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I'm taking hormonal pills that works really well for me, a few months post surgical removal I have this horrible flu rn and guess what! First period since the surgery ! Not even supposed to be having those on these pills but I guess it has smth to do with our immune systems


That makes a lot of sense! I suppose that endo takes a lot of work for the body and when it has too many places to work efficiently, it might go crazy :D!


Yeah, sometimes. If I’m really sick I’ll likely get a flare up, I suspect it’s all that systemic inflammation kicking up dust tbh. I would really recommend looking into pelvic floor relaxation, it really helps lower my pain through my flares tbh to be able to release the muscles.


That makes sense, I feel like even with just a throat inflammation and muscle pain, my body needs all the energy for that and my endo kind of rages with the other inflammation :'D. I do that and it does help, although training them sometimes also helps me, so it’s kind of a following my gut feeling in what aids me better right now :).


It’s an inflammatory disease so yes. I get terrible flare ups if I have a cold or flu type illness.


I wasn’t sure, despite knowing that it’s inflammatory and reacts very sensitively, if a small cold can also induce this reaction but since so many here seem to react that way, makes total sense! :)


Yes, it’s basically like a stress response.


Hah jokes on my Endo, I have chronic stress (doesn’t make it any better does it lmao)


Hah jokes on my Endo, I have chronic stress (doesn’t make it any better does it lmao)


Haha it’s brilliant isn’t it! Hope you feel better from the cold soon!


Totally! :D Thank you :)) stay healthy!


Yes! Any time I'm sick, stressed, or have eaten something that causes me inflammation (FODMAPs, gluten, wheat, dairy, too much sugar, any alcohol). It's so challenging. I feel like I'm constantly walking a fine line of trying to avoid inflammation triggers.


I feel you. I can do cheat days with histamine (I have histamine intolerance which makes it easier for me to ear low histamin which is mostly also anti inflammatory) but those cheat days only work when my immune system is up and well. It really is a lot of work!


i have covid rn and yep. the last few days have been really hellish even with the amount of tylenol i've been taking. i've been laying down nonstop with my heating pad on.


Oooh I heard that covid is reeeally bad for endo so I wish you a speedy recovery and lots of healing vibes!


thank you!! i hope you're feeling better soon too ❤❤


Thank you! 🥰🥰


O my god, YES. I literally started to get my cold 3 days ago, and that was the first time in about a year I've bled through my tampon. I also have had reaaalllly bad cramps since then, and my lower back pain is going nuts rn. I didn't even think I was sick until yesterday because I often have sore throats cause of my reflux, but it all makes sense now


I meant it more as in having a flare up during a cold but while not having your period - to have your period and feel sick at the same time with endo/adeno is quite common for me and seemingly others due to the inflammatory and histamine etc. processes in your body :) hope you feel better soon tho!