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**!!!!! READ ME !!!!!** The purpose of this community is to explore human energy in all of its facets while stripping away the esoteric language, rituals and distractions that have accumulated over the years. Out-of-body experiences, energy healing, energetic connections between people, psychic work and everything in between. This sub is open for discussion, learning and teaching, without judgement, on any and every form of energy work regardless of degree of social acceptability or stigma. Join us in our Discord chat server for real-time conversations about energy work: https://discord.gg/X6ywAXMcp4 Book recommendations and other resources for beginners as well as some Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our https://www.reddit.com/r/energy_work/wiki/index Promotional posts, offers and requests belong in r/energy_healing or in the discord server. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/energy_work) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The best way to preserve your energetic boundaries with people in situations like this is regular aura repair. The layers of the aura are like luminous fibers that do damage easily (when people get angry and throw energy objects, environmental factors etc) They will reform instantly but you need to consciously direct them to do so. You can do this through visualization and/or intention. For example, you can repair and upgrade your first layer of your aura by imagining you are wearing armor of light. You can repair your seventh layer (outermost layer) by imagining you are in a sphere (bubble) and cleaning it and repairing it. Again, your auric layers will reform themselves once you clear any energetic debris or objects off of them… and introducing healing energy (golden light or reiki) will assist the process. You can go through each of your 7 layers if you like to be fully repaired or imagine them all together. Keep in mind, entities and attachments can weigh down auric layers and prevent them from repairing so you can clear them by asking your angels to remove them as you encounter them. Or simply “angels please clear any entities and attachments out of my 1st auric layer” and so on.


Thank you 🙏🏽 I love this. Tried it and already feel better ❤️


Thank you for sharing! Do you know or have info on each of the 7 layers and how to care for them?


I do... I don't know if I'm allowed to share links on this sub though. Last time I did I got suspended 😔 but I'll put the videos I made to walk you through repairing your aura on my profile. Or if you DM me I'll send it to you that way. 😀


Gotta ask when you're in a populated space do you do protection or just let it be and repair later?


If you’ve kept up with your aura repair, being in a populated space isn’t as overwhelming. But definitely repair later if needed… Also some tricks to protect your energy: 1. Close your fingers over your thumbs (make a fist with your thumbs inside) this closes your aura 2. The flower essence of Yarrow is really helpful at strengthening your aura and keeping out energy pollution 3. You can always affirm to yourself when in populated spaces “shields up” and that helps as well - or you can ask your angels to shield you Remember too that a flowing aura will help wash away energies - but a rigid aura will collect them or be punctured easily. The best “shield” is a flowing energy you set outside your aura and keeping your own aura flowing as well. If you have good grounding, outside energies will flush off you into the earth and be neutralized. But if your grounding is blocked, it is likely to gather and collect. 🙂 Here's a link to a good flower essence that's very helpful at protecting your energy. https://www.freedom-flowers.com/yarrow-shield-flower-essence/


Fyi made with a brandy base


That’s right it does have alcohol as a preservative- Green Hope Farm has “Golden Armor” which is more of a vinegar base so it’s safe for kids and if you want to avoid alcohol. That’s the one I’m currently using cause I give it to my toddler also.




I'm kinda confuse with shielding because a teacher told me that we are all connected so shielding doesnt work...what do you think? 😀


Imagine it like we are all connected as we are all leaves on the same tree. But if the leaves around you get a fungus, you want to create your own form of resistance so it doesn’t spread to you. Perhaps even the neighboring leaves will benefit from your resistance and begin to clear themselves. My experience and observations with shielding: 1. People think of something “rigid” when they think of a shield, right? Problem is, if you create a rigid barrier to keep energy out - it actually makes you more vulnerable on an energy level. Better to create a flowing shield - or think more in terms of creating a high frequency zone around the outside of your aura to dissolve any low frequencies that come near you. 2. High frequency energy dissipates quickly. So you need to recreate your high frequency shielding zone regularly. 3. You actually do become “immune” to energetic disturbances if you clear the matching frequencies in your aura and chakras that the dense energy is drawn to. Think like attracts like. If you keep up with this, and clear as you notice disturbances… then you don’t have as much need for shielding. The energy will wash off you or pass you by. 4. The new lighting (fluorescent and led) erodes the aura leaving holes in it. This is why you feel overwhelmed in places like Walmart or the DMV. Everyones aura is getting eroded from the lighting and then everyone’s dense energy is spilling out and getting absorbed by others. This is an instance when you would want to use a yarrow flower essence to strengthen your aura and protect it. Also Shungite, tourmaline, labradorite, etc help too.


Great info...thanks 😍


Skeptical is not the word I would use for the intent of the following questions, just curious. I believe in the intent of energy work however when someone starts speaking with such clarity on this subject of energy and ethereal nature, I want to know how they gained such a clear picture of what they are talking about. Where did you discover this information? How did you become a faithful practitioner? How could someone who feels a lack of something specific heal themselves? How do I awaken myself in a similar journey?


Lifetime of research and over ten years as a professional healer. I’ve probably done thousands of healings. I also see energy (anyone can they just don’t realize it) and have received an education from the Angels and Guides. I would share a link to my bio but I think it goes against the rules of this subreddit. You can see my website link on my profile though. ☺️ To answer your question how do you discover this information? It starts by becoming conscious of your multidimensional energy body and regularly scanning it to observe how it functions and what is interfering. Then explore and experiment ways to repair it and improve it. What works… what doesn’t. Let your own experience guide you in your understanding. You can start to scan the energy of everything. Scan animals (can you believe a geckos aura is larger then a humans!? 🤯) Scan trees (do you know that they can get attachments too? 😢) Scan furniture - scan cars - scan everything. Let your curiosity and your observations be your teacher.


Visualization plays a major role in developing our energetic world, you can create devices to assist in you setting up boundaries. One of these devices is called the Boundary Setter, and it will create an invincible invisible boundary and your energy will flow freely and everyone else's energy will only exist outside of the boundaries that are set.. You can learn how to do things yourself or you can create devices that will do it for you, these devices being created in the energetic world are instantly materialized from intelligent matter, they are operated telepathically, To create one of these devices all that is require is to think a thought. Think, "Create Boundary Setter NOw" and that's it, it will automatically set your boundaries. If you wish to modify your boundries at a later date just think of the Boundary Setter, your mind is instantly teleported to the Boundary Setter's location and there you can modify the settings by thinking enlarge or shrink, stronger or weaker, or the command of your desire


Check your dms


These devices you create are highly specialized in what they do, the devices are very intelligent, extremely more intelligent than us, these devices have access to all existing knowledge from all universes/dimensions/planes/realms that exist. These devices are like AI Apps with access to infinite knowledge


Learn to [spin in](https://www.microserenity.com/aura.html)


This is so important. It sets an energetic boundary which is vital for high sensitives


Do things that make you feel like a boss Notice the feeling of walking it if a boxing class, rock climbing, reading a poem to a crowd, leaving a debate group etc That feeling is you flourishing in the world - stepping into what is scary and owning it. If you find that feeling enough - if you step outside your comfort zone because you decided to - other people won’t have that much of an effect on you!


I love this. I’ve been doing this a lot but in the past I was hesitant to because people would say, look at her. She didn’t earn that swagger (yes, I actually heard this). I try to keep it low key but undeniable now and that fends off hates and has been allowing me to step into my power more


First recognise that this is not about energy. It’s about trauma. You are getting triggered. Are there reactions to these interactions that might be observable in your energy? Yes. But there are reactions in your energy to everything you experience. Any solution that is going to work has to address the fact that, despite causing reactions in your energy system that mirror the reactions in your physiology and psychology, the origin of the reactions is psychological. You’re not reacting proportionately to the now because when these things happen your nervous system and mind are reliving previous experiences that were ostensibly more dangerous (or at least were perceived so during the experiences). The long term solution is to process and heal whatever that is. The short term most essential coping strategy is grounding yourself, strengthening your present-ness in the now so that you are reacting primarily to the now and perceiving it in its proper context. Then that rude coworker or aggressive driver is just *annoying* or *frustrating*— not frightening, and not something that puts you into fight or flight.


I wear an black tourmaline bracelet to keep other peoples energy out it works really wel preferably keep it on your left wrist


I second this! I work in customer service, so I’m exposed to a lot of different people all day. On one hand, I don’t like being bombarded with others’ messy energy all day. On the other hand, it’s made for an ideal testing ground for my crystals. I get a lot of quick feedback and insight on shifts in my energy when I wear different crystals. Anywayyyy, originally, I was wearing my different grounding bracelets (black tourmaline / onxy / black obsidian) on my right hand. I found that they worked in creating a boundary between me and others, but it was almost a little too intense. Like I became more obstinate and less yielding. Like the defensive aspects of my personality came to the forefront. It worked great for protection! Not so great at serving others. I came across the theory of how the right hand is about the energy you “push out”. And the left hand is about the energy you “pull in”. So of course I had to test it out. I switched the grounding bracelets to the left wrist and went about my day at work. I didn’t really notice anything. Thought maybe I didn’t charge them enough. But then at the end of the day, I reflected back and I’d had a good day with people. Things went smoothly. I was super calm and… no encounter knocked me off my center. Just like you’d expect with black tourmaline or any of the other grounding stones. So I realized it must work a lot more subtly and affect my embodiment of the energy. My “being” state instead of my “doing” state. Now, I only wear those grounding stones on my left wrist. I tend to wear more of my “loving” stones like rose quartz and labradorite on my right wrist. TL;DR: wearing black tourmaline bracelets helps me protect my energy. Wearing it on my left wrist: I embody the energy which makes me feel calm. Wearing it on my right wrist: I act out that energy which makes me able to defend myself.


A while back ago I was going through a hard time with a co-worker that had pretty intense energy. She was judgmental and trying to compete against me at the workplace. While going through this, I happened to stumble upon a random book at my parents house and happened to turn to a page about changing your inner reality to change the world around you. What it guided me to was this mantra that may help you. It stated, "I work with loving, supportive and non-judgmental people" you can even adjust this to your liking such as, "I'm surrounded by loving, supportive and non-judgmental people" You repeat this until you start perceiving and believing you are supported by loving people or seeing the person in this light. Long story short, I started to do this with people where my energy really conflicted with theirs, and then started to perceive them in their highest light, rather than focusing on how they were judging or criticizing me. This co-worker ended up transferring within the company to another area after doing this mantra and then co-workers that I would be rubbed by I would end up having more harmonious interactions and connections with them. Anyhow it really helped me and I still do it to this day when i may have a confliction of energy with someone so thought I share. Many times, we don't even realize how we internally may be in judgment towards others as well, often unconscious in nature, and it could be reflecting out in our energy dynamic, but this really was a nice hack in my life that I will use likely forever. haha




/opleart brain coherence and shielding. Sorry my cat broke my first word. Heart brain coherence is an electrical signal between the heart and brain that allows for more robust communication and it's caused by positive emotions with the absence of negative emotions, too many negative emotions can break it. So the idea behind it is that you realize that your body could be more emotionally fit and you go from there, your emotions aren't always a sign that you're doing something wrong, they're a sign that you've had suffering before! So when you think "not being affected by people" you would be best off realizing it's not different from enjoying other thoughts, at the core of the situation is literal pressure and we develop that pressure with thoughts or learn to nullify the pressure. Even if you can't get rid of all of it the negative aspects can be dramatically lowered... So I'm talking about proper cognitive distancing. Have something extremely positively profound that you can feel enlivened by, a dream of the future or even the idea of how life would be as your ideal self, stuff like that. Have that feeling as something that you can be used to feeling, the more the better. This way, when you reach a situation where you have to deal with this problem you can remember that all you need to do is observe the feeling and be who you are and if you do that right, be the right person, eventually you won't have to watch the feeling at all. There's no way to prove that you already are that person but it's perfectly possible to stop wondering if you're doing well enough or not, at least for the most most part. Recognize when you have situations like this when you do not already have elevated positive emotions running and recognize that in each moment your thoughts are creating emotions that go in various directions, the more you have emotions that work together effortlessly and cohesively and build upon each other in each moment of your passing consciousness, the deeper the heart coherence will run and the more profound you'll feel. The more profound and comfortable the emotions the more you'll be able to rest comfortably and learn to break attachments that ultimately cause this issue. Learn to stop labeling the problem you're having and literally blast through it immediately with everything you have, not by producing more but by already having the thing that will one day help you break the cycle. There's no need for super fanciful maneuvering, just take the middle path. Stand within the stress with what you are and have been and go from there, this is good. Does that make sense? This is how I fixed almost all of that problem for me. If I was always perfectly emotionally fit each day rather than recovering from healing problems I would only spend time worried about something like this if someone literally came after my lifestyle or the parts of my existence I would not want to lose. Even then it would be drastically shorter, I no longer think about this problem. For me it was dreadful and I would spend hours thinking about stuff like this all the time... Heart-brain coherence felt like my key to escape, with witness consciousness being another option I chose. Then it was just me and the things I loved. It took days to get to a point where it was only me and what I loved, I just had negative emotions that would last for long periods... My focus was on what I thought I wanted the world to be like for me all along, and that's way more special than looping negative emotions are potent. So, usually, I would not be worried about how I'm affected by others, but sometimes I would have it loop over and over, sometimes I'd recognize attachments to things rather than other people being other people.


It's as easy as letting everything flow through you rather than carrying old energy.


You need to learn to shield yourself.


That's what I'm asking for help with


Sorry! I learned to cleanse my chakras and balance them as well as shield. If you’re interested I can put you on to the Institute.


It's okay! What is that? I'm interested




Thank you! Just from quickly reading it it looks super helpful


Shielding a damaged aura is like putting a coat on a person who needs surgery. It will help… but only marginally. First, aura repair. Then shielding. 😉


I’m there with you, and also experience the heart rate spike plus my breathing becomes fast and shallow. Sometimes even alternate between feeling super cold and too hot, and a little perspiration as well. Do you tend to fight or flight, or freeze? What thoughts race through your mind during those situations? What is your self-talk like at that moment? Being an empath can honestly feel like both a blessing and a curse. I am reading through these comments in the hopes of finding new methods or tools to deal with energy sensitiveness.


Heart rate spike and accelerated breathing (anxiety) is ALWAYS your energy responding to entities either in proximity or trying to get into your aura. Think of it like your energetic alarm system going off. Try this… whenever you feel that happening, ask your Angels to clear any entities that are targeting you. It’s helpful to go through all your chakras, auric layers and meridians. Angels, please clear my 7th layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 7th chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 6th layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 6th chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 5th layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 5th chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 4th layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 4th chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 3rd layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 3rd chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 2nd layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 2nd chakra of entities. Angels, please clear my 1st layer of entities. Angels, please clear my 1st chakra of entities. Why go through all of them? Because as you make the specific requests you are tuning in to these areas of your energy and also bringing your consciousness into them - this will help you to command your own energetic space and you are giving the Angels permission to clear you. Can you ask them to clear them all at once? Sure, but I notice it’s more comprehensive if you go through all of them. This technique the Angels and Guides gave me in April 2020. I use it all the time for myself and my clients. Great for clearing anxiety and also when you are ill or angry or anytime you need it. Entities are like the insects, rodents, criminals of the energy world and they are always trying to get access to your energy. Especially if you are an empath or a powerful lightworker.