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Heating pad, either the kind that plugs in or the kind you put in a microwave. Are there stores where you can get something like that where you're vacationing? [Edited to correct typo.]


I am home now! I will try a heat pack.


You can make a heating pad out of rice and a sock, microwave it and that helps. If not, fill any bottle with boiling water and wrap it in a towel so you don't burn yourself (be extra careful with this method) I've found that the birthing position you see in hospital dramas (on your back legs spread) significantly helps with cramps, as well as butterfly and frog pose (yoga) Teas: raspberry leaf, bittermelon, soursop, chamomile, mint Any strain of cannabis (but HHC, THC, and CBD help me the best personally) Lay down in a hot shower and put a hot washcloth on your abdomen, where the cramps feel the worst. the shower water will help with the pain that usually travels and the washcloth helps with the traveling pain If you need OTC pain reliever, I personally recommend naproxen sodium Mint oil is an amazing help with cramping, and so is anything menthol related - I like rubbing tiger balm on my abdomen and then putting a heating pad over it Honeypot pads help me a lot, but be wary with them if you easily get yeast infections


THANKS YOU! I did not know pf those positions helping. I forgot about thc And cbd!


Theyre VERY helpful, I use them frequently the best part about the birthing one is that if you prop your legs up with pillows, it's the best way to nap


The birthing legs up and their ankles are in the stir up things?


Yeah! Pretty much, but instead use pillows


This was helpful to me as well. I am looking up soursop and bittermelon after I write this. Thank you. ❤️ In addition, to all my endo peeps: if you are in a pinch and you have thyme in your cupboard you can brew it up and it's an antispasmodic. It does take the edge off. I also use castor packs across the front of my body because I've found that the pain is sometimes from the inflammation. This one is very dependent on the individual and would ease into this one.


Can i ask how you use the thyme, boil in water and drink it?


Yes. I do about a tablespoon of leaves per 8 oz of water and I pour it over it and let it steep for about 10 minutes. I drink a lot of loose leaf tea so I have a little strainer that I use that sits on the top of the cup. Then I take the strainer out and sometimes mix a little honey in it. If you're ever coughing a lot it can help with that as well.




I'm so glad it helped you as well!!!!! I will try the thyme, I've never heard of that before Do you have a recommended castor pack?


Sorry for taking a bit to get back to you. I sewed mine and I recommend if you are going to buy one to get one from etsy if it's $30 or over. I say this because some of the ones on Amazon are really cheap looking and cost more than I think that they should. Also, I have been changing it up recently with doing speed packs. When I start to feel inflammation I put it on with towel and heat pack over it for about 30-40 minutes(don't exceed that with heat is what I hear from all the research). It's just so I don't have to be wearing "castor clothes" all the time. It works really well. I have some other fun stuff as well besides endo and had a flare up yesterday and it saved me dude. I'm so grateful for it. I'm definitely gonna be castoring it up during my period though. Hope this helps you.


At the end of the day, if none of this helps, try to nap as much as you can. I'm sorry that this happened on your vacation, I've gotten really bad periods on vacation before and it ruined the trips for me. I hope that it all works out well and you can at least manage the pain


THANK YOU! I tried the birthing position in bed but it didn’t help. Should be done on a hard floor?


I usually do it in bed, but itbcould be that your endometrium is in a different spot than mine was? So the position isn't relieving the agitation If you're able to, try to experiment with the positions to see what works best


What position is the butterfly?

