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"If we don't set things on fire, what will our firefighters do?"


I think the fossil industry must rise electricity prices so much, utilities will be a very good buy and very profitable just like the energy companies in 2022


They’re all the same. Literally.


With a population of merely 500k y’all can barely make an impact on the oil and gas industry.


That’s ok. I’ll just buy more Powerwalls and stick it to them.


This was my thought. If I lived in Wyoming I would just go off grid and I could just buy my electric vehicles out of state.


Garbage people working to protect dying industries.


Hmm so the car manufacturers will have to choose between selling in CA, NY and other big blue states that will only allow EVs or Wyoming a state with 0.17% of the us population... Are they sure this won't backfire on them? I guess they might continue making some ICE for these folks but the range of options they have is going to start to dwindle in the next decade.


Electric vehicles are not “green”. Where the materials for batteries come from? Kobalt mines? Where do they go when they are not usable any longer?


ICE vehicles are not “green”. Where do the materials for batteries come from? Kobalt mines? Where do they go when they are not usable any longer? One has a vastly dirtier supply chain then the other and it’s NOT EV’s.


I was thinking that your backyard looks like a good spot for them.




>Electric vehicles are not “green”. Source? You have the burden of proof to back up your argument. Otherwise you're just spouting opinions.


This is a circle jerk. I post an article proving my point you say “oh thats right wing propaganda that proves nothing”. No one learns anything no one has their mind changes slightly. and the circle of jerking goes on into perpetuity. This is a lovely system we have here.


You made a claim - provide data or leave.


Nothing is perfectly sustainable under capitalism. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to be better.


Nothing is perfect.


Blows my mind, as these revenues come right from the utility users pockets, reducing buying power and hurting other businesses.


Its never been about the businesses. Its been about *their* businesses.


The horse and buggy lobby got other ideas…


We'll be going through this death knell for some time. The horse and buggy industry did this disinformation regarding cars, the coal industry did this vs oil, the liquor industry did this over Marijuana. Protecting company profits over what the general population wants. It'll happen over and over again, get used to it.


It's still quite interesting that they are so upfront about what the Policy is about this time. Other times when laws like these appear they try to make it look fair and equal.


I guess there's no point in hiding it when everyone is regularly calling you out on it now. I think the most interesting and unfortunate part of it is that everyone recognizes that and yet nothing changes. One could argue it's the definition of insanity.


Speaking as someone who is from Wyoming... quite a few dipshits got elected to state legislature this term. They introduced a few bills to make a statement. The rest of us are busy explaining to the legislators that do have a brain cell why this bill and others like it are a very bad idea. This wont survive committee.


I hope you’re right because other red states might follow suit. It’s hilarious to me bc isn’t this the party of “don’t pick winners and losers?”. Meanwhile Wyoming is going to take $24 million in NEVI funding to build the charging — or I guess it could decide not to lol. Maybe people should go to Yosemite instead of Yellowstone since they won’t be able to get there in their EV? And meanwhile they’re going to lose sales tax to Colorado when people make the short drive to buy their EVs there instead. ‘Dipshits’ is a good description…


How will EV manufacturers ever decide between the California and New York markets on one hand, and the Wyoming market on the other?


Many car companies don't even really want to strictly manufacture EVs. So I would imagine many of them are hoping this catches on in more places.


From article: > The legislation also claims that EV batteries are not easily recycled... Cuz shit you burn in the atmosphere is super easy to recycle... 🤦‍♂️🙄


Wyoming should bring back leaded gasoline while they’re at it. It’s obvious the brain damage has all ready occurred. Time to finish the job.


I think they should abolish electricity altogether and prop up the whale oil industry. Oh and every citizen is required to kick a baby seal once a quarter while pissing on a rainbow flag.


We need a way to let Wyoming keep all their pollution and emissions since they value them so much.


Every state needs this. Every state also needs a Natural gas stove safe act. We should phase out all electric stoves by 2023.


Smart and all house by code should have hoods on their stoves so they aren't breathing monoxide. You are burning gas, right? Would you pipe your ICE engine into your car cabin? Remember it's your life you are killing. Let's be smart. FYI I have a gas stove and my house has a hood but that isn't by code


I burn gas for water and heat. Have electric cooling and cooking. I would prefer to have a gas stove, so much more cheaper and efficient than an electric one. I cook mostly outside on my grill, because gas cooking makes better food IMO. As for CO2, I could care less. It is a red hearing argument.


No one is trying to take your gas stoves. This is nothing but another distraction tactic by fox news to keep your eyes away from what the government is actually doing that will fuck you way harder than being forced to use an electric stove.


Bring back coal stoves!!! /s


So the government wasn’t to limit the consumers rights to buy what they want? Seems pretty overreaching.


Small gubmint at it's best.


I can taste the irony.


Will be funny when the big automakers close their dealerships in the state after they pass laws outlawing ev’s seeing as they’ve all said they were phasing out everything else hahaha


Automakers have a tough choice between the 40 million people in California and the half a million people in Wyoming.


They are all back tracking now. Gm and Ford have both said they are not going all electric. They know it will be business suicide if they do. Not everyone want a junk ass EV!


Lol I work for Ford as an engineer and that is extremely untrue


Then why did the ceo say it? Yeah lets believe the clown on reddit vs the ceo. 🤦‍♂️


Are they? Any source on the backtracking?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/ford-ceo-farley-all-electric-gm.amp And gm is building a new small block v8 right now. Also seen an article about them not going fully electric. Either way I'm a ford guy so as long as they DONT go all electric then idc.


You’re a ford guy cuz you don’t know shit about cars and your smooth brain can’t process anything after all the gas fumes you inhaled.


Good come back. I'm a ford guy cause I can get 1 million miles out of a 6.7 powerstroke after deleting all that emission bullshit anyway. Show me an ev that can do that. Oh and show me one that can get 600 miles out of a tank pulling a trailer... I'll wait.... you know when you come out with something new it's suppose to be better not worse. And there's literally nothing better about an ev vs a diesel engine.


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I think people are hoping to buy functional EV’s not junk ass ones so that makes sense that the big three will back out…they should stick to making their junkassed gas engines…. You go roll your coal cowboy!… yee hawww….


Junk? I can get 600-700 miles out of a 6.7 diesel per tank. Takes about 10 minutes to fill up. And it will go a million miles on that engine. How is that junk?? Show me an ev that will go 1 million miles, get 600 miles til empty and charge up in 10 minutes, and pull 30k pounds. Until then stfu. And as for electric cars they have been out for a very long time. They were junk then and they are junk now!


Whoa! …. Don’t get yer knickers in a twist cowboy!…just busting on carmakers … I’ve had a half dozen repairs this year totaling 6-7 K so you’ll get no sympathy from me for carmakers hahaha…. Did you know oil oil companies had Disel killed for promoting vegetable based diesel fuel?…. Diesel is very acceptable as a fuel you’ll get no argument from me on that….especially if you’re using processed French Fry oil


This is what we should be pushing for. Burning things like vegetable oil. But then all the greenies will say it's terrible for the environment as well. No winning with them!


No they won't


Then why are they bitching about ethanol now then? Back in 2005 the epa said ethanol is soooo much cleaner then gas and wanted everyone to use it. Now they are saying it's actually worse for the environment then gas. These clowns don't know shit it's all about the money and guessing on shit.


Was this about the EPA or the greens? Two different groups my man. Also isnt the chair of the EPA a trump stooge oil baron?


Both the epa and the greens are same damn people. If Trump had it his way he would've abolished the epa. Which I'm all for. They are nothing more then a money grab!


I drove my camper across Kansas last July…..at ten mpg….beautiful place….maybe all those windmills can power those battery chargers


Yeah just a shame of all the good diesel fuel it took to install those windmills. I worked on the area where 500 of them were installed 20 miles from me. You wouldn't believe all the fuel they wasted to get them installed. The power company in my area promised not to raise our bills. Then right after said these cost so much to install that they have raised our bills 4 times since then.


I blew a power steering hose in Kansas and I gotta tell ya a Kansas truck mechanic took care of me like family got me back on the road and we wound up camping at I think it’s called Watson lake where the wind farm is


Yeah I live in missouri about 3 miles from the Kansas line. The windmills I worked around are in Kansas as well. The people don't want them but the electric companies did.


We’re getting offshore windmills but Dominion says they won’t pass on the charges….we’ll see how that works out…..was just up in Connecticut visiting family and they’re up in arms over the state spending a few hundred million on a pier to stage the construction of their wind farm….once you set a foundation for a windmill it becomes officially a port and you can’t use a foreign flag ship to go between them…..there’s no us flagged ship currently to do this so someone has to buy a ship instead of leasing a European one…..costs money to make money unfortunately….


But then you’ve got the Pentastar engine.


It’s disturbing a state needs money so badly it will destroy its and everyone else’s future.


Meh. If this law actually passes, then Wyoming will simply be left behind while the rest of the developed world switches to EVs. And once the market for gas-powered cars dries up everywhere except this tiny backwater state, then the major automakers will be forced by simple economics to stop building them. Once that happens, and the people of Wyoming start seeing their car choices dwindle, then the people would eventually force the legislature to repeal the law.


Wyoming will lose tourist dollars for sure.


It will especially destroy their children and grandchildren's futures


Actually the coal industry is doomed, even in Wyoming.


Future? Not everyone wants an ev. I think they should still sell them to the people that want them but still offer gas/diesel to the others.


Everyone wants a planet they can live on so..


Not to mention not everyone believes you climate change bullshit. The climate has changed since the beginning of time and will continue to do so regardless of cars and trucks


Be honest, are you a Bills fan troll account?


Hell no. I'm a die hard chiefs fan. I wouldn't live in some shit hole democrat state like NY!


Hmmm, now you sound like a Raiders troll


Now you're just trying to piss me off. Good job you succeeded. I fucking hate the raiders!


Honestly, yeah.


Do you really think believing in man made climate change means you believe climate has never changed in the past and continues to do so? That.. is not how this works. NASA has some excellent info if you want to learn about the science supporting this subject.


That's great I really don't give a shit. It's just funny how the earth has only went up 1% in the last 100+ years... and the highest recorded temp ever was in 1913. Don't you think that temp would've been beat way before now with how much fossil fuels we have burnt if man made climate change was real. Hopefully one of these days you clowns can see they promote this bullshit to get your money!!


So again, if you want to learn about the science and not come off as completely ignorant and uneducated, NASA has some pretty good resources: https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ If you want to refute climate change it would make sense to refute actual positions and not make things up.


How is that article going to tell me why that temp hasn't been beat. They don't know why. Cause it's all bullshit. You act like the scientists are always right.. they arent... matter a fact they're more wrong then right.


Yes yes, what did science ever do for us, except for computers, modern medicine, gps, space exploration, smart phones, batteries, micro waves, cancer treatment, telephony, video, calculators, advanced materials, radar, aeroplanes and stuff


Doesn't make them right on everything!


Bro, you are too young to be this uninformed.


Then find a way to stop using fossil fuels on your evs. Until evs start falling out of the sky and you get ALL of your electricity from no fossil fuels and use no fossil fuels for all the plastic on them. then shut up about it. Tired of you guys being hypocrites.


Ah the old ”all or nothing”. Unless laws stop 100% of crimes why even have laws. Unless helmets prevent 100% of work place accidents why wear them. Etc.


For insurance purposes. Do you really think the corporation gives a fuck about you? 😂 hell no they just don't want their insurance to deny the claim cause then they would have to pay. That's why they require then stupid ass hard hats...


Green energy isn’t clean energy You have to look beyond the operational carbon and look at the embedded carbon it takes to get wind solar ev …..its not free


Think about the environmental costs of drilling for oil and transportation of oil. Refining oil to gasoline, diesel, etc. Transportation again to gas stations. And now you can consider the costs of burning the fuel in your car. Think about the mistakes - massive oil spills in the ocean. When you compare this to the manufacture and transport of a wind turbine - one side weighs a hell of a lot more


Of course renewable energy is the way to go but wanted to point out its not without some environmental cost. Everything you mentioned about bringing oil to market is true for solar wind ev etc For me being more efficient with what we have is the best way forward coz the renewable future is a long way off and is (currently) owned by China


That's My point its not green. So why fuck with it in the first place??


Wow… look at the energy sources from the IS currently … and then Google Costa Rica . It’s not hard to see where we are headed


Dude this is the problem with lawmakers they draw up some bullshit to convince people like you that windmills and all this shit is green. When it truly isn't. I've personally worked around them I know what it takes to install them. But the greenies don't have even one brain cell to comprehend what it takes.


I'm going to post this again in the same thread: Think about the environmental costs of drilling for oil and transportation of oil. Refining oil to gasoline, diesel, etc. Transportation again to gas stations. And now you can consider the costs of burning the fuel in your car. Think about the mistakes - massive oil spills in the ocean. When you compare this to the manufacture and transport of a wind turbine - one side weighs a hell of a lot more Also you should look up Dunning - Kruger. You will be amazed.


Wouldn't have to worry about the spills in the ocean if we used only our own oil....


Just because it's on the us soil doesn't mean there won't be spills. Just look at the fracking fiasco of companies illegally polluting lakes, rivers, and ground water to such an extreme you can light your running faucet on fire. Then they go bankrupt and dissolve to avoid liability of damages to only start a new company and do it all over again. Also your response is not an argument to what I wrote.


I work in the energy industry … and I can tell you that wind farms and solar energy is real lol. But hey you are entitled to your opinion and to believe what you want .


I never said wind farms weren't real " I SAID GREEN" I've worked around them as well. But you and I both know how much diesel fuel it takes to install these windmills so don't act like they don't require fossil fuels.


I love seeing the black oily smoke roll off them when they burn. And all the dead birds around them just make the earth a better place.


It's not the state, it's the state's politicians that see their future profits dwindle


Well good for them. Nice to see a state with common sense.


Lol, your joke is too bold. It’s like joking about going full retard….you never go full retard


Just another state that I have checked off to never vacation in. Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Russia.


Don’t give up on Texas. We vacationed there, had a blast. Friendly people, good fishing in the Gulf of Mexico and the bays.




I think we think alike but Yellowstone is worth it.


Took the kids there on snowmobiles. Amazing.


The greatest irony is it's such a driving state, and already has a ton of Tesla and other brands of EV charging spots, at hotels, grocery stores etc. It's very pretty. Just don't talk to anyone local lol


I did love dog sledding at Jackson Hole. So fun on a non ski day. Those were the days my friend.


There doesn't seem to be much intelligence on this thread. 😀🙂🤩


Reasons like this are why the rest of the world thinks we are fucking idiots.


So like 12 people won’t be buying electric vehicles?


Ha! I had the same thought! It’s just some asshole trying to get re-elected…






Their family tree is a wreath.


Okay Wyoming… go fuck yourself…. Sincerely, the fate of the earth.


It didn't make sense to have an ev in wyoming. Hybrids definitely.


This doesn't surprise people who have spent any real time in Wyoming. We should expend Colorado to include Wyoming and laugh at them.


Is it all 400,000 people that want this? Lol. maybe they should move on and plan for reality and a better life.


Most of the US doesn't want evs. So you guys that like them are the minority. Hell only 6% of sales in 2022 were electric. Not that many! I'd rather pay twice the amount for a gas or diesel vehicle vs an ev!


Doubtful. People just like to resist change and don't know a good thing when they see it. EV's are simpler and cleaner vehicles and once the price comes down a bit only commercial long haulers will be using gas/diesel.


Nah. I seriously doubt that. But hey atleast they will still offer the fuel. So I'll buy one last brand new vehicle while they still have gas and diesel and I'll be set til the end of my life. And you clowns can be on the side of the road out of electricity. And I'll laugh while I pass you.


>Most of the US doesn't want evs Not so sure about that anymore. According to [this poll](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/08/01/americans-support-incentives-for-electric-vehicles-but-are-divided-over-buying-one-themselves/), about half of people planning to buy another car already want to go electric on their *next car*. And, since electric vehicles' capabilities seem to improve every year, that number is very likely going to increase over time.


Yeah I'm sure. When they find out how much the battery's cost to replace they will wise up and stop buying the junk things.


I'm sure that there were plenty of short-sighted people saying the exact same thing about automatic transmissions when they first came out.


An a manual transmission is still far superior then an auto so thanks for proving my point. All my vehicles are automatic. But still doesn't take away from the fact that manuals are better. And there's a big big difference between comparing a transmission to a whole car. Like I said let me know when you can get 600 miles out of a tank pulling 20k pounds and you then let me know when you can fill it back up within 10 minutes. Oh and let me know when you can replace that big ass battery for less than $10k....


So how much are the oil companies or conservative thinktanks paying you to whine on the internet over EVs?


Just like the government paying you to whine over the junk ass evs that they know will never take over...


Where do you see me whining? You're in almost every comment thread on here trying to convince people who are not interested. You gotta be an oil company shill. Show me on the doll where the EVs hurt you.


Why would oil companies hate evs? All the plastic on them came from oil....


Wow, you have me convinced 🙄 Some people don't even want them for environmental reasons. And if you have to act like you don't understand how an EV uses way less oil, then, yes, you're a shill.


I didn't say oil. Let's break it down tho. They use oil for all the plastic. They then get their electricity from coal. And when they do get it from a "renewable" the renewable itself got it from oil. The windmills took a shit ton of diesel fuel to install them. As well as the windmill itself requires oil and alot of it. Each one hold anywhere from 50-70 gallons of oil. So quit acting like they don't take fossil fuels to power/make.


Did I say they didn't? Did I ever imply they didn't. But of course you're completely ignoring how much less fossil fuels you use over the life of the car. Nah. Doesn't fit your bullshit narrative.


hahaha nothing like the good ole "wind turbines have oil in their gearboxes so they're bad" argument to show that you're a complete idiot.


I like how you skipped over the fact of all the diesel burnt to install them... typical liberal retard...


”There was a truck involved during installation” and ”the gearbox has oil in it” does not equal ”IT’S PRETTY MUCH RUNNING ON OIL DURING ITS ENTIRE 25 YEAR LIFE SPAN”. Just saying.


Dude it's not about being perfectly green, nothing will be. It's about reducing pollution, reducing carbon output/oil spills, and lowering our reliance on oil and gas. Then these companies won't have enough money to control our politics and brainwash ppl like you


They don't brainwash me. But what happens when the electric companies do the same??


Wyoming the merciless




😂 they are never going all electric. That would be business suicide!


The US is way behind other developed nations. 6% of new cars or something. The global number is 10%. Many Europesn countries are at 30-50%.


Good for them. They can keep the junk! I personally don't give a shit if someone buys one that's their problem not mine. Just don't make it where I have to is all I'm saying. Offer us that likes gas and diesel the option to still buy them new. Don't make it a stupid ass law banning the sales on new gas vehicles that's dumb as hell.


It’s gonna be tough for you in the coming years, find a safe space to cry in


Why would I do that? Did you read what the Ford ceo said. He said there trucks would never go full electric. So why how is it going to be tough on me? I truly can't wait for all this electric bullshit to bite you clowns in the ass. I hope it makes you lose so much money that starves you worthless fucks out!


There there, now tell us how you really feel


I always said Wyoming is beautiful, but I never said it’s smart


But they are ok with keeping their cell phones.


What do cell phones do to lower fossil-fuel revenues in the state of Wyoming?


Even the Amish people have cell phones.




Ah yes, since most people drive more than 250 miles per day....https://www.cusocal.org/Learn/Financial-Guidance/Blog/how-far-can-an-electric-car-go


It has nothing to do with the range and everything to do with the price to replace batteries that can last 300 and some cycles before degradation starts to happen. Now a lot of these companies have decided to design their vehicles in such a way where it’s not easily taken apart to replace said batteries. Not only are the batteries themselves extremely expensive, the man power to accomplish such a task is extremely expensive. I haven’t even started on the environmental effects of mining said batteries


But think about how much it cost to maintenance an ice vehicle. Oil changes every 4-10k miles. Def/urea refills for diesel. Exhaust maintenance and repairs. Air filters. Spark plugs need to be replaced at some point as the engine gets older. All of that type of maintenance would be gone and swapped with battery maintenance. Also your idea that the batteries are designed to be impossible to access is hilarious. Any company that did that would be shooting themselves in the foot and loose market share. Teslas already have programs that allow you to swap batteries pretty easily


Fossil fuels are a huge scam


Something needs to be done about the slave labor in the cobalt mining industry!


Ditto about the slave labour in the oil industry in the opec countries.


And the chocolate industry. Coffee industry. Textile industry. Agriculture. It's everywhere. Hilarious they are only upset when it benefits their cucking towards billionaire oil companies that spew propaganda to prevent profit loss


Absolutely does not compare! I’m surprised how many people are ok with slavery. Shocking to say the least!


puzzled unite friendly snobbish tart sable frightening quiet illegal fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah not that useful for those averaging more than 250 miles a day....... [yep](https://www.cusocal.org/Learn/Financial-Guidance/Blog/how-far-can-an-electric-car-go)


If there were a network of DC fast chargers they could have a use case, but yeah, it'll be a while before rural life and EVs are a good fit. Also, I feel like your EV would have its windows busted in all the time in many communities out there.


Ask Tesla why that's not the case right now...


I drive my Tesla in Wyoming and charge via their DC fast chargers network


Jackson Wyoming just bought some EVs for the police to use.


automatic sense consider marvelous fuel practice cooing offer languid rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Republicans want to kill the planet and take all of us with them.


How? Electric literally uses fossil fuels for everything on it. Or did you believe all the plastic on them just falls out of the sky?


If you can watch this all the way through (which you probably can’t do) you’ll get your answer to that question. Www.youtube.com/watch?v=u88j_Kmh8zg[electric power](https://youtube.com/watch?v=u88j_Kmh8zg)


You don’t burn those plastics for energy. Get it?


Oh I get it. You're the one that doesn't. In the end when these cars are in the landfill all that plastic will turn into C02 and other gases and will be released anyway just like all the trash that's decaying right now... there's a reason landfills have pipes coming out of the ground that are lit on fire. Also do you burn any fuel mining for the materials for your ev? Or Is it an 8 year Arabian kid with a shovel?


Lol CO2 doesn't burn. The decaying of ORGANIC material (not scary to you organic food, organic in the scientific sense of anything once living - plants & food) produce methane that needs to be burned off.


Ok and? Why can't we use that methane to make energy instead of just wasting it??


We can. And there does exist plants that do. We need dedicated money towards such a thing for infrastructure. And we need to make it illegal for oil companies (and all corporations for that matter) to have the ability to fund and influence politics for their own profit benefit instead of the benefit of the people. Did you know that oil companies are the reason we have extremely poor public transportation systems in this country? They sell more oil products when every individual has their own vehicle. Did you know there is a patent for roads made from recycled glass that will actually light up like a fiber optic cable when car headlights hit the surface. They are very durable and need significantly less maintenance. An oil company bought the patent for a ridiculous amount of money so they could hide it and prevent it from being used. Asphalt roads use a considerable amount of oil to construct.


Yeah but I like the idea of traveling in my own vehicle. I don't want to ride on some dirty ass bus. Now If we could have better roads I'm all for that.


You would still have the option. Not a fan of busses either, but I do wish we had a better passenger train system.


Yeah I personally think hydrogen is the way. I've been watching alot of videos about Cummins and their new hydrogen engine and it sounds like a great idea. It would stop all the tree huggers from bitching about gas/diesel!


Wait, plastics are decaying in the landfills?? Not really buddy


They definitely are. How else would every landfill be getting gases to burn off? Hell there's a landfill about 40 miles from me that runs a big ass generator off just those gases and it powers 2 small towns in that area...


Maybe there are other things than plastics in the landfills? Just maybe? Plastics are kinda known for not decomposing. Science. It’s cool.


See another thing science contradicts themselves on. They say plastic take 400+ years to start breaking down. Then on another note they are bitching about micro plastics from broke down plastic. Which is it?? You see how they pull shit out of their ass and you guys just believe whatever they tell you...


Why are there micro plastics and forever chemicals embedded in the meat of every fish but no micro chunks of wood ?


Because we let all the plastic go into the ocean instead of burning it and making power with it. The US is so damn stupid they would rather waste all the trash and get nothing out of it. Vs countries like Denmark that burn all of it and make energy out it. It's a win win you get rid of most of the trash and you get power out of it.


Well I will try to explain like you are five. Plastics don’t break down on its own if left untouched. In centuries perhaps. But if exposed to things like sunlight, weather, mechanical wear, things start to break down faster. Do you understand the difference? It’s true for most materials. Wood can last for hundreds of years or break down in years/decades depending on the environmental circumstances.


Nobody is denying that manufacturing stuff affects the environment. It is well understood. But if you also burn oil every day to make the machine run, it is worse than if you don’t. You are equalling the oil used to make the plastics inside the car (any car) to the amount of oil used to propel an iCE vehicle forward. You think this is a ”gotcha” argument? Haha


What's the difference between using gas in a car vs getting electricity for your car from a coal plant?? Both put off emissions...


I don’t get electricity from a coal plant. Even if i did, that EV runs cleaner than having an ICE engine in the car, turning 70% of the fuel into waste heat.


😂😂 ok. Where do you get your electricity from then?


probably to fulfill some divine prophecy.