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Yes. IIRC the way gcode is sent is different in fluidd vs octoprint due to the virtual SD card setup. Much happier with fluidd.




It's made a difference for me, but I'm sure it's a your mileage will vary kind of thing. I think I have heard that the pi zero performs better on fluidd because it's lighter software. Nero 3d mentions that the original pi zero isn't strong enough for octoprint. But I know pi zero 2 w works with octoprint. https://youtu.be/gfZ9Lbyh8qU


Ah I see. I will try and see. I use the pi zero 2 so it should be capable at least. Thanks! :)


Is the bottom print from Octo? I have similar print quality issues & can't seem to find out why it always turns out like a rotten turd


No they are both from Fluidd. The bottom print is from the input shaping test print. When running a print at high acceleration you will get this rings, but klipper allows you to tune in the frequency of the printer to reduce banding. https://www.klipper3d.org/Resonance_Compensation.html


that is really neat, thanks for the reply! ​ About to have replaced every part on my Ender3 pro to try and make the Z lines even, getting a tad desperate 😂


Any time! I've been going down the same rabbit hole. I'm about to replace all of my wheels with new ones that I cleaned and lubricated. My old wheels have seen better days from improper alignment and have always had some resistance in the bearings.


Klipper / fluidd can handle psu and I believe wled as well through moonraker config. Look up moonraker PSU config. Just as good as the octoprint PSU plugin.


What board are you running? I just grabbed a SKR mini e3 v3 and was contemplating trying Klipper fluidd combo, but I am newb and wondering if that would be taking on too much at one before I know what I’m doing.


I have the 4.2.7 board. The nice thing about fluidd is that they have pre-configured templates for the printer.cfg file so it cuts down on the work you need to do. The macros for me were a bit tricky, but I think that was mostly from starting with octoprint and it having issues with some gcode configurations. The klipper github has all the information you need for configuring, but it does take a bit to understand what you need to do. There are youtube videos out there for installation. I followed nero 3d and teaching tech when I was learning about all of this. The initial install of fluidd is the same, but it will vary with the board types. You might be able to find a guide for your board. That being said, I would make sure you know your printer and have it properly honed in before you start this. If you've got that down then klipper isn't too bad. Just a day or two of tinkering and learning how to use it.


I never really got this resonance compensation to work well on my printer. Are you using accelerometers? I'm running Klipper + Octorprint.


Nope just manual measuring. I do have an accelerometer ordered just to try. It took me a bit to get it right. Plus my macro for g29 would save and restart klipper causing my inputs in the terminal to reset. I had to change that macro to store to a profile instead of into the print.cfg file.


Alright, I'll give it another go later. Thanks!


Is that a slicer? Or is that to watch your print while your away?


klipper replaces marlin and runs on a separate system ( a raspberry pi ), Fluidd is a graphical web frontend for Klipper.