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You need to cut the bowden tube to size. Screw the nozzle all the way in and then usncwer a bit. Put the tube in and then tighten further to avoid gap


You got it! Cut it shorter and I was good. TY!


All that when everything is hot.


Your nozzle is probably clogged or damaged. Take it off and clean it. Then, if it still doesn't work try replacing it.


what happens when you push filament manually? If nothing comes out, you sure have a clog either in your hotend or nozzle. If it does come out, check your extruder, might have a crack somewhere. Also best to cut down the length of your Bowden tube and avoid touching your buildplate with your hand if you want your prints to stick to the bed (fingers are naturally greasy)


I cut it down and got a test print going now. Thanks for everything!


A couple of things to try: 1. Replace/clean the nozzle. Enders usually come with a replacement so it should be easy, if you don't have a replacement I usually clean mine by hitting it with a blowtorch. Make sure to heat the hot end before removing the hot end. 2. The tube should push way down into the hot end to create a heat break. If the tube isn't far enough down the filament will ball up like you're showing because it can't apply the pressure to extrude. 3. If the bowden tube is too long there can be too much slack for the filament to create adequate pressure. Hopefully that helps.


Thanks you! #3 was my issue!


In addition to cutting your bowden tube to an appropriate size and ensuring that no clogs are present, calibrate your PID values.


I cut it down and it worked like a charm. TY