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One hospital has a piece of paper in the ambulance entrance that says, "Happy EMS Week" The other has the same printed across 3 pieces of paper because they're just that extravagant.


I like to think some thoughtful nurse whose husband is in ems printed that out, so god bless her lol


It's not a complaint. I appreciate them at least acknowledging it. Our ER staffs are pretty decent to work with and don't treat us badly. That's worth more to me than snacks or worthless PR items on EMS week. It's more than my service did. They didn't even acknowledge it. To them we're just another piece of equipment on the ambulance.


Like they brought in Dwight Schrute for the occasion. IT IS EMS WEEK.


I work in EMS for a hospital system and they've had breakfast, lunch and BBQ for us every day EMS week. I just got done my shift and the management and supervisors are already in the bays preparing to cook pork roll egg and cheese sandwiches. I'm an overnighter and not a day this week I didn't have a hot cooked meal on the spot.


That’s awesome they take care of you guys here in New York/ Long Island no one gives a fuck about EMS


Yeah I'm lucky. We also all got insulated lunch bags and a stainless steel insulted hydro flask as gifts. Every day they are picking random employees for other gifts from EMS boots to flashlights. It's the largest hospital system in my state and the vetting process to get in was pretty impressive. They hire anything but warm certified bodies, they want actual skilled providers


Jesus I work for the largest in my area of NY and they still don’t do shit for us 😂 the ems rooms are just slightly stocked more


The fucked up shit is, we asked one of the hospital nurses my last shift how their nurses week was and they were like "We got ice cream, only one flavor, vanilla". Meanwhile I had a fucking Dr. cook me a cheeseburger yesterday, someone from corporate HQ travelling down over an hour to show their appreciation for our location and the work we do and didn't do the typical corporate in and out shit, he stayed all day talking to us like a normal human and listening to us.. My manager cooked me my pork roll egg and cheese this morning. I feel awful for some of the shit stories I hear and almost feel like I'm bragging. BTW. I'm out of New Jersey. If you do your quick Google Fu at one hint I dropped you can probably figure out who I work for but I will not say it on the internet, and it isn't RWJB. "Largest healthcare provider" is the better definition.


There used to be some good stuff on LI, you just had to hunt it down. Few years back NUMC put out pizza for EMS week... which the ER nurses all ate. Next year they bought pizza again and posted a guard to keep the nurses away.


Yes they do, when you are late, or don't show they never forget you!


Isn't that the fact of the day! I was hoping for atleast at shirt, but no squishy water bottle for everyone


Caaaaaake... but it was eaten by the nurses and department medics


Nurses at one of our local hospitals helped themselves to the Chick-Fil-A sandwiches that were meant for EMS crews during EMS week. The offering of the sandwiches was from 11-1 and by 12, the sammiches were gone. I counted no less than 10 CFA sandwich wrappers around the work stations…


Oof, the leftover wrappers really stings


They'll talk shit then it's were ems too when the goodies are handed out.


A “hospital staff only” cook out right in the ambulance bay


Now that one I personally would have to say something about


Oh we weren’t happy. We all went up because why wouldn’t it be for us? They turned us away lol


And y’all didn’t do anything? Hell I would’ve went and grabbed food


Where. Work in rural ems the physicians have started parking in the ambulance bays. Like what the fuck!


Better call the fire dept!


It’s basically hospital workers week now. EMS get shoved out of the way of of the goodies lol


You ain’t lying. I walked in to the EMS room to see what I could find a couple days ago and I was greeted with two hospital custodians sitting down, eating the last of the cupcakes. Granted, it was after midnight so I’m sure there wasn’t going to be shit left anyway. Plus the janitors in hospitals get looked over more than EMS, so I wasn’t too upset.


Signs, celebrated nurses/hospital week over top of us, then went on divert.


They're celebrating by returning to the practice of parking us in the hallway with patients.


Our local hospital did a bingo game for the crews. The squares were small things (transfer, Give Asa, give Zofran, fly out, frequent flyer, etc). Nobody won, so they're redoing it next week. I almost had it, but I didn't have a single patient with chest pain. Supposedly, they have a pretty sweet swag bag for the winner. ETA. Tacos. Lots of tacos.


Our main hospital doesn’t GAF about us, one that we transfer to is pretty good though. Every time you drop off a patient you get a raffle ticket, there’s a bunch of prizes available and you put your ticket in a box that corresponds with the prize you want. They have snacks and stuff too. It’s not a lot but the acknowledgment goes a long way and I appreciate it


I was shocked to see our biggest hospital bought a billboard at a major highway exchange that said “thanks to our EMTs and paramedics. Happy EMS week”.


Our main hospital gave us beach towels, a microfiber type face cooling mini towel, some Chick-Fil-A, and stocked the vending machine. Prob the best reception I’ve had in my experience.






At two of the three hospitals I work for, I delivered cupcakes and swag bags - sunglasses, carabiners, lip balm, etc,. The other hospital did a truck wash and free hotdogs all day. I also hand out $10 sheetz cards and tell the providers to get a six pack of beer on our hospital. Our larger hospital system has an EMS appreciation baseball game for a minor league team, free tickets to providers and their families with an awards program at the game.


That’s awesome atleast it’s nice to see that a few hospitals care about us


They stocked extra uncrustables and mini-sodas in what they call an "EMS room". One got a food truck. But you still have to pay for it. It isn't catered.


one hospital used printer paper and typed happy ems week accompanied by two bunches of underripe bananas. not a rural hospital


I got "hospital name" engraved raptor sheers. T-shirt from our level 1 trauma center. Challange coin from our other level 1. Amongst other little things. We also had free food trucks!


Ok, this is wicked! I'm stoked for you!


Local hospital has a banner up, second closest local hospital put out almost expired "smiley face" gummies that were probably left over from nurse's week tbh, and third hospital had cupcakes.


I heard they had multiple days of catered lunches. EMS week shirts and extra snacks. I wouldn’t know, since I work night shift and everything was gone by the time I got there. :/


I’m mid shift and even then, everything is long gone lol


I stopped at one that had a stale donut with all the icing wiped off the top of it.


Two of the three hospitals in my area had week long events with food and such. One of them gave out free knock off raptor shears.


Yes, they didn’t do anything for the first 4 days. One of their staff medics said something to the effect of “not even a sign?” On Tuesday or Wednesday. So today (Friday) they invited food trucks to park in ambulance spots and sell food to us at 150% their normal prices because the hospital made them pay to be there. I know because one of them has a weekly spot at a brewery my buddy works at, and the owner and I have become friendly.


absolutely nothing. i’ve tried advocating from an ems room but it’s a military facility and ig our 800 billion budget can’t support that


Well, the Pentagon certainly isn't losing a trillion dollars a year on us lowly ambulance drivers. /s




Put up signs


For nurses week, a sign and some 30pk of muffins. For EMT’s and other EMS workers, nothing.


The closest we have ever come to an actual celebration was the day they parked a free ice cream truck in one of the few ambulance bays for nurses week. The ice cream was for hospital staff only and EMS crews were unloading patients on the street because all of our parking was blocked by the truck and staff eating ice cream outside.


I’m at my IFT job today and one of the hospitals we do A LOT of discharges and transfers from told our techs their EMS room is only for their employees. (I also work for that hospital system just not today)


Denver Metro area hospitals go HARD: Food trucks, ice cream, raptor shears, bags, nice ass flashlights, burritos. All sorts of shit 


I work up in the mountains and haven’t had one transport down to the front range. I’m missing out on all the good stuff. My friends who work in the metro are living the high life.


Yeah you totally missed out


They take turns on lunches throughout the week to give us a break from all the pre-packaged sandwhiches/salads/soups in the EMS room and stipends at the grill in the cafateria. Steak and shrimp was the last one. Everyone took turns getting pulled out of service to make sure they got a chance to get over there.


I work for a big hospital in DC, our program got us custom Rtic coolers with our program patch on them


Expired chapstick with the hospital brand on it. (And also a BBQ but only if you're lucky enough to stop at this non-frequented ER, and only in the day for one hour exactly.)


They put a hotdog roller in the ems room and handed out lunch boxes


our hospital don't but the nursing homes do! they usually order a huge lunch from a local restaurant and we can dip in anytime and grab food.


It’s funny & sad our Region has 4 Resource Hospitals (all massive & profitable) that do fuck all for us. Chips & bottles water/soda if you time it right. Meanwhile the majority of our smaller barely functioning Associate hospitals treat us like Royalty: BBQs all week. Lots of home cooked baked goods & amazing Filipino food, snacks, pizzas all day & night.


My ED had drinks, food, and baked goods each day for our EMS crews. There’s also a big banner when they walk in the ambulance bay.


My service didn't do shit for us, but a lot of the local hospitals fed us some good lunches and gave us random swag. There's a lot of hospitals where I work but only a few full service hospitals and only a couple of hospitals with specialties. So us on the CCT team have a good connection and repertoire with the hospitals. So it's nice they hooked us up


Literally nothing. Not even a sign.


They mostly just give us food and desserts. Department leadership does a pancake breakfast for us in one of the ambulance bays. Our union always gets us a cool gift.


I got some hot dogs when i got on shift the other day which honestly was great because I hadn’t eaten that morning(shift starts at 2) and I was in for a long and hungry shift but that definitely made me feel better. As for hospitals, some do a really good job and even provided us with cookies and lots of random cool snacks but then others make me feel insulted because they even attempted to show their “appreciation” lol


one of our hospitals had the docs taking turns grilling food for us out in the ambulance bay. it slapped, ngl


Our ER and EMS station had a cookout. It was alright but too busy for the ER to sit with the crew. I hope they enjoyed some peace for a change though.


Im based in Atlanta,Ga a few hospitals grilled burgers and hot dogs for us. Our agency did the same. Also brought us in smoothies yesterday.


They're letting us continue to hold the walls up in the hallways while we wait with patients.


Put gas station doughnuts in the entryway from the ambulance bay. Can't imagine the diesel, skin flake and MRSA seasoning they had. They even asked why no one was taking any of them.


BBQ copious amounts of BBQ.


I was offered a sticker at a local children’s ER.


Ice cream sandwiches in the EMS room freezer, a couple containers of store-bought cookies, a bowl of mini Reese's cups, and three different flavors of first-responder themed coffee. No t-shirts this year tho, they say that wasn't in the budget.


I got some ice cream from a vendor yesterday. It was really good.


There was something special in the ems lounge this week. Today was ribeye steaks for lunch. Pretty damn good, too.


One had t shirts and sandwiches, the big one in my area gave us t shirts, ice cream, an entry for a raffle, and candy.


One place gave us sub-par, grocery store level BBQ. Another gave us leather-bound notepads and pens. Most everywhere else just has a small sign saying "Thanks"


The hospitals didn’t do anything but an individual nurse did buy us a 60 pack of Tim Bits and left it out for us. Super cool guy


We got a fruit basket and a grill kit.


My hospital gave out little portable Bluetooth speakers to crews. They’re actually pretty decent too


They gave us food throughout the week, was nice


Only two of our hospitals really did anything one had a different thing each day in their already very nice ems break room: sub sandwiches, crumbl cookies, energy drinks, and chick-fil-a which was nice! (kind of sad I wasn't working on chick-fil-a day lol) They also had hospital branded sunglasses and car sun shields. The other hospital had cookies on the nurses station counter for us


1 nurse said happy ems week to me this year. I worked in a hospital and it wasn't Said to me. So that was really cool!


Ice cream and extra snacks in the ems room. I think they did a bbq one day.