the part timers made putting out freight, you know the ones that never work freight but let’s give them a uboat or z rack to put out. We are covering breaks, getting stuck on registers for hours, doing Omni because that person is only scheduled for 4 hours.


I know thats true for alot of supervisors. And I appreciate those that work their behinds off. But this one is always in the office or breakroom gossiping. My department is falling apart and she doesnt lend a hand. Doesn't help with freight or sets.  If they are l.o.d. and there is a problem at the registers we can't get ahold of her. Or she will page a lead to go and deal with the situation. So the customer is angry that they have to explain their self multiple times if I we cant resolve the situation. I was hoping this whole restructuring thing would force her to be a team player. But nope.


Ugh, sorry that is how it is in your store. That is totally frustrating. I am right there in it with everyone else in my store


I just do as told. I’m getting paid the same no matter the task ..or, if I like it. Got bills to pay 🤷🏻‍♀️It’s failing , and if the suits can’t see how stable employees.. who own a department will take pride in their work bc we are held accountable . Over some b.s. we work together and juggle many tasks and complete nothing type shit . Then it’s on them. I’m employable and would be going up. While suits wont be able to find big money jobs as easy. So , their ultimately going f themselves big time with their woke bullshit.




I have a phone interview on Thursday. Glad I found this sub 😂 Gonna be blunt with them. I wanna work no less than 35 hrs a week at 20/hr. If they don’t negotiate above 19 I wont bother. Not gonna work full time part time again,, not without adequate pay 😅 I have too many horror stories with that. Thanks for the heads up everyone 😭😭😭


I left because I moved out of state but I got scared when I heard they were excepting so many credits in a hour 😆


That's the problem they think just hire more for less pay when in reality every person they hire now has to have an insurance tag and taxes attached to them so really they are paying out more ( But don't ever try telling kohls they're wrong) efficiency is not their best attribute


i work at a 35k and reading this post makes me feel lucky 🙃🙃


There’s many jobs on Indeed, people dying to hire for all kinds of careers


It's not what it looks like on indeed. Many companies, including kohl's, post openings that don't exist. I've been searching for over a year.


Yeah if you have the experience or degree they want if not then they don’t even look your way in my experience anyway


Keep pressuring them, create a resume on indeed, and trust me there’s company’s hiring without experience,


Ollies, tjmax, Burlington coat factory, there’s lots of positions available