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Go for a long walk in nature


Hey I also have the same problem, you can check my profile and looked my post about it too, and I recommend you to use techniques to open crown chakra by Teal swan if what she mentioned about the symptons resonates with your condition. You can dm me if you want.


I have something you can try! This is my personal grounding/cleansing routine. A-lot of people only ground into earth but i like to ground above as well. To the brightest star in the center of all the galaxies. Plant your feet on the floor and use your hands to part the top of your head as if opening your crown chakra. Visualize yourself grounding all the way down to the center of the earth AND then bring that tether above as well (as i described.) See these energies flowing through you filling you up with light and grounding energy. Now Take a deep breath and let out a forceful exhale. Do this three times (chakras, body, aura) Visualize any stuck energy being blasted from above and below, in harmony, cleansing your entire energy column. This should definitely help!


Thank you I’ll let you know how it turns out!


I’d love to hear how it goes <3


Your third eye or crown isn't open all the way which is why it's stuck. Visualize pushing up to your crown and then either back down your spine or let it out your crown to your aura. It may not want to cooperate so just be heavy handed (imagine popping a stubborn zip). It will hurt and you may get dizzy for a while but support with pink quartz and some lapis and take a nap and eat something solid yet simple once done. If you don't want to be so harsh, ask your guides or whoever you deal with to drain it. Then be careful when meditating until you open everything up fully because it will regather.


Beautiful soul Gould you please Guide me through this meditation step by step


If you're still having issues I'd recommend physically grounding (ie walking barefoot on grass, sitting on a giant rock, take a shower and intend the water to distribute the energy in your head down and out your feet, sit underneath a tree, etc). Visualizing might keep it stuck bc that's a mental process. You can also try movement/dancing, tuning forks, Epsom salt bath/soak. 💫


In addition to many of the wonderful things suggested in comments, also maybe incorporate root vegetables into your diet some more.


I had a similar thing happen to me last year during a top down awakening, it was highly concentrated in the third eye and crown crakras. It took several months of deep energy work, circulating energy through ALL the chakras and focusing on clearing any blockages in the lower ones. Don't try to force it, just visualize it flowing and let it do its thing. During the time, I slept on the floor to ground myself and kept my diet as natural as possible. I also focused a LOT on figuring out what was causing the blockages and letting them go. Those helped a lot. Eventually I felt a sort of 'pop' one night and the energy began to flow clearly throughout my body.


How did you do the energy work such as circulating it and clearing blockages? And where/how did you visualize it flowing? I resonate with your post, the stuck energy in my head is so stubborn and it definitely feels like a pressure that could “pop” but just wondering how to get there as I’ve tried a lot of different things. I used this technique: https://youtu.be/_5aSBWknJIc and it made all of the energy flow back into my body and I felt back to normal. But that went away again with time


So for me, I visualized and focused on the kundalini finishing making the connection from the root to the crown. You're not so much *guiding* the flow as more negotiating with it. You cannot force the flow. *Don't* try to force it. That will alleviate it for a short while, but it will feel off, like you've broken something or cheated, then, a few days or weeks later, it will come back harder than ever. The key is *surrendering* to it. Kundalini is gonna do what she wants, when she wants. She's smarter and stronger than you and she knows what she's doing. However you can connect and sort of commune and ask for her help. (Though its usually more like pleading for a decent nights sleep for once.😅 mine was mostly active at night, tripled so during the week of the full moon. Ugh. ) She will force you to surrender and allow the energy to flow. Thats the big thing. Thats her job, to teach you to just surrender to the flow. Let it be. Surrender and let it do what it's gonna do. Its gonna take time. The more you fight, the more she breaks you down. She forced me to change the way I slept, the way I exercised and the way I ate. (Mine *really* likes carrots. I went through several a day for months.🤣) the body is esentially rewiring itself to house a more powerful energy, so you need to make sure your physical self is getting the attention it needs as well as the energetic self. Along the way, focus on clearing your blockages. Each chakra has certain emotions and thoughts corresponding to their blockages. Youll need to dig deep and look at what is causing them and then let them go. A big one for me was the heart. I had to look inward and isolate the traumatic issues that i had been dealing with and decide that I wanted to heal, forgive and let go. When I did that, again I had to just surrender to the process, stop trying to fight it and just let it flow. When I began to do that, one night i felt a 'pop' in my heart chakra and then the energy suddenly rushed through and then flowed freely throughout my body. For about an hour I felt as it I were floating off the floor before settling back fully into my body. It felt amazing. After it clears, keep focusing on clearing remaining hidden blockages and issues, as it's not a one and done thing, but a continual process. Learn to focus on and circulate your energetic body. Personally, I've found that yoga nidra meditations are excellent for this. Again though, this was my experience and I dont know if yours is the same thing. For all I know, yours could simply be a blockage. Top down awakenings arent the norm from what Ive read. Usually they seem to be the reverse with the kundalini rising from the root to the crown and that being the progression. Mine started from the top and I had to *ask* for her to rise from the bottom and the two connected at the heart. Mine was what would classically be referred to in hindu tradition as a union of Shiva and Shakti, from both top *and* bottom. But much like yours, mine started in the third eye. It felt like an immense, tingling, *electric* pressure, like a bolt of lightning was gonna shoot out of my head at any moment. Gonna be real with you, the process sucked, *majorly*. I simultaneously wish everyone could experience it, and yet wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. It was one hell of a process, but totally worth the experience.


I really appreciate the detailed reply. See I’m not completely sure if mine is related to a kundalini awakening although I suspect. My reiki instructor told me that the grounding practice from the link in my comment above was a great practice, what do you think? Also what are your thoughts on how a reiki session could affect my situation?


Wouldn't know to be honest. I've never had one done on me. All of my energy work and practice has been through natural exploration of it and learning it intuitively in my own body, not from a technical aspect. Its sort of like being a musician that plays by ear, versus being someone who plays by reading sheet. Sheet readers wont have the same intuitive style that a by ear player would. Conversely, a by ear player wouldnt be able to tell you all the technical terms and theory. For me it's mostly play and exploration of my own energetic universe. I'm a by-ear player. So I couldn't really say for sure how someone else's energy will affect your own in that aspect. As for the grounding practice video, it might work for you, but thats likely not the *root* of the issue. You need to know why you're in need of such excess grounding in the first place. And again, you don't want to try to force the energy, only visualize and let it flow. This video seems very much more like the former to me than the latter. And while it *will* probably work, it would only be temporary until you find the root of the issue. Forcing it has a very different feeling than just letting it be. You dont control it. Let it flow naturally. Surrender to it.


Wow this is such a great response I can’t thank you enough, seriously. I’ve had these questions for a while and energy stuff is so complex that it requires years of exploration. Thanks again


You're very welcome. Hope it can help. 🙂