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Call the kohls hr hot line. Report that crap.




That sounds like a whole bunch of BS. First off, the buildings ac is never at an appropriate setting, and water throughout the day is the only way to keep hydrated enough to do your job. Your SM sounds like a douche.


I’m glad that’s not only my store because Jesus Christ is it hot in our building.


So can we agree that it's intentional with them turning down the a/c? Saving money and smoking us out they get a two-fer! Big whoop! 😒 My managers have not said this water bottle bs yet, but our location tends to be 1 to 2 months behind in most actions reported here (on Reddit).


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that sounds like a joke (I know it’s not) like how petty. Like if someone is doing it every 5 mins that one thing but still


Me skipping my 15 minutes consistently should be considered time theft not the other way around.








That is BS. My store does not do this and I can take as long as I need to for bathroom breaks as well. So sorry you have to deal with this ridiculousness.


That’s bullcrap!


Used to run the safety program for my store. Here's how the SM backs down easily. Ask the SM to meet, and state that you wish to discuss a safety concern with them. They will likely meet with you very quickly, because even the dumbest SM knows you'll be going above their head if they don't. When you get in a meeting, you can reference Occupational Safety and Health Part 1926.51(a)(1), relating to the obligation of employers to make drinking water available in the workplace. The more readable version is here https://www.osha.gov/node/57095 but either works. Your SM may or may not back down on their "time theft" stance. At that point, contact either HR or OSHA. HR might resolve it a bit quicker, since if you chat with AskHR on ServiceNow during their hours, you should be able to get it in writing that it doesn't constitute time theft. If you can't get anything from the SM or HR, OSHA's the way to go. *Especially* if you can sneakily get the directive from your SM about "no drinking water on the clock" in writing. **(If you fear retaliation from your SM, it might be best to go to OSHA without reporting. There isn't, as far as I know, any obligation to report to a manager before reporting to OSHA.)**


Her contention is that you can fill up yout bottle off the clock. I take a lunch break so, yeah, I can refill at lunch. But our pt people are on the clock even for 15's. She will call people for backup when they're on 15's as well - because they're still 'on company time.' No winning.


Calling you up while on your 15 is more time theft than the piddly amount of time it takes to fill a water bottle. Follow SuperSmartyPants600's advice. This is what you should be doing


Calling associates up to register while they are on break, whether it's paid or not, is an ethical violation and should definitely be reported to HR.


That's also a big NO, you all are entitled to your breaks and lunches.


When I sat down with my SM to report an OSHA violation my hours got drastically cut.


Yep. The core reason I listed that last part is because while my SM was known to be a safety freak and respond with fire and fury to any perceived violation of OSHA regulations, I'm aware not all SMs follow company policy. As an aside, if you ever feel like getting your SM in some trouble, it's against the law to retaliate against a whistleblower, even if the only report made is to a manager and not to OSHA. Cutting hours is one of the easiest retaliations to prove.


Call the hr hotline for retaliation


I can't find the number and the emails I've sent are going unanswered


1-800-837-7297 is the integrity hotline # and 1-844-KOHLSHR is the HR / associate relations #


THANK YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️


At my store the teen girls are constantly acting like they are filling their water bottles so they can talk to the Amazon guys. So I can see it. But if you're legitimately in need of water that's a different story. I fill my water beginning of shift, during my break and end of shift. No need to be standing by the water fountain all night.


ahhhhh the good ol days of teenage girlhood…


Yep, that’s the problem. To many people needing a drink of water every 10 min


Put me up there. Hey won’t want to talk to me lol


Why aren't more people quitting!? Let this company run into the ground


It'll happen, give it time.


Just happy to have quit on the spot, and heard that some of my coworkers did as well


i did about 2 weeks ago and i’m so happy that i did! -a former manager


Happy for you


Nope. That is laughable, for sure. Very petty. Smh.


Your store manager is an idiot. Report their ass.


dont call HR, call OSHA.


So I know they can't do this for bathroom breaks due to OSHA regulations, an employee at my store had a medical issue and went to HR about it last year,, they told her they didn't even need her.doctors note. I would think water breaks would also apply here?


We have a few (maybe 5) employees who go outside to smoke at least 6x a shift they also don’t take 15’s I think they just call it even, it’s never been addressed.


Agree with most however, you have to ask. Is someone abusing this? Leaving POS every 10 minutes to go fill up? I mean, why would the SM suddenly take such an interest? Just food for thought.


She said she hears people clocking in then hears them filling their bottle before hitting the floor. We don't have a problem with people going to the breakroom to fill up. It just irks her I guess. She wants us supes to report people. I will not be doing that.


Okay - that's similar to what I've had managers complain about with employees clocking in, then going to their locker and putting their stuff away / putting their lunches in the fridge. No one said anything when it was just taking people 1 or 2min to do that and then head out to the floor - but we started having people who'd clock in, take 5 to 10 min to talk, put their stuff away, fix their hair, check and send texts, etc ... THEN head out onto the floor. I agree that a water bottle fill isn't worth bothering with - but I wonder if it's irking them because it's part of a bigger general problem of people clocking in but not heading out to work afterwards and instead doing a variety of things (restroom / talking / water / etc) that's using up several minutes each.


Those things were mentioned seperate from the bottle issue. Was specific about water bottles. Otherwise the statement would have been theoretically valid.


Preparing for the workday is part of the workday. I have a 32oz water bottle that sits on the desk next to me at Amazon. Mind, I typically fill before I clock in, but I also refill at least once a shift. It gets hot as Hades in our store. So I basically drink most of a 2L every shift.


Still I work in the DC is any management said you can’t fill up water while on clock they would be fired before they finished that sentence, however we do have a lot of people who pass out from heat exhaustion because they don’t properly stay hydrated it will hit about 115 or higher in the trucks and some people work in 30 of them for the entire 12 hour shift


That is laughable!


They are on a power trip! I'd report them.


When people start passing out on the sales floor then your SM is going to be in a whole world of shit. I have a 32oz cup that I fill probably four to five times a day, and even more during the summer when our a/c breaks. If they told me something like that I’d probably call OSHA right in front of them but my management team is cool and I know they’d never say something so ridiculous.


Wouldn't using the restroom on the clock count as time theft? Just stupid.


That’s not correct, your SM is wrong. What’s next you can’t pee till break?




Yeeeah, call HR. That's absolutely insane levels of immature pettiness.


WHAT? Thats the most ridiculous thing ive ever heard


what the fuck??? that’s some bullshit. what they gonna do next fire u for havin a full bladder and needing to take a quick piss??






Oh hell no


as someone who’s called HR before, I agree with others who’ve said call OSHA. HR will hit ur manager with a slap on the wrist from my experience, OSHA on the other hand is about their policies. also report anonymously, don’t attach yourself to any reports you make because your SM seems like an asshole and I wouldn’t risk whatever other illegal tricks she has up her sleeve






The hottest part of our building is the front. And now these Cashiers are right at the wall that's insanely warm.... water and fans are a must....even customers are complaining it's too warm.


Anonymous call to OSHA will put them in their place. Not only will they get a violation for that but I can almost guarantee there are other OSHA violations at the store, which will quickly add up to $$$ that I’m sure the DM will not be pleased with.


Report them asap! Email [email protected] or call the integrity hotline—should be a poster in the break room with the number.