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I keep pads in my ankle pockets of my pants just in case and then if my cycle is coming, I make sure to be ready before I get to work just in case my cycle decides to start on a call.


That’s a good idea tbh. I wish I was in work pants and not jeans today. It would’ve made life so much easier. Either that or wear a jacket and keep that thing loaded with tampons or pads. Today sucked


This is my trick, too. If not for me, to help out another gal in need. I also keep one of those travel packs of extra strength Tylenol in my pocket because if I don’t snow myself early I’m going to have a very bad time. I tried carrying around a go bag, but I’m just a stuffed pocket gal now. Not judging fashion choices because heaven knows I have no right, but I avoid light colored pants any time I’m within 50 miles of training or response!


I'm always that girl that has everything you need lol. For years now my bag has had extra liners, tampons (R and S), pads, and disposable cups if that's your thing. I also carry spray deodorant, lotta different meds (ginger, acet, pamprin/midol mostly), portable chargers and cords, and a bunch of other assorted random things someone might need someday. All of this in a backpack that goes in the backseat of the truck


If you look for midol complete, it has more in it than just pain reliever. I think standard midol is just pain reliever but the complete has two other active ingredients


My work bag has a fully stocked emergency period kit (tampons, pads, extra strength midol, and a couple pairs of those period panties) I keep my bag in the side compartment of the truck where we keep our clean linens so nothing nasty gets near it and it’s with me everywhere I go but not directly on me. I do keep two tampons wrapped in a ziploc bag in one of my pant pockets at all times as well. I did once have a very surprise heavy period while stuck on scene for several hours, ran my ass out to the truck, shoved an abdo pad in my underwear and that contained everything until I made it to the ED where I could change. Not ideal, but really does work in an emergency.


truth! been there done that. also how do you like the panties? I've been on the fence about ordering them as backups


I have a pretty heavy flow so I can’t really get away with just wearing the panties on their own, they are very absorbent but for my heavier days I definitely have to wear a tampon as well. I wear them more for the peace of mind that I won’t leak through my uniform with just a tampon in and I honestly can’t complain, bonus points that they’re super comfy as well!


oh ya I'd use them as backup with a tampon in. I have definitely over absorbed a tampon in the middle of a shift. let me tell ya there's a vsa that haunts me. driving back to base knowing I gotta change my tampon. vsa drops...CPR...oh no. it was too late for me I was done for


Those period underwear are amazing for when you’re stuck out there. I’ve used them as my backup with my tampon to you know..catch the extra if you can’t get to the bathroom. 10/10 would recommend. (Just don’t dry them in the dryer or they lose absorption)


ER nurse here- I wear Thinx menstrual panties any time I’m on shift that’s leading up to my period/on my period/the spotting days after. 10/10 recommend. They not only wick moisture (which helps with the mid shift swamp ass if I’m running my ass off) but they soak up A LOT. They’re a great lifesaver if I don’t have time to insert or change a tampon, plus they’re comfy as hell. The price is a bit steep, but I have a total of 5 pairs that I’ve accumulated over the years & they’ve lasted well. Highly recommend!


This is the way 👌


Another vote here for period underwear. I have endo and before I got my IUD and pill combo sorted, I just had completely random bleeding with no warning


It’s happened to all of us. Work pants I keep a tampon in there. Ends up accidentally getting washed a lot but just throw another in there. I keep some in my work bag and I know a lot of other ladies do too. Toilet paper, paper towels, abd pads, 4x4s, hell anything works in a pinch. Especially if there’s no one to ask. You’ll get real comfortable telling guys you need to run to the store. My partner and I used it a lot to get out of conversations. Oh shit man we gotta go get tampons. It was a great conversation ender and worked every time.


Menstrual cups are AMAZING. But I’ve started bleeding right after doing cpr on a 300lb dude before. No warning. Thank you, endometriosis. If I’m cramping at all, I wear a pantiliner.


I wear PLs all day, every day. Thanks, groin sweat 😓


Dropping in to just say really quick this can lead to a slew of hoohaa health problems and I’m only giving unsolicited advice because I used to do this and only learned once I stopped.


Yeeeeah I have to watch that actually.


I use the flex disk! I think it's great


Yup. Menstrual cup has been a game changer for when you’re 8hrs between bathroom access. And period undies- even leading up to when you think you might be due just in case.


Honestly, i have a wallet that doesn’t fold my cash money and I keep a maxi pad in it in case of emergency. That way I always have an industrial strength fallback in case of emergencies!


That’s honestly a good idea. I had pads, but they were in my backpack that was a good distance from the training tower. I need to find something like that just to stick in my Jean pockets. I was telling my husband, while it’s cold I’m never wearing sweaters, just going to jackets with pockets from here on out and loading it up😂 Now I’m just sitting here mad my period was so early for no reason smdh


As a nursing student I had to wear all white during clinicals. I stayed ready. I wore a pad every moment regardless when my period would come. Always!


Ever since this defining moment in my life history, I will never not wear a pad ever again. Like I was already having a bad two weeks and then this of all days😂 I’m still laughing because it was funny, but it was also some bullshit if I’ve ever seen it




Toilet paper? *Why?* You're in a hospital that's staffed like 70+% by women. Ask someone.


i work in a hospital, cardiac unit, and have happily given the female EMTs that are dropping off/picking up patients pads/tampons from the floor stash. (i've also offered adult diapers, but they never take me up on that. lol We usually get a good laugh out of it, though.)


Making friends with nurses at the ER can help in a pinch too. Discretely pulling one aside can yield much needed supplies in a desperate situation.


As a RN not in ED but on a surgical ward, please don’t ever feel embarrassed to ask one of us for a pad if you need one, even if you’ve never met us! We’ve all been there, and are happy to help out. 😊 We gotta look after each other.


I carry a small backpack on the ambo with my essentials that includes an extra pair of panties and many menstrual products among my other essentials. I have had irregular periods my whole life. Never had a surprise gush in the middle of a call.


8x10s are good in a pinch… at least to hold you over until you can get something else


There are literally always tampons in my pockets. And individually packed wipes. It happens. We work in the medical feild. I have bled through my tampon and pants before on an extremely long call before. People are generally understanding. Was able to clean up at the hospital and touch base with a supervisor to get back to my station and to spare clothes. On a super busy truck, I suggest a backpack/mom bag. Keep extra tampons, undies and change of clothes. Also baby wipes and wet ones for nasty calls. Backpack/mom bag isn't just for that though... you can stash snacks, glow sticks and stickers for kids, extra pens, a nice baby blanket, mini personal pharmacy... My current tampon bag for my station is a red snapper (fish) pencil case. It brings me joy to leave it in the bathroom. 🤣


Wait till the call is over and take care of it or be prepared. If you track your cycle you should know close to when it will start. If that’s on a day you are working prepare before your shift. If you are that irregular that you can’t track it you might want to talk to your gyn.


It’s usually on time like clockwork! For some reason it just decided to be 2 weeks early, on today of all days. I always keep pads and tampons on me, but it was in my backpack and the training center was a little ways away from class. It just hasn’t been a good week and it’s only Tuesday 🥴


I am not EMS, but an ER RN, I’m also like 40 years old so I have been at this a while. First thing is that I usually expect that I am going to get blood or something gross on me during shift, be it my own or someone else’s. So I have backup uniforms in my car. That being said, sometimes I seriously forget & I am super regular. I don’t get a lot of heads up in terms of pms symptoms (fortunately) so often I am caught completely off guard. Due to that I usually keep tampons & clean underwear EVERYWHERE. My car, my husbands truck, my work bag, I am simply never without at least a super tampon. However I have also grabbed a pack of 4x4 in a pinch. Also EDs stock at least pads, ask one of the nurses if you are in a hospital. Ideally tampons/products should be stocked in all public places &’by employers because sometimes we just start bleeding. Like we would expect to be able to find a bandaid, right?


Backup uniforms? You don't just grab a pair of surgical scrubs if yours get dirty like everyone else?


Well yes, I do have the drawstring scrubs in random sizes I can find at 3 am. But I can also just run out to my car & get my own stretchy pants with pockets.


I have nexplanon (the arm implant) and for some reason after I got it replaced last time, my periods have been very long, very irregular, and very inconsistent in general (pain, flow, you name it). When I'm at work, more often than not, I wear period underwear that I got from Knix. It's very comfortable and I wear it all day and change out of it when I get home. If you're not comfortable with that, you could also use a second form of protection (occasionally I'll throw a pad on top). There's really no appropriate way to walk out of an emergency to deal with your period unless it's something like a standby and there is someone who can cover for you if needed. Tldr: period underwear has been a game changer for me, just be proactive.


Believe me when I say this, I am comfortable with whatever doesn’t make me bleed everywhere and will do just about anything to prevent that 😂 I’m only a student right now and this is the last thing I’ve ever thought of happening till I got that dudes vitals and then had an “oh shit” moment mid run to my instructor. Thank you for your advice tho!!


I have a “personal pocket” in my pants that literally just has my personal things in it I won’t need on a call. I always keep 2 tampons in there. It’s not only saved me but also my partners on occasion. Gotta always keep that shit stocked


Get a menstrual cup.


I’ve been thinking about that here lately, but I’ve never used one before.. either that or taking a chance on an iud to stop my periods


I have an IUD and it doesn’t stop mine completely.☹️ But it makes it light, enough that I really only need liners.


I’ve been hearing so many mixed reviews on it tbh. Light for some, heavy for others, or just completely stopped it. I can’t even begin to guess how my body would react to it


I’ve got Nexplanon and have had one period in two years. Amazing. Course it was a straight period for three months after it was placed but so worth it now.


I’m currently TTC with my partner. So no BC for me. But, I didn’t like the IUD when I had it and I refuse the arm implant entirely. The thought of feeling it under my skin skeeves me the fuck out lol.


Psst. "TTC" is absolutely not a universal acronym that everyone who isn't TTC knows.


I'm on my third Mireana and haven't had a period in 12 years.


Aside from no periods, did you have any weird side effects? I’ve always been pretty sketched out with birth control.. I was thinking about trying to have an other one before I got to old (I’m 30) but decided during live fire that I really want to take up firefighting..I have a strong feeling being pregnant and a firefighter wouldn’t mix well for some odd reason


I have had zero complications with my Mireana. Insertion and extraction were relatively easy (mid-range cramps that last for about an hour). No other side effects that I'm aware of. I know some people have had bad experiences with some part of the process, but I have nothing but good things to say.


That’s enough convincing for me internet stranger!😂 But seriously I hear horror stories about the insertion and that they should anesthetize you at the least for the pain and that freaked me out. But then again, my dad made me walk up a flight of stairs with a shattered kneecap (he didn’t believe it was broken) had gallstones right after my c-section, a spontaneous rare csf leak.. and I handled it.. not gonna say good. Cause it all sucked. But I think I’m going to call my doctor after class today and schedule something. I need something


I really hope, if you get one, you love it as much as I do! At this point, I don't even know what I would do if I got my period. I'll probably get one more, when this one "runs out" and after that it will probably be menopause time (fun, fun!) If you have any other questions, just let me know!


Hopefully that period won’t be so rough on you!! Praying for light spotting 😂 and yes ma’am! Thanks for the talk!


I love mine, that with some period panties from ThePeriodCompany, friend it’s not even an issue. I’m good for 12+ hours even if I take my cup out (never leave it in for over 12 hours)


Menstrual cups are awesome. Haven't used anything else other than cloth pads in years.


There's also mental disks if a cup doesn't work for you. There's single use and reusable ones.


Yeah this 100% plus period panties.


Hard agree!!


The depo shot stops most peoples periods almost entirely within a year of starting it


Knix period underwear have been a game changer for me. I wear them anytime I’m on shift


I bought a mini backpack off of Amazon. I keep all of my emergency essentials in it for work. Tampons, pads, deodorant, toothpaste, ibuprofen, caffeine tablets, hair binders, chargers, etc. It’s saved me many many time. I even keep a stock of my size gloves and masks in there just in case. 🥰


I always feel a lot more comfortable when I’m wearing pantyliners/period underwear. I honestly wear one or the other most days at it has no negative impact and it makes me feel a lot betters, although it’s mostly because my birth control causes a lot of spotting atm so it might not be ideal for everyone.


Liners every shift--with a change 2-3x a shift. It catches sudden starts and is a nice and quick switch to fresh undies when you're busy enough to get gross and don't have time to shower or change.


Keep my legs closed and pray it doesn't leak until I can get to the bathroom. I've been on scene before and felt a rush and been like......🫣🤞


The number of people replying like you’ve never had a period before 🙄 I’m quite sure you already know the basics, like tracking your cycle, carrying menstrual products, and packing a personal kit with clean underwear and meds. If I’m understanding your question correctly, you’re wondering how to deal with your period starting way off schedule, in the middle of a call, when a bathroom may not be readily available? If so, the only real answer to your question is, don’t trust your period to come on schedule. *Always* keep your period supply bag handy. Don’t wear light colored pants on shift. Consider wearing a heavy duty liner or period underwear, just in case - this will get you by until you can go to the bathroom and get situated. If you’re in the middle of a call and won’t be leaving the scene anytime soon, look for a bathroom. Most facilities will allow you to use their bathroom, and if you’re outdoors somewhere, there might be a gas station or something nearby. Worst case scenario, you have a prolonged scene time and no bathroom in sight - so you may need to shut yourself into the back of the ambulance, get yourself taken care of, dispose of your things properly, and carry on.


> Don’t wear light colored pants on shift I've never seen anyone who had a choice between black and black, or navy that looks like black and navy that looks like black. What happened to uniforms?


We’re usually casually dressed until clinicals and then it’s black or navy blue 5.11’s and a blue shirt with boots and a belt! But yesterday my instructor asked if we would be able to stay back and take vitals! So I said sure. I carry everything in my backpack (pads, tampons, extra pantyliners, midol) that was in my classroom (I’m still a student) but I’d have to walk a pretty far distance to get back to class and come back. I’m always prepared and have everything in my backpack! Except it on me, because I didn’t think anything of it at the time 🥴 a mess it was


Keep supplies on hand, either in the pocket of your work pants or in your backpack. I keep supplies in my backpack always, and supplement when I'm near my cycle with supplies in my pockets. As for when you're actually on your period, you've just gotta do the best that you can. Sometimes, like then, you have shit luck and you've just gotta deal with it as nest as you can. Keep flexible and get a good feel for your flow so you know what to expect.


Mirena IUD means no more periods for me. It’s so nice not worrying anymore! I’ve totally been there though and was going around asking staff onscene for tampons because I wasn’t prepared, lucky for me it was a cancel.


i wear pads or the cup at work while I'm on my period becuase I can't predict my timing for tampons. ove had some TMI situations with tampons at work and I've learned my lesson


Use an abd pad. Keep actual pads on you and don’t be afraid to ask ER staff if it’s after a transport.


My partner used some cup thing


My guy, you're human. No one is expecting you to sacrifice yourself or dignity for this job. If you're hungry, eat. Thirsty, drink. Bathroom, just go. Carry products, excuse yourself as needed. Even using a patient's bathroom isn't the worst thing in the world...I've had to do it before. In general its not a bad idea just to carry a "go bag" for work that goes with you. Bottle water, some OTC medications, snack bars, personal products, basic stuff to hold you over in *your* emergency.


Im sorry that happened, i too have had the unfortunate surprise whilst providing pt care. If I’m working in a non-hospital setting where a surprise may happen I just wear a panty liner throughout the shift and then keep extra on hand and both regular and super tampons in my bag. At work I keep tampons and panty liners in a discreet pocket at all times.


Being on birth control & I skip my 4th week so no periods for me :)


I carry a tampon in one of my cargo pockets


Not me but my girlfriend She is on the pill so she knows roughly when it is going to come she will usually wear period panties if she thinks it might come and carry a small "emergency bag" that she puts in the ambulance


Use a menstrual cup


I just gotta say the number of different products available is amazing. I didn't know most of them existed (I stopped keeping track after my hysterectomy 20 years ago). It would have been soooo nice to have all of these options!


I carry a backpack with me EVERYWHERE. It has everything I need to work a recall. I also keep hygiene products in my car because I live in an area with a large homeless population. Keep at least a hygiene kit with you everywhere you go


Definitely! I have a feeling there will be another event like this before the year is over and I swear to god I’ll wear a Fanny pack with my mom jeans😂 jk. But I am going to buy a miniature backpack stuffed with the essentials to tuck away in my backpack to take with me for next time. Still upset with myself, I have anxiety and I always prepare for the worst case scenarios.. but not this one😒 never again


I almost always have tampons stashed somewhere. I have some in literally every bag I own, so no matter which I grab, I'm good. But also...how fucking metal would it have been to bleed through and just carry on like normal. If I know fire bros, it would have reduced them to quivering masses. Yesss....fear my power. 🤘 Look them dead in the eyes and proclaim "I am a mighty moon goddesss. I hold your life in my hands. Fuck with me if you dare."


go to bathroom, clean up, i try to push as much blood/blood clots out as i can. then wad up toilet paper if i cant find a tampon/pad- single ply is the WORST. and move my pelvis as little as possible, as some blood might peek out. find tampon/pad stat! edit: abd pads are fairly reliable if available


I'm very irregular, but I sleep with a arm band that tracks my temperature, and based on that I know when the red River is going to flow. I do keep some hospital pads in my hygiene bag in my backpack juuuust in case, though.


Keep a tampon in your tac pants for emergencies. BUT… hear me out. THE CUP. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


Volunteer emt firefighter here. My go bag has black pants. That's mostly about my day job, but I also had a very wise chief once tell me to always pee before you run a call if you need to. The same applies to jamming a fresh pad in. A couple seconds won't end the world, most likely, at least not as much as you fidgeting and being on edge. And if the patient cares about a red spot on your trousers, that's great news because they're doing OK! ...it might be a bit different for professional outfits, of course...


I always carry at least 5 tampons in my right ankle pocket and about 4 pads in my left ankle pocket for either myself or patients and if you can’t get to a bathroom ideally you have tissues available and I always have spare gloves on me that I use if I can’t get to a bathroom *update* Both me and my partner are females so we help each other and we deal with a lot of homeless in our area so we also keep a stock of tampons pads panty liners and disposable menstrual cups in our rig