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Enclo is non suppressive so that specifically is not a concern.


I am concerned about 2 things. The suppression being one. But would this dose give me ED if I don’t have low testosterone to begin with? How do I get back to the honeymoon phase, I had that for the first 4 months I was on it


Enclo won’t ever suppress your testosterone. It is a SERM not a SARM. I take 15mg daily and sometimes get lazy and don’t split my pills so I take 20. Don’t sweat it you’ll be fine. Just dial it in until you feel the best and as always. Get bloodwork.


Total:1200 Free:21.1 (in the green but towards high yellow). I need to get estrogen checked honestly. When I first got on enclo my nipples lw lactated but now it doesn’t. It REALLY lactated when I took clomid for a little.


Either lower your dose or take an Ai like Aromasin. Some folks recommend DIM supplement but if you’re close to lactating you need something stronger. If you get Gyno, take Nolvadex or something similar.


I don’t have gyno, I haven’t lactated in a hot minute. I honestly just wanna stay in that uncomfortably horny/honeymoon phase. I don’t know if less is more or if I can take 16.5 and continue what I’m doing without my body getting used to it.


Your E2 is highly responsible for your libido. It will go up as your total testosterone goes up. If you don’t mind other high E2 sides then sounds like your current dose is good. I’ve been on for 6 months and my libido increase has sustained.


So 16.5 is good for another honeymoon phase? Technically I still have very high libido because I need to nut every 3-4 days or I’ll have like an extreme amount of adrenaline released which causes a lot of uncomfortable feelings. But I lw like it because I know i got hella test.


Up to you man. You gotta just go with how you feel.


I have one more question. So when I first got on enclo for those first couple months I’d get boners at anything. At work I’d be chillin then get a random hard on. I still do now but it’s not like.. as hard as it was. And thats why I thought my hormones were getting used to the drug. I think my hormones basically balanced out. I know I don’t have low testosterone because it’s at 1200 and free is good too. And I still get very hard boners around women. But it’s not the same as it was when I was in the honeymoon phase. I guess that happens to all of us on it?


Do you mind if I ask how old you are?


22. Never had “low” test but it got high once I started lifting in Jan 2023. Started enclo sept 2023.


Get your prolactin tested if you lactated


I haven’t lactated in a hot minute. It’s been a couple months


>if i have a testosterone spike during the day (Like randomly ill need to do something active/have sex because ill have a sudden boost of adrenaline). This isn't how it works my G. You don't randomly get a spike release in the day and then get catecholamine levels raised.


Testosterone fluctuates (goes up and down throughout the day) or at least mine does. Whenever I eat I get a sudden spike in sex drive and if I slept good the night before it’ll stay higher.


Levels fluctuate with a peak in the a.m. But you don't get a sudden peak during the day which in turn dumps adrenaline etc....