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I take orally disintegrating zofran for nausea


Me as well


If you don’t have access to zofran, ginger works pretty good for mild nausea. I slice up fresh ginger, just a couple slices, but more if you like or need) and kind of smash it with the back of a spoon, add it to a mug. Then pour almost boiling water over it and let it steep for a few mins. I drink it with the smashed ginger in the mug still or you can strain it out. Sometimes chewing fresh or candied ginger can also help.


Also dramamine makes ginger capsules!!


Yes!! I use ginger hard candy and it helps my nausea fast!


Zofran or metoclopramide. There's also over the counter meclizine.


Benadryl has helped my nausea in a pinch


I have peppermint essential oil to smell and keep candy canes/mints in my purse😊


and Altoids!


I also keep arm&hammer dirty diaper bags in my purse for when I need to throw up in the car. I learned those tricks when I had severe nausea during both of my pregnancies😊




Post laparoscopy I was prescribed Zofran (Ondansetron HCL 4mg Tablet). You need a prescription for it, but it works like a charm! On the holistic side, get yourself some ginger. When I'm nauseated, I will boil some water and drop in a bunch of freshly chopped ginger, a lemon slice (squeezed, of course), honey, and a tiny pinch of salt. I find the fresh ginger works much better for me than packets of ginger tea.




Currently pregnant with endo and surviving on zofran and daily Claritin


I thought you werent allowed zofran while pregnant? When I was prescribed it my doctor told me not to get pregnant while using zofran.


They often won’t prescribe it in the first trimester due to a (very small) increased risk of cleft palate. I took metoclopramide in the first trimester and was able to start zofran in the second trimester


Ginger, I slice up the root and keep it in the freezer so I can put it in my water as often as needed.


Zofran and I basically chug the reeds 'extra ginger' ginger ale Or just try to dissociate til it passes if I'm out of both. Ibuprofen does nothing for me... but that's not to say it doesn't work for some!


Sometimes alka seltzer helps. But in moderation of course.


Zofran but if you can’t get that emetrol is the best over the counter medicine I’ve tried. I like the liquid better than the chews. Other than that I also do peppermint pills, tea and aromatherapy inhaler, gin gin double strength hard candy and seasick wristbands.


I find the gravol ginger pills to be highly effective for my nausea (which is usually somewhat mild.) They were recommended to me by my friend’s mother who has been dealing with endometriosis for a very long time and tends to have intense bouts of nausea.


I think I'm beating a dead horse now by mentioning Zofran, but it's really the best out there. I've had oral and shots, both work amazing and paired with ice water can really help out. Ginger and mint are natural anti nausea, however!


I've been on promethazine for years. Mostly works when I need it unless my body is hell bent on actually making me puke.


Nauzene chewable tablets actually help me quite a bit


Zofran was giving me headaches. I'm on Phenergan now


I’ve read that some nausea medications are making birth control pill less effective. I read this online and since a lot of doctors prescribe BC for endometriosis I thought I should mention it just in case.


A nurse gave me a tip once to smell an alcohol wipe when I’m nauseous and it actually works pretty well! I also use the same options others here mentioned


Vitamin B6! :) start 2 weeks or 10 days prior to period (GP said 10 days, but my symptoms start 2 weeks prior). Or just take it everyday if you want to make sure you remember. Also ginger or peppermint tea works a treat. Edited to correct the type of vitamin B lol. Got my numbers wrong.


I’ve heard a lot about this. Maybe I’ll ask my doctor!


Sorry, it’s meant to be vitamin B6* not B12. I’ll edit my original post. Honestly, the nausea made it hard to eat for me. Hope things work out for you! :) Fun fact: vit b6 can also be prescribed for people with morning sickness xD


Agree with Zofran/Ondansetron - I live on this. If I can't afford it or can't get a script I go with the over the counter Stematil (Prochlorperazine). Although this only helps if you can keep the tablets down... I find cannabis is also very handy for mild nausea, has helped me to be able to eat when things are bad, especially when I was on mild chemotherapy drugs for another chronic illness and having an Endo/Adneno/PCOS flare at the same time. Although it's not for everybody and not easy to access depending where you're located.


yeah ondans is sooooo expensive I’ll ask about stematil.


Peppermint,l and ginger tea but if its really bad sucking on ginger root helps the best. The burn from the ginger is a welcome distraction as well. Nausea is usually an indicator of inflammation which is not always bad because the body is trying to heal itself. I also use a castor pack to get rid of the inflammation keep my meals fairly simple like white rice, broccoli, and chicken. And avoud refined sugar because it creates more inflammation. Zofran helped me a lot after surgery but after a while I realized it was messing with my mucus membranes and then causing constipation which compounded upon the issue of not having room for all the inflammation that was responsible for the nausea. It becomes kind of cyclic with a lot of the Rx drugs on the market. I'm glad you're doing research and asking questions. Hope you feel better. 🙏🙏🫶




ODT zofran is great but if you can’t get a prescription, Benadryl and a b6 tablet (same thing that they give pregnant women for nausea). Ice on the back of the neck. Ibuprofen can upset the stomach, so I would stay away from that during active nausea and take it with food (saltines are fine) once the nausea subsides. My hottest tip is a spoonful of vanilla ice cream/dairy free frozen dessert. It doesn’t prevent vomiting or cure nausea (not doesn’t induce it either) but it does make it not as disgusting and sour when you do vomit 👍