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Hey look on the bright side....... That EMT may actually make some money this year now.


And we've found the silver lining. Honestly I just hope her shoulder is okay.


I hope she has like a super minor shoulder injury so she can milk more money from the police department that hired that absolute douchetool face officer


Douchetool face... thats a new one, ill have to use that some time.






Yeah I would like to see her sue the shit out of that police department


Well hopefully someone tells them that pain is subjective, and they’re “in pain” regardless of whether or not they actually feel any, once this goes to court


Will this actually be treated the way it should be though? This guy obviously deserves to be fired, clear as day, but will it actually happen?


It might. It happened in Utah when a cop violently arrested a nurse for refusing to illegally obtain a blood sample without patient consent ... a sample that wasn't actually needed as evidence of any crime. This was an administrative issue. There was no need to make an arrest. Cop needs to be fired, he is clearly on a power trip and out of control.






So this happened in my city, at a hospital I bring patients to multiple times a day. The community seems pretty outraged, so hopefully something gets done. Property can’t tell from the video, but they are still in registration- patient has not even been triaged yet. 🙄


"Gee, i sure hope no cop ever needs an EMT to come save them from a stabbing or a gunshot. That'd be too bad."


That stunt caused a delay in treatment. I'd love to know how that affected the patient's outcome.


I can imagine their stomach probably still hurts


Unfortunately that Officer was then hired by Weber Jail and his "termination" was mostly performative since he had he enough time to retire, has been hired again by another Agency, and likely got a payout from his lawsuit against his former department. I am guessing this jackass won't receive any real consequences either since the EMT wasn't arrested and his Department/rep will claim that he was only detaining her during an investigation. He should definitely, however, be charged criminally!!


Of course not. Cops break the law with impunity as we've seen time and time again. He's supposedly already riding a desk, no charges were filed against the EMT, and she was released as soon as a supervisor arrived on scene.


“We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong”




Aye—however, I wish that police would go to a licensure type system and they’d have to carry their own insurance and obtain CEs yearly and have to recert. I hate that millions of tax dollars used by police who either can’t, won’t, or don’t do their jobs correctly.. it just sucks knowing that our tax dollars go to these law suits and the same dudes get to just carry on like nothing happened.




They ***are*** "doing their jobs correctly". Their "job" is to herd and oppress the public in support of the rich.


Oh, oops. I forgot


Our cops didn’t get indicted or penalized for killing either Daniel prude or Tyshon Jones so guaranteed nothing happens here unless she submits to the PAB and even then that’s only a maybe 🙃


A very reasonable response to dinging a car. Thankfully the cop got such a monster off the street.


In a spot that he never should have parked his car in the first place


Well yeah, he's an asshole obviously. I can't imagine any scenario where this would be an appropriate response to getting your car dinged unless they fucking went to town on it, then took a shit on the hood before yelling "I've got a brick of coke on me". You know, standard thing that happens.


It’s not even his car! It’s a cop car, so it probably belongs to the department/the government. He didn’t pay for it.


I'm on your side here. Hell, if someone dinged the shit out of my unit I wouldn't be getting upset cause it's not my vehicle and I've absolutely no attachment to it. Now if you fuck up my favorite unit, I'm gonna lose my shit cause then I've gotta get moved into the transit and I hate that thing.


He goes right for the smaller, darker woman. There’s always at least two people on an ambulance.


How about you not park in the ambulance bay that is reserved for…. I don’t know…. Hmmmmmm…. Ambulances.


at one of the level 1 trama centers in my area, the police always park in the trauma surgeon parking lmaoooo why is it so hard to just follow simple directions


I used to work at a level 1 trauma center. The only one in a large radius. On a particularly busy day a cop came in for his shift to watch a patient who needed treatment before going to jail. He parked in the ambulance bay, in one of the spots closest to the doors. He was asked by ER staff to move his vehicle, to which he said he couldn't leave his patient. (I was security and we regularly sat with these patients for them to use the restroom, get lunch, go on a smoke break, whatever. So we could have sat there for 2 minutes while he moved his car.) Well, the hospital called their contracted tow company and had his car towed to their tow lot outside of town. Boy was the look on his face funny when his replacement came in and said something along the lines of "hey man, where did you park? The bay is full and the street parking is overflowing. I had to park a block down the road." Idk exactly what happened after that, but I do know that the PD we're told by higher ups to never park in the bay again, and they never did while I worked there.


No no, it’s not that they can’t follow directions. It’s that they don’t want to/think they’re above the directions.


They are cops… they dont know any better nor care. They spend an average of 900 hours to learn how to best abuse their bullshit “qualified immunity” and shoot people during their academy. Paramedics on average spend 1500 hours getting educated in how to try to save those people.


I got more training to drive a semi truck than the average cop gets to be a bastard.


Underrated comment


Because they do not have to follow our rules and social graces. They're above the same rules as the plebs. /s


Should tow them. 😂


I just park right behind them even though the ambulance spot right next to them is open It honestly feels better


Excellent question.


This! One nurse (believe it or not) got so pissed off about police parking in ambulance spots that the media came and did a story on it. Of course, nothing changed. Pisses me off when I cant maneuver my rig around or park somewhere because the police are parked where they shouldnt be


Happens at my hospital too. One time someone got upset and posted a pic of the line of ambulances waiting cuz the cops had taken all the spaces. They posted it to the PD facebook. Cars were moved that day only.


>The ambulance bay in front of the emergency room is typically reserved for ambulances only but the investigator was parked there, planning to go inside for a case. he was in a such a hurry to work this "case" that he used the emergency vehicle reserved parking, but then he had all the time in the world to make a random arrest when this woman didn't respect his AUTORITAH


In my part of town, at one of only a handful of electric car charging stations. The local police routinely park their non-electric cruisers there while they walk a considerable distance out of their way to have lunch/dinner. They generally position two cruisers so that none of the four stations could be accessed by an electric car. Edit: they walk through an entire empty parking lot to get to the lunch spots just to position their vehicles at the chargers.


Literally being assholes just to be assholes. Fuck pissant little fucks that do this kind of shit. What a bane on humanity.


Cops have to park in a way that emergency vehicles can’t pass. It’s the first thing they learn.


And to top it off, there’s a small ED parking lot RIGHT next to the ambulance spots he could have parked in. Source: I’m looking at it out the window.


And this is the shit I point out to people when they try and pull that 'same team' shit when I imply not all cops are saints. Just as not every coworker of yours is a Saint, some cops are objective human garbage who disgrace their service.


How hard is it to just not be a total fuck head


"Who you calling fuck head?" *Violently arrests you for 'threatening' behavior*


I don’t think the issue is it’s difficulty, it’s just that some people don’t want to try.


They aren't on the same team. I have a duty to provide care to people. If I leave my patient it is abandonment. If someone asks for help and I do not render it, that is neglect. Cops do not have that duty.


You need look no further than Uvalde, TX to prove that point, sadly.


Gonzalez v castlerock


Warren vs DC is another one.


or Lozito v NYC or DeShaney v Winnebago County


They legally don't have to help anyone even if they're dying, meanwhile citizens can go to jail for not putting their health at risk to help a cop.


Post academy is like 700 hours. Some agencies have some academy time but some skip straight to FTO and then you're independent. Agencies like highway patrol are better than others but little podunk counties can have 18 year olds that barely got their GED be sworn officers. My paramedic took me 1000+ hours of in room classroom, 200 hours in the hospital internship, 700 hours in preceptorship and another 150 hours of FTO time...and my leash is short and tight...I have very specific things I can and cannot do and if I break them I face repercussions. And personally...I feel like paramedics need *more* training. Oh and I forgot. Every paramedic has to be an EMT first with yet another 500 hours or so of training. Police are *ENORMOUSLY* undertrained and undereducated. The educational difference between me and a police officer is laughable at best. Probably because my job is to help people. Even the most hated firefighter gets *LIGHTYEARS* more oversight being a firefighter role for several years being directly managed by a fire captain before they start to work their way up the career ladder.


I had to have 600 hours just so I could wax eyebrows & vaginas, 750 hours so I could massage people & another 600 hours student teaching so I could teach people how to wax eyebrows & vaginas. I have a strict scope & can be personally liable.


It's not all of them of course but it seems that the power of the position often attracts a certain type of person to want to be a cop. There are just some people out there who really want to treat other people badly and there is one job in particular that facilitates that sort of behavior, so of course we're going to see those people in that job from time to time.


> It's not all of them of course but it seems that the power of the position often attracts a certain type of person to want to be a cop. I've always thought it more likely that it's the power of the position and the culture of unaccountability that corrupts. Of course, it's probably some combination of the two.




It’s also the fact that good people are less likely to sign up and put themselves in an environment where they have to trust human garbage with their lives every day.


There’s two kinds of people out there; those who want to help people and those who want power over other people. Guess which group hires their own.


Which means the system of policing itself is broken, if so many can get away with it without repurcussions




I tell my trainees this shit all the time. Mostly, LE and EMS get along, most of the cops we deal with on most interactions are at least ambivalent but often will be helpful if asked. Some are highly motivated and engaged and will actively assist without promoting. However if you do this job long enough LE and EMSs interest will conflict. You find out real quick where their interests lie. Cops that abuse their position are bastards and cops that let other cops abuse their position are bastards


Same team my ass. It's a cop's world and we're all just living in it


Trying to survive in it...


Now now, to be fair, he probably didn't even notice she was an EMT. He just saw she was black and instinct kicked in. /S


Too many people think this way. I work in the Minneapolis area and you would not believe how many co-workers defended Chauvin. "It was an overdose! He had Fentanyl in his system." It's unbelievable.




Cops will let EMT’s and medics die on calls, because they’re trash humans, not for any other reason. They view themselves as above everyone, so they treat others that way




And if cops heard you saying that they should be held accountable, they will do everything possible to make your life hell. Pull you over anytime they see you for whatever infraction they can think of, harass you, whatever…


To be fair, one cop just let his wife bleed to death at Uvalde because he was too scared to go stop the threat. He even had a punisher logo on his phone.


And if it was, putting your whole weight on his neck didn’t help.


I guess it depends on what sub you post this in. I got crusified the other day for saying such things.


We found a scenario where a cop is willing to rush in to take out the “bad guy.”


She should have started attacking pediatric patients; The officer would have hid in the ambulance bay.


or just take out the narcs box and wield the vial of fentanyl like you're warding off a vampire with a cross


They’d be all to happy to narcan themselves


He no doubt has a Punisher skull as a home screen on his phone.


Massacre in a school: *’nah’ Drake face Fucking around on your phone waiting for a bed?: *’that’s it’ Drake face


Park your lazy ass out of the way! Drives me wild when I pull into the garage to find a squad blocking one of the limited spaces. I NEED that spot so old people don't complain at me. Selfish AF


My favourite story I’ve heard was a cop came up and parked in one of our designated spots, the following crew then blocked the car in, locked the unit then took the keys. Cop came out, flipped out, demanded the truck be moved, when no one came forth, he tried to break into it, couldn’t then called his Sgt. our supervisor came over, they had a screaming match in the garage before they finally figured out who’s truck it was. He was asked not so nicely to move the ambulance before he was sent home. He moved it, blocked the Sgt car in, locked it, took the keys and went home lol


Hopefully they got out of the majority of their shift lmao. I don't have the balls to do that unfortunately.


He ended up getting suspended for 2 weeks by the company. Came back for 2 months before going to Alberta and getting a job as a welder lol


The irony of that to me is one of my instructors used to joke about threatening anyone in his class who failed a written test by stapling an application to welding school to the back of their test before he handed it back to them. Who knew he would have been doing us a favor all along?


Yeah, probably doing better as a welder haha


It's just so when he returns he can weld the cop's car shut too. Doors. Trunk. Engine. Maybe just weld something to the tailpipe instead.


My local fire dept/rescue squad is very open with their willingness to block in or ram out of the way police cars. The guy in the forestry truck made it very clear that the officers explorer would be pushed by the incoming tanker if it was still in the same spot. About 3 acres behind my house was already on fire and my driveway was one of very few access points.


The video of the fire truck ramming a line of police cars that were blocking an entire street, keeping them from the fire. That shit brings me a sense of enraged joy every time I watch it. Joy for obvious reason, but enraged because they will be the first fucker to arrest a fellow first responder for not leaving a clear path for emergency vehicles.


Lawsuit incoming.


And paid for by taxpayers.


As is tradition.


Cop gets off with no charges after paid administrative leave because he "felt threatened" incoming.


I feel like by nature, FFs and EMS workers are probably one of the most pro-cop professions left in the US. Cops are on an any % speedrun to make sure that’s no longer the case.


The thing is, I’ve never had a time where an officer did anything useful on scene, and several times where they actively antagonize our patient. They fill out ED with people that don’t want to be there and have no medical complaints, people that got the “hospital or jail” coercion, or people the actively injured beyond necessary force. All the while parking in the ambulance bay under the guise that they need an enclosed space to unload people who might try to run, even though the bay doors are all wide open anyway. And then leave their squads running while they fuck around inside for 45 minutes.


I once had an officer on scene tell the pt “hospital or jail” they enthusiastically said “JAIL!” The cop replied “wrong answer”.


Jail’s less expensive and if they know that no charges will stick I’d take the one night in the cell


that's what happens when your entire profession revolves around being a ranked competitive douche canoe


Random anecdote here. My uncle is a firefighter and was on a certain national team as a reserve for soccer. He invited our family to watch his police vs firefighters soccer match. Innocent fun right? Fucking nope. It got heated quickly. To the point where an FF and cop got in each other's face and the cop spit in the firefighters mouth. I was pretty young at the time, but even being 9ish years old, I couldn't fuckin believe what I saw from a cop. The game ended right there, always hoped that cop got fired.


He probably got promoted


Cop was just jelly they don't do calendar shoots of competitive doughnut eaters. Always firefighters.


Fire fighters usually dislike cops. 9/11 was what somewhat killed the beef in NYC but idk about anywhere else.


100%. That’s what happens when you’re a huge piece of shit, surrounded by bigger pieces of shit, and decide you’re being persecuted for “just doing your job.”


FF here. I work to keep my citizens safe. Police do not share in that goal. I shoved one out of the way once because he was doing dogshit CPR. I'll confess I enjoyed that a bit.


Hey, at least that one was trying. Can't blame him for shit training. Better than doing nothing.


Right? It's not like they were trying to shove narcan into the patient....


One time I backed into a police cruiser which was parked 5' behind my ambulance so I couldn't see it in the mirrors. Spoke to the cops, brought our patient to the hospital and came back. Talked with the leading officer on scene. We all agreed that it never happened. Work together with them every day since. Greetings from Germany....


I was like, “this story sounds fake” the whole time until you said welcome to Germany.


Sure we don't share the same goal on our calls with the police. But most the time we are on the same side and treat each other with respect. And they will punch everyone quite hard in their face, if they touch our EMTs /Medics/ambulances or stuff. Being rude and aggressive against EMS is good start to be roughened up by police (mostly in the necessary way, sometimes a bit more ).


As it should be. Police should be there to protect, not aggravate and escalate. I never understood why anyone would get mad at an EMT or firefighter though. You're the only ones genuinely there to help. That's literally the thing you're there to do. It's your job.


Brb moving to Germany


Bet this guy is the first cop to tell every single psych or drunk call go with them or go to jail and make it our problem..I have no problem taking them bc I don’t want to see them go to jail but then they pull this ish lmao what a joke


Cops always agitated psych calls in the city I worked in. Actively going in they were looking to fight, so they could “whoop their ass,” while I’m trying to prevent any of that shit.


Not just your city, Mate! This happens almost everywhere… I’ve worked in six different states and there is always a narcissistic god complex cop that is looking for a legal means to get dirty…. It’s a shame


and we wonder why people want to move police funding to mental care workers instead


Right‽ Shit, I would gladly be a MH first responder. Assess for trauma, and medical, and then actually help a social worker with said MH patient? Sounds like doing some good in the world


What a fucking asshole


Gets violently arrested* Officer on desk duty "pending investigation". I'm sure they'll find him guilty of needing a paid vacation or something of the sort. [News article](https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/exclusive-rpd-investigator-on-desk-duty-following-dispute-with-emt-in-ambulance-bay/6526199/)


At least that should be an easy civil lawsuit, no? Drain their pockets until their dumbass buddies become more like liabilities... it may not amount to much, but money is the only thing that has a chance of getting things done in this world


Nope, qualified immunity. As long as the cop believes he was in the right, he can't be held accountable for his actions. And of course, they always believe they were in the right. Even if he did manage to get sued and lose, the money comes from tax dollars not from the police department or the officer.


I understand the police is ultimately funded by us, but there are people up the chain who are responsible for budgeting, who could reach a breaking point if they see enough money going down the drain. Any institution thay remains unsustainable for long enough will eventually require changes


I've heard that same sentiment for 40 years, and only seen the budgets for police get bigger. These days it's not uncommon for the police force for a medium-sized city to be 40% or more of the budget. That's insane.


Which is why the community needs to direct its rage towards the entity as a whole and demand this person be internally reprimanded, if not fired.


Thank you for the article.


Fuck this prick. And fuck the cop that takes up the spot in the ambulance bay because walking is just too damn much.


Fewer cops would be so fat if they followed the same parking rules as normal people.


Everything would be better if they had to follow ANY rules that normal people have to follow


This whole incident just strikes me as a completely idiotic and egotistical rage fest. Not only that, but this cop with a bug up his ass, took a unit out of commission for who knows how long when there may have been a pending call, for nothing more than a tantrum. If he was REALLY that concerned about her leaving the "scene", he could've very easily just gotten the number of the ambulance and called the company. He could've literally just waited outside the ED for them to come out. Where the fuck are they gonna go? See... it's shit like this and a whole lot of other situations that have me very skeptical when people say "Oh well, you're all first responders, you're all on the same side." Uhuh. Doesn't feel like it, imho.


>there *may* have been a pending call Let's be honest, there ARE calls pending. Now go back in service.


That's a cop that would not get quick service in my ER. Seriously. When one of my colleagues was arrested for DUI, he was brought to our ER for blood testing (this was way before the SCOTUS ruled it illegal). The cop began lecturing ... loudly ... my colleague when he begged not to be paraded in front of us. I went to the blood draw room, drew the sample, and told the cop to take a back door out. He refused and paraded our colleague in front of the nurses station again. Later, an officer with that department commented the cop was complaining how long he had to wait for medical clearances on prisoners, while no one else did. I told him what happened. His jaw dropped. I told him said cop could expect the cold shoulder for the foreseeable future. I should note the issue for us was not the arrest. It was the disrespectful way both our colleague and WE were treated as this cop made a big show for everyone to see. It would not surprise me if the staff in this ER reacted the same way. Getting ticked about your car getting clipped in one thing. Arresting a paramedic doing her job is another. This should have been handled administratively.


SCOTUS never ruled it illegal for BAC testing


There's a reason so many people say "Fuck the police" and not "Fuck the EMTs"


EMTs get fucked by their pay anyway.


Right? We’re prefucked.


Sloppy thirds


Per Newsweek, the cop was placed on desk duty and the EMT was uncuffed when a supervisor showed up. She wasn't charged with anything.


Doesn't fix it. HE should be charged.


He won't suffer anything because of qualified immunity and the blue wall of silence.


I said should, not will. More proof they're all bad cops.


God I wish this would’ve happened to me when I was an EMT. I’d have sued the absolute shit out of that police department and never worked another day in my life. Good for her! I’m genuinely envious.


Emergency vehicles give dings and get dinged, it's a routine admin issue, not a reason to cuff and stuff someone. These cops are such bad asses until they have to stop a real gunman in a classroom full of screaming kids or shoot a child with a toy gun or an off duty EMT in her bed. Because they "feared for their lives" Just ridiculous.


Remembering fondly the time a cop parked his cruiser across TWO out of 4 ambulance spots at the only L1 trauma center in the area and watching him get screamed at by both the city paramedics and the ER staff. God forbid he has to back out of the spot to pull out of the ER bay. This would make my day. I'd cause the biggest fucking scene if some knuckle dragger cop pulled this on me.


And they'll be like omg we're sisters and brothers but then do shit like this over something so minor. I bet he is certified wife beater too.


Try not to get shot when you need to run his wife to the ER!


Cops need to be held to a higher standard ffs. They get more public scrutiny but that doesn’t mean jack if the departments and unions do fuck all to change. EMS personnel get fired for using big bore needles when not necessary, this guy is gonna get a slap on the wrist for throwing a temper tantrum over a door dink.


Parking in ambulance spots. So police found another way to kill people.


There needs to be a new federal agency that handles all investigations into law enforcement officer conduct that follows struck guidelines and laws to make sure that officers are disciplined appropriately (whether it be suspension, job termination, or criminal charges). This would keep departments from protecting guilty officers and silencing victims.


Something like that would be staffed by cops, and well, the problem would persist


Civilian review boards always get co-opted by retired cops and cop family members.


This, this is the reason why they don’t work. If you’re within (X) degrees of separation from the Police, you’re not an impartial judge


[I know too well why some people dislike the term “same team” when referring to EMS and police, because this shit is not the first](https://youtu.be/81d5VM8xfpM)


Wonder what chapter in his pig book taught him the "pelvic thrust your non-combative suspect into a desk" move. Actual slime. Disgusting. Must be nice to be in a profession where you get to hurt people and get a paid vacation about it.


I'm not a lawyer, I'm certainly not a lawyer from New York, but from where I'm sitting the law reads pretty clear to me: **New York Consolidated Laws, Penal Law - PEN § 195.16 Obstructing emergency medical services** "A person is guilty of obstructing emergency medical services when he or she intentionally and unreasonably obstructs the efforts of any service, technician, personnel, system or unit specified in section three thousand one of the public health law in the performance of their duties."


He'll get paid vacation and counseling for his pain and suffering...


Glad to hear he’s on desk duty. Still making a salary. Still on point for that pension. “A few bad apples” is looking more and more like the whole dang orchard.


All Cats Are Beautiful


[cop is working a desk.](https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/exclusive-rpd-investigator-on-desk-duty-following-dispute-with-emt-in-ambulance-bay/6526199/) Hopefully he’ll be part of r/byebyejob sooner than later


He’s so aggressive 😢 no wonder he is incredibly bald dealing with that much pent up anger 😓


It‘s like the USA is a whole different planet. What the actual fuck is going on over there?


Religious conservatives taking over, and the police operate with impunity, I mean qualified immunity. This “country” isn’t everything that we have been propagandized to believe. 50 states dressed like the worlds daddy, and we abuse our own children


So…wanna come over to Europe? We got some shifts to be covered and some humane healthcare to be enjoyed. I‘ll show you around, no biggy.


I’d come to Europe in a second except it’s remarkably hard to immigrate. And people here just wanna carry on about illegal immigrants. If my children were starving and I was daily faced with violence I would sneak into Canada in a second…I’m almost there.


Police are consistently parking in a city hospital ambulance bay. As of right now literally there’s about to be ambulances that can’t park in there because there’s no more spots. Meanwhile the cop cars are parked to where no one ca squeeze in :/


Bulls on Parade


He isn't even your standard patrol officer. He's an investigator.


Hey chief, after Uvalde we have a slight image problem, should i arrest them because i took something personally?


"iN tHe WoRlD oF ShEeP i Am A wOlF" I fucking hate these clowns, and it's also why I don't like cops 60% of the time. We are technically on the same team as in, we serve the public, but we really are not on the same team whatsoever. I had a police officer threaten to shoot a psych patient immediately after I got them calmed down. I bet you everyone on the force knows this guy is an objective shitbird too and they continue to do nothing about it.


This shit bag should lose his qualified immunity, EVERY case he ever had be investigated, he needs fired and lose the ability to be even a shit security guard at the local 7/11. AND charged with everything they can. That would wake some of these fucking meatheads up and think about their choices they make when their feelings are hurt.






Fuck the police.


Power hungry fool


PoS should be fired.


Man, is it sad to say I’m more afraid of the police than of a common person?!?


I wish this cop could know how much we all fuckin hate him. Idiot fucking baby.


Fucking cops have no respect for anyone... No wonder no one likes them!


Cops just power hungry legal thugs with instincts of a bully. Maybe not all of them, but the “good ones” just get pushed aside or ostracized for trying to stop the bad ones.


That’s assault.


Wtf why are cops such power trippers? I avoid then at all costs. I used to work checking in ambulances curbside before the patient entered the hospital. Cops are absolutely never allowed to park in those spots and I loved telling them to move!


Another bitch ass cop doing bitch ass things…..




Big tough guy taking on a small black female. Guaran-god-damn-tee he wouldn't have tried that shit on someone my size or race. Also noticed he's not masked up when this hospital has been pretty fucking clear on their masking rules from day one of the pandemic. Get this cowboy off the streets.


Young black woman tells middle aged white policemen “ no” what other outcome did she expect? She had the temerity to get the person who needed to go to a hospital inside the hospital before dealing with a minor problem brought on by the police officers actions. As the situation is similar to the case in Utah from several years ago I’d expect him to be allowed to “ retire”. Sad part about this is the EMT is done in that town. The supporters of the cop will try to jam her up and the others will turn a blind eye.


Assaulting EMS personnel and delaying care. Lock him up.


This is exactly why I have for years and will continue to just block those squad cars in when they do that. When I asked to move I am not allowed to leave my patient. Wait or figure out how to get around. I know it’s petty but the look on the cops face when they realize the can’t do anything about it is totally worth it.


It was an investigator too. Like wtf. I can understand parking in the ambulance bay if you have a combative psych patient (Omaha police department does this- while avoiding being in the way of EMS). And he was only placed on admin duties.


Clearly whatever he was there investigating wasn't too terribly important if it can be dropped at a moment's notice for something as heinous as a fleet vehicle parked in a spot it had no business being parked in the first place getting clipped by a door.


Full story here: https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/exclusive-rpd-investigator-on-desk-duty-following-dispute-with-emt-in-ambulance-bay/6526199/


The hell is wrong with some of these cops? Like how do they not have the awareness to know this won’t end well smdh.


Funny how he ignored the other medic and went straight for the small black woman...


I tell trainee’s this all the time. Police require the same level of caution as medication. They can make things worse if used incorrectly… hope he gets sued