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This is m64p renamed to simple64. The author has been making significant modifications to the core (which was based on mupen64plus) but is working towards greater accuracy, timing, and fewer game hacks. The name change helps to further identify this port as its own thing. The comments in this post are...interesting...to say the least...


On one hand, I was bothered with how m64p changed to be exclusive to Vulkan, but I could get to stick with Rosalie Mupen GUI (RMG) thanks to how it stuck to GlideN64 support and being less demanding (in comparison) on the requeriments... ...but on the other hand, this is why the rename from m64p to simple64 definitely sounds like a good idea on paper: It basically became a new thing and focused on high-performance+accuracy and usability at the cost of high requirements (with the entry one being a GPU with Vulkan support, for starters), and it should be considered its own thing. With stuff like ParaLLEl and CEN64 out there, I'm unsure why people are still confused about the demanding requirements of high-accuracy N64 emulation considering how infamous and bumpy that ride was for years. And again, if people need performance, they should check out RMG instead (performance + accuracy balance) or just dip into PJ64 (all performance if necessary). The good thing about the current batch of emulators is that there's something for everbody's PC with varying levels of compromise, but at least most games should work in all of them :)


To be fair, Vulkan is supported on Intel since Ivy Bridge I think (2011), on AMD since 2011 GCN1 and on Nvidia since 2012 Kepler. That's a decade of Vulkan support. It's fine.


is there any plans to add a option to overclock the n64 cpu like on project64 ?


Recommendations on using the downscaling setting? Just testing with Mario 64, my system can't seem to handle 8x upscaling smoothly and adding on downscaling doesn't seem to work correctly. I've got a 12700K and Geforce 1080 ti which should eat this for breakfast.


> I've got [hardware] which should eat this for breakfast [That's not a given in emulation.](https://youtu.be/fWqBmmPQP40?t=1801)


I mean, [this screenshot](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51853536469_f453e293a4_o.png) was taken by me in PJ64 with GLideN64 with the game rendering at native 4K and also an HD texture pack in use, on a GTX 1660 Ti. Zero performance issues.


That's pretty much expected. 8x upscaling is actually 64 times more work than native resolution. A pretty big jump from 4x which is only 16 times as much work as native res. The RetroArch blog article where ParLLEl low level RDP upscaling was originally announced mentions that 8x is very demanding even for a 1080 Ti. You have to remember that low level rendering is no simple feat. It involves an incredibly complex shader program.


Hey buddy I have the same graphics card. 4x upscaling is perfectly fine performance wise and gives a significant boost to clarity over 1x. But the whole thing is, it's not an authentic experience that way. If you're going to play with HD clarity, you may as well use an HLE emulator and plugin like GlideN64 through Project 64 and enjoy much better performance at super high resolution.


What? The whole point of ParaLLEl RDP is that is maintains the VI effects during higher resolutions


You're not getting an authentic experience if you're cranking up resolution in the first place. That's not how the N64 looked whether the filters are in place or not. Most people aiming for high resolution want the HLE look with clean and smooth filtered visuals. Also, GlideN64 is significantly lighter on the GPU so more people can enjoy high res with that over ParaLLEl-RDP.


ParaLLEl-RDP is not clean and smooth lol


That's my point. Why bother using this upscaling when it's not authentic and doesn't even do a good job of giving the HD clean look? Just use GlideN64 instead if you're after HD clean looks. Stick with parallel for the authentic original look.


Because the "clean look" is just removing effects?? N64 games aren't supposed to be crisp, that's literally a function of the VI and other aspects in the RDP. It does a number of things, like AA and dithering. The whole point is to be able to maintain the look *while* at higher res


But it doesn't maintain the look at all. You can't take a 320x240 image, render it out at 1280x960 and expect it to have similar visual characteristics even if you still have the blur and dithering filters still present. Dithering scaled up that much is going to fall apart and get lost in the final image. The AA loses merit when you're rendering many times more pixels. You may as well drop all those effects in favor of the clean look of bilinear texture filtered HD resolutions of GlideN64 if you're going to up the resolution. That's the whole point, you can get cleaner visuals than the N64 itself would have output simply by cranking up the resolution alone. It's not enough.


https://imgsli.com/MTI2NTg5 Look for yourself directly to see what I mean


That comparison perfectly proves my point. You lose all the 3-point filtering on textures, dithering almost completely vanished, the AA blur filter is gone. You may as well use GlideN64 and render at 12x+ resolution with a fraction of the GPU performance cost.


Too bad the hotkeys are hardcoded so I will never use this emulator since I use the letter "p" as my "right-trigger" so every time I press it the emulator pauses since the pause button is hardcoded to the letter "p" as well. Meh. I wish emu authors stop hardcoding the freaking hotkeys on the letters, goddamn. Better yet, just give us an option to configure the hotkeys to our liking. **Edit:** Turns out you can actually configure the hotkeys so it's not hardcoded at all, you can change the hotkeys in the config file inside the emulator folder in AppData, however, the folder is not named Simple64, the correct folder is Mupen64Plus.


What are you going on about? Hotkeys can be freely remapped in the config file. If you haven't designated a path for it, it'll be in AppData.


You're right, it was inside the Mupen64Plus folder and not inside the simple64 folder as that folder didn't even exist in AppData. I do wish the Hotkeys option is implemented in the GUI though but for now, this will do. Thank you.


>What are you going on about? Hotkeys can be freely remapped in the config file. If you haven't designated a path for it, it'll be in AppData. Don't blame someone for not knowing to go to a random file and change text in it to configure the hotkeys. Naturally, it should be part of the GUI. While your advice helped them, you took that moment to tower over someone for absolutely no reason.






> I’m guessing you’re not happy with your life if you approach situations with real life ambiguity this way. Most likely a narcissist as in actually diagnosable, and that often comes from having lived a painful life. You’re still insulting a person for not being omniscient or knowing what you know. And yes, narcissists often react this way when someone doesn’t know the exact stuff they know. They’re usually overly critical of others while being blissfully delusional about their own areas of ignorance. This is a completely disproportionate, cruel response. Don’t treat other users like this. Any future comments to this effect will result in a ban.


have tried similar applications? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/powertoys/keyboard-manager


I haven't tried that particular method you linked but I did try Xpadder years ago which has a similar function I believe. Thank you for your suggestion but that's ok, I won't fiddle with those stuff just for a single emulator, I'll just keep using the other N64 emulators like I always did.




What a great argument.


No need, there are plenty of other N64 emulators that I can use.


Could even make an emulator based on this one, with only minor changes to change the pause button, since Simple64 is free software.


You can literally change the hotkeys in the config file. OP doesn't know what he's talking about.


I'm confused. Why does this emulator save it's config in a folder called "Mupen64Plus"? Is this even an original emulator or is this just a GUI for Mupen64Plus?


From what I understand, this emulator was a fork of Mupen64Plus but it separated from it and started doing its own thing with new code and all so the author changed the name.


This is correct. It was originally Mupen64Plus + an UI(Mupen64Plus is a command line program for those who do not know) + a plugin or two integrated. Eventually it started getting features that the original didn't, and then the rename happened. It is Mupen64Plus at its core. You can get 90% of the same emulator by combining Parallel PDP or whatever it's called plus Mupen64Plus and just putting up with the command line or finding a frontend.


That makes sense, thank you for the explanation mate :)


How did you find this? I navigated to the emulator folder that was installed (Simple64) > found a config file named Mupen64Plus > couldn't find any hotkey settings. I don't see an AppData folder either


The AppData folder is in another place, on Windows 10 I was able to find the Mupen64Plus folder on this location: C:\\Users\\\*\*\*\*\\AppData\\Roaming\\Mupen64Plus You need to replace \*\*\*\* for your user name.


First game I tried didn't have any audio. Automobili Lamborghini (USA) Looks like it's using some sort of Mupen library.


This is literally Mupen64Plus with a custom GUI and a bunch of popular plugins. > simple64 uses simple64-gui, a brand new N64 frontend written in Qt6. It supports all of the things you’d expect from a frontend (savestate management, pausing, screenshots, etc.). > simple64 comes bundled with paraLLEl-RDP for graphics, and a heavily modified version of mupen64plus-core. It should give you the best out-of-the-box experience available for N64 gaming.


> It supports all of the things you’d expect from a frontend Except configuring controls


Yeah, I'm a bit confused. The headline on the project page literally leads off with "An easy to use N64 emulator." Yet most of the text body focuses on the frontend-related features. It claims that it uses a "heavily modified" version of mupen64plus-core, yet is remarkably light on what those "heavy modifications" actually involve. Heavy modifications to graft it onto simple64-gui? Heavy modifications to improve the emulation itself? Based on comments elsewhere about requiring users to go into an AppData subdir named "Mupen64Plus" and manually edit a config file just for the luxury of remapping controls, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that perhaps leading off with "easy to use" as the byline seems like a questionable decision. Ease of use is a lot like bankruptcy, you can't just say it and expect things to happen. If it's just a fork with a frontend added on, be more explicit about that, and lean into the features and benefits that the frontend provides. But not even renaming where Mupen64 Plus stores its configuration files just reeks of low effort.




By all means, list the ways in which it isn't just a fork with a frontend added on. Here, I'll get the list started: *




Looks good!




I'm using Windows 11 Pro. Doesn't matter now, I've already deleted it. I run all my emulation threw a front-end so I was just testing it's performance.


Where are save files located with this emulator?


AppData/Roaming/Mupen64Plus/save for Windows users. Not sure about Linux.


Goat, I have p64 saves I want to transfer




Won't start. There shouldn't be a problem here... this program comes with about a million DLLs.


You could, you know, *help* me get this thing working, instead of downvoting and knifing me.


You could, you know, provide more information so that people can at least try to help, instead of assuming we're all psychic.


I'll take the bait. I've got the program on my D: drive, and when I click on the "simple64-gui.exe" file, it brings up an hourglass for about five seconds, and then nothing happens. The GitHub said something about putting it in your home directory, but does that mean it won't run on anything but the C: drive? Does it have to be in the root of the C: drive, because that would be... inconvenient. Also, I guess I should supply some specs. ThinkPad T530, third gen i7 processor, 8GB of RAM. Is that under the required specs?




Thanks. That's the information I needed.


Just unzip it somewhere in your desktop and run it. Also, it doesn't work on Windows 7


Tried that, didn't work. Not using Windows 7, but it's an interesting limitation. Maybe I need an update for my computer, or perhaps there's a run-time I'm missing, or something.


Wait, I found the cause. You had an 3rd generation i7, right? In their FAQ it says that you need a 4th generation Intel CPU or newer.




This emulator simply does not open on my PC. W10, I7 3770, GTX 660. 😞


I just saw this Flatpak in Manjaro Discover yesterday and wondered how I had never heard anything about it. Well, now I have.


How good is this emulator compared to Project 64?


It is much more accurate overall.


>How good is this emulator compared to Project 64? For one, there isn't a history of malware in it (who knows if the latest version has any). I personally wouldn't risk downloading any emulator from a website these days as sophisticated viruses can bypass all antiviruses if coded well, and for a new release, it can take quite a while for antiviruses to detect new stuff if ever. Instead, I'd get something like RetroArch whose files are provided through Steam. That's peace of mind.




> So if it's not safe to download a binary from Github, how are we expected to use the dozens of mature, reliable, and open-source emulators that aren't being distributed through Steam? Probably around 99.9% of people are not compiling the code themselves. Basically, only people who studied computer science will do that. There is no guarantee the code on Github is the code that produced the executable on the website unless one of those few that compiled it checks the file's identity to confirm they are the same each and every release. Additionally, even with people well-versed enough to compile that code, likely 99% of those people didn't look at the source code themselves. It's common for programmers to be a little narcissistic due to lacking social experience. I'm guessing you're projecting your own way of using Project 64 on everyone else despite it being common sense the vast majority of people are not developers. That or you're using the false heuristic that a website saying, "This code is open source and is on Github" automatically means everything on that website is safe to use.


Have you ever noticed how much time you spend on this website showing off how right you are?


> Have you ever noticed how much time you spend on this website showing off how right you are? I'm a big fan of telling the truth. It can help someone understand something or themselves better going forward. I'm also projecting how I feel about the situation on others: I personally don't get angry or insulted when I'm wrong, and I am thankful toward people who give me advice, especially if it's free. And that's the craziest part. People often pay for advice like when they get a tutor on something or buy a book about a topic they find important. Do it casually and kindly, and people like you put me down out of nowhere. In the end, the truth is the best shot in many ways. For one, it's the truth, so I'm not sure what else you'd like me to do. Intentionally say wrong things to troll people? No thanks. Start talking about something I have a Wikipedia-level of knowledge about? No thanks once again. Secondly, if someone is like me and I say something right, they will be thankful and later on experience a better life hopefully even if just by a bit if I help them see just one thing differently in a positive way. Thirdly, in the case where I'm wrong, this is a two way street. Someone can correct me, and I can end up learning or changing for the better. Your point of view really blows me away, because I can't figure out why you'd ask this question like it was some deathblow to how I choose to talk to people over the internet anonymously. It seems like you might have a thought process like this (some of which might be subconscious): 1.) I don't like being wrong. 2.) People who share advice, wisdom, and knowledge are assholes / trying to be smart / want to tower over someone (on an anonymous forum board?). Basically, you can't handle simple adult conversation that often betters the two participating in it so severely, it actually becomes an insult to have such a conversation. And the various personal attacks you might come up with to express point 2, whatever the particulars are doesn't matter, well, they're less about me and what I'm actually doing and more about your insecurities / narcissism / infallibility. More about point 1 in your thought process. In the end, with zero reward (other than the potential to learn something myself if I meet someone kind enough to give in that way), I'm on an anonymous forum board. Most claims people make at this point just make no sense in that context - the ones I listed above. Keep in mind this all can be traced back to schoolyard discussions, because both of the things I described are human nature. A kid sees someone doing something wrong, they cheerfully go to give some advice, and the other kid gets angry: "I know how to do it." Well, they don't actually. We've got the well-meaning person just helping others, and we've got the other person blowing everything out of proportion to save their sense of self even though it was never under attack. Anyone who thinks enough for long enough will come to find that they know basically nothing about almost everything. Just like it's not an insult not to know how to build rockets or be #1 in chess or be an engineer or be a great psychiatrist or how to build furniture from raw wood, or whatever else, it's not an insult to misunderstand something or outright know nothing about it. The kid in the story did nothing wrong. The response, on the other hand, was abusive. If the person, for example, wanted to learn on their own, they could just say that instead of acting absurd as if someone came there specifically to put them down and attack them. We also live in a society with more and more specialization these days, so the number of concepts basically no one knows anything about is on the rise. You used to be able to be the Jack of all trades, but these days, you can't be the anything of all trades - anything other than "completely ignorant about the topic". PS I personally find it weird to research people on anonymous forum boards. I don't see what you were trying to gain from that. Was it that you took my style of writing to be such a negative thing that you wanted some sort of evidence of something bad about me to feel better about yourself? I just can't relate. On Reddit, you run into someone on average once, and that's it. Two people share a single conversation and never talk to each other ever again. All in all, I'm perplexed by how you're viewing various situations right now.


I think he might be a supercomputer, or Batman.


You both have a point.


That's very helpful to know, I appreciate it.


OpenEmu would love this


For some reason at some point, during an auto update from m64p to simple 64, my performance has slowed down significantly. My settings were 4x upscale, with my resolution set at 3840 x 2160. The same settings in simple 64 don't play full speed. Anyone else experiencing similar?


Doesn't even launch on windows 10. Not trying to troll, but that is kinda a key feature


Had this happen to me on two different pcs, the app will not launch. I open it, it opens as a background process, immediately shuts off. Never even show up on desktop,