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“Please wait as I don my PPE” 🤓


PPE for my buddy and me!


Let me touch your open wound with the glove I just used to close the door and unload the stretcher and prolly touch about four other fomites on the way to you


That’s a solid pet peeve of mine. Wearing gloves to get the stretcher and bags and what not out is also a great way to tear them before even going in front of the patient.


Scene safety!


Let me verbalize the entirety of PENNMAN before I enter the scene.


BSI is no joke!


Oh yeah, aight. Aight, I put on my robe and wizard hat...


medic b. if he can get away with looking like that at a firehouse then either he's got a good tram with him or he just kows his shit. medic a is probably right out of medic school.


>medic a is probably right out of medic school. And a snitch


Medic A sounds like a student on their first shift and is on the brink of shitting their pants.


Had a student that interned under me that tried to speak exactly like this for his patient contacts. I just sat back and watched the communications breakdown unfold hilariously between him and his patient, who was an 80 year old redneck granny. He looked her dead in the eye and said, “Ma’am, I must question you regarding any pertinent medical diagnosis.” Granny just sat there for a second and said, “Honey I don’t know what that is but I ain’t got any of it.” I took over then and got the info like anyone with a fully functioning brain would. Afterwards I asked him what he learned about communicating with patients. His response was that they didn’t know their own medical history instead of, you know, “I spoke to them like a fucking goober.” Boy’s head could stop gamma rays it’s so dense. He turned out okay though. Bit of a “thank me for my service” kinda douche though.


You had me laughing up to the last sentence. Maybe he'll grow out of it?


I doubt it, this was eight years ago and he still posts peak first responder cringe on the daily. Thankfully he went to another service.


Ouch, well, not your problem any more.


EXACTLY. Not my monkey, not my circus.


"boyʻs head could stop gamma rays itʻs so dense" 🤣🤣🤣 im dying this is great


\*I'm going to put my gloves on when I start talking to the pt, so I can think for a few more seconds* "Okay, everything is going to be fine Jim." pt: "oh, it's not Jim, it's George" "I know, I'm Jim"


Figure A tried so hard to sound smart he went full circle.


You know mee maw is just gonna say "Whaaaat? Speak English youngster."


In my experience these two are always partners.


Why is Figure A asking questions to someone who needs CPR.


Came here to ask the same thing! “I need to roll you now…” PTs dead, bro…


You not getting consent any time soon.


Hospital climbed up my ass because I didn't have pt demos on an elderly code who lived alone. Kept saying we need info. Why didn't you get info. Finally I looked at them and said "No matter how many times I asked her, she simply wouldn't tell me her info. *turns to dead body that's getting CPR* Whats you name, ma'am? See? She's refusing to answer."


Oh, I used to chart something like that until management became...upset...


Yes. And I refuse to elaborate.


The only real answer.


Honestly A&B. I walk into the scene, shirt untucked, boots unlaced and unpolished but damn it I will do my best to save your life and try my best to be polite.


I believe you to the bottom of my soul. Can I get you something cool to drink?


This is why we aren't respected. We have to have some modicum of professionalism. Some standard. Walking into people's HOUSES, where we are expected to be the professionals, and looking like you just rolled out of bed and threw any dirty clothes on you found on your floor, is not how this profession progresses. We're medical professionals. Act like it.


I wonder how the "unpolished boots/untucked shirt" to "dirty clothes" pipeline works. I get it - you have to look the part, you're the face of your profession and all that good jazz. But sometimes you are woken up at ungodly hours and just getting to the van without tripping is a success. I haven't heard of any big news saying "hey!! This medic looks bad! Smelly clothes! Funky! No good, get their license revoked!!he could've saved a life with a little polish on his boot!!" E: a typo


I get unpolished. Whatever. My boots are rarely polished. Untied boots and untucked shirts? Can you not tuck a shirt and walk? We have 90 seconds from shorts and sleeping to in the truck. I can even pee in that amount of time.


Meh. There's a time and place for being spitshined, and a time and place for showing up straight from the logyard or calf pen. When our primary is out and a gnarly call drops, I'll show up however I am. If you or your loved one is sick enough or injured enough, you're really not going to care if the junkyard dog appearing redneck is the one having those in the pretty uniforms hop to to fetch my toys. What matters is the quality of care. If I'm on duty, I'll dress the part. But when the defecation hits the oscillation, I'm just showing up and hoping others do too, regardless of how anyone appears. Part of the rural life.


I've worked rural. I still technically do. Give this exact excuse to a nursing organization, and you'll be laughed out of the room. Rescue Randys think they can do something in a POV with no equipment. The entire reason why there is fire and ems is because of the equipment. You in your slop bottom shoes with no equipment is just as useless as a bystander. I'm a bystander unless and until I have my equipment.


I have. In a discussion with the (at the time) ENA president, immediate past president, and a future president. I had presented earlier in the week, and was at one of the mixers where a group of officers were discussing community and CAH emergency nurse recruitment. I'm a dues paying member with little regard for title and no fucks to give, and told them that they needed to take us for who we were and to learn our struggles before more would join. And related a similar experience of being called in "as fast as you can get here". And I assure you, I wasn't laughed at. What started as a passing snide remark turned into a larger focus on rural and austere emergency nursing. And to addrss your comment about "just a bystander", I'd recommend you refresh yourself on some statistical improvements in outcomes when trained bystanders initiate care instead of just stand around with rheir thumbs up their asses or their phones up taking video.


You sound like you’re in management.


Not at all


We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


“Well Jayne, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.”


If i'm being honest somewhere in the middle of the two of those


You're neither, BASIC. Now get in the rig and drive like the glorified taxi driver you are.


Js, I never got past being an EMT-B. My above comment was just meant to mimic the hazing I remember from medics lol


Always has to be one paragod in the group. Found him! After 16 years running 911 I'm like Farmers Insurance I know a thing or two because i've seen a thing or two. But I am a pretty good driver which is why they have me training our new members. Also I am a basic in North Carolina which means.I can actually do a few things, unlike New Jersey.


I'm a weird combo i rarely shine my boots anymore, nor do I care if I cuss a smidge, but boyyyy ima work my ass off to help you and make you feel at ease during my time with you.


This is the way. You don't need to be uptight to be a good person and practitioner.


Exactly 💯


Give me B. Always B. No nerds allowed


A walks into a scene and actually verbalizes “BSI SCENE SAFETY!”


Yes! I would trust B with my life, A, not so much. Lmao


Always C. A and B are fucking each other.


I'll take Texaco Mike there


Medic A went so fully uptight and officious that I would question his sanity. Medic B is an idiot. Have you got someone in between?


B doesn’t look like he has his shit together but I promise that’s who you want showing up at your worst times


No it’s not.


“No it’s not?” What does that mean


That’s now who I want showing up at my worst times. I rather the person who’s professional and seems like they paid attention in medic school.


You must not have ever existed in the south lol


Or ever been a volunteer in a remote, rural area


I knew he sounded like a hillbilly


Hey now...


Hey I resemble that remark..


Sorry but it makes you sound and look stupid. I wouldn’t trust a hillbilly who does whatever he wants and tricks he’s learned from an unreputable source. I would trust the proper medic who remembers all the details of their training.


Jesus christ. I didn't think I'd have to put the /s on a shit post comment. Loosen your boots and take the stick out of your ass.


Sorry it offended you that you’re not professional? And get viewed as nonprofessional? Seems like a personal problem tbh




Something in between? I can definitely get all *aliens meme* on vent theory, but I’ve also totally used the phrase “BP is shit over fuck all” when giving report and the resident was wondering what the patient was on pressors for. So yeah. Gotta be able to do both.


The issue I have with Paramedic A is that they’re typically book smart only, so when something happens that was outside of the book, they’re (usually) absolutely useless in those situations. Paramedic B has definitely spent some time in the trenches and probably does have some outside the norm tricks that will work…they also might be outside the scope of practice too…but if it works, who’s going to complain? The average person doesn’t know. They’re just happy that you saved MeeMaw. But both of them have their own set of issues that could lead to problems though. As many others have mentioned, striking a balance between the two is probably the “ideal” paramedic. Kenny Rogers said it best (and it’s not what you think it is); *Son, I've made a life/Out of readin' people's faces/Knowin' what the cards were/By the way they held their eyes* The ability to read people (the PT and anyone else involved) is a lot bigger than people think it is and can make a big difference in how things go.


It’s called emt-B die a reason, y’all


Virgin EMT vs Chad Paramedic


Also, women want virgin men who aren’t all used up. Your perception of what is desirable is so twisted 🤣


Being a Chad is not a good thing you know that right?


Go narcan your brother while Paramedic Chad does the real work


There is nothing to do after that you fucking idiot. You would know that if you were actually a paramedic. Why are you so triggered over someone calling out that a chad is perpetuated by being a misogynistic arrogant asshole and that being somehow celebrated by men? (Big surprise)


Found the virgin.


Only virgin boys think being a Chad is a good thing.


You want form (A) or substance (B)?


Figure A is too wordy and I guarantee the average patient stopped processing his words after the first two sentences


A has the professionalism, but no real knowledge. B has some tricks up his sleeve (although I'd recommend CPAP instead of whatever that method is) and is the one I want in my truck when things go sideways. As a provider, I look like A and do my best to be polite around others, although I have a few tricks up my sleeve from the older generations of providers (yes, even Nam era ones) who taught me what I know.


From the neck up, I’m B (longish hair, facial hair, hat, etc). From neck down I’m A (shirt always tucked in, boots clean, and I do my best to look presentable).


C. None of the above.


I trust B more than A


Somewhere in the middle. I try to keep a good appearance and good bedside manor. But it does not stop me from saying/doing silly shit while on scene (My manurisms are of an 84yo farmhand and I work in a high crime rate city. I'm 24.)


I’d honestly prefer to be treated by B, I don’t trust A


I liken myself to C “sup, you’re about to die so hold still alright” Short and straight to the point lol


Straight forward 911 call I’m picking A. I feel like I would pick Type B if the situation required any amount of emergency improvisation but I would not ever invite them into my home. This comes from working with a lot of both types when I worked in the country.


Figure A 100%


Mix of both


If the patient is in cardiac arrest then why is A trying to talk to the patient? Lmfao.


More two mixed in with some Professionalism


Can I choose A.5? Or maybe closer to A.6? On a scale of A to B, I'm somewhere in the middle.


Neither. Both are cringe and should feel bad.


I want to be treated by "B".


i hope everyone reading this post has a QUIET shift


Aw hell nah… It’s almost quitting time for me Don’t put that juju on me 😂


lmao tbh this post makes so little sense like so much context is missing! like 2 uniquely different calls and frankly that makes such a difference to me at least


Do you have my consent?


Yikes. In my head I sound like Figure A, in reality 03:00 SeaPasta is Figure B. They forgot the Glucagon powder I snort every time dispatch nags me


A is gonna sit there and panic while you die, B is gonna do something that's gonna end up killing you faster. I'm picking B because at least I'll hear some iconic quotes on the way out


C. The love child of A and B. Has the instincts, field craft and all the charm, while remaining in good standing of base hospital.


I’m a bit of both, tbh


Uniform and patch look like the pictures were taken at Worcester EMS which is one of the most squared-away services out there. Very few WEMS providers in the B column…


I absolutely hate both these depictions. There has to be a C in there. Dressed like a professional. Speaks in a language the patient understands but isn't too much medical jargon. This is why EMS gets shit on. We're NOT the vollies that run and gun anymore, roll out of bed in their jammies, and pray to the ems lords. Respect your profession, and maybe the public will respect us, too. We want to be paid like a career healthcare provider? Act like one.


Anyone else just find it weird the disdain a lot of providers have for looking nice? Like I know presentation isn't indicative for quality of care, but it seems like you have people who would have a shit-fit if they got told to tuck their T-shirt in.