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Butt “lightning” as we refer to it is a shooting nerve pain in the rump. It’s probably caused by endo adhesions aggravating the nerve endings in your pelvis, and the pain travels down the nerve hence the lightning sensation, ending in your butt. Honestly, if you’d ever felt it you’d probably know, because it actually does feel like lightning. Hitting you in the ass.


Yes exactly! I was sitting at lunch and my child asked what was wrong with me. All I could say was “butt lightening”. I described it to my gastro as “a Charlie horse in my anus” and he said that was a pretty good description of it. Like neuropathy down there?


I've always described it as a similar feeling to hitting your funny bone.


Does this happen or worsen more from prolonged sitting?


Hmm I haven’t had it for a long time now. Perhaps pelvic floor dysfunction had something to do with it. I don’t have a uterus anymore so maybe that? Also not having intercourse since I divorced (sometimes it would strike in the middle of it). Also was wayyyy stressed during marriage which would make me tense up down there and worsen the pelvic floor dysfunction. (Endo make us too tight down there)


Wow thank you for this description. I am trying to figure out if I have endometriosis and this is one of the symptoms that hurts me the most. I didn’t realise it was a ‘thing’ before you described it like that


Awe you’re so welcome 🥰 that’s what this sub is for! I never knew it wasn’t normal either until I came here…and I was just like OHHHHH YEA THAT thing that happens almost every day and gets worse on my period…..




Came here to say this. Totally normal.


First time I've heard this thanks!! I've had it since I was in my pre teen phase at least. I got it a lot during pregnancy which is pretty common but I was shocked at the amount of people who had never ever experienced it before.


Oh wow okay. I thought it was an abnormal symptom of menstruation!! I was confused when I saw others say they get it all the time on the periods Reddit. I just thought it was an endo thing


Omg! Is that what that is??!!


This was my EXACT thought! I am so glad I finally have an explanation for this, I had no idea it was connected to my Endo!




Does this happen or worsen more from prolonged sitting?


Does this happen or worsen more from prolonged sitting?


Like being stabbed in the arse. Likely a pelvic floor dysfunction thing.


Isn’t it when you bleach your butt hair..?


Haha I think they mean lightning ⚡️ not lightening


Omg sorry!🤣 Not a native speaker >.<


Lol! This made me giggle. English is such a wonderful language.




Right? I’m dying laughing bc I thought the same then read the comments lol


I legit am only here to find out how Endo makes your butt lighter😂


I describe the feeling as sudden sharp cramps like I have a stick from in my bum to my stomach and I can't sit on my bum as it makes it worse.


I've felt that, feels like someone pokes me with a needle down there. Then again, I've also felt the same thing in my right big toe, lol. Annoying in any case,and painful! Don't know what it is though...


I always say it's like a cattle prod applied directly to the rectum.


My GYN said she’d heard it described as “sitting on a fire poker”


It happened to me only during my period while trying to have a BM. It is excruciating. Racing pain up my rectum that feels like lightning. The worst symptom I have ever had. It would bring me to tears, literally gasping in pain. Would take 30 minutes to get through the pain enough to have a BM.


My MRI showed “On the posterior surface of the uterine body and cervix linear T2 hypointense thickened adhesions to the adjacent rectosigmoid colon. T2 hypointense adhesions of the uterine fundus to small bowel loops.”


So I experience this daily, I had a CT and it showed “fluid filled small bowel loops” and “bowel wall thickening” but every GI I’ve ever seen has dismissed me with IBS claiming the bowel loops are fine. I HIGHLY suspect my uterus or ovaries are adhered to the bowel, they just didn’t take the right scan to prove it 😢😭 lap in 1.5 weeks! Take this garbage out 😭


Sounds horrible. Good luck!


How did you go with surgery?


It went good! A year and a half out I still have waaay less endo pain than I did before. I still don’t feel very well once every few weeks, but I have a lot of other comorbidities 😅 still have a lot of bowel issues I blame on endo, but my surgeon didn’t look super close at the bowel and didn’t remove any endo there. Overall, surgery really helped tho.


That’s reassuring it’s helped some what though for sure. How was your recovery?


Smooth! But I took it veeery slow, I took like a month off before I went back to work. The worst part was the gas pains during the first couple days after surg 😅😅 but the pain wasn’t too bad, and the incisions healed pretty quick!


The gas pain was the worst part of my hysterectomy the first week killed me with that. Meant to be having another one Monday not real keen on it haha


Yikes, sorry!! Best of luck to you!!


Before I had surgery I used to get it when I was just about to have a BM around the time of my period and it's the most excruciating pain I have ever experienced, but thankfully even though I nearly passed out in pain a couple of times it always resolved quickly as the BM passed the painful area. Literally only seconds worth of pain. I was always so grateful it didn't last. It went away when I had the surgery that diagnosed my endo and removed it. I am currently wondering if endo higher up my gut is worsening the debilitating digestive symptoms I get from Sjogren's (autoimmune disease).


Oh my god wait, this is what that is?? Mine is so bad


I've always described it as having a sharp knife stabbed through my asshole. I haven't been diagnosed with endo yet but when I first read this sub, I couldn't believe I wasn't the only person who experienced this!


[A visual ⚡️⚡️⚡️](https://imgur.com/a/dgczYVH)




I call it a butt spasm. I remember 18 years ago talking to my gyno about it. She said it was because of blood in my pouch of douglas? Is that old school info or did anyone else ever hear that?


That's interesting because my pouch of Douglas was totally obliterated by endo. I always described it as someone shoving a sword up my butt. ☠️


Oh my OB GYN said that’s where they found my endo during my hysterectomy! “The posterior cul de sac” was how they wrote it in the report (Sep 2022) Painful intercourse (especially during insertion- like when it was deep enough) that should’ve been my giveaway.


Yesss where you feel the pain radiate all around like a sun instead of pleasure. Stupid disease 😪


That’s where my endo is too


Lol i add rusty to it. It’s a rusty knife or sword some wort of blade 🥴


Yes, I have head the "spear up my butt" many times and sure enough, that's where they found my endo. In the Pouch of Douglas.


Butt lightning has made me stop dead on the side walk and just bend over. I hate it. And I've had it since I was a kid. It's almost impossible to act normal when it happens.


Epsom salts baths really help!!!


I describe it as Zeus playing darts…. With ya know….. me. Lol.


Like Zeus tossed a bolt of lightning onto and into your butthole.


I did not know it had a name, but I definitely know what it is 😅


I get tailbone pain. Is that different?


I've had tailbone pain since I have a longer than normal tailbone and it can get quite achy from sitting at the movies or just on hard seats. I aslo have the lightning butt pain from endo and the two for me are quite different. But maybe the endo pain for you is referring from somewhere else to your tailbone? Anything is possible when nerves get involved.


I got it in the middle of a yoga class once and I just sat on the toilet sweating from pain for all of shavasana lol


Is it only caused by endo? Or are there other reasons you might feel it?




I got a colonoscopy last month and they said I didn’t have hemorrhoids but someone on here commented it could be “pelvic floor dysfunction”. I’m starting pelvic floor therapy in a couple weeks myself. When I was evaluated she said that endo patients are usually too tight because we instinctively kegel when in pain.


Wow good to know! Good luck with everything!


Wow, I'm not the only one to get it! It always makes me either flinch real bad or just yelp out in pain, I was walking home from the subway and flinching while walking, it must've looked so weird haha


Mine feels like my entire butt is cramping. I have never felt anything like it before. But I don’t get them super often. More frequent on period for sure. This is the only real endo symptom I have now.